Soldiers of the Damned (2015) Poster

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Damned if I know....
s327616917 September 2015
If someone were to ask me what Soldiers of the Damned is about all I could think to say is "damned if I know".

Lets start off by saying the acting is good, the sets are good, the general premise of this film is good. Where this B grade film falls down very badly is in the storyline department.

I had assumed as the film progressed the threads would be drawn together and we would gain some insight into the inexplicable events that take place. This however, is not the case. The result for the unfortunate viewer is one of those "what the...." moments. As in, what the hell did I just waste my time watching?

This is an incoherent, borderline silly film. Its watchable but the lack anything like a finale/conclusion is a substantial shortcoming. Four out of ten from me.
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Starts well but it's all downhill from there
grantss15 May 2020
1944, Romania. A group of German soldiers is tasked with taking a scientist into a forest that is believed to be haunted.

This movie started well, as a decent war movie. Good action scenes, with a decent degree of accuracy and grittiness. However, over time the movie degenerates from a war movie into a horror movie and becomes at best mediocre. Quite silly towards the end.

A pity. If they had left it as a conventional war movie it could have been pretty good.
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I gave up
murada19676 November 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I tried so hard to watch this film as love anything WWII themed but gave up three quarters of the way through. I think there is a glimmer of a good film trying to get out. It let down on the whole by an incoherent story and terrible acting by all concerned. I am no military expert but all the equipment looked accurate and the effects OK (the CGI planes were rubbish) and the battle scenes (they aren't many) quite well done. I love horror films too there have been one or two great movies with WWII and horror combined. However let down by confusing story and but most of all rubbish acting. The story as it is: a group of German soldiers (including some good Germans and some bad Nazis - mostly with English accents) agree to accompany a Professor looking for something (never found out what) in what appears to be a haunted Romanian wood. What ensues is a lot of good v bad German stuff, some ghostly children, people turning to ash and other weird stuff. Most spooky of all was the acting.
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geraldsenear14 April 2017
This movie is Horrendous. One could not write a spoiler for it because there is no substance to write about in the first place. Script is terrible, Acting is terrible and plot is terrible. What more is there to say. Nothing. I would suggest avoiding this movie like the plague. I am only adding this text after the word nothing because the review was too short.
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Made me want to punch someone in the face
JakubBednar18 September 2015
I got suckered into watching this movie because I'm a huge fan of history, the DVD cover looked really cool and it had a promising name for a title. I was hoping it would be something like the movie "Dead Snow 2: Red vs. Dead" which is unquestionably a masterpiece compared to this.

There are so many flaws in Soldiers of the Damned that thinking about the specifics hurts my brain.

By the end of the movie for the first time ever I just froze staring at the entire credits daydreaming wondering how the hell someone could make such garbage. While staring blankly at the credits I noticed there were 3 assistant directors, this is probably where the movie really failed. I can't possibly imagine why there would need to be a total of 4 directors when basically the entire movie was about 5 people in the forest.

There were only 2 decent actors in the entire movie and I REALLY felt sorry for them.

I don't know how a few members of IMDb reviewed this movie with a 9 or above praising everything about it. All I can say is they were probably on drugs when they watched it or had something to do with the movie.

I would rather go to work for an entire week without pay than watch this again.
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Don't ask me
jhr20124 December 2020
I have no idea what this movie is all about. It's watchable, but you will be frustrated by it and disappointed as to how it ends. It had potential but fell well short.
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Soldiers of the Disappointly Dreary, Dodgy and Dull
maverick-849241 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Forget the complaints about British accents on German soldiers, forget the complaints about Indian tomahawks being wielded by a German with alleged native American blood (untermensch anyone?), forget the fact this is low budget.

The movie is a dreary, disjointed load of garbage simply put. The acting is wooden and cliched and, whilst the actors are dressed appropriately for their roles, their actual way of wearing said uniforms or behaving around weapons is amateur at best. One gets the feeling that their 'military & technical advisor' was a pre-teen who had played CoD WW2 on campaign mode.

Add to this, a high school drama club production team and cast and you have the perfect recipe for utter tripe.

This hasn't got a cute twist, a solid performance by any cast member, an interesting storyline or anything else to hold the viewer's attention. Those suggesting there are little nuances to explain the plotline must either be working for the production studio or have a plentiful supply of hallucinogenic drugs.

This is 'old school horror / sci fi'. The is immature, hackneyed dross.
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So bad, I could not stop watching.
dougmasonpage31 January 2021
I was in so much awe of how a movie could be so incoherent and lack any entertainment that I was compelled to see it through. - Mason
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A background in old sci-fi and paying close attention help
spoken19 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this on Amazon Prime and I appear to be the 12th reviewer, so I'll offer some viewing tips.

In short, when one group enters a haunted forest to reclaim a supernatural relic for Hitler's occult researchers and goes missing another group is sent in. We learn why they want the relic and some nasty stuff about the SS, too.

First of all, the movie's story-line is fine if you've ever read old science fiction: people can appear to be killed in one place/time yet become part of another place/time with knowledge of the first. But you won't always see that played out as soldiers have to make split-second decisions to shoot now then talk later (but maybe no one's left to hear, or you have a reason to hide what you know).

Ignore the anachronisms. You're not going to find an adviser for historical accuracy on a small budget, so why worry? Spoiler: The soldier with the tomahawk has some Native American blood, so he has the weapons and expertise to use blades as killing tools. It is explained, but other reviewers apparently missed that conversation.

Most importantly, you absolutely must pay attention to the little clues along the way or you'll miss something hugely important.

Now that the boards are gone and no questions are being answered in the FAQ I'm hoping more reviewers will chime in with spoilers and tidbits of helpful info. Remember to tick the box if you don't want to see spoiler reviews.
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Basically reenactment
borgolarici31 March 2022
Watching this movie is like being forced to watch the amateur project your friends who are into reenactment made during a weekend in the wild: you're mildly curious but mostly very bored and slightly suspicious of the guy who plays the SS, why is his character going for the madman route?
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What is your problem people!!
berg-745326 August 2019
Never been so surprised to find this many idiots rating a movie. I'm not going to read the nonsense. But without looking I have a couple ideas. Glorifying war, that many of the Nazi's were noble hero's that knew what the atrocities that people were doing under the banner of Germany. The core of the story has been told many times some better and a few that were worse. The acting was excellent and the SS major was superb and the tension between regular army and the SS soldiers was believable. Who would live and who would die was not easy to predict and even who was truly evil was equally hard to guess. Your told the reason for the mission but as they go to complete the mission things happen that are a mystery to the soldiers as well as the audience. I'm kidding about reasons why people didn't like it but if you don't like horror or war movies pick something else.
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Low-budget film but enjoyable
titanfall-9477414 August 2018
On the surface, the movie seems like a youtube quality fan film made by a group of friends with a good idea. The effect is hilariously bad and ruin the tense atmosphere that the movie desperately tried to build. The pacing is either too slow at the beginning or too fast toward the end once the mystery is unraveled. The story leaves much to be desired since there are plot point that are out of place or completely useless (i.e. the romantic scene). There is an excess of character that are so lack in distinguishing features and personality which made it hard to remember who is who and who mattered. But among the horribly written cast of characters, a few stood out, and that was the reason why I watched the movie for its entirety.

Praises must be given to the actors since they really delivered a strong performance however stereotypical. For example, the stereotypical image of a Nazi commander is of a proud and cold monster in a man skin, with distinctive gestures, head movements, and a almost believable german accent (which is one thing I can appreciate since the everyone have a british accent).

Would I recommend the movie? Absolutely not. However, there is a good chance that if one stumbled across this movie, they might be able to enjoy it at their own leisure.
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Another Nazi horror indie
Leofwine_draca9 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Another British horror indie, shot in the woods like so many and cashing in on the Nazi sub-genre which has produced the occasional hit like OVERLORD and OUTPOST. This time around a bunch of non-actors play a German squad transporting a female scientist to a secret woodland research institute, only to find themselves menaced by both Russians and supernatural forces when they get there. It's far from the worst indie I've ever seen, with lashings of gore and earnest performances from the non-actors, but it's not good enough to be considered a good film, either.
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I want my 99p back
ppmmanagement22 April 2017
I rented this movie from Sky and to be honest if there has ever been a bigger waste of 99p I can't think of it. Paper thin plot, dreadful stilted acting and a script that would disgrace a masturbating teenager. Pathetic special effects, laughable editing, a different colour every shot. Worst of all the direction. I do not know when I have seen worse direction in a film. I know this is low budget stuff, but surely there must be better projects for people to throw their money at? I just read that it won an award in Marbella. Perhaps they felt some sympathy for it. I didn't. It was a waste of 99p and 99 minutes of my life, neither of which I will get back. I can't believe the director will get another script. Perhaps he will, I shall certainly look out for his name and that of the writer- specifically so that I can keep their next straight-to-bargain-TV release at several arms' lengths.
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Big Load of Cr@p
rmackrory27 June 2020
Hammy acting, weak story line, clashing accents.

Wish I could unsee it.
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jurasikpaul16 January 2022
The violent shoving of the full unit of "nice" nazi who hate SS is just an horrendous joke that really brushed me the wrong way, and they insist so much on it that it just quickly become ridiculous. It's as if they couldn't assume to have nazi as "heroes" so they made them "nice" nazi so people don't feel guilty rooting for them.

And of course as always you have soldiers unable to keep their cool even while just walking in the wood and follow orders like, well, soldiers... That always annoy me to no end because it's just ridiculous.

Add the bad writing and bad acting and you have a perfect storm for a really bad movie, nothing to do with budget, it's just bad, with more budget it would just have been a bad movie with more special effects.
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Dad's Army or Dad's Wehrmacht?
teamtraining-6415020 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Reminds me of the old Hammer Films, everyone has a British accent. The way they wear their caps, it's Dads Army. The sniper's stutter goes away after the blow to his head. A Thompson Submachine gun? Really? I won't even touch on the Wehrmacht Major's Aryan blonde hair. So blonde, he's The Boy with Green Hair...another classic sci-fi movie. The best character is the Wehrmacht Lieutenant, not over the top in his acting.
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all in all, not a total waste of time.
homerchrist15 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
First of all, this "based on actual events" gets thrown around a lot these days. Yes its true, WWII did happen. That's probably as far as I would accept the "true events" aspect is.

It's a war movie with a supernatural theme running through it. The acting is not bad and it takes us back to the WWII movies of the 60's and 70's where the nazi's were always played by Brits. There is one ss Lt that has a German accent for some unknown reason, as everyone else in nazi gray has a British accents. It has some hard to follow parts, the spontaneous combustion and resurrection in some kind of time warp for example. Thats just one of the many flaws that you will come across in this movie.

If you're looking for Oscar (tm) caliber performances or writing, look elsewhere. If you want a movie that doesn't take much thought and is a decent time killer, give this one a try. Don't expect much in the way of horror though. Its fun for what it is, a "B" movie that knows its a "B" movie.
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Hit and miss but I kind of liked it
Yesssssssssss28 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The reviews of this film are either 'this is an amazing horror film!' or 'this is total trash!' so I'll try and be a bit balanced... This is clearly an independent low budget horror film so it doesn't make sense to approach it the same as you would approach a slick Hollywood production or whatever, so it's necessary to keep the constraints of low budget production in consideration.

There are some nice set pieces in the film and it opens well with a fairly gripping wartime assault. There is some nice set dressing and generally it looks like a lot of effort went into these sequences, and I think this pays off.

The film later becomes a typical horror film of people running around in the woods getting killed off, which is a pretty safe go-to for low budget horror films, but with these other sequences preceding it, and also a visit to a castle headquarters, it helps to give the film a sense of a bigger scope, so I think that was smartly done.

Yes, the film does suffer from being a bit all over the place. The look of it could have maybe done with some more work to make it look visually interesting. Sometimes the colours just seemed off, and I guess that there were some stylistic attempts going on in post production. Sometimes the blues seemed really strong, like characters' costumes would have a really strong blue hue to them, or characters' eyes would be really blue. This wasn't terrible, just odd. But yes, a lot of the time, the colours seemed all over the place.

The same was true of the acting - it was very hit and miss. Some actors were a bit weak, some pretty decent, and some were a bit of both. I think this is very much a low budget film characteristic. It was maybe a bold decision to have all the German characters speaking in English, especially jarring when, for example, the Russian soldiers would be speaking in Russian or a Russian accent. Seeing German soldiers talking in English, some with regional accents, had me going 'huh?' at first.

The use of CG was really hit and miss too... It maybe would have benefited the film to use it more sparingly and more subtly. For example, the CG plane near the beginning of the film was nice and subtle rather than trying to be something of a visual spectacle (which you can only really pull off if you're a massive production house), but I think the filmmakers got a little carried away with the CG blood effects. A character was shot in the head yet the blood didn't seem to spray out (on the ground) until they'd fallen down dead. A little moment where 'blood' splatters on the camera lens was also really unnecessary - especially as the film didn't go for that 'documentary' handheld style. At another point, a tank seems to very randomly fall out of the sky on a character... I really wasn't sure what was going on with that. It was just really... random. What had more impact for me were the ghostly children that appear later on... a simple use of costume / make up but lots more effective.

I thought there were some nice ideas in this film, and with better execution it could have had greater impact. People have talked about the direction, and I kind of agree that it could have had more presence. Some shots were just not quite working... A soldier approaching the main character near the beginning with a note for him to go see his superior, for example. The main character is mostly lost behind the shoulder of this other officer, and he's also casually crouching on his leg and it makes him look even more lost in the frame.

Sometimes things would be going on in frame that gave the impression that the tripod was just plonked and the cameraman pressed record - for example, a wide shot after a bunch of people have been maimed / killed where one of the characters is getting to his feet and then stumbling over to a tree just looked a bit ropey.

But overall, as a fan of indie films, I liked this one.
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A Little Bit of Potential, Mostly Wasted
gollor4219 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The acting overall was quite well done. The SS were too far on the kitshy bad-guy end, but they clearly showed the conflict between the regular German army and the Snatzi. Which since they told you about the conflict during the unnecessary info, they kind of had to show that.

Not much horror, a little bit of gore, and a script with too many interesting characters and not enough plot. The time spent developing the characters, just to confusingly murder them half way thru the film would have been better spent on more plot development. Where the hell are they? Who are these supposedly pre-Aryan ancestors haunting the forest? Why are they there? What the heck was the artifact the Snatzi's wanted?

Too many unanswered questions, which didn't make the movie mysterious or crytpic - just confusing. You have to answer some of the questions if you want the audience to follow the story to the end. Especially if you're going to try and make the end subtle.

Wondering why the Major just ends himself via suicide by Soviet soldier? Me to. Probably to make sure no one found out where he buried the unexplained, unseen "mysterious" artifact of the unknown, unglimpsed "mysterious" pre-Aryan ghost thingies.

He probably should have dug a deeper hole and retired to the Black Forest.
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Killer Flik!
markmillicent23 September 2015
Sat down last night with a few beers to watch 'Soldiers of the Damned' and I have to say that I was mightily impressed. Although the actors are not well known, they give a hell of a performance way above their pay grades.

This film is not about Nazi Zombies, it is an intelligent film that requires your attention to follow the clever and ever twisting plot line. If you want 'Nazi zombies,' then go look elsewhere, this is completely different, a horror thriller that happens to be set in WW2 in one of the most haunted places on earth.

I'm not going to give any plot line away, but there are some great scenes in here and plenty of action for a low budget movie and it did keep me riveted until the very end. Cleverly written, well directed and great camera-work have all pulled together to deliver an enjoyable movie that leaves you mulling it over long after the credits have rolled.
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Great idea, haphazard in execution.
RatedVforVinny10 December 2019
Whilst watching this very odd horror movie (taking place on the Eastern Front), I was already pondering the rating. At one stage it was 8 and another stage it went down to a lowly 2 (out of !0). For once i can understand both a terrible response and loving it, reaction. There are so many positives but an equal amount of negatives to. For a start they should have swapped the English actors for authentic German ones and two thirds of the selected, should seriously go back to acting school (In parts it was pretty dire). On the plus side the story (of searching for a supernatural, super race) was involving and interesting (kind of believable to) and there was some exciting, violent battle action. For once I'm baffled on how to rate it, which I guess is a good sign. On a whim just settled on a 6.
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nogodnomasters13 May 2018
Warning: Spoilers
A group of German relic hunters enter a haunted forest in Romanian on a top secret mission even as the Russians are advancing. The nature of the mission is revealed 38 minutes into the film, which was a bit silly, but I just went with it. The events that unfold are discussed as theology by the German soldiers. In this film the German soldiers have various English and Irish accents except for one German which spoke English with a German accent. Okay, its low budget, I understand, but what was with the one Russian speaking Russian?

Now in order to appreciate the film you must realize that the main plot runs in full color while the other-life elements run in washed color. The regular Germans are "good guys" while the SS and Russian regulars are bad guys. The main downfall of the film was the deliberate confusing editing.

Guide: F-bomb. Rape. No nudity
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Soldiers of the Absurd
dcarsonhagy24 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I read other reviews on here before I decided to write mine. It was a mind-boggling experience that's for sure!

This story (supposedly inspired by TRUE events) takes its viewers on a journey of desperation... I would say it is loosely based on the fact that Adolph Hitler and some of his minions were obsessed with the supernatural, always looking for that magic something to give them an edge in WWII. In this movie, a Major and his troupe are given orders to escort a doctor to certain coordinates in the middle of a rumored "haunted" forest. I will stop here.

So much was wrong about this film: Nazi soldiers who ALL spoke with British accents. A script that made little to no sense. One Nazi soldier who carries a Native American Tomahawk. Soldiers who are always in their "silly running about, advancing behavior", yet they never go more than a foot. Night scenes that have visible daylight in the background. I believe those involved with this disaster knew how bad it was and felt compelled to throw in some violence just to hold the viewers attention.

The only thing this movie had going for it was Gil Darnell. Boy, is he ever easy on the eyes. Too bad he cannot act his way out of a paper bag! Rated R for violence and language. No go for me on this one.
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Do not waste your time
gobluewolverines4 February 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I went out of my way to look up this movie after I watched it to try to figure out what the hell I just watched. After looking it up I was still so shocked the people that made it thought "people are going to love this!" that I had to then create an account for this website and spread the word that I would rather stick a bee hive on my head than to watch that again. The people that gave this a good review... what? How? Did we watch the same thing? The entire movie made no sense at all. Nothing was ever explained to the audience. Random ghost things, seeming like people died twice, people just vanishing into ashes, random scars and seeming like people were possessed? Just made absolutely no sense from start to finish. I've never seen a worst movie and this is my first and will be my last movie review. It was that bad I took the time to take a dump on it just to save someone the 99 minutes of their lives. You're welcome
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