Flight 7500 (2014) Poster


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Aggravated disappointment
reallyevilboy7 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Okay I don't give a lot of movies a rating below 5 stars out of 10. 5 stars out of 10 would mean I did not enjoy the movie at all. Anything less than 5 stars out of 10 means the movie angered me to a certain degree.

This movie held so much promise for me, directed by the same guy that did Ju-On, the grudge. Even during the presentation of the Movie, wondering what is happening, not bad acting, scripting. Nice to also see a scattering of Australian actors are starting to penetrate the market.

I cannot go further on this summary without giving away the ending in a massive spoiler alert. And I feel I need to do this. Thus....


From this point onward lies spoilers. HUGE SPOILERS! If you feel that you can experience this movie untarnished do not read any further, go and see the movie and share my anger when the last credits roll.

If anything else happened in the movie, if the movie ended any other way I would have been okay. But no.

In this day and age this kind of ending is synonymous with saying "And then they woke up and it was all a dream!" AAAARGGGHHH!!!!

To end a movie with the characters finding out that they've been dead for nearly the whole movie is no longer "A Surprising twist." It feels like a cop out and as an audience member I almost feel a little cheated.

As you can tell this movie angered me.
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Fairly entertaining
imdb-872-2214425 September 2014
Not too bad. Not very scary either, but entertaining.

It's not a waste of time but might be a waste of your money depending on what you pay to see it, and what the alternatives are.

The ending was truly shocking - I did absolutely not expect such an unoriginal resolution.

-1 for that.

Not much more to say, and I don't see why IMDb requires 10 lines of text in the review.

Not all movies are made by David Lynch and needs to be analyzed to death.
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A Japanese Horror that ....well was disappointing :-(
clarkmick3314 January 2015
Usually Japanese Horrors are up there with the top horror movies I have seen (The Ring, Grudge, etc) so when I saw this was Japanese production I had I hopes for a thrill. Unfortunately I feel for some reason the director tried to hard to please the Hollywood crowd.

Lets start with the good.... The concept and plot is fresh and interesting - horror on a plane. The tense build up to the horror is done well. The Twizzlers sticks twist.

Then the bad.... The characters are stereotypical Hollywood horror cast - young couple, goth, guy who cant wait to get some, pilot having an affair with the air hostess. When things start "happening" things get a bit confusing with "things" crossing into many horror genres it does not really make sense and just gets silly.

The ugly... Some of the acting and dialog is a bit amateurish. They could have done with a more international cast The tense build up to that horror scene - is cut away so you don't really see people fate, just screaaaammmm....cut, scccrreeeaammm... cut.
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A big flying turkey - SPOILERS
DexX4 May 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Oh dear.

Takashi Shimizu has proved he's a capable director with the iconic Ju-On films, and the inferior but still entertaining American remakes.

I honestly can't explain how 7500 manages to be so irredeemably terrible.

It has a good cast, though nobody puts in anywhere near their best performance, probably due to the utterly idiotic script. The interpersonal stuff is actually decent: the couple stuck on holiday together after breaking up due to repeated miscarriages have some real pathos to them, and the two featured flight attendants have interesting personal lives that invite you to care about them.

On a technical level, the film gets almost nothing right. We seem to have two flight attendants looking after an entire 747 full of passengers, a paramedic who gives up CPR after about thirty seconds, and a pilot who decides not to turn back and make an emergency landing but instead to proceed with the remainder of an eight hour flight after a passenger dies after only an hour in the air. The whole film is packed with this kind of idiocy. Oh, and low pressure? It makes plastic bottles POP, not SQUASH, you IDIOTS.

All the technical errors in the world could be forgiven, though, if 7500 simply worked as a horror film. This is its greatest failure. The scares are either out of nowhere cheap shocks or built-up moments of supposed terror that provoke a sigh and an eye-roll instead of a scream.

Then there's that ending. Oh god, the ending...

Okay, from here on there be SPOILERS...





Still reading? Okay, the SPOILERS begin now...

On what planet is that "they were dead all along" twist still even remotely original or appropriate? Memo for you, Hollywood: Carnival of Souls was made FIFTY YEARS AGO. This is not a shocking revelation any more. STOP USING IT.

The only way to make this ending work is to do something new and clever and daring with it, like Shyamalan did with Sixth Sense. Rewatch Sixth Sense and you will see that it is littered with clues, and even knowing the twist there is a wealth of cool details to discover.

7500, in contrast, has nothing. There are literally no clues to the twist ending. It literally comes out of nowhere. Even the attempts to insert some logic into the random string of deaths makes no sense.

We're told the shinigami will come for prematurely dead souls after they have let go of whatever is holding them on earth. Appropriately, then, two different characters are seen giving up something important to them, and then dying soon after. If this was carried through the film, giving it some structure and sense, then it would have been a much better movie.

But no - most of the characters die for no apparent reason.

Oh, and the revelation of the big "they've been dead all along" ending is also delivered without any thought or sense. For most of the film they can't see all their own corpses, then suddenly they can. Why? I have no idea. It's like a large chunk of story was edited out.

What a bad, bad film, and a terrible waste of a group of actors I have seen do much better work, made by a director whose best work is in the rear view mirror and shrinking fast.
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JamesIan20219 July 2015
I waited years to see 7500, after numerous delays I thought I'd never experience it. The trailer looked promising, and rather terrifying too. Finally, I've seen this supernatural thriller set on a plane, and I am wholly disappointed. 7500 looks cheap, the dialogue is so unnatural it makes for unintentional laughter and the characters have no backstory or depth. Praise however goes to Nicky Whelan, whose performance is very real and rather amusing at times as a clean freak chatterbox who feels the need to boast to any passenger in her proximity. I've met people like this in real life so this character is relatable and plays a good foil to the supernatural element...An element that fails thanks to some of the most shopworn and cheap jump scares ever put to film. Without an eerie atmosphere or dread, this flight is grounded.
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So and so
maryfeather803 September 2014
I was so interested in watching this film, that i truly believe, i had major expectations!!!The story is about a flight that loses contact with the tower and some really strange stuff are happening, as the movie proceeds!!The paranormal stuff were okay i think, it sure reminded me a bit of The Grudge but nothing too special.I think that the delay of this movie, made the movie more interesting than it really was, like it was a marketing thing..My major complaint was the end, it was so quick and random, i mean give us a little more clues here, don't just do a quick wrap, work it a little,develop it,if u know what i mean!Oh,one last observation,76 minutes is a little time to do a good complete film,nevertheless i recommend it for a one time watch but don't expect miracles!!!
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Good Story That Deserved a Better Screenplay
claudio_carvalho25 September 2015
In Los Angeles, the Vista Pacific Flight 7000 departs to Tokyo in a ten- hour flight. The flight attendants Laura Baxter (Leslie Bibb) and Suzy Lee (Jamie Chung) receive the passengers, among them Brad (Ryan Kwanten) and his wife Pia Martin (Amy Smart) that have broken up; the newlywed Rick (Jerry Ferrara) and Liz Lewis (Nicky Whelan) that are traveling in a honeymoon trip; and the well-resolved Jacinta Bloch (Scout Taylor- Compton), who is sat close to Liz and Rick. Laura is having a love affair with the Captain Pete Haining (Johnathon Schaech) that is married and her behavior is questioned by Suzy. After passing by a turbulence, the passenger Lance Morrell (Rick Kelly) dies and the crew brings his body to the first class. Then there is a pressure drop in the cabin and Brad helps several passenger to use the oxygen mask. When the pressure returns to normal, Captain Haining loses contact with ground control. Soon weird things happen in the plane and Brad, Rick, Jacinta, Pia and Liz decide to investigate who Lace was. Soon they find that he was a dealer of dolls and a "shinigami" inside a wooden box. Jacinta explains that the Eastern doll would be equivalent to The Ripper; however she collects souls only if those that let go whatever hold them to Earth. What has happened to the Flight 7500?

"7500" is a horror movie directed by the cult-director Takashi Shimizu from "The Grudge", with a good story that deserved a better screenplay. The creepy conclusion is a great twist and surprises any viewer. Unfortunately many of them did not understand the message of the story. First of all, death is part of life since everyone is going to die. Therefore, we should not waste time with insignificant things and try to resolve any problem with those we love; otherwise we would regret when time comes. Last but not the least, when death comes, the person shall have resolved whatever holds him or her to Earth; otherwise the person will be trapped in-between. Back to the movie, when Jacinta discovers what has happened to her, she easily waits for the "shinigami". However, the death doll does not collected the souls of the two couples since they still have problems between them. My vote is six.

Title (Brazil): "Vôo 7500" ("Flight 7500")
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Not what you would expect from the Director of the Grudge
dragonmysterious8 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When you see a movie directed by The Grudge, you would expect something of similar standards. The concept of the movie is very interesting, and the characters are quite well-developed, given that the whole of this movie takes place on a plane. I was interested in this movie because i was interested in how a horror movie would happen on a plane.

Once the plane starts flying and the main plot point happens, you would understand the main reasons of the story. The director has his fun teasing and misleading you, and the constant jump scares, as you would expect from a horror movie. Many things happen throughout, most of which are weird and unexplained, leaving you anticipated to watch till the end and figure out what is actually going on. However, that is exactly why this movie is disappointing. When you watch till the end, you will realize that most of the stuff that happened wasn't logically part of the plot, but were only there to give you a little scare here and there. There is also a short cameo from a popular youtuber.

Overall, this is a fun and thrilling mystery movie that you can enjoy on its own, but watching till the end is rather disappointing. The thing is, the ending wasn't weak. It was strong, and made sense. But because of the director focusing on the horror part of the movie, the mystery became sort of illogical and unnecessary. The execution of the ending came out of nowhere and was not impactful enough. It was as if the director wrote the script for just the beginning and end, and he just came up with stuff to throw at you until he was done, he just shoehorned the ending right there.

In conclusion, I would say that this wasn't so much of a horror movie than a tragedy movie. It felt a tad too short, left most of your questions unanswered, and wasn't really worth the full ticket price IMO.
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Entertaining enough
xylophone5920 June 2014
There were some good elements that were original. Some things were inexplicable but were well resolved at the end. The characters were well developed for an inside-plane movie and there was an ineffable sense of mystery. The characters in fact needed to be interesting and they were. I thought the trip should have started in Japan to provide a contrast and some extra interest at he beginning. The trip would have been better departing Tokyo and proceeding to the States. Actually it would have been good to see a few more Japanese characters in it since it could have helped make it an extraordinary movie rather than just a competent movie. I am being careful not to write spoilers. I will mention that a couple of the devices had been used before and one or two of them had been used a couple of times too often before. Overall though I have a clear conscience in telling you that you are not wasting your money; but its not an extraordinary movie despite some very good elements and it is adequately entertaining.
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Using all shades of black visual and irritating loud noises, 7500 should have never taken off
quincytheodore10 March 2015
It's so underwhelming to see a horror movie spams high pitch sound effects, sudden screams and grasping mysterious hands for any sort of shock value. The movie has a good set in plane, but there's no consistency from the horror aspect, it's never clear what it tries to do, it may go for supernatural threat but first act resembles more of infestation scheme. Not to mention the characters are nothing close to likable and the film relies too heavily on plot twist gambit at latter half. There's barely anything to sustain the flight of 7500 until the end.

Ancient tricks, as if they are tattooed on a ghost child's hand, such as jittery camera and annoying booms are used excessively. The film doesn't have any coherent soundtracks, it has loud thuds and shouts to signal when the audience are supposed to react. The dark graphic isn't helping either, almost half the movie is shot in blinking lights or just bad lighting.

Story is a mixed bag of unexplained mysteries, the movie throws some shady philosophical life gibberish and it comes off at cringe-worthy at best. Acting are sloppy, but it's probably not the actors' fault since the on-screen characters are not identifiable. They are highly unrealistic, created just to fit stereotypical roles.

Strangely, there are some names from TV shows here, and while they are not box office veterans, they might have done better with more consistent material. That doesn't stop the film from churning high dose of subplots, none of these pay off in any meaningful way. They only ironically create more plot holes, enough to trip an aircraft into free fall.

It has one or two good moments, and the rest is fumbling around in existential crisis. Effects of the smoke and turbulence don't produce claustrophobic thrill, instead they just seem messy and cheap. If audience lasts through the movie they might have a surprising conclusion, as in baffled how it literally happens.

This is one flight you'd glad to cancel, for the sake of saving time and money.
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Don't see what the hates all about, I enjoyed the hell out of it!
moosecadet77711 December 2014
T.J. Breedlove's review of "7500"

Another great film by the mastermind of the original Grudge series (Ju-on), Takashi Shimizu delivers a unique and horrifying film about a flight filled with multiple varieties of different characters, in which you'll love and hate.

When flight 7500, departs from a L.A. airport, immediately no time is wasted learning what the different personalities attending the flight are like. You have the captain who is attempting to have an affair with a stewardess, a goth girl who has a morbid fascination with death, a bizarre figure who favors in dealing with spiritual dolls, and hair samples of the dead, a young thief taking advantage of an opportunity at the wrong time, a girl praying that the pregnancy test will be negative, a newly wed couple who are obviously not compatible, a paramedic, and newly engaged flight attendants and passengers who are in search for a new beginning in life.

The two I happen to latch onto the most are the Goth girl (and who wouldn't), and the paramedic. While the girl sees life as an out of control spiraling event in which you cant control, her ideology says live life for the moment, no matter how reckless, or apathetic, because life can end at any unexpected moment, where as the paramedic, spent his youth doing the same which led to the decline of his relationship with his fiancé (who is on board as well) grew into the aspect of life is precious and worth holding onto no matter what. Both have obvious conflicting ideas of what a life is worth, one says embrace death while the other tries to fight it.

On the way to Tokyo, a strange man with a mysterious box, is dying under mysterious circumstances, after his demise a unnatural chain of horrific events unfold. people start to disappear, there's a change in pressure, causing everyone to fight for their lives, while holding to what little breath they can muster from faulty oxygen equipment, and overall the fear of facing everyones unique and different fears of mortality, from the germaphobe who hates anyone who she deems racially inferior with different customs and habits, to those who are afraid of small environments.

The film delivers a very claustrophobic feel with mix of old school Japanese horror with crazy pale looking figures attacking the passengers, a stewardess getting snatched up and pulled into an overhead compartment, to overall examination of life and death, and concludes in a twist that is both hair raising and mind blowing. A fantastic film. I will not spoil anything but I highly recommend this one, and after the many delays this film suffered, Im glad I invested the time to see it.

My personal score is a 9 out of 10 This is my opinion, whats yours? T.J. Breedlove
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in case of an emergency. ..............
wycherleyp-960-47065822 September 2014
Why is it when there is ever a thriller or a horror about a flight its always on "the queen of the air" a 747?? well you will never guess what aircraft this is on...yeah a 747, 7500 is a good idea of a film and to be fair it actually works and is a good film with a interesting hint of horror and plenty of twists. from the start you watch thinking oh here we go another film that belongs on the syfy channel, but just as your about to give up the film kicks it up a gear and for the next 78mins your taken on a intriguing interesting high altitude flight not to be forgotten. the casting is genius as if you had put top of the line A list actors in this film it would not of grabbed you by the yoke and took you on course to be a enjoyable film. Well worth a watch only pity would be the ending felt a bit like they had to squeeze so much in.....with only minutes to spare
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Make this review priority and do not waste your time.
sonybacker5 September 2014
I usually like movies in plane but with a good story. This movie has only a plane and no story at all. Even plane is cheap CGI. All what had to be scary stuff is stupid screams, blue pale hands. Maybe this was scary 15 years ago but now is almost 2015. We saw crap like this many times before. There are some known actors (not mega actors but still known) in this movie where I think why the hell they went for this movie. Acting also is unbelievable. There is no explanation to this movie. It ends just as stupid as it started. Scream and credits here we come. Some reviewers here say it is entertaining. If this is entertaining than what is boring for those people? Really! Once again - Do not waste your time and money. Save yourself from this cheap film.
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7500,75 minutes
mr-watson20068 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I am an early viewer of a movie I like to warn people, to let them know what they should expect so, here goes: After watching 1 hour of this movie it all became clear to me...they had a budget,they hired the crew, they rented the plane,they paid the cast and when it was far too late they remembered....the effects! Mr Shimizu, the director, as an ingenious Japanese man that he is, came up with the solution: I need a man with a face and at least a hand, and 3 or 4 smoke grenades..and done. There are no special effects whatsoever and no really scary parts,so if they would have tried a little this would've made for a good thriller. I am not saying this is a bad movie, the first 40 minutes were good, you get to know the characters, you get a feel for the atmosphere aboard the plane, you get excited for what's about to happen...then the credits come on! This should have been a horror movie where the fun begins when people start dying and there is nothing they can do about it, but this feels like a documentary about what happens when vital equipment malfunctions, like an 1 hour true story Discovery movie. Some might find it terrifying, but I'm guessing the target audience is people with aerophobia, it's like making claustrophobic people watch The Cube.. My conclusion is: you will be disappointed, more or less depending on how big of a horror fan you are..
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Do not waste your time.
kingedirtzen26 March 2015
This movie is boring and has no suspense. I am usually very tense while watching a scary movie, but not with this one. The first half hour of the movie is used to introduce you to and explain the characters, but I still didn't care about any of them. Then when things started 'happening' there was no tension. There were jump scares, which I hate in general, but these weren't scary. The twist ending sucks and made no sense compared to the rest of the movie. The movie was also not very well lit, and the acting showed some flaws. All in all it's a pretty terrible movie and I would highly suggest for you not to waste your time on it, even though it is very short (it felt longer).
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7500 would have still stunk back in 2012.
Krackoon5 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
'7500' was originally scheduled for release back in 2012, and then again in 2013 - and I've been waiting for the film ever since. I guess the first sign should have been the number of delays - a lot like Sylvester Stallone's action stinker 'Eye See You' or whatever the hell they ended up calling it... If it takes them that many years to find a distributor, then it more than likely shouldn't be released. Now, as bad as '7500' is, it's a lot better than 'Eye See You.' So, I guess that's a positive. It's your typical passengers on a plane horror film, though - which includes the usual twist ending, that we've all seen countless times before.

Random Ramblings of a Madman: The acting is bad but passable. You do get some character development, which is always a good thing, but the sound editing is awful. It's about as bad as the fight editing in 'Lionheart.' There just isn't anything new here. '7500' took an extra two years to find a release, and this is the final product? I'm not even sure if we can call it a horror film. You're better off watching 'Panic Button.'
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Fun, atmospheric, well crafted Thriller... (I better not say more : ) Blu-ray: Good A:7 V:8
lathe-of-heaven23 October 2014
Number one... (I just went, so I'm kinda proud) No, let me start again. Number one... ***PLEASE be careful reading about this film beforehand because it is EASILY SPOILED***

With just about any kind of Horror / Slasher film where you have a group of people, what almost ALWAYS kills it is the STUPID acting. However, right from the beginning, I immediately noticed that the acting was actually quite good and was surprisingly believable, realistic, and restrained. Which is NOT usually the case. Especially when you have the usual stereotypes within these groups. But, I can say that I was genuinely quite impressed that even the more annoying characters (when I say that, I mean the characters who are supposed to be annoying) did not overdo it. The 'Goth' girl didn't go overboard with her attitude and the OCD chick could have EASILY overdone it and just come across like every other similar caricature that is usually depicted in films. But, everyone honestly presented their characters in a believable way that DIDN'T take you right out of the movie like so many do. So, that was a pleasant surprise.

Okay, you have to realize that they are not re-inventing the Horror wheel here (just thought of that myself : ) YES, this story has been done many, MANY times. BUT... and it is a BIG BUT like Mariah Carey's... to me personally, all that matters in a film is that no matter WHAT the hell it is about or whatever Genre it is or even if we have seen the same story hundreds of times... The ONLY thing (to me anyway) that matters is this... IS IT DONE WELL? That's it. Simple, really. And yes, I feel that although this is clearly not even CLOSE to being the scariest or most inventive Horror film around, I fully enjoyed it and I thought that it was put together very well.

I think that people forget sometimes when they see a film like this (and subsequently come here and p*ss all over it, pretentiously proclaiming the movie to be crap) they forget that sometimes movies can just be simple, good, effective stories. And that is just as true with Horror films as it is with a nice story about a family or even a horse (well... I HAVE to draw the line somewhere...) or whatever. Sometimes it is just a good, tight, well directed, well acted, well put together film. And that is the case here. NO... it is no 'EXORCIST' or 'NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD' or even one of my very favourites, 'SESSION 9', but it is a good, entertaining film for those who appreciate simple Genre films that just do what they are supposed to do.

For what it's worth, I fully agree with the reviewer StaySweetMisery from Australia in what they said. Including also feeling that the tacked on 2 minutes at the end could have been done like WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better. At first, when that final scene kind of surprisingly came back on right when you thought that the movie was over, I thought, ahhhh... they are gonna add a nice little tie-in here with something from before (and I have NUMEROUS ideas as to what they COULD have done, and not to give anything away, but one of them just MIGHT have something to do with a little doll...:) Anyway, it seemed that they just kind of threw that last little bit away, instead of coming up with something really sharp that would have given the ending more of a nice 'punch'

But, even so... I fully enjoyed this effective, atmospheric and moody little film. And, I think that IF you don't expect too much, and you can appreciate it for what it is, there is a good chance that you just might like it somewhat...
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Skip it
Leofwine_draca24 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
FLIGHT 7500 is another nondescript B-movie horror flick set in the interior of an aeroplane, where the passengers soon find themselves menaced by supernatural entities and exposed to sudden, violent death. Ryan Kwanten and Amy Smart, two actors better known for more popular fare, star. As with many such B-movies, the real problem with this is the writing, which is predictable and cliched throughout, a weak retread of tropes previously well established. little enhanced by unlikeable, cookie cutter characters going through the expected motions. On top of all that, it looks cheap and set-bound too. Skip it.
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Quite entertaining to begin with, but the story does not hold together
Catharina_Sweden27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Most of the time, I thought this movie was quite interesting and suspenseful, and with some good scares. The actors are good, the environment is believable, and the atmosphere has the right creepiness (at least part of the time). It also evokes some thought-provoking issues, such as "what is important in life", and "should I steal some happiness for myself or do the right thing". (About this last, I am thinking of the stewardess who has a relationship with the married flight captain, but decides to stop persuading him to leave his wife and kids.)

But towards the end it all became too absurd. The story was too muddled and it did not keep together. For instance: who "the dead guy" was and what he was up to, and what it had to do with the accident with the air pressure fall, was never really explained. Was it just a coincidence that he was aboard, or did he somehow cause the accident? The twist-ending felt like: "oh no, not that old trick again". If you have watched a few modern horror films, you can see that one coming.
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I've seen Lifetime movies scarier than this
Seth_Rogue_One22 September 2014
Hell even the Wayans Brothers make-up in White Chicks was scarier than this

But then again it seems like the director intentionally tried to make it as unscary as possible, with showing as little scares in your face as possible and keep everything very suggestive with little to no visual gore

And the acting doesn't help either, you get no real sense of fear in any of the people involved

The cast on paper is fairly impressive, a lot of famous faces there with actors and actresses that have done well in other things, but here they don't even seem to try

And perhaps my initial comparison with Lifetime movies wasn't that far off, this really has sort of a TV-movie feel to it

It's incredibly slow as well, with a running time of 75 minutes without the credit you'd expect that it couldn't get boring very often but it really does, more than once

There are so many better thrillers that take place on a plane than this one so if you're considering watching this despite of what I just wrote let me instead recommend: SNAKES ON A PLANE, NON STOP, FLIGHTPLAN, RED EYE, PASSENGER 57... Heck even PANIC BUTTON is better than this...
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If you expect to see some Asian style ghost popping up around places, you will be disappointed.
moviesmaniax10 August 2014
After two years, this film is finally released!! From director of Ju-On and The Grudge, if you expect to see some Asian style ghost popping up around places, you will be disappointed. The real SCARE of this film is the uncertainty of life and I think the director did a good job in delivering that message through the story. The GORE here is mildly disturbing but nothing crude or violent. 7500 is a nice little FUN thriller/horror/drama film to watch with its funny moments and jumpy scares with a twisted, but kind of predictable ending. All in all, 7500 may lack the real scares for a ghost type of film but it did carry out a strong good will message effectively throughout thanks to its talented casts and twisted ending that may leave you chills >>B<<
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nogodnomasters30 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Flight 7500 is on its way to Tokyo. We are introduced to about a dozen quirky passengers or so with all their issues and hopes. The flight hits turbulence and a business man dies from.... The flight continues as we learn more about the passengers. It isn't until 43 minutes into the film, the first weird thing happens as we guess to not only what is happening, but as to the genre of the film...zombie? ghost?

The clues come at you and by 20 minutes from the end, you should have it figured out, and if not wait another 10 minutes and they spell it out for you.

This is a mystery-horror done Twilight Zone style. Interesting, worth the view.

I was surprised that our EMT who knew how to use a defibrillator failed to do the proper compressions. 6 compressions, 2 breaths, followed by 5 compressions, 2 breaths...Okay guy is dead. And seriously, who does a home pregnancy test in an airplane bathroom?

Parental Guidance: 1 F-bomb near end. No sex or nudity. No mention of mile high club. No couples under blankets. Some blood.
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Absolute waste of time!!
emiel123426 June 2014
I had so much expectations for this movie. I drove like a maniac from home so as not to miss this movie playing on screen. The trailer looked interesting. I like watching movies when i can't predict the script. Most movie now a days are just a combinations of many scripts. I rarely get to see an original script.

If i could go back in time, I would never watch this movie. It ended so abruptly. There was hardly a story to begin with. Just loose ends. This movie should have gone straight to DVD. As usual the movie trailer was way better than the actual movie. I'm not upset that i wasted the money on buying the tickets. I am disappointed in the script. Poorly written!

I'm sorry to say this, but it was a total waste of time. But don't take my word for it, go watch it yourself.
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A massive disappointment
tellstar5 September 2014
This film wastes the potential to milk any suspense, intrigue or atmosphere that might have been extracted from what appears to be a pretty good premise. At about 80 minutes, it's a short film that feels much longer with a far too lengthy opening act and very little happening to fill up the remaining short run time. Interesting to see a few scenes incorporated from the classic Twilight Zone episode Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, which is infinitely better than this. Come to think of it, so is the old 1973 TV Movie, The Horror at 37,000 Feet. This one has the look and feel of a half-assed direct-to-video product, despite some effort from the game cast. No spoiler or spoiler warnings are necessary--you'll have figured it all out long before the big "reveal."
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Someone called this 'HORROR'? Watching this movie was the only horror I saw!!
gunn-wrights23 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
AWFUL plot line. Not scary at all - unless you count smoke and a hand reaching out to be scary? It wasn't even good jump scares. I have no idea how this is classified 'Horror'. I saw more horror in Looney Tunes? I still love the factor that they used the old footage of the Twilight Zone with William Shatner's 'There's something on the wing'.... classic!

I would give it a 1 star, but at least the acting wasn't too bad. Just crappy story line!

SKIP THIS FILM, totally boring!!!


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Basically, 1 guy dies on the plane, and another goes missing. They start going thru his carry ons to find his name and the strange box he was carrying. Only to find out, later in the movie - the turbulence they had experienced earlier - everyone had died. Some people didn't know it yet, and the premise was, 'people who are dead too soon, sometimes hang on until they've finished life here. That's when the main characters find their own dead bodies in their seats. The TV comes on saying, 'Flight 7000 has no life on board and will crash into the Pacific Ocean, due to the drop in cabin pressure, AND the oxygen system failed, everyone is presumed dead'. But the last few remaining - everyone else looked dead, and had left 'this life'.... lame!!

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