Meant to Be (2012) Poster


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Different but intriguing
dthoughtsinc17 August 2013
I gave this film a 7 for being unique. The acting was, for some, marginal; for others the acting was quality (Della Reis & Dean Cain). It was a very slow movie but many are; so what. Another reviewer insinuated the film has right-wing leanings & portrays post abortive women as evil. As for the right-wing accusation, that's a convenient & lazy label to put on a portrayal of a subject matter one disagrees with. But, yes, it does have a message of life being a gift to protect. So call it what you will. Regarding a portrayal of post abortive women being evil: untrue. I would ask that reviewer through what filter he/she viewed this film. The film clearly conveys empathy & compassion for women/girls who have chosen or contemplated abortion. There is even a scene where a certain type of "prolifer" is criticized for seemingly lacking concern & service toward pregnant mothers facing the choice of carrying to term or aborting their babies. Anyway, I think it's a thought provoking & somewhat refreshing film. I've viewed more films than I could number that have conveyed the message that abortion is good, normal, right, understandable or a highly cherished right to protect at any cost or all of the above. I'm not mad at Bradley Dorsey or the cast & crew for putting together something to the contrary for once. Thanks!
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Pro-Life Propaganda
IHeartDwightSchrute3 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Corniest movie I've ever seen. I was forced to watch it while getting my hair done by this religious psycho.

Basically it is about a young adult that was put into foster care ad is trying to find his birth mom years later. He goes on a journey of discovery, as his mother's story is slowly revealed simultaneously.

Terrible acting and plot line. Not even Dean Cain or Della Reese could save this. I was trying not to be offensive or disrespectful to my hairdresser as I laughed at the absurdity of this piece of crap. It basically infers that if you ever have an abortion, you are evil. Clearly the director and star of the movie had a political agenda he was trying to get across with this. I feel like this film would be shown at some radical right-wing convention. Freedom of speech, I guess... watch this only if you are having a mock-a-terrible- movie night. Otherwise, skip it.
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Boy Meets World
mary_prelle13 February 2013
I enjoyed this movie and will watch again, instead of at 1 am . I would watch this with my mom who volunteered at a center that counsels young women before they decide what to do. Unwanted pregnancy in the leading cause of abortions. Fear, the stigma still placed on un wed mothers, society norms all put pressure on any young woman to delete the unknown. When a woman has the baby, inevitably, they fall in love. Maybe they make the choice, sometimes a good one, for the child to go to a loving home. I think most times the mom, and dad if he is involved are filled with doubts when they make that decision, yet a better one than termination just because it is unwanted. I enjoyed the theme of this movie, the message as well as the unusual storyline. A good although easily spotted twist. I will liken this to a Touched by an Angel episode. WAS it? LOL>..MOstly I want to find the lovely song at the end...May all little angels born and gone to soon or those who never saw the light, Rest in His arms. Suffer the little children for such is the KINGDOM. I believe they are waiting...and they do not need to be baptized to go..jus sayen.
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Religious overtone
darad21 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
What would happen if all of the souls of the aborted lived on in a place between Heaven and Earth? What if for a brief time they could vision what life would have been like and visit the parents who made the choice to terminate them? Are they regretfully ridden with guilt and curious what might have been?

Meant To Be shows one man's journey to find his mother or who could have been. You don't know he's not really present until his story unfolds through the help of a new friend and hotel maid.

It gives the impression of being a story about the return of a mysterious traveler wandering into town. And while the general idea is good, the movie is not so well thought out or acted. It's actually pretty bland and while you're half way through it realize, "it's one of those Christian movies in disguise!" Not that there's anything wrong with that but subtle hints soon give it away and you feel like you've been tricked.

It's basically a pro-life story packaged into what seems like a thriller. Again, there's absolutely nothing wrong with what the movie tries to convey, you just wish you'd known ahead of time that you're stuck in a sermon. If someone is faced with that choice, the movie shows a logical and spiritually approved alternative well worth considering.

The main star, who is also the writer and director gives a lackluster performance and is not a very good actor and after awhile, you're so bored that you just want the thing over. All in all a good idea poorly executed and predictable.
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Great approach to unwanted pregnancies
john-08676-0436415 March 2017
This movie is an entertaining and clever story that uses multiple perspectives to explore unwanted pregnancies. The plot is tight with each scene moving the movie forward and each character having an impact on another, and the acting was great for a low-budget film. For a movie with Christian themes, the messages are inherent to the story without overpowering it.
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Good movie, makes you think
imdb-2021216 March 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I was bothered by some of the negative reviews of this movie and thought I should write my own.

Yes, this is a "preachy" movie from a pro-life perspective. No, this is NOT an attack on mothers who have aborted their children. If the reviewers had watched this movie and not tuned it out mentally, they would have noticed that. In the dialogue, the characters specifically refer to people who had abortions as people who just made mistakes because they didn't know what to do or have someone to turn to.

The writers are not blaming the mother. And I don't want to put any spoilers in here, but just watch the end and see how the forgiveness plays out.

I'm watching this at a time when a report recently revealed 336 million babies have been aborted in China in the past 40 years, and 50 million US children aborted in about the same time. So yes, if you're pro-life, then this is a pretty big deal. It would be pretty ridiculous for any serious pro-life person to have any other reaction than profound sadness.

Reviewers who write this movie off as just pro-life propaganda, fair enough, but don't discount the deeply held beliefs behind it.

Sure, the dialogue isn't great, and I hate any movie with excessive voice-over narrations (I think it's lazy writing), but doggone it, in the end, it still made me cry. If a story can create an emotional tug like that, then it's not half bad, whatever it's other shortcomings.

If you're pro-choice, you're probably not likely to be persuaded otherwise. I should know, I used to be pro-choice and my conversion wasn't a "watch this one movie" type of thing. But if you have an open mind, then who knows what can happen down the road.
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underrated movie
mgarciber29 January 2014
I gave this movie 10 stars because I believe it is underrated. This movie deserves an 8 at least. The plot at the beginning might seem a little confusing and slow at some points, but the final twist at the end make it totally worth it. I cried so much in the last 15 minutes because it left me speechless. Just as good as October Baby, Safe Haven and those movies with a final twist at the end. At the beginning of the movie my husband told me a couple of times: Honey this movie is really bad. He is a Christian, but loves action movies. I told him to wait that it was supposed to deliver a good message and it was a movie with a Christian message. I thought all along the movie, that the plot was about a boy looking for his mother who had given him in adoption and oh wow was I wrong.

But then I was confronted with my own reality. It touched me deeply because even though I know that God has forgiven me for what I did in the past, I tell my husband I feel like the spirit of my baby is with me. I mean like watching me and almost living with me at home. In that last final part when he says mom, I love you, mom, I forgive you I could not stop crying. And my husband hugged me and was very sentimental because he also was part of my bad decision in the past.

One more thing, I saw this on netflix and at the end when all the screen turns black with some information about the number of abortions in the US, we were about to turn the TV off. When one last part came , so do not turn the TV off until it has really finished with the last part when they show the girl and the decision she took.
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So sick of left-wing loud mouths...
dlo198312 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Only a bleeding heart liberal would rate this the way one of the posters did one here. Get over it. There are pro-lifers, and pro-choicers, and those of us on the other end of the spectrum aren't judging you, nor the film. Get over yourself -- it's a film, with an excellent point, even if you didn't think so. I agree the acting sucks, especially the orange- haired woman. The God crap got a little old, but the thought of what could have happened to these babies had their parents not selfishly put themselves first, if anything, has to get a person to think. Excellent and unique plot. ******* ******** ******** ******** ********* ****** ******** ***********
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worth it with an open mind
animeactor-873-71291517 December 2013
Two of my housemates were watching this film when I returned home and, only the last hour of the movie is able to be reviewed. The song at the end is pretty good after watching only an hour of the movie. As someone who enjoyed Juno, this film surprised me with the way it portrayed the line between what is visible and invisible. Also, as someone who is aware of the profound effect that this decision has on the lives of the people in my small circle, it contains a unique message that is rarely captured at Hollywood film festivals. It is surprising that this made it through. Worthy of watching, especially if you have had an experience with the subject of accidental pregnancy. Full disclosure: One of my housemates liked this movie and the other felt turned off by the last 15 minutes of the film. So, two out of three people in our house liked it!
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Don't read if you don't want a spoiler alert Warning: Spoilers
First of all this was a awesome movie. I work at a Pregnancy Center for the last two years....but most importantly I'm a restored post-abortive women. I would like to address the person who wrote the review that said "this shows post-abortive women as evil." I would have to totally disagree. It show that one decision out of fear and desperation, shame and guilt can last for a very long time. I suffer with PTSD for over 30 years because of the horrible choice I made. I was depressed and very angry for no reason. (at least that is what I thought) I never related it to my abortion. Until God restored me through a healing post-abortive Bible Study. This movie address the lies that women are "it is just a bunch of tissue. It is not a baby yet" and it will be over real fast and you never will have to think about it again. HOG WASH!!!!! You always think about your baby that you killed. We need to empower women to know that there are better adoption. Thankfully there is healing and once you understand that God works all things out for good that are called according to His purpose. Now, I know that even through my baby never got to live outside of my womb....he had a purpose and still does. I have been able to speak to women like the actress did to Tori. Many babies have been able to be born. I give all glory to God. His grace and mercy can use the most ugliest thing and turn it for good. Every baby that is saved my unborn baby had a part in this. I'm now a certified leader for a post-abortive Bible Study. I have been able to comfort other post-abortive women the way God has comfort me. He does forgive and will make good out of something the devil meant for harm. This movie will be shown at the last session in the study that I lead. Most people who are "good" church going people don't have any idea that 1 out 3 women IN the church have had an abortion and is suffering in silence trying to keep this secret and bring it to the grave with them. This silence has to stop. Women need to know that having an abortion isn't like going to the dentist. It is a decision that will be with you forever. If the church would stop pretending like they are perfect people and become transparent. Then hurting people can seek out help to be able to receive healing. The truth does set you free. God has blessed me with 4 children and I can say that I never regretted having them but I have and will always regret having an abortion. I know if there was just one person like Linda in the movie when I was a fearful desperate teen. I would of not aborted my baby. (Yes, baby not a bunch of cells)
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Propaganda? Everything is Propaganda.
k_ann_taylor16 November 2013
This movie had a great message and yes it could be considered propaganda. Propaganda is used as a tool (movie) to impact or persuade decisions. Everything we say can be interpreted as propaganda if we attempting to influence decisions. Any presidential campaign add is an influence to vote for a candidate. Every opinion is propaganda.

The overall story is about choices and the consequences that can follow these choices. Yes the movie is religious, but only those who do not believe in purpose or an afterlife will find it completely idiotic.

You don't have to believe in God to believe there must be a purpose for existence.

I highly recommend watching this movie. Be objective, maybe religion doesn't fit into your life. What a person cannot deny is that people typically fulfill some purpose in life even if there is no after life.
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The search for WHY Iwas put up for adoption
lippy-89 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This movie touched me t the core for a very simple reason

I WAS THERE THIS IS MY STORY However mine had a happier ending Basically the premise is that a young boy of 20 goes out to find out why his mom rejected him He feels invisible and no one really sees him His whole life has been in the shadows Now he's determined to put a close to this saga once and for all So he catches a plane to where he suspects he might just find his mother He can then find out the facts of his rejection On the way he meets various people who assist him He does find out why he was rejected but with the help of a cleaning lady Tess (Della Reese from Touched by an Angel fame) she guides him to his final destiny The final outcome is not what he expected but the results are positive I said this is my story In a way it is twice over I was adopted I too searched for my birth parents very similar to the way the boy did I found my birth family at the age of 38 I only discovered I was adopted at the age of 33 in 1986 Even though I never knew at that time I felt the death of my mother in 1975 My birth mother and family had been looking forward me for over 20 years so when I was FOUND they were happy to be reunited with me Alas even though I found the whereabouts of my birth father he has never wish to communicate with me It hurts very similar t the boy in the movie When I discovered my adoption I also ran the Gamut of emotions of Where why who what when It was not easy I was one of the lucky ones I was not aborted and went to a family to loved me 200% as their own We nearly aborted our last child because of the fear of her been retarded or deformed because of medication that was prescribed before we discovered my wife was pregnant My wife begged the doctor to abort the baby but he refused Had he listened to her the world would have lost out a girl who is changing the world She has made a MAJOR DIFFERENCE to many people around her The topic of the movie deals with Abortion Adoption and forgiveness During my search for my family I went through exactly the same motions and emotions as the boy did The pain of abortion is very great and those people I know who have terminated their pregnancies have had to live with the thought of what they had done and regretted it emensely Most have wished they could have turned the clock back and not aborted I was lucky I wasn't and was adopted by a very loving family who brought me up to love and care fr others SEE THE SHOW it has a very POWERFUL MESSAGE EMESHED IN IT

I am not going to go into the full movie just to say several things It is slow moving It does have a religious overtone to it It is a Touched by an Angel genre but it isn't (Monica was missing but even without her it has the same feel as all the Touched by an Angel episodes It is an excellent movie touching to the core your emotions It is very similar to the Sixth Sense in outcome Don't let the slowness of the movie put you off It's well worth watching right through to the end credits to see the final outcome
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Very Subtle Storyline
martin-83740-5042317 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
A very tender look at the consequences of a decision made by a young unmarried pregnant woman. SPOILER The story moves along very slowly (but still kept me interested) seemingly about a young man, who was given up for adoption as a baby, trying to find his birth mother. At the same time it is seemingly a story of a very troubled 40 yo woman, who as a teenager gave up her child for adoption, longing to find her son.

A parallel story is a teenager in the present who is pregnant and struggling with the impact that reality is having, and will have, on her life. The intersection is the 40 yo is a social services agent assigned to the teenager.

There are subtle clues throughout the movie that things are not what they seem. There are instances where the young man seems to be invisible to nearly all but a few persons. He is befriended and counseled by the motel's maid, who seems to never have any time off. At one point the young man discovers a secret room where the "maid" (really an angel) has pictures of his life (as well as hundreds of others) as it might have been, or as how God originally intended it.

Eventually it is revealed that he was aborted, and those people who can see and interact with him were as well. It seems the motel itself is a place where these unfulfilled souls come to find answers.

In the end he is able to offer his mother (who cannot see him but somehow is aware of his presence) forgiveness, so she can forgive herself.

In my humble opinion the film is well done and more to the point, theologically sound. God is sovereign, but gives us free choices. And He gives us information to make moral decisions, including the the Scriptures and counsel of others. The film is very subtle, though, as I don't think the Bible was overtly mentioned.
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Thought Provoking, Annoying, and Purposeful
mineralessentials6 May 2024
So I just watched the movie without a clue of the plot. I considered turning the channel several times, simply because the music was a bit depressing and at times annoying; the camera person was so wobbly in a few scenes, it was like watching a home movie; and the obvious sales pitch that tends to plague christian scripts is always overkill. However, knowing Dean Cain chose to add his name to the credits was reason enough to press on. He's taken on other low-budget films and one thing they all seem to have in common is a message with purpose, which helps to endure the amateur issues in quest of the hidden nuggets woven inbetween. The overarching value I gleaned from the movie was the unique concept of viewing life from the perspective of the lives 'meant to be' yet unfulfilled through no choice of their own. It's a brilliant viewpoint I've never considered but fully appreciated as well as the power of its truth. It's unfortunate to see reviews that choose to discredit and toss the baby out with the bath water, and the touting 'propaganda', 'right wing', and narrow-minded offenses alike. Will we never be rid of the mean-spirited, bully mentality, and entitled opinions at anyones' expense? We all have a right to speak our view in a respectful manner, and the subject of this movie indeed inflames passionate responses. I think the writers of the movie, 'Meant To Be', made a valiant attempt to represent a sensitive issue on every front with a slant toward presenting a solution for 'two' lives, not just one. It was their dime and free to me, so the least I can offer in return is to consider the effort fairly.
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This movie threw me for a loop
bryantmadeline5 April 2023
My kids and I play a game on Purflo s because many of the movies are well low budget and gard to watch; the game is called random movie we must watch 30 Min of at least. We watched about 40 Mims and thought we knew the whole story and how it was going to end. Nope we was wrong.. The movie was a slow burner but I will say we'll worth the watch. While not completely Biblically correct it definitely got the message across and wasn't as preachy as some I've seen. Definitely worth the watch. There are some few we'll know actors and actresses in the movie. Thats what caught my eye.

Ok , now the movie had sound issues pr something because at one moment someone's limes sounded even then another you could tell they had to voice them over. Everyone but the two younger girls was well acted. I didn't feel the younger had enough range to portray what she was supposed to be going through. Also, alot of the story not involving the main male character was had holes. Like where's the dad and how did the girls life turn out and etc.. After everything they talked about and showed they still didn't show what happened.
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