Luciferous (2015) Poster


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Trying going with it.
Patient4447 April 2016
I had to rate it 5 stars, was quite close to 6 but I think it is more fair like this and I am going to explain why.

Well, you see, the movie looks just like an ordinary one. Nothing new, nothing special, a film like so many you've seen before, especially if you're into the horror section. As time passes, it does exactly what you'd expect to do, same moves, same lines, same reactions.

Yet it manages to surpasse the most out there because it has a plot, an ending, a destination, it knew where it was heading to so it had to build a road. For that, for that nice parking place it got, I almost graded it 6 stars. There was more needed to it tho.

So if you're a horror junkie and you're loaded with lots of patience, this one might be an interesting choice for the night. Do not expect a masterpiece, not even a good movie, but a different and possibly interesting approach.

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Interesting, but ultimately not worth it
Im-not-all-here-myself29 August 2016
I've watched a LOT of movies in my lifetime, from instant classics to bottom of the barrel trash, so I like to think I know how film is supposed to work. Luciferous is at heart, a pretty good film. However, decent acting and limited, but successful settings cannot save a flawed film. Alex and Mahsa live a very comfortable life in an upscale condo with their young daughter, Mina. Life is great until Alex suffers a head injury and after a slow recovery begins to act more and more strangely, eventually putting his family in danger. The movie flows well, with nice transitions from scene to scene. There are a few bumps in the road where situations occur for no other reason than to move the plot along. The main problem with the movie is one which has become more common now that anyone can make a movie for a few grand, a computer and some electronics. The film attempts to sum everything up in too short a time! This flaw almost always leaves the viewer with more questions than answers and not in a good way. I like films than makes me think. I LOVE movies that force me to think outside my comfort zone. A good example would be "Memento". This movie attempts to sway the viewer into believing that supernatural forces are the cause without actually giving any reason to think that. Alex's head injury plus loads of medication easily explain all the bizarre happenings at the home, yet the supernatural element is pushed numerous times. The final 15 minutes are where the film falls flat on it's face. Like too many other movies, in too short a time, we are given a LOT of information which, ideally, is supposed to make us say "So THAT'S why all that happened"? Certain scenes gain more importance and the actions of certain characters become more relevant. That's not the case with this film. Without giving too much away, everything that has occurred to the family is summed up in the final few minutes without really explaining much at all! Logic went out the window and the sense of cohesion we're supposed to feel simply doesn't occur. What is supposed to be an "Aha!" moment is actually a "What the ....?" moment. instead of making me want to watch the movie over again to look for bits that I thought were insignificant or didn't make sense I wanted to ask for my 90 minutes back. ALl in all, the acting, direction and sets were actually pretty good for a low budget film, but the script fails in ways that make the viewing experience unenjoyable. Oh yeah, and Mina constantly whining, crying and yelling for "Mommy" begins to get on your nerves in about 18 minutes.
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Avoid it unless you are a Horror Fan
heartmak8 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Avoid it if you can. Seriously Lacking Screenplay & Effects probably due to production restriction. Making of movie could have been much better. Since the movie Written, produced, Directed & Starred in it by Alex the husband in the movie; The wife and the daughter of the Alex have starred in it too. The word mommy is being screamed by the kid in every 2 minutes which is quite irritating. Overall the concept was Okay. However the actor Alex was good at playing psycho in the movie. You would lose interest after watching it for 15 minutes. The movie was quite subtle when showing blood in it. Most of the movie was predictable but the ending was little different.
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Review of Luciferous
contact-742-50083511 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"Luciferous" is psychological horror film in the vein of "the Shining" for the digital era. It centers around a family who see their seemingly normal life get turned up-side down by a series of events that stand on the verge of the supernatural. Some years after a tragedy where Dad accidentally killed the entire family of a friend of his, he is apparently attacked by someone or something in the forest, living him in a catatonic state and on a slow path to recovery. As Dad begins his recovery so does as well the perceived supernatural events around him, and it is implied that perhaps there is nothing supernatural about it and that perhaps it is all in Dad's damaged head. In a way the mysterious occurrences that have befallen the family could be a manifestation of a deeply rooted sense of guilt within Dad, since he is sure that the ghastly apparition that has set to haunt him is his old friend out for revenge after the accident claimed his entire family.

"Luciferous" cast is actually a real family, giving the film a sense of realism and true dynamic among them, Mom and Dad do commendable jobs, but it is little Mina who truly steals the show with her riveting performance. The film makes some very smart decisions and is well aware of how much it can actually get away with effectively with the minimum resources it has. Instead of trying to shoot things that are completely out of its league, "Luciferous" makes the smart choice to go for a slow burn and a mounting sense of dread throughout the film, without the need to resort to cheap VFX or make-up, it builds an effective creep factor from some well place shots and clever editing.

At its core, "Luciferous" manages to convey the idea that it is perhaps wiser to fear the living than to fear the dead, and while its final twist may seem completely out of nowhere, it still played a good hand of bait and switch. Always keeping us guessing, whether there is a true demonic presence tormenting this family, or if evil lies closer than we think, right within the human heart.The final twist can be hard to buy, for the film spends so much time diverting our attention somewhere else that it really never takes its time to set up a few clues let us in on what might be happening. It works both against and on its favor, for it never really comes off as predictable. Perhaps the biggest head-scratcher was the true motivations behind the orchestrator of these events, perhaps a bit more build-up to it would have been more cohesive for the twist to work.

"Luciferous" is a great example of creating an effective, slow burn chiller with creativity and awareness of resources, creating a much more organic and grounded horror.
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Awful, Boring, Ridiculous and with One of the Silliest Plot Points Ever
claudio_carvalho15 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The family man Alex (Alexander Gorelick) lives a normal life with his wife Mahsa (Mahsa Ghorbankarimi) and their daughter Mina (Mina Gorelick) in a middle-class apartment. Alex has a trauma and uses strong medication since he accidentally killed his friend Peter in a car accident. Out of the blue, wicked things happen with Alex and his family and he believes Peter is haunting them. Is Alex delusional with his medication?

"Luciferous" is an awful, boring and ridiculous film with one of the silliest plot points ever made. The overrated IMDb User rating and a couple of fake reviews lure the users and fans of horror movies. Life is too short to spend 90 minutes watching this flick. My vote is one (awful).

Title (Brazil): Not Available (fortunately)
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oldee62410 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Someone please tell me what the hell this movie is about and what is happening. Who is John? Who killed the little girl. Is this real. Was there malevolent force? Who was the malevolent force? And , I agree, if that little girl did not get killed soon with all that whining and mommies, if I had a gun would shoot her myself. Just, Horrible! From what I can gather, the father was being possessed; or you may believe he had a brain injury which altered his personality to a more violent one. He was not aware of his actions; either due to the injury or the demonic force in the house. Somehow they left the house and everything was okay; but again, that could be psychosomatic also. Anyway, it goes; they all deserved something bad to happen in the end; each member of the family was extremely annoying. Maybe that's how the movie intended it to be. You, the viewer becoming the ultimate evil force in wanting to kill them all or see them gone!
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Pathetic, truly pathetic
dongillette119 May 2016
When the directors are the writers; the writers are the actors; and the directors/writers/actors' spouses are also actors, your best bet is to walk away as quickly as you possibly can. Where in the world did these people get funding for this piece of junk? Did somebody's mother die and leave them a fortune in real estate or something? The plot is ridiculous; laughable. The acting is something you might see in a high school musical; the cinematography, the score, the dialog, it's all completely horrible. I apologize for not being able to prove that the good reviews of this film were written by crew members--I don't have the resources for that. But anybody with half a brain will realize that's what happened here. The most disgraceful use of celluloid, plastic, bandwidth, and electricity I've ever witnessed. Run away--run away as fast as you can.
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This movie proves if you can buy a camera you can make a crappy movie
benmohr15 May 2016
A friend suggested this movie. I now realize he was screwing with me. This would be a great effort for a 15yr old with basic editing software. This is put together by a husband and wife team that act in and direct the film. They even bring their own daughter into this train wreck. If you read their real life bios on IMDb this couple sounds like artist working their craft..blah..blah..blah. When this is nothing more than a cheap attempt to make a name for themselves and hope to make some cash. Honestly this movie is so bad that it's the perfect film to get your friends together to watch and have some drinks. I suggest you play a drinking game where you have to drink every time the wife says "baby" or the daughter whines "mommy..daddy" except you would pass out in the first 10 mins. The scariest part of this dumpster fire is that I get the sense these people actually think they are making a great film.
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Do not watch this piece of garbage
bseaman-2024813 November 2016
The description of this god-awful film on my cable pay-per-view intrigued me. So I ordered it. I watched it for the first two minutes and was sucked in to watch it more. The significance of the two minute mark is that I could've canceled and got my $4.99 back. Perhaps that is why this move was made; i.e. to lure the viewer into watching beyond the two minute mark and lose their money. There is no cohesive plot. At least 2/3 of the scenes (as there is no coherent and anything even approaching a consistent story-line) are just randomly thrown at us and, apparently, left up to us to figure out what is going on, are simply, well, there. At the approximately 52 minute mark, the mom asks Mina to stop filming. (We find out at the end that Mina is missing so presumed dead. You do not need to waste 90 minutes of your life watching this garbage. You have been warned.) Did 7-year-old Mina edit this too? Alex and/or Masha (his wife) are either independently rich (so they can afford to make cinematic garbage) or they have something on those who would part with money to fund the production of such garbage; in any event, this is not worth viewing except to anyone who would aspire to making good movies and who wants/needs to see an example of what not to do.
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Unbearable dialogues
pelin-syilmaz19 April 2016
Nearly every horror movie about a loving family goes berserk, starts with a way too loving parents and a cute kid who extremely loves his/her parents. But this movie goes beyond and makes it too hard to concentrate on the plot.

I have few words for the scriptwriters; using the word "Baby" as a punctuation mark doesn't pump up our sympathy for the family but the exact opposite.

Throughout the whole movie the actors said "Baby" nearly 3 billion times! And yes now i hate relationships. I wonder, is it because of the scriptwriters or is it just terrible improvisation.

The other thing is about the end. Don't you think that there is so many information for a monologue?

Other than that it was an OK movie.
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When a good story is worth more than a thousand special effects.
rgarciaferreyra24 May 2017
"The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us; but he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. His attack is psychological…and powerful."

William Peter Blatty – The Exorcist.

With that text extracted from the book "The Exorcist" begins Luciferous, the Canadian horror film that has surprised us and where this text, is no accident. In fact everything that happens in the film is not chance, nor is it at random, not even decoration.

Luciferous is a film that tells the story of an ordinary family made up of Alex, Mahsa and the little 7-year-old Mina, who suffer the attack and harassment of something or someone directly and indirectly and slowly take them to madness . We say directly because the target of the attacks is Alex, the main victim of these events and indirectly because his daughter Mina and his wife Mahsa are those who are affected by the behavior of the father who seems to be increasingly immersed in the paranoia becoming Frightening

It all happened normally in the life of these three until one day Alex undergoes a very strange accident in a park. This accident leaves him in bed and unconscious a few days and wake up nothing will be the same. Alex begins to see and perceive very strange things in his apartment. Of course no one believes him and not only that, but given his post-traumatic condition they blame him for much of what happens.

Each scene seems to be filmed in a home-made way regarding the quality of the image being a low-budget film but with an unusual and somewhat strange effectiveness since the performances are not very bright but they are hypnotic. Something is going to happen and you know it.

As the story progresses the atmosphere begins to load more and more tension for an outcome that we can ensure is far from what they imagine transforming this humble film into a great story of suspense and terror, a terror that Is no stranger to us since it is implied in every moment. The work between the narrative and the spectator is of perfect collaboration: the gaps left by them, we fill them with what we imagine.

The decoration in the apartment is not alien to history either. You will see many masks hanging from the walls that are almost an analogy between what appears to be and what it really is. We all wear masks after all and this is also relevant at the end. We also find a lot of symbolism: If something left us "The Witch" (2016), among many things, is that even the rabbits hide more than being simple and innocent little animals.

Luciferous is a good suspense film and psychological horror that acts on the viewer from the beginning with a load of mystery from the same text of Blatty. We will think of demonic possession and spirits, but will there be?

The quote from "The Exorcist" is a tribute along with the masks and is not the only one, there is a clear homage to Kubrick's "The Shining" and there is a direct and visual mention to a current urban legend that is slowly growing in the imaginary Collective, not only cinema and horror stories, but real and tragic events that have happened in recent times. They will see it and they will realize it in the act. As history is impeccable and effective since in the end everything closes and squares to perfection.

This film has something very special since the family in the film is a family in real life: Mahsa Ghorbankarimi and Alexander Gorelick are a real marriage and their daughter is Mina Gorelick, the girl we see. "Minushka," as her mother Mahsa calls her lovingly using the diminutive "shka" that is used in Russia for female proper names. They are of Belarusian origin both in the film and in real life.

Not only do they act by making themselves but they produced, wrote and directed the film. Perhaps it is the most familiar production in the history of cinema.

All are questions and every question leads us to an assumption and every assumption will lead us to another question. The surprise that will be taken at the end in this small and great film where nothing is what it seems, as an outcome, is very effective.

If we had to choose a phrase to define it we could use the famous "I am more afraid of the living than the dead" because it may summarize what we experience together with the protagonists. But what is behind the living and that moves them ?, in that field they give us the reflection to us so that we draw our own conclusions.

In a world full of prequels, sequels, spin-offs and reboots, independent productions like these are a song of hope in a world that seems lost in the lack of ideas. Without doubts a little gem lost in the world of cinema.
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Another horror repeat
rosecalifornia30 July 2016
This film is the same as many other horror movies. It really does try to build a story, to give reality to the characters, but it doesn't succeed. It has the feeling of someone making this with borrowed equipment after having written a script within a very short amount of time...While taking lots of liberties from other recent films.

The acting is bad and not believable in the least. All the scenes jump around with no connection other than a desperate attempt to show daily life. But it only seems disjointed and haphazardly done.

This film is painful and slow, best left un watched. Considering the amount of awards on the front cover from unknown events or festivals, that should have been a clue.
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jgesselberty-19 February 2022
If you are up for 90 minutes of an irritating child screaming at everything; parents calling each other "baby" in every sentence; and waiting 2/3 of the movie for anything to happen, have at it. Trying to be artsy, but failing miserably.
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I want my Mommy!
nogodnomasters11 January 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Alex, Masha, and Mina are a Russian (?) family living comfortably in Toronto. Alex is bothered by the fact he killed Peter in a car accident. Then it is 36 days later. Alex suffered an unknown head trauma, one that doesn't require you to shave your head and you get to wear fake looking head bandages. He is developing a split personality, one that appears to be contagious. He believes he is being haunted by Peter, who is apparently a dentist who looks a bit like Max Headroom.

There are nearly an infinite number of low budget bad horror films out there. They make mistakes and many times you ask, "did they mean to do that or did they just goof?" In this film they meant to do it. They are not goofs. Unfortunately that didn't make the film any better to find out in the last few minutes that you might have been really entertained and not bored during the previous 80 minutes.

Mina, the little girl was irritating with her constant screams for "mommy, mommy." Masha, the mom constantly comforts her and everyone else, calling her Mishka. Alex is unlikable in his psychotic depressed state. It is hard to make it past 30 minutes, and I can't tell you if it is worth it. Many people thought it was. I am not one of them.
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This film succeeds where it counts, in terms of story and casting!
hp-2308526 March 2017
In this short review, I will keep things very general, so as not to give away the story line.

I didn't personally read any reviews before watching this film. The fact that it is independent and won 5 awards was good enough for me. I wasn't disappointed.

This is a film that engages your mind, with a range of possibilities as to why things are unfolding as they are, any of which could be plausible. So you are left to study the characters for clues as to which answer is more likely. A welcome break from many films that rely too much on action and special effects. Personally, I enjoyed this film on many levels. Highly recommended!

" Undoubtedly a little gem lost in the world of cinema." - Rodrigo Garcia Ferreyra May 16, 2016 Cinema
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Almost great.. .
flitz35-633-6276509 May 2016
My actual rating would be a 6 but I clicked on 10 because I don't think its a 4 maybe a 5 certainly not a 4. So there are things I liked and also many things I would have changed. Let's start with why I liked this movie. I am a huge horror movie fan especially when it has to do with paranormal events.

There were many moments that I was creeped out but the way you want to be creeper out as a horror movie fan. The storyline was unpredictable and I couldn't stop watching and that's rare for a low budget movie to do. BUT I would of changed many things including the actor's. The acting was par at best. There are many former great Hollywood actor's that they could of got instead of using no name people. That's the first change i would of made.

The second thing is that the storyline should of been a bit more polished. With that being said this movie could of been at least an 8
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This is effective horror filmmaking, and a rare example seen in horror films.
roarshack8012 April 2016
If you love horror movies but hate most of the horror movies you see, this is a horror movie you will love. Basically: This is a straight up, well made film.

Luciferous is the type of film that will stay with you. It's the type of film that you don't go around recommending to just anyone - including horror fans. Some people may use the description of "slow burner" but I feel it's more about subtleties that increasingly become worse and continue to linger after the story is told.

This movie doesn't push any boundaries. It doesn't implement any type of new filmmaking tricks. It won't raise the bar on how horror filmmaking will be made in the future. I'm pointing these things out to stress the fact that this was a movie that was well crafted with traditional filmmaking standards. This is bare-bones horror filmmaking that shows that those involved with making it truly understand the concept of making a great film that happens to fall into the horror genre.

This film embraces the art of independent filmmaking. This is a great example that millions of dollars and over-the-top special effects aren't necessary to make a great horror flick. Luciferous does it right: Write a great story and let the rest of the work stem from that.
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