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Retaining the gritty, no-holds-barred spirit of the original, this in-name only sequel is a compelling crime thriller with some worthily exhilarating action of its own
moviexclusive26 June 2015
It has taken slightly more than a decade for someone to pull off an 'SPL' sequel, but not for a lack of trying. Hey, it isn't quite so straightforward to make a sequel to a movie which had the balls to kill off each one of its three main characters played by Donnie Yen, Hung and Yam, and this long-awaited sequel is even more gratifying because it is in many ways as good as, if not better, than the original.

Rather than be tied down by the events of the first movie, incoming writers Jill Leung Lai-yin and Wong Ying have gone for a completely new narrative that honours the themes in the original. Yes, for the uninitiated, 'SPL' stands for the names of the three stars in Chinese astrology that signify destruction, conflict and greed, and just as these elements drove the characters in the first movie to their fateful end, so too do they propel the destinies of the main characters here – Kit (Wu Jing), a drug-addicted Hong Kong undercover cop in an organ trafficking syndicate who finds himself in a Thai prison after his cover is blown; Wah (Yam), his uncle and handler also assigned to the same case; and Chai (Tony Jaa), a guard at the prison Kit is locked up in whose daughter Sa is suffering from leukaemia and needs a bone marrow transplant soon.

As it turns out, the potential donor which the hospital has identified for Chai's daughter happens to be Kit, though both will remain unaware of that stroke of fate until much later. It is a somewhat implausible coincidence no doubt, one that we would readily scoff at in any other movie, but which you'll have to accept as being central to 'SPL 2's' very premise. The other intertwining thread of events has to do with Hung (Louis Koo), the ailing leader of the aforementioned syndicate which he runs with the corrupt prison warden Ko (Max Zhang) at the penitentiary Kit has been sent into. Hung himself is in need of a life-saving heart transplant, although because of his rare Bombay blood type, his only hope lies in his younger brother Bill (Jun Hung), whom he resorts to kidnapping when the latter refuses to donate his very organ.

Whereas the emphasis was very much on Yen's action and action choreography previously, this sequel pays a lot more attention to both character and storytelling. Indeed, each one of the many characters is distinctly defined by their proclivity to preserve their own life and/or that of a loved one, while being forced to confront how far they are willing to go to compromise their own sense of morality, justice or duty. In particular, Jaa gets his meatiest role yet playing a father who is forced to choose between a human cure for his daughter's blood ailment in exchange for his silence on the illegal skin trade happening right under his watch, and the actor gives probably his most nuanced performance to date. Also noteworthy is Koo's villainous turn, whose character justifying his selfish deed by the countless other lives he has saved before.

It is to Cheang's credit that the various narrative threads never get confusing, especially so at the start when he jumps back and forth to explain how Kit landed in prison. Though it may seem like a gimmick, the non-linear manner in which Cheang introduces us to his disparate characters eventually makes for a surprisingly compelling plot for a film of its genre, which often treats the latter as no more than filler in between the crowd-pleasing action sequences. Not that Cheang neglects the latter though – it is for its hard-hitting action that its predecessor was known for, and with action director Li Chung-Chi, this sequel honours that spirit with some truly exhilarating fights of its own.

Because Wu Jing, Zhang Jin and Tony Jaa are martial artists in their own right, there is no need for that sort of distracting camera-work that Hollywood action movies seem to be very fond of in recent years. Yes, Kenny Tse's cinematography is clean, simple and crisp, conveying the balletic moves of the stars who are front and centre in each and every one of the sequences. Li choreographs the poetic mayhem with flair, which consists of impressive set-pieces, such as a shootout at Hong Kong's new cruise terminal following a sting operation and no less than a full-scale prison riot filmed in one single unbroken tracking shot, as well as intimate mano-a-mano fights between the principal characters.

The best is saved for last, as Kit and Chai make their last stand against Ko and his henchmen in the penthouse of the Lotus Medical Centre in Thailand. The scenes towards the end where Kit and Chai tag-team to take down Ko are especially exhilarating, and most certainly match up to the sheer thrill of watching Donnie Yen and Wu Jing go at each other in a narrow alleyway in the first movie. Yes, those wondering if this sequel lives up to the action orgasm of its predecessor need not worry; the combination of Tony Jaa, Wu Jing and Zhang Jin makes for just a lethal concoction of bare-knuckle fights and bone-crunching violence.

But more than just a pastiche of well-staged action sequences stitched together, this sequel is a better film on the whole than the original thanks to an engaging story and some genuinely empathetic characters. Yes, the premise itself guarantees a certain degree of narrative contrivance, but Cheang's film preserves the no- holds-barred spirit of its predecessor while delivering a compelling crime/ morality thriller. It's as good a follow-up as fans will get, and well-worth the decade wait for one of the best action films you'll see this year.
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This One Has More Nuts and Bolts Than a Jet Plane and it Almost Worked
ctowyi6 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
One of fave armed combat scenes is Donnie Yen and Wu Jing going mano a mano in the alley in SPL (2005). So visceral, so blood-chillingly intense and raw. Can any of the fights in this by name only sequel even approach that level of intensity and ferocity? Yes, oh yes.

Frankly a direct sequel is probably impossible since Donnie Yen, Sammo Hung and Simon Yam's characters all died. What the writers did was to borrow the themes and spirit of the first and tell a different story. Like the first film, Sha Po Lang are Chinese astrology signs which symbolize destruction, conflict and greed.

The first half hour is audacious filmmaking because instead of linearity for maximum clarity, director Soi Cheang went for an extended flashback for all the major characters. Did it work? I have mixed feelings about it, but the moment all the narrative threads interlocked I felt the stars were aligned for WWIII.

In terms of plot, SPL 2 has more nuts and bolts than a jet plane. The story is balancing so many elements to the point it became Planet Coincidences. But sitting in the cinema I was willing to buy all the machinations and contrivances because I was enjoying all the character arcs, from the little girl to the bad guy played by Louis Koo. Plus, there is a strong element of Godpermeating throughout the story, playing with all the human chess pieces and sitting back to find out how it all plays out.

Even though Donnie Yen and Sammo Hung are not in this sequel, the rest of the cast carry the movie very well. This is definitely Wu Jing's career defining role and he not only delivers the action, he has the acting chops in some of the emotional scenes. Tony Jaa put on some superb acting heft too in his scenes with his daughter. This is the best non-Thai film that showcases his talent, way way better than what was asked of him in Furious 7. The bad guys are over the top and their fighting skills do the acting for them.

In terms of action we get some by the numbers beat-downs and three set-piece extravaganzas - a shootout in a ferry terminal, a Thai prison and a medical centre. The action is viscerally filmed and it is only spoiled by some slightly over-used wire-work. The prison fight scene in particular is done in one mouth-watering long take. Each of the set-pieces improves and they culminate to a no holds-barred eye-popping climax.

All is going well until an extended final epilogue that feels like a quick after-thought and a CGI wolf is also inserted to bring out the Lang in Sha Po Lang, but I would be lying if I said it spoiled the entire film for me. It has been a long time since I was willing to give a story so much leeway and prayed so hard that everything would coalesce in a meaningful manner. It sort of did.
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Forget Batman v Superman, we've got Tony Jaa v Wu Jing!
ebossert6 September 2015
Note: Check me out as the "Asian Movie Enthusiast" on YouTube, where I review tons of Asian movies.

SPL 2: A Time for Consequences (2015) (Chinese Action/Drama).

Tony Jaa has been on a streak of underwhelming movies lately. I have yet to see his collaborations with Dolph Lundgren, but I can say that "Ong Bak 3" and "Tom Yum Goong 2" were not up to his previously established levels of quality martial arts action. Thankfully, he's back in form here. Wu Jing's manager wasted his talents on middling films for the past half decade, but he's back on track as well. SPL 2 is here.

I'm sorry, but you can have your Batman v. Superman movie, because Tony Jaa v. Wu Jing is every contemporary martial arts lover's dream come true . . . and it friggin' delivers! A drug-addict (Jing) and prison security guard (Jaa) try to save themselves and/or loved ones while trapped within a black market organ theft organization. This film spends quite a bit of time developing the story and characters, and is mostly successful at doing so despite a few improbable coincidences. The performances are good all-around, and both leads give what is likely the best performances of their careers. But what about the action? Well, it's very impressive and plentiful enough to satisfy. The choreography is fast and precise, with only marginal use of wires. Watching Jing and Jaa fight within the same camera frame is both orgasmic and exciting.
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A sequel on par with the original.
lost-in-limbo22 August 2018
An unrelated sequel that sees Wu Jing and Simon Yam returning in new roles. Actually "SPL 2" had a strong cast with all round solid performances. For me Louis Koo stood out as he simply oozed of creepy menace as the mastermind of the major crime syndicate in urgent need of a heart transplant that only his unwilling brother could provide, causing the ripple effect to what was to implode.

To start off I was kind of lukewarm, but steadily the characters and story, which heavy on context and definition began to grow on me and eventually come on big. There's no trying to connect the dots, as each thing is laid out in front of you in a careful, deliberate manner involving undercover police operations, organ trafficking, kidnappings, corruption and a sick little girl in need of a bone marrow donor. This leads to everything coming around 360 degrees in a real twist of fate when all these pivotal elements collide beyond their control and the usage of the action felt more in line with the story.

The action choreography on the other hand won me over from the get-go. No camera tricky, and few quick edits in what was technically flawless in the picturesque framing of the high risk stunts, bone crunching martial arts, or hyperbolic shootouts and lethal blade work. Each exhilarating set-up seemed to up the ante, although for me it peaked at the midway point with the prison riot. But still the ballistic showndown finale between Tony Jaa, Wu Jing and Zhang Jin is nothing short than spectacular including the backdrop where it takes place. In spite of some clunky story-telling, it's riveting HK action cinema
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A beautiful gem but flawed upon closer inspection.
BeDeeJames12 August 2016
I was super excited to watch this film after seeing the action packed trailer. Flying knees, elbows and shoot outs seem like a no brainer for any action fan. After the initial opening you will come to realize it isn't just any run of the mill martial arts film and you get a sense that they try to inject story behind the punches being thrown. The film itself is outstanding to watch but you cannot dismiss some of the flaws in storytelling, plot and pacing.

The story follows two main characters and many sub characters. Chai works as a Thai prison guard trying to support his ailing child suffering from leukemia. Kit is an undercover cop from Hong Kong investigating a black market operation of organ theft. Their paths intertwine and eventually they uncover the importance of how they need each other's help to save Chai's daughter Sa. It seems simple but how this concept is presented is a bit confusing. During the intro they focus on Chai and then switch to Kit. As you get invested in Chai's emotional desperation to help his daughter you get pulled away and presented with Kit's story and his own battle against his inner demons. Then sub plots with sub characters get their time to shine afterwards and the story loses its focus before fully developing the main characters. To make matters worse the director uses flash back sequences and the locations of Thailand and Hong Kong randomly jumps making you confused of the language change and locale. It can also be argued that Chai's character is a bit selfish as he seems only to care about saving his daughter at the expense of others. Kit's character is generally just recovering from his drug binge so neither character has a strong hold on the viewer. As a martial arts movie I generally don't take story too highly into account since your here mainly for the action but since a huge chunk of the run time focuses on plot it cannot be ignored.

The action can be brutal and some crazy wire work is involved but most of the choreography is realistic. You won't see people flying across roofs and running up walls and all the main combatants bring their A game. The fights are beautifully shot and the ending battle is one of the best I've seen. Some things that pull you away and can be quite distracting is that characters will often suffer injuries where you believe that they will be critically disabled, but those said characters will be in the next scene without any problems. It pulls away from the immersion and doesn't make sense when you knew for sure that person had died or should've died.

Kill Zone 2 also suffers from pacing issues. Some areas of the story can be very slow since they are trying to flesh out the characters. You can probably tell they didn't do a superb job of it and so for the first half of the movie you get a little action and a lot of dialogue. Then the movie starts to pick up and for the ending they kind of said eff it and threw non-stop action with very little story.

Kill Zone 2 has everything a martial arts fan can ask for. Story, top action stars and beautifully shot battles make it for a thrilling viewing experience. You just can't help but feel that this could've been a true classic if some the story plots were ironed out and connected you better with the main stars. The pacing may turn off action junkies for the first half but as the pace picks up it won't let you go.
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It was worth it to see Tony Jaa do his thing!
subxerogravity24 May 2016
A little misleading with Tony Jaa on the poster. He plays a prison guard whose trying to get help for his sick child, but his character is not as forefront as you'd expect, but it's all good cause Jaa brings the heat.

Most of Jaa's movies are designed like video games, with Jaa fighting a few random henchmen and then fighting the master of the level (sometimes more like a fighting game where Jaa fights one kung fu master, after the other). In this movie he's more dramatic than action oriented, which is why he keeps the marshal arts real basic.

But basic turns out to be good. Not brushing off what a huge fan I am of Jaa, but there is a certain gimmick he's going for in films like Ong bak as he showcases all he's capable of, but there was something about Jaa just doing the basic kicks and punches that felt more electrifying.

Plus he got to show that he has slightly a little more acting skill than we think (although the love he shows for his daughter is no different than the love he showed for the elephants in the Protector)

As for the rest of the film, it was certainly a well done crime drama. It's a very complex story filmed well and with great action sequences that keep you interested. Good watch.
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A good cast and action, shame about the rest
Leofwine_draca8 August 2018
Warning: Spoilers
KILLZONE 2 - original title SHA PO LANG 2 - is a belated sequel to the Donnie Yen-starrer of the early 2000s, not that it has anything to do with that movie. As a film, it's a mixed bag, with a little too much influence from mainland China to be truly successful. The film is mired down with bad direction (from the guy who did NEW BLOOD, a similarly poorly-directed B-movie) and a rather convoluted storyline that mixes in a corrupt prison warden with a plot involving illegal organ harvesting and the like. Truth be told, none of this is very interesting, so it's a good job that a top cast helps to make the tired material work. Wu Jing is typically dynamic as the hero of the hour, but my money's on Tony Jaa as the main man here, and it's great to see him delivering hard-knuckle action once more. Further along in the cast list, veteran stars Simon Yam and Ken Lo elevate the work by their presence, Louis Koo gets an odd little incognito role, and Zhang Jin's big bad is spoilt by an excess of wirework. Still, the action scenes are generally dynamic and exciting, although there's not enough of them. Jaa battles Jing in a couple of fun fights, there's a big bus set-piece, some prison brawling, and then an extended bout at the climax. None of it is fantastic, but it passes the time well enough and lifts the spirits a little. A shame about that unresolved literal cliffhanger ending, though.
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A worthy sequel to SPL
minh_le26 August 2015
I came into this movie with high hopes having been a huge fan of similar movies such as SPL, Flashpoint, and many of tony Jaa's films.

I always felt HK action movies' plots were only there to connect the action scenes together. I've never been too impressed with any plot from an HK movie, and unfortunately SPL2 continues that trend. The plot relies on far too many coincidences to occur and often times, the characters motivations seem really questionable.

If you can ignore the flimsy plot, you'll be treated to some of the best martial arts action since the original SPL. There are 4 actors in this movie that can REALLY fight and their skills are well highlighted in several scenes. The choreograph and framing of the scenes was so well executed allowing the viewer to fully appreciate the skills of the fighters. There are a handful of memorable fight scenes in the movie but special mention has to be reserved for the final fight. It's quite a lengthy scene and is full of extremely satisfying action. I'd rate it on par with any scene in SPL1 / Flashpoint..

9 seems like a very high rating given the substandard plot but i've been itching for a good martial arts movies and even the latest Donnie Yen / tony Jaa offerings have left me slightly disappointed. SPL2 reminds me what i love so much about Martial Arts movies and I'm glad there is so much promising talent in Wu Jing, Andy On, and Zhang Jin to replace the likes of Donnie Yen / Jet Li / Jacky Chan.
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based on action movie formula..probably a must see for action fans..but..with dramatic moments thru-out...
bcheng9317 February 2016
...i'm not a big fan of any stars of this movie. was a pretty good movie... excellent one probably for fans of martial arts and action movies... ...has plenty of hand to hand combat and lots of gun-play too... ...had dramatic moments which were fairly touching..loved the little girl in this movie... ...the movie has Simon Yam in it...that's a bonus for any movie... ...excellent action in the first major set-piece in the hong kong boat terminal. of action movies will not be disappointed..guaranteed.. ...fairly good watch for just movie fans too....
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If the storyline wasn't so cluttered, the movie would have been more enjoyable...
paul_haakonsen13 February 2021
I must admit that I was somewhat excited to finally get to sit down to watch "Kill Zone 2" (aka "SPL 2: A Time For Consequences" or "Saat po long 2"). But it wasn't before 6 years after it was released that I actually got to do so.

And I will say that this 2015 movie from writers Lai-Yin Leung and Ying Wong definitely boasts a rather impressive cast ensemble, especially if you are familiar with Hong Kong and Thai cinema.

But I am getting ahead of myself here. The story was fairly good, though the movie was oddly paced. It felt like the movie was much longer than it actually turned out to be. So director Soi Cheang didn't really manage to bring the movie safely to port in a wholly satisfactory manner for me. Sure, the movie was watchable, but it just felt prolonged and somewhat losing its momentum entirely a couple of times along the way. And that reflected poorly on the movie's overall enjoyment factor. And I will say that the writers actually set out to accomplish a bit too much, because the storyline was a bit too complex and didn't always had a clear red thread throughout it.

Now, there is a good amount of action and martial arts in the movie, which in itself actually adds a good amount of enjoyment to the movie.

As I mentioned earlier, then "Kill Zone 2" definitely has a great ensemble of casted actors and actresses, with the likes of Tony Jaa, Simon Yam, Jing Wu, Jin Zhang, Ken Lo and Louis Koo. So if you are familiar with Hong Kong cinema, in particular, then you are in for a good ensemble of well-established actors here.

Ultimately, then I felt like "Kill Zone 2" failed to really deliver all that it was setting out to do. Sure, the movie is watchable, but it ultimately was killed off by the pacing of the movie and a way too cluttered storyline.

My rating of this 2015 movie settles on a very mediocre five out of ten stars.
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Oh.... my.... God
FeastMode17 February 2021
This movie is incredible. It's significantly better than the first (which I thought was awesome). There is much more action, done more creatively, shot amazingly. You can see everything, wide shots, and long takes. The action scenes are infinitely intense. You can't take your eyes off the screen.

But the thing that separates this movie is the story and characters. The story is phenomenal. It gave me The Departed vibes. I cared so much about the characters and their wellbeing. And the music was perfectly fitting.

This movie played with my emotions so many times. It knew exactly what it was doing. I knew exactly what it was doing. And I didn't mind. It did it so well. The emotional moments hit hard.

I would normally give it 8 stars and wait until the second viewing to confirm if it should be a 9, but I feel like some of the tension might be missing when I know the general outcome. As a first time viewing experience, I had a BLAST. I clapped in excitement numerous times (even though I watched it alone lol).

EDIT: On second viewing, it hit JUST AS HARD. I absolutely love this movie. Not only am I confirming 9 stars, I came close to bumping it to a 10, a rating I almost never give. I still might on third viewing.

(2 viewings, 2/16/2021, 7/9/2023)
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Another Kill Zone
kosmasp20 April 2016
The English title of the previous movie. Though it does seem that it is only a sequel associated by name. Tony Jaa joins the game and he and another character share the time and the fighting in this. And if you're looking for the action alone, you'll be entertained a lot. There's plenty of it in here.

Trademark Tony Jaa move(s), one is being used a couple of times, a friend of mine got annoyed by it. It's still nice to see, even more so with little twists added to it. Pedal to the medal sort of stunts. But there's also a decent story behind it all. It's not a big revelation and shouldn't really have surprising twists in it. But it does work as it should be ... it moves along nicely for the next action set piece to come along
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Had much more potential than it turned out to be...
destroyerwod23 August 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Alright, as most people i saw this movie and tough damn its Killzone 2, the first one was very good, and it got Tony Jaa, must be a kick ass movie right? Not to mention finally Tony do something else than traditional Thai "villager movies". Don't get me wrong, Ong Bak and Protector where awesome movie, but certainly not for the plot.

So at first i tough Jaa was the main character, turn out he is more like the side character, but still enough in the movie to justify the "starring" status. Jing Wu is really the main star tough. Still when you pick up a Tony Jaa movie you expect a lot of martial arts right? This movie is lacking a bit of it. There is a decent amount in the second half but at the same time the pacing is very off, at some point it goes a long moment without a fight scene and somehow the plot didn't really interested me that much personally. At least it try to not be too much too traditional either on the Chinese or thai side, but it just didn't made me care that much for the emotional side. I won't say too much to keep this a spoiler free review but lets just say it reminded me of what Pound of Flesh with JCVD was about.

The fights tough, where pretty good. One fight scene in particular in the middle of the movie was very well shot. There is a bit of wirefu used in general in the movie but not enough to distract too much in my own opinion.

In the end i would say the first hour of this movie felt mostly boring for me but the second one had some pretty cool stuff going on at time. This is why I'm gonna give it the average score. I had an OK time with it, nothing more. Certainly not a movie to remember. Worth a rental.
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Simply Superb
akhileshpsingh16 October 2015
A must watch because SPL2 is very good example of a powerful visual presentation. Though story seems to be predictable, it is beautifully layered & keeps you hooked until the end.

Movie is nicely written with good cinematography and amazing action sequences. In addition to excellent fight sequences, SPL2 has heart (literally as well as symbolically) which is quite rare these days. I had to go through the film twice just to watch the jail brake... couldn't believe that a fair chunk of jailbreak scene were single takes.

Don't want to add more as other reviewers have already summed it up. In short, this movie is simple yet gripping & certainly one of the best action movies of 2015. Highly recommended.
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Wushu opera is very good
yoggwork19 February 2019
Wushu opera is very good, but the three male stars with real Kungfu are different. However, the MTV level of literary drama, the basic plot has not been explained clearly, can only be described with tragedy.
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Too much melodrama slows down this "sequel"
kelvynchin29 May 2020
A sequel by name only to the hit Donnie Yen action film SPL, with Jing Wu, the knife assassin in the original, taking the lead role as an undercover cop who gets betrayed and thrown into a Thai slammer where he teams up with kickboxer Tony Jaa. The convoluted plot involves a human organ syndicate and all manner of contrivances, including that age old plot device of having a young daughter needing an organ transplant badly to gain audience sympathy .

Unfortunately, ramping up the melodramatic content doesn't have the desired "epic" effect, as the leads are mainly not dramatic actors. So we are all left waiting almost an hour before the first major setpiece (a free for all brawl in a prison) arrives. After that, it's a pretty long slog until "The final confrontations" including a two on one fight between Wu, Tony Jaa and the chief baddie , and a prelude fight with a new knife assassin; these action sequences are superbly executed and extremely satisfactory.

The movie runs at 2 hours and is a full 30 minutes longer than the original, and all that melodrama just bogs down the action. It is still a pretty good movie, but although the action beats are similar to the original, this sequel doesn't hold a candle to the original SPL, or "Flashpoint".
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For action films this is a good as it gets.
nikkd18 September 2015
I loved the story and at times it actually gets a little hard to follow since a lot is going on but eventually you will figure it out. After seeing this film TIFF midnight madness I raced home and I am currently trying to get a copy of SPL 1 Kill Zone. The fight scenes are incredible and if you are into that stuff you will go gaga for this film. It is strange some scenes are straight hand on hand combat, while others rely on knives and yet others focus on guns. But in the end the hand on hand fighting wins hands down. The jail house riot was well shot and the final fight scene had some incredible choreography. I really cant wait for SPL 3. The best part of the whole film is that after all the fighting, dying and blood shed it actually had a moral which is always nice. Do yourself a favor and see this movie. And if you can do so on the big screen even better.
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masonfisk5 July 2018
Kill Zone 2 is as generic as they come w/the typical 'heart on your sleeve' over sentimentality & hyper-realized fight sequences, this film goes nowhere fast. With the plot point of having dual sets of individuals needing transplants, the sheer mechanics of the story work overtime checking all the boxes that you wonder when the kitchen sink will make an appearance. Tony Jaa & Wu Jing do give their all w/the last fight which is ripe for the record books.
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Tony Ja's first real "A" movie.
lovesmykimmy26 August 2016
When I think back on Tony Jaa's movies I remember mostly "B"/"C+" movies with "A" or "A+" moments. This is his first "A" movie. A majority of his movies in the past were really bad plots that led to fights where he demonstrates his talent as a stuntman, and his fighting style, which is always really tight on his ability to cut distance and overpower his opponents using his short strikes from long distances with his ability to tough out and withstand beatings that should kill him. This fight has all that but unfortunately it seems like they traded his stunt work for CGI...go Hong Kong... they did give him a scene where he and Wu Jing get into an amazing tight out of character fight, almost like an Iko Uwais scene, just still very Jaa. There was also a lot of character development and identity in the choreography, which is nice to see. This adds to my thoughts 15 minutes in when I was thinking about the maturity in both Jaa and Wu Jing. There are no elephants or statues causing a city to get terrorized in this one, it's all about family.

I agree that there were too many coincidences in the plot to consider it great, but I still found it all interesting and well done, up until the last ten minutes. At that point you could almost see the writers cutting the ribbon. None of this is as important as the work from Jaa, Wu, and Zhang.

This is the first non period piece that I'm going to get my girlfriend to try to watch with me. A scene that I predicted at the beginning of the movie made me tear up, and I think that even though she's not as into the action as I am, she'll enjoy it.
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3 reasons not to watch the movie
amirhomsi16 October 2015
The movie has more plot twists than a twister. I can't believe what I saw. And everyone looks the same *no racist*. In the middle of the movie when all the main actors met in one room I thought it is going to end, but unfortunately it didn't and I wasted more time to see the end *no spoiler intended* Not mentioning the classic music in the back ground which simply doesn't fit with the scene!!! I'm writing this text to fill more lines so my review can be submitted. From here and on stop reading there nothing important to read. Just wordings. Sorry if there is any typo but I'm not a native speaker. My conclusion watch another movie
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Shockingly it's better than the previous one
KineticSeoul29 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is not a very well known gem of a film that is worth checking out. Especially if your into kung-fu action movies. Maybe it's because the previous movie before this sequel came out was like 10 years ago. Or it's because this film just wasn't marketed that well and not many people know about it, including some kung-fu movie watchers. It didn't even have any of the previous actors from the first one except one, and he plays a totally different character in this. So I just didn't have much expectations for this, I thought it was going to be a very mediocre at best straight to DVD movie. Surprisingly this is a balls to the wall, fast hitting and bone crunching action movie that flows along very well with a story that hits you in the gut. Especially for a kung-fu action movie, this one deserves more recognition. I wasn't a huge fan of the first "SPL" although it did have one of the coolest one on one fight sequence. This however takes it to another level. With the very well shot cinematography, hand to hand fighting with no shaky cam and yet with focused precision to shootouts. The camera zooms in and out at just the right parts as well. This one isn't a cop out or a cash in, it's a action movie with genuine effort and well thought out planning that went into it. It sort of reminded me of "The Raid 2" to a certain extent which is a phenomenal action film. I especially liked watching two well known martial artist in the film industry go head to head like contenders with a team up as well to progress the story. There are multiple scenes that is single long takes, that needed good editing, precise timing and impeccable movements to pull off. And it does it with flying colors. The scenes that comes to mind is the prison riot scene. It's one of the few films that is better than the trailer. This is a underrated action movie that I would highly recommend, mainly because not many people know about it. I like checking out underrated films that not many people know about in order to dig up some gems and this one is a gem when it comes to action movies. I am a viewer that enjoys movie soundtracks and the tracks not only fit the scenes but it made the whole experience more enthralling. This is Tony Jaa's best movie after "Ong-Bak" the first one.

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geothorp7 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This is not chinese tony has is from Thailand. There is different between chinese and thailander
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A modern martial arts classic!
skyrimmole10 July 2016
I'll keep it short because you shouldn't be reading this you should be watching SPL 2! Like the first it has a genuinely good plot; though this time the story is much more heartfelt and intricately woven. It manages to seamlessly blend the narrative in and around action sequences that will have you battered and bruised from merely watching them! The characters are well written and superbly realised by all actors involved. It was great to see some returning characters from the first film, though it's the new characters that really breath life into this incredible sequel. Tony Jaa really shows his range as an actor in this, becoming more than just an incredible fighter. Jing Wu, Louis Koo and Zhang Jin's performances are brilliant especially Jing Wu; the co-protagonist alongside Jaa. In short; this film can stand confidently beside Ip Man, The Man From Nowhere and The Raid films (the latter being a clear inspiration for some of the scenes in SLP 2) as a modern martial arts classic! Go watch it!
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Very good until the end
raolstead-0423321 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Tony Jaa and Louis Koo are a couple of my favorite martial arts stars so I am not knocking them at all.

I really enjoyed this movie until about the last 10 minutes. Those minutes absolutely killed it for me. Probably the most convoluted ending to a movie that I have ever witnessed. Switching between 3 different scenes every minute just about drove me insane. In one you have a huge battle going on which was fascinating to watch. In another you have a little girl being stalked by a wolf-like creature in which for the entire scene you see it snarling and advancing one step - then you go back to another scene (which I forget what it was about) for a minute, back to the fighting scene for a minute, back to the little girl and the wolf snarling and taking another step, and on and on.

I was an eyelash away from just shutting the whole thing down. How anyone can rate this 9 or 10 is absolutely beyond me.
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Delivering such robust choreography and intense human drama, SPL 2 is an irresistibly mortifying crime thriller
quincytheodore1 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Using mostly different plot and cast from the first movie SPL: Kill Zone, the sequel keeps the tradition of brooding crime drama alive. With the addition of Tony Jaa and several other imposing actors, this marks one of the darkest oriental cinemas for years. There will be no shortage of gruesome and bloody scenes as the characters trade bone crushing blows with incredibly rapid pace.

Story is a bit tricky as it is presented with many perspectives. Simon Yam and Jacky Wu are investigating a crime kingpin who in dire need of heart transplant. Fate has it that the only match is his brother. As the effort to capture him turns sour, the polices are thrown into Thailand prison where Tony Jaa as a guard is inexplicably involved in the conspiracy.

The plot might be relying too much on coincidences. It rehearses the medical issues a couple of times and also the undercover agent plot line is somewhat predictable. However, the actors are convincingly daunting or determined n their roles. While it may be a bit of stretch, the story conveys the gritty predicaments of these characters so well, audiences would find them relatable.

The bread-and-butter of Asian mafia flick is the exquisitely savage action sequences. In this regards, SPL 2 stands amongst the top, one of the better choreography aside from The Raid. There are plenty of extraordinary scenes involving mass fight scenes while the camera changes level continuously or all-out brawl between the main cast.

These instances are nothing short of spectacular. Hits are conveyed with such vigor, the impact will be translated beyond the screen. It's meticulously done with breakneck speed, shattering walls and bones alike. Furthermore, some of these scenes are captured in viscerally dangerous manner which undoubtedly requires commitment from production crews and especially the actors themselves.

Physically and psychologically brutal, SPL 2 is the epitome of dark gangster thriller. One that will keep audiences glued to the screen with fight and pleads to the very end.
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