Bing (TV Series 2014–2021) Poster


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Great Show
Lain66626 February 2020
Entertaining and relatable for children. They will surely enjoy this.
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Its not everyone's cup of tea.
nobody-4907130 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I will admit that watchingthis as an adult can be a tad frustrating. Some of the lessons I thought missed themark and there could have been a better solution for example:

In the episode where they make "Easy Peasy Pasta", why is Bing's toddler logic placated to when he refused to eat it "all mixed up"? Why after all that rigmaroll of making lunch is this being entertained without at least encouraging him to taste it?! Instead he is given a spoon to "unmix" his lunch before he's even tried it. The takeaway lesson was "people like food different ways" but was worded "you can have your lunch any way you like". Bad lesson. Imagine your previously well eating toddler watches that and starts getting fussy cuz Bing said it was ok.

The infamous "Swing" episode is the target of much parental rage and angst. There was a famous thread on mumsnet where Pando was called a not so nice word. The main beef with it was Padget enabled her charge to take the mickey, and at no point was Pando reined in and told this was not fair by either Flop or Padget. He was to count to 10 and swap with Bing to make it fair, but of course was pulling every trick to make his turn longer. Pando tends to be a bit of wind up merchant, and his carer Padget barely has a handle on him at the best of times. The episode cones to a climax when Bing, finally fed up with all of it, and neither adult doing anything to stop Pando, runs out in front of the swing. Of course a big crash happens, and then Bing gets told off for his running out, but at no point is it acknowledged that Pando was the main instigator in this action. Nobody says "And you should have been more fair Pando, and not wound Bing up with your silly counting" just "Oh Bing, why did you run in front?" BECAUSE YOU DIDNT INTERVENE SOONER!!

This is a big issue I've got personally, but its obvs done for the lesson, but the carers very often wait until there are tears or conflict before intervening in a squabble between their charges.

Amma, the elephant carer for Sula seems less prone to this, and seems a very capable child carer (and funnily enough her charge Sula is the least irritating) , but very often Flop will offer up a "hey now now" or "tut tut" barely above a whisper that the squabbling children obviously did not hear while shouting at each other, and god knows Padget is completely clueless and permissive, and is never really left alone with the children (aside from Pando) for any amount of time like Flop and Amma.

Also the dynamic of the show can be very confusing for people. There are two species in this world. There are Bing and his friends which are anthropomorphic animals, then there are "adults" which are tiny woolen toys. Not every toy has an animal charge to care for, and there only appear to be a few child animals in the whole town. Another confusing bit was that for much of the Shows run, the older girl Coco didnt appear to have a named carer. In later seasons we learn the red one with a bun (seen caring for Coco and Charlie in the intro) is called Molly and she works as a Doctor. A bit of a wierd oversight that we never saw her carer for years or even where she lived. Coco seems to merely exist for the purpose of being a bit of a know it all older child.

For all its flaws, my daughter seems not to mind and loves the characters. Theres nothing violent or dusturbing as can tend to happen with some kid programs. They were very careful to make a compassionate show with nothing that could potentially traumatize your kid. It keeps my daughter entertained so I can get 15 minutes to drink a brew or keeps her quiet while I do some much needed chores or Im running on empty and just need her to not need entertained by me for awhile. So for that it gets some credit.
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It is a love hate show
jjkeyes-582895 December 2020
I do not want to sound like a pensioner in his 90s but I think Bing is a love/hate Tv programme. First all characters like Bing himself and Pando are bigger than their carers such as Flop and Pagnet. Second of all at nearly every single episodes Bing talks about what he acheived and then 2 seconds later Flop comes out and says stuff like " playing it's a Bing thing" . Seriously nearly every kid has played. Last of all Pando wears only his pants and I think Pagnet should take more notice of that
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Excellent preschool television
fredturner-6639825 July 2020
Bing is just brilliant. Important everyday lessons for kids portrayed in easily relatable scenarios. It is performed and animated beautifully, capturing my kids attention without demanding it. Bing is a wonderful character and a good role model, guided by the experienced guardian figure Flop. People complain about the use of poor English, this is just reflective of the way children talk around this age, the same controversy surrounded teletubbies in the nineties. Really recommend this gentle and warm show as a safe, fun and educational viewing for preschoolers.
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Lovely cartoon for young kids.
Linmalut10 March 2020
Adventures of a cute rabbit and his friends. Very educational and suitable for young children.
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Moaning whinging rabbit
Samxha116 August 2021
This is a truly terrible programme. Positive scenarios are often ruined by bing the bunny who throws a tantrum and becomes moody at the smallest of things. I believe this programme encourages children to become more moany when things don't go their way. And everything is a bing thing? This is probably a marketing tool.
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Absolutely brilliant!
rtbuxb28 September 2021
Discovered this by accident, and instantly fell in love with it for my 3 year old grandson. It's the first animated series I've seen that is expertly geared for toddlers, and real life situations. All the haters on here must not hang out with toddlers, is all I can surmise. We love it. My grandson loves it!
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A whining little bunny and his enabler
thegeordietiger19 January 2021
Like the other review, I fall into the hate category. Though this could be really good in teaching kids values, Bing is a whiny spoiled brat and there is no realistic discipline portrayed.
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Funny Fellow - Loved by my 3 year old.
andymsimmons20 August 2019
This is the best of the best as far as we are concerned. How could you not love Bung,,,, If you are a three year old. This is not really meant for adults, so it is difficult to review it as an adult. But my son gets so much pleasure from this series that it is worth a review. We carefully limit his TV exposure, as we do not want a zombie watcher. However with this series is his animated and will discuss what happened afterwards. A good TV series, and a short period of calm while he watches it.
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tmyoung-587898 January 2022
Bing really gets on your nerves after a while, hes so whiney. This show is so hard to watch, it honestly gives me headaches listening to Bing go BuT tHeN ThE SkIpPinG r0pE BrOKe AnD i wAs sAd!
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Teaches new parents as much as it does kids
adamowen-204755 April 2022
When I first saw Bing my boy was about one years old. My partner, who has done a great job of raising two kids already put it on. I instantly thought "What a horrible little bunny!" Always complaining, messing things up, and being completely selfish!

My boy is now 2 1/2 and I can safely say that whoever came up with the scripts for Bing had adults in mind as well as kids. The lessons and insights it gave me into young child behaviour have been eye opening. Bing isn't selfish or naughty, he's just not an adult. Adults need to nurture, protect, educate and direct, not take offence...

Flop (Bing's ever patient carer soft toy) is how adults should definitely act around toddlers who don't mean to be annoying, but through no fault of their own can seem so.

You can see from the ratings chart with the large "1" and large "10" column how Bing divides opinion. I started on the "1" and now I'm on the "10"

Check out the actors in this too....especially flop!

Thanks Bing you've helped me be a better parent.
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Stay in school, kids!
HEAT9117 July 2022
Wouldn't want to find yourself, 30+, leaving a 1-star review on a show intended for 3 year olds full of complaints that the characters are emotionally unstable and the plots are overly simplistic 😂😂😂

As far as the show goes, it's fine. Yes, the characters are whiney and not very good at not getting their own way, but they're all intended to be between the ages of 2 - 5.

Not something I'd watch myself, but it's not a show for me. My 3 year old has loved it for the last year. Highly recommended to anyone with young kids (just don't go in to it expecting to enjoy it yourself)
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Whinge fest
mikey797 November 2021
So this is a show with a whiney main character who constantly whinges and argues with its friends. Then they sort of resolve it. What does this teach children? How to whinge perhaps...

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grahamsp2 November 2022
The best children's tv I've seen since the excellent Pocoyo. Great characters, brilliant animation and very life like situations for kids. Those who criticise the language used and Bings sensitivity need to get a life and sit down and watch Cocomelon which is just horrific and will turn your kids into zombies. Bing has a lovely sensitive side as well as addressing how kids can respond to situations which they are not comfortable with. The show always ends with a positive message from Bing and Flop and adds to what is a genius of a show for small children. There are plenty of episodes to enjoy. Brilliant.
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Awful, annoying and can't use proper language
madziamartin14 July 2020
Bing is always naughty, never ever ever listens to Flop and none of the characters use proper English. You could understand if bad English would be used by baby characters but not 'adult' ones. None of the stories teaching kids anything worthy and listening to him its seriously makes parents want to skin this awful black rabit and have him for dinner to make sure he is never coming back
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Tak and The Power of Juju Done Right
tommypezmaster22 December 2021
Around the corner, Not Far Away, Bing is Tak done right everyday. This show feels like a fun way to motivate kids to prepare for preschool and have huge laughs for adults to enjoy. Plus the toilet humor here is everything Tak and Free Birds' toilet humor should've been.
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The most annoying little brat ever created
marcfell11 April 2022
Everything is a 'bing thing' why are the adults little rag dolls?! I dread whenever my kid asks to watch it.

The main character has a whiney annoying grating voice and tops it all off with acting like a spoilt brat.

The adult rag doll basically spends every episode explaining why he shouldnt be a brat and then the brat learns some sort of basic moral at the end.... (Like sharing is sometimes nice)

Oh and they make it even more annoying by having the 'kids' talk like actual kids including poor grammar and getting words wrong so just beware when letting your kids watch this trash.
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So bad....
robertt-625803 January 2020
So bad, this movie is changing children's, because Bing is crying, angry or won't be generous if something wrong. Small children's after watching this are doing same. Every cartoon have purposes, but this one don't have. And one more thing, why?, why is fathers smaller than children's? Seriously?
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Whiny brat
robeatteroblox6 April 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Why does this show exist...I hope this dies out soon...why does bing think flop csn carry the world and ask HIM to fix everything, why is bing such an idiot to the toddler watching,

His use of language is just...GAH "raineybow" "poickything" are two main ones that are annoying to hear

To conclude, your child might imitate the whiny behaviour bing has (Similar to PEPPA pig) The episodes are all the same, bing discovers something, he runs into a problem, (something breaks bc just why) asks flop to fix it, flop cant, then voila! Resolution and bing is happy! Then he explains it in 30 seconds

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It makes no sense
charlotteholstmoeller2 August 2021
A show about orphaned pups, who are instead being taken care of by adult teddybears - what happened to their parents? Are all adult animals killed off? It doesn't make sense! And why is Bing so annoying? My 1,5 year old likes it though - but I really hate to watch it with her.
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Im glad my kids watch it in Polish language.
mbpk-9474124 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
In polish language we don't get all those annoying "words" and at the end it's not "bing thing", but rather "a big step/big achievement", because Bing explained that certain behaviour he showed or someone else wasn't right and been disciplined for it. And also all dialogues are more mature and sound like people who took care of this whiney brat decided to make it more appealing for people who like the word "discipline." Episodes are the same, but at least PANDO gets told off(not like in English version when everything gets brushed off), the SWING episode, Pando is being told it's not fair for Bing. And Bing is not being told off much for it, rather explained to be careful because Pando couldn't suddenly stop. They couldn't change the show, but at least Pandos carer was saying things like "come on hurry up", if polish people could, they would make panget stop the swing and kick Pando off. At least dialogues are appropriate.

Remember, shows are done in certain way on purpose. They are breeding future nations.
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