Chasing the Devil (2014) Poster

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Poor Writing Ruined This Film
miller-2797620 February 2021
Without giving away the obvious ending, the acting is good; however, this film is riddled with ridiculous writing that shows the characters as completely inept making the stupidest decisions. It's too much to suspend disbelief. They don't really seem to have a goal in mind other than to find out what the antagonist is trying to do. They never stop to think of a way to defend themselves, so the entity just kicks their rear ends the entire time. They split up at times which is really stupid and gives the movie a Scooby Doo cartoon feel. Some unintentionally silly scenes toward the end just make it feel like a cartoon in general. This wasnt even a fresh idea at the time, but still could have been better executed.
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5 Stars for the last half
dannymitt17 June 2021
Otherwise, I would have given it a 4. If you can get through the dramatic, cliche acting of the first 45-60 minutes, the last 30 is fairly entertaining. Not great, but at least better than bad found footage films.

None of the twists were surprising. Plot was mediocre and only delved info surface level explainations.
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I want to be chasing a better movie
movieman_kev14 October 2014
Patrick takes a trio of TV paranormal investigators with him to observe a couple's daughter, who appears to be suffering from the same possession that Patrick's own sister had suffered from before her untimely suicide, in this low-budget horror flick that's firmly in the 'found footage' sub-genre.

I didn't particularly care for the 'found footage' sub-genre, as in my mind, most of the films can come across as cheap, lazy, badly acted & sloppy. This film suffers from it's faults yes, but it's still marginally better than other swill that populates this genre. Still not enough to rewatch it again anytime soon (or ever) though.
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Don't Believe The Fake Reviews
One_slice_of_pizza4 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Unfortunately, I did. This movie should have been straight to youtube, not even DVD. It's that bad. I'll give you a few examples and you decide.

First few minutes into the movie, the paranormal investigators enter the haunted house and soon blood starts dripping on the walls. Our characters look at it as if it is something people see on a daily basis. That moment I understood how bad this movie was going to be.

Most situations the characters encounter are not realistic at all, making the movie look like ridiculous rather than scary. The movie keeps giving you the message "If you watch this footage you will die" becomes very annoying because it is not subtle. The characters keep saying this to the camera for about three or four times assuming we all are a bunch of idiots.

Nobody in their right mind would go down to a pitch black basement alone, just five minutes after one of their friends gauge their own eyeballs right in front of them.

I could go on and on but you get the point. If you want to waste your time on a flick that feels like a high school acting project, then by all means go for it.
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Abject. Don't even bother pressing 'play'....
jackstupidjack21 May 2015
In a genre which has hashed out some bilge, Chasing the Devil manages to hit a true low. I don't know who has written some of the other reviews here but one suspects they are involved in the film or they watched a totally different film. The acting is beyond lame, it is shockingly pathetic, the dialogue is hideously contrived, the cinematography uninspiring and insipid. For a horror film, there isn't even a genuine scare let alone a moment of mild unease. I've done scarier farts. The premise is also silly. The only benefit of the film is that it shows what a load of clueless charlatans these so called 'paranormal investigators' are which sadly probably wasn't the intention of the film; however I now know to avoid any future garbage those responsible for this utter mess.

No more please...To the makers and 'actors' this is not your metier. Go dig holes instead....
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dumb as hell
phenomynouss2 September 2017
Warning: Spoilers
sometimes it had fun moments, only to frequently slip and fall on its dumb face with really bad decisions made in shooting or acting or execution. then it devolves into a minor league "The Thing" situation.

I would've rated it a 4 or 5 out of 10 if it were just a goofy little thing like this. then at the very end the main character gives a dumb monologue to the camera, addressed directly to Satan. then Satan gives a dumb rebuttal.

then, entirely out of nowhere, with absolutely no relation to the film or anything mentioned or implied in the film at all, it shows a picture of Charles Manson, then starts showing pictures of other known serial killers, panning out to show more. Then it starts repeating pictures once it's panned out far enough, maybe trying to cover for the fact that they couldn't think of enough serial killers and so had to keep repeating rows to make it look like a lot.

the movie seemed to be implying at the very last moment that all serial killers were possessed by the devil or else part of some mind-numbingly incoherent plan to start the apocalypse
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One of better found footages.
atinder12 March 2014
I only heard of this movie, seconds before I watched it, I had no idea what the plot of the movie was and I did not see the trailer.

The end result , I felt a little creep-ed out at the end of the movie, it's another one of those found footage movies.

I really enjoyed, it dose really make you want to jump or anything but he dose want to creep YOU! out, there also some bloody moments in this movie. which I also really enjoyed.

In some scenes, its actually tell you not to watch the rest of the movie, so the evil force in the movie, won't find YOU!. (Oh no, I just broke the rule of the movie).

The lead actor did seem a bit wooden at the start of the movie but he got better as the movie went one, it didn't he really bother me and rest of actor was decent and watch able.

I found the movie flowed really well, it dose not drag at all and I didn't find the movie boring at all.

7 out of 10 I thought this movie was really good, I had fun watching.
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Called every "twist"
Flooopdoodle27 April 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Predictable and silly, this badly acted found footage foray feels like it was thought up by people drinking beer on a back porch and then shot over a weekend. There's a vaguely organized demonology mythos that borrows from a raft of movies with a nod toward Christian theology that doesn't exactly follow church doctrine. It even has a 1950s matinee gimmick ending, which will leave you feeling SPOOKY! Or not. Mostly likely not.
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AndreasRoussis9 May 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Easily the best found footage movie i have seen. Despite the low budget, all was executed in a great manner.

Was awesome to see footage from all different angles, from the camera man to the video monitors and the portable go pro's.

The beginning was interesting and his last few words before the footage of all that has happened began really gained my attention and drew me in.

A fair few moments made your heart race, and the gore was fantastic to see. It had also made me feel eerie inside, very few movies can do this to me, so i applaud it.

It makes you think about all the malicious things some people have done and how all this could be the cause of something supernatural. After all he could actually be coming to get us.

Partner is rather scared!
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I never realized how boring the devil is
chloekristina11 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Chasing the Devil is yet another film in the "found footage" horror genre, but instead of being content with telling a simple ghost story, it tries to combine elements from several other successful films. There's bump-in-the-night spooky stuff caught on camera AND paranormal investigators AND possessed teenage girls AND the possessions are like a virus that can jump from person to person AND anybody who's ever watched the video has died horribly.

Sounds pretty exciting! Sounds like an action-packed adventure! Well, it's not. Incredibly, despite jamming all these ideas into one film, Chasing the Devil is an amazingly boring movie. The best hand-held cam/found footage movies are the ones that show us enough to be freaked out, but not so much that it looks like the low-budget production it actually is. Unfortunately, Chasing the Devil shows us too much of what little they had to work with. For example, there's a lot more blood in this movie than one usually sees in "paranormal investigation" type films, but this only serves to make the film ridiculous. One character gouges out his own eyes with his fingers and then instantly dies, blood spurting as though he also nicked his carotid artery while digging around in his sockets.

The characters are flat, completely forgettable and basically interchangeable. The only one who makes even a slight impact is the typical "chubby comic relief" guy, whose "jokes" are loud sarcastic comments about things we just saw and about how the hot girl will never have sex with him. Nothing in the film is genuinely scary at all, and there aren't even many cheap scares like sudden loud noises to make us pay attention. The effects are bad and simply lazy. We're supposed to believe that the DEVIL, not a simple demon or naughty spirit, but Satan HIMSELF is running the show - and the worst he can do is make people have deep voices, flicker the lights, and make the cameras go a bit fuzzy. He doesn't even throw any furniture around or make the possessed people twist into freaky positions! I refuse to believe that Mephistopheles is that unimaginative.

There are numerous problems within the film that make the premise extremely unbelievable, and it never lets us forget for even a second that we are watching a cheap horror film. The worst example of this is when characters broke the fourth wall, which happened several times.

Overall, a very dull movie. Not even much good as a guilty pleasure afternoon time-waster.
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Original found footage about possession
victoryismineblast12 March 2014
A young man hooks up with a team of paranormal investigators to find out what happened to his sister, who he believes was killed and did not in fact commit suicide. Clues lead him to the home of a young teen who seems to be succumbing to the same fate as his sister.

This one is riding on the wave of the recent trend of low budget found footage but is a refreshingly interesting entry about possession. The effects are very well done. Some of the acting is a little over the top at times but it is ultimately scary with a lot of freaky scenes, decent gore, and awesome kills. Recommended to fans of possession or found footage fans, it is very entertaining. 7.5/10.
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Blair Witch meets Paranormal Activity.
glennspillman19 February 2017
At first I didn't think I would really like it, but once I gave it a few minutes it grew on me. There were times when the acting was off, but not everything can be an Oscar winner right? The film actually had a really good story line, and it took you on a pretty good ride. But, I thought the DR. was a dick and not the way a theologian would act. But, looking back on that scene, it appears that he very well could have been possessed. I do have a problem with demon possession being like a virus, because it is in fact not. It is exactly that, a possession of a demon. I also don't agree that a demon can just jump from one body to the next at will. If a person is a person of faith, well, then by belief, that person has Jesus living within them, therefor a demon could in no way possess them. That person actually has a inner amulet. The film could have done a better job with explaining more about what the entity wanted. Yeah, end of days is fine and all, but so cliché and vague.
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She's the hot chick?
takato052414 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Not the vibe I was picking up. Anyways, here's another film about a group of kids privileged enough to not need to have real jobs and just chase ghosts for a living. This isn't the worst ff film I've seen, but it's up there. Unbelievable acting, dry and annoying characters, situations that could and would never happen. All you can do is ask yourself why.

Your friend gets a word burned into his skin and you don't take him to the hospital? And he's also walking around like he's fine 2 min later?

Your friend tries to gauge his eyes out and instead of grabbing his hands (you're barely 2 feet from him) you just yell no stop don't? And then don't call an ambulance afterwards?

The black guy agrees to go in the dark basement by himself after the death?!

Everything was just awful. And the cringiest thing ever said "she's like a sister. One I fantasize about a lot." Gross.
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Cookie cutter indie filmmaking
Leofwine_draca6 June 2017
Warning: Spoilers
CHASING THE DEVIL is another in an endless run of found footage horror movies made on zero budget which means you know from the outset it simply won't be very good. This one's yet again about a team of paranormal investigators sent to a haunted location to probe an inexplicable death. There are hints of PARANORMAL ACTIVITY throughout, amid a whole lot of conversation that doesn't really add up to much and makes the whole thing slow-moving and uninteresting. The cheesy horror elements are predictable and clichéd, although this isn't the worst of its type.
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A New Classic....Maybe
marshall714225 April 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Where to start on this little gem of a movie I found. Of all the "found footage" films being released now days it's nice to find a director and writer that gets it. The filming was done with a lot of hand-held and gopro's they wore on their chest which I thought was a welcome relief to see how the perspective was being shot. Some critics have complained about the sound track or lack thereof but for me it helped immerse me into the story. Another great plus for me is they didn't fall into the let's use lots of CGI we don't have the budget for. They also have a great script and didn't have to use the "Hey lets show T&A so the audience won't notice the plot holes". While you may not recognize the cast as "BIG" names in the genre but all have great resumes on TV and short films. The movie revolves around the 5 main characters played by Challen Cates , Cory Knauf , Tim Phillipps , Ary Katz ,and Chris Yule.

First some things I really enjoyed in the movie:

The nods to other movies/TV shows. (The Exorcist,Ghost Adventures)

The clues were revealed mystery/thriller way so you could actually decipher with the actors/movie.

We as the audience were not treated like mindless beings that had to be lead around.

Now for the bad: The only problem we had with the film is the actors seemed a little wooden at times in the first half of the movie. Which after you realize thats most likely how real people would react to those surrounding and facing the challenges of fighting the demon with people you just met.


As the film begins we learn from Patrick that his sisters death was ruled a suicide. Which he won't accept after giving us a little background on his sister (speaking Latin, pentagram cut into her arm) I would tend to agree with him. We also find out whoever he has showed his sisters video blog to has met with some catastrophic event. Patricks friend is a documentary filmmaker and introduces him to a team of paranormal investigators and agrees to film the investigation. The investigators include a psychic, a assistant investigator, and a tech man. They met at the site of his sisters death a halfway house after she had spent 3 years in a mental institution where she was committed after attacking the pope on a class trip. What comes next is a nice little twist on the evil demon film, it has the ability to jump from one person to another on a whim. Most of the meat of the film takes place at Patricks house but after realizing they may become targets of the demon cameras are mounted in everyones residence. The only other location we are treated to is that of a teenage girls house which is creepily reminiscent of the Exorcist and other movies. The entity then starts leaving clues and bodies in his wake. I'll skip all the in between deaths as we all know in found footage movies no one gets out alive.
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Had to keep watching
dgonzalez-4079725 August 2020
Honestly wasn't expecting much- but I enjoyed this movie a lot more than I expected too. I especially loved the character of Hailey- I wish it would've had more of a story about her because Elise is an excellent actress: I immediately recognized her from The show Salem.
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