Errors of the Human Body (2012) Poster

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A Story that Hopefully will be Fixed and Remade
in198419 September 2013
5.1 of 10. The first 2/3 of this film are technically magnificent, then it seems to acquire the same tumor/virus this modern industrial sci-fi film centers upon.

There are defects early on that hint at the writer/director failing to understand the subject and not knowing where he's going. Characters have flaws, defects, and strengths that simply don't fit. The acting, setting, filming, and atmosphere, however, make up for it. The story, minus the little defects, is also well told and creates immersion and suspense. Then, maybe in some attempt to become more of an action/suspense film, it becomes nearly a constant cliché and nonsensical for the last third.

The filmmaker has talent as a director, but really needs help as a writer after the initial idea and plot development.
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Not awful - Not great - SPOILERS ON AT END
gunn-wrights6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This review is Non-spoiler alert for the beginning.. I will caution you when spoiler is coming:

HULU REVIEW - Recently added, not many ratings: Just finished watching. I couldn't go much higher than 4/10 for this movie. It's a slow-burn, 'twist-ending' style movie. I'd say, on a rainy Sunday, when you're trying to avoid doing the laundry - you could do worse than this movie... as long as IT'S FREE (never pay to see this movie) on a streaming service!! ~ Side note: I love Rik Mayall, just had to watch, even if it was to only see him again!

*WARNING - BELOW ARE SPOILER ALERTS!* . . . Basically, Dr. X had a son with his wife, Sarah. The son had some AFU disease, and died in a week. It was such a rare disease, it was named after Dr. X. (He and wife are divorced/ing?). Dr. X also had a fling with his Grad student Rebekka - not really sure how long ago - at least 4 years, before the baby? Rebekka had Dr. X invited out to work on a project with her - regeneration, she was able to get it to work in reptiles, not mammals - she needed Dr. X. Neo-nazi, balled-boy (NNBB) is stealing vials of Rebekka's work, testing on mice. Dr. X follows NNBB'S assistant 1 day, find this out - and of course gets bitten by mouse = Now Dr. X has the genetic mutation.

*'TWIST ENDING'*: Dr. X ends up contracting the same disease his son had... that's the 'secret' project Rebekka was working on - curing what killed his son. Dr. X goes off to some abandoned area to supposedly die, slices his wrists and... wakes up in a hospital bed. Where he's told what the genetic mutation was, and why he was so important. Both Dr. X and his son have some type of immunity (ie: it won't kill them). There was a flash instant several minutes before, showing Dr. X with his newborn suffering, and a pillow... nothing else. So, Rebekka asked, "You were able to cure yourself... why didn't your son not live through it?" (tears down her eyes.....), Dr. X, "I had no idea"..... END. . . I just save you 2 hours! YOU'RE WELCOME!
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Correcting the error? Impossible?
kosmasp30 September 2013
It's a Science Fiction movie, that has some nice moments in it. The lead actor is good (and you might remember him from a special Fringe episode or other stuff he has done), but since this is sponsored by German money, there had to be at least one lead German actress in it too. her accent gives her away. But we also get another European actor (one you might have seen in "Painless" recently).

If you don't mind being overpopulated by Europeans (that goes out to American readers obviously), you might find yourself enjoying this a bit. It might redeem itself towards the end, but that only can happen, if you are willing to sit through some clichés. There is some brief nudity, just in case you were wondering, but there aren't many action scenes. It does try to build solely on its tense moments through storytelling
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Terrific, intelligent thriller, featuring top-notch performances by a classy and interesting cast.
darkness_visible13 September 2013
I honestly cannot understand why this movie is currently rating so low at IMDb. In my opinion it is one of the most intriguing and original thrillers I have seen in many years.

In some ways it is quite unique in that while at first it seems like a Cronenbergian body horror film, it turns out to be a "horror of the emotions" in which good intentions certainly do lead the well-meaning characters to their own especially cruel versions of hell.

Michael Eklund and Karoline Herfurth were absolutely terrific, diving into their roles with 100% commitment. And Rik Mayall was a revelation in the first serious role I've seen him play.

To me this is an amazing feature debut for writer/director Eron Sheean, most definitely a talent to be watched.

I hope people can overlook the low rating and give this film a chance because I feel it certainly deserves the attention of discerning cinephiles.
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Too long and too much of nothing
namstonk8 September 2020
Firstly the marketing is clearly wrong as horror it is not. Secondly it is just way too long, it has no substance to it whatsoever. Thirdly don't employ a TV actor who believes themselves to be a method actor as they take the job way to serious. This is the key problem with this film, it wants to be a serious piece and as the genre elicits it cannot be taken seriously. In the end you are just bored and care nothing for any of the characters, as for the actual ending, well that goes on for about thirty five minutes but feels like another hour and a half.
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Highly recommended
room10210 October 2015
What a surprise. Very impressive and very Cronenbergian.

This movie is excellent in almost every aspect, except for the plot that isn't very strong (but has a good ending).

Excellent cast (all unknown to me, except for an old Rik Mayall in a dramatic role), cinematography, score, direction, practical effects and makeup. Great filming locations and atmosphere. Very impressive acting by the lead actors (Mayall is also great).

It's too bad that the plot is not strong enough, otherwise I would have given it a higher score. Still, I give it credit for all the elements above, the originality and risks they took and the high quality result.
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Just Because of the Ending
j-a-julian29 April 2020
I rated this as a 2 just because of the clever ending. I have a rule ... if I start a film I finish watching it. This was a struggle. Acting mediocre to bad. Plot ... ponderous. In general not worth watching.
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The film depicts a bare, rough and industrial vision of Germany which seemed to be in perfect harmony with the isolation of the main character.
theordinaryreview10 July 2013
It was after watching The Call (2013) that I decided to browse through Michael Eklund's filmography hoping to find other portrayals of deranged characters. Errors of the Human Body is a title that immediately hooked me and I wanted to know more. The poster looked marvelous and it seemed to have won some awards and nominations so I decided to see it. Doctor Geoff Burton was once renowned and a beacon of hope to the medical field, but a rare genetic condition that led to his son's death ruined him.On the verge of being fired he accepts a job offer in Germany. The transfer was supported by a young female doctor who was once Burton's intern and with whom he had a liaison. Once he arrives, he discovers what Rebekka is working on: a way to have cells regenerated extremely fast. However, the processes which work in amphibians seems bound to failure when tested in mammal embryos. This is until Jarek, Rebekka's previous partner on the project, tries it illegally on a mouse. Geoff, who was following the scene, steals the mouse in either desperate scientific interest or a desire to protect Rebekka's project. From there on, Geoff's mental health begins to deteriorate as he enters a conflict with Jarek and is plagued by his past. I was quite pleased with what strikes first in the movie: the constant ambient low tune of disturbing music and the quality of the medical environment which was not portrayed in the typical scientific way, but was filmed in a way that made it beautiful. The story is quite simple overall but the flashback of the past along with the deterioration of everything around Geoff makes the movie really smooth. Geoff Burton's character reminded me in many ways of the protagonist in The Machinist (2004). Eklund really shines in this deranged guilt-ridden persona, although he might now be typecast as the new crazy actor (that'll give Michael Shannon a break). The scene at the party with loud electronic music, bright neon colors and costumes is really a pleasure to see. In the background, a great deal of moral issues are dealt with, but the first plane is always about Geoff. The film depicts a bare, rough and industrial vision of Germany which seemed to be in perfect harmony with the isolation of the main character. I couldn't help but wish there was more that was done with the tools we were shown. In the end it felt like a really lonely and caustic movie. At least it managed what Splice (2009) didn't; to make research in medicine look good. I wish there was more and maybe this is where the movie feels a little short in its unfolding. I think I felt really similar after watching Antiviral (2012) where I loved the world I was thrown in and it was visually astounding, but the story left me wanting for more. I liked: Constant background noises and music. Geoff and Eklund's acting. Exploration and depiction of guilt. I disliked: There was more to do, more to say. Some scenes seemed unrealistic--for example, a chase scene with a mouse is far stretched-- the protagonist was after all a top notch scientist. 72/100 I'm really going to look forward to future movies by Eron Sheean. I like his directorial work. I would recommend this to those who enjoyed Antiviral (2012) and also maybe Upstream Color (2013).
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Found a script
jacenknet21 February 2020
Feels like someone found the 2/4's part of the script in the woods somewhere but didnt have the rest- decided to make the movie anyway and got lost.
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Intriguing but painfully slow.
TdSmth51 February 2015
Some renowned but traumatized geneticist named Burton takes a job in Germany to establish some research lab there. We learn that his son was born with multiple cancers that developed in a matter of days and killed him. The disease came to be known as Burton's disease. His wife has already someone else in her life but he can't get over her. He's a complete wreck.

At the institute he runs into Rebekka, a former student who surprises him with some remarkable news. She's developed an easter egg gene that re-generates tissues in amphibians. She cuts one in half and it starts uniting again. But she needs him to help her make the jump to mammals. But they also had a fling in the past.

Also at the lab is another creepy researcher named Jarek who's also interested in Burton helping him. He wants to develop a mutation so that mosquitoes carry vaccines instead of viruses thus immunizing those they bite, instead of infecting them. It would be a great way to get eliminate diseases like malaria, so common in poor countries where mosquitoes abound. But because he's so creepy, acting more like a stalker, Burton doesn't want anything to do with him. But this guy is also experimenting on mice.

Burton gets closer to Rebekka, who initially makes it clear that she wants the relationship to remain professional. One night he goes to her lab to leave a note. Instead he finds someone breaking into her lab and stealing a sample. He follows the guy to the mice lab where Jarek is. He uses the sample to inject a mouse. Burton decides to wait and later takes the mouse home with him and also one of Rebekka's many samples that Jarek has in the fridge.

When Burton talks to the institute's director about the theft of Rebekka's work, he finds out that Jarek and Rebakka were research partners and that the easter egg discovery was a joint effort. From there on, Burton starts getting paranoid. He thinks he's being set up or used for some sinister purposes. He keeps calling his wife but now she won't talk to him. He keeps having visions of her pregnancy and the birth of the baby. While handling the mouse, it ended up biting him. He eventually ends up confronting everyone but his fate is sealed.

Errors of the Human Body is a fantastic title for a movie. And the movie starts out strong giving you high hopes. But things don't at all turn out the way you hope. And that is unfortunate. The movie really takes us in a direction we don't want to go. One problem is the Burton character. He's too much of a wreck to root for. You sympathize with a him a bit, but not enough. So he makes a terrible lead character. Then there the Jarek character who's downright charicaturesque in his creepiness.

The story is solid, if not excellent. And I'm giving this movie high marks for the science and the ideas. The problem is the execution. I did like the attention to detail, the little things, but overall a near fatal flaw of the movie is the European pace reduced almost to slow-motion. The movie isn't long but it feels like it's a 3 hour movie.

While filmed in Dresden, a photogenic city, we get to see nothing of it. And as usual for something filmed in Germany, it's during winter. Are German actors banned by law from working when the sun shines? By their movie and TV productions, you would think that Germany suffers from an eternal winter.

I'm rating this movie a bit higher than it deserves, for the main reason that it doesn't treat the audience like morons but gives it a lot to think about, and it does so until the very end.
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Average medical drama
jhmoondance26 November 2021
This movie was an average medical drama about a man made virus but there was a twist toward the end.

The story was ok n the plot was good n there was some tension n suspense.

Acting was really great n the characters were likeable too.

There was no action at all but it is a drama.

The ending was good with a heartbreaking twist.

I recommend this movie especially if you like medical dramas n good acting.
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One of the best I have seen in a long time
dmiller-1070118 January 2017
This is not an epic or perfect movie. It isn't The Dark Knight or The Revenant. It is a sci-fi thriller, for the most part, I would say. It even has some goofy sci-fi parts that I could see would lower its rating. People will also complain because it is a German movie with a German actress. But I think that makes it even better. There are no big name actors that are world renowned, but the actors in this movies do a great job. Never once was I bored or not entertained, they actors told a great story the whole time. I even think the German actress made the movie even better by just being abnormal to what American audiences typically see; she made me think differently about what was going on. All the characters were unique and really made this movie what it is. The whole concept of the movie wasn't anything too mind blowing. But it did have a good plot twist or two. This movie isn't the quality of the mainstream mega movies, but it is a hidden gem that movie lovers, philosophers, and scientists alike will truly enjoy. This
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Science Fiction Thriller_ Set in Germany- An American genetics researcher...
lock36223625 August 2013
Science Fiction Thriller_ Set in Germany- An American genetics researcher is confronted with the dangers and ethical dilemmas of advanced genetics research; from risking human lives to balancing the need for human welfare/discovery against the ethical dilemmas of researching on mice and men.

This movie excels in its genre for abiding to science. The science of this story is more cutting edge than it is theoretical.

The Movie introduces the viewer to an unexplored setting, a modern research laboratory. Any one who has been to one in the quiet of night (good labs are open 24h/7d) knows the director didn't have to invent the creepy feeling you get crawling through the loud yet quiet architecture that yields no familiarity even to seasoned laboratory scientists.

Eccentric characters exist in the movie but none were unrealistic (I've met enough strange scientists to confirm this.)

Having been personally acquainted with top tier research labs (City of Hope, University of Arizona, and Stanford) I must commend this movie for being the first to ever accurately depict the look and feel of a high level research lab.

It was, at times: Reminiscent, Sad, Sexy, Scary, and Thrilling. A great Surprise.

*I must comment on the above review by- ordinary review. Mice, by there nature, are difficult to handle and pursue; even when you're a "top-notch scientist" & (especially outside a controlled lab environment). Secondly, there was no "vision of industrial Germany" commercial labs in California or Washington are similar and reside in the same type of semi-remote location approximately 30 minutes range of a downtown center.
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realistic and thrilling drama
pierrot725 October 2013
Definitely a far underrated movie. Probably disappointed horror fans expecting a straight genre movie are giving bad votes. It takes a while to establish it's world, but then it all contributes to a smart and involving thriller-drama. The way the main character's destiny and realistic experimental genetics are connected is not only fully believable and moving, but develops an intriguing and threatening dimension. Aesthetically and technically the film is surprisingly convincing, camera-work, pacing and music is remarkable. Michael Eklund's lead performance is outstanding. I can recommend that one.
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An entertaining thriller that'll leave horror fans wanting more
johnjones-190238 July 2019
This film feels a bit mismarketed, it obviously doesn't have horror as a genre, but you can't exactly blame anybody who thought that was what they were getting into with its presentation on Hulu.

In actuality, this is a dramatic suspense film with a doctor, played by Michael Ekuland, attempting to find the cure for the disease that killed his son. Now at a research center in Germany, he finds himself butting heads with a rival researcher who seems to be performing experiments behind the backs of his fellow colleagues.

It is a good film, though its ending feels a little lackluster in comparison to an explosive confrontation preceeding it. Some reviewers may find to boring, but i believe this is again due to their expectations this will be similar to something like Cronenberg's The Fly, it's not.

For what it's worth, it's an enjoyable thriller that you can easily switch on without fear of feeling really creeped out by the end.
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nogodnomasters5 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Geoff (Michael Eklund) is an American genetic doctor involved in prenatal testing. He is invited to work in Germany, which he accepts. Here we meet Rebekkah (Karoline Herfurth) who worked as an intern for him, a relationship we immediately can tell was not just professional. We also meet Jarek (Tómas Lemarquis) another scientist who Geoff doesn't like for no particular reason.

The story starts out very simply and then cleverly builds layers while slowly revealing the past and its relevance to current times. I liked the plot construction and its integrate weaving of the past into an ironic ending. The main problem of this tale is that the characters are boring. They lack pizazz. The whole story is humorless, unless you consider the background score as the sound cells make when they divide. The dryness of the story overwhelms the clever plot weave.

Parental Guide: f-bombs, brief sex, brief nudity (Caroline Gerdolle)
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