Prey (2016) Poster


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What can I say; I liked it!
paulclaassen11 September 2019
The secret to fully enjoying this film, is not to take it too seriously. Let's face it, nothing here is believable or realistic and is purely for fun and effect.

And fun it was! This is a very enjoyable horror comedy in a similar style to the 2006 Australian film 'Black Sheep', just not as satirical. 'Prey' was more suspenseful with nail-biting moments and quite a lot of gore. As for the humor, it was actually really funny and worked well. I thoroughly enjoyed the characters and their back stories and Sophie van Winden was a likable lead.

The film has a great climax with a stunning twist ending. As I said, don't take it too seriously and you will have fun with this little film. (If you prefer a serious lion film, rather watch 'The Ghost and the Darkness'.)

Would I watch it again? Yes!
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A huge aggresive lion shows up in a city n we r never explained how he turned up ther but the film is entertaining with sufficient kills n black comedy.
Fella_shibby15 May 2019
Also how the lion gets inside a moving tram is beyond my understanding. The film has moments of tension, lots of kills, one pretty disturbing scene regarding a small kid n cool effects.

In my opinion i feel the director Dick Maas (i have enjoyed his The Lift) is very underrated.
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In Amsterdam, the mighty city of Amsterdam, the Lion prowls tonight
Coventry9 March 2017
In case you live in The Netherlands (or the Flemish speaking part of Belgium, like yours truly does) and you're an avid fan of eccentric horror/cult cinema, well then you simply have to be an admirer of Dick Maas. He's pretty much the only writer/director of the entire Dutch region who dares to be different and even a tad bit crazy. After all, Maas is the hero who – during the glorious eighties' decade – brought us the phenomenal horror flicks "De Lift" (about a murderous elevator) and "Amsterdamned" (about a vicious murderer hiding out in the canal system), as well as the legendary black comedy "Flodder" (about an utterly demented dysfunctional family). More recently, in 2010, he also saddled up thousands of little Dutch children with incurable traumas by portraying Saint Nicholas (the local Santa) as a relentless monster. But the ideas behind his newest feature are perhaps the most grotesque and craziest ones of his entire career…

In "Prey", Dick Maas unleashes a male lion – evidently an exceptionally large and unusually aggressive species – in the city center of Amsterdam; to my recollection still one of the busiest and least rural capitals of Europe. One could go for the so-called "suspension of disbelief" in case the script attempted to explain that the animal escaped from the local zoo or from the private collection of a foolish millionaire or something, but no… The lion simply shows up in Amsterdam and damned if we ever find out who or what brought him there. The closest we ever come to a clarification is a dumb piece of dialogue: "In Eastern countries people still keep lions as pets, and when they escape they don't report it to the police!" Yeah sure…

But hey, let's at least try to forget for a moment that absolutely nothing in the script of "Prey" makes any sense. If you manage that, you're left with a completely over-the-top but entertaining creature-feature with a massive body count, tons of blood & gore, ridiculous slapstick comedy, a complete cast of imbecilic characters and a handful of cynical observations about the Dutch society. Throughout the opening sequences, Maas still attempts to pay tribute to "Jaws" and creates a moody atmosphere with ominous POV-shots and sinister music, but then he goes straight for trashy and mindless splatter fun. The lion munches his way through the crowded city without being spotted, so naturally the dumb cop and the cute zoo veterinarian have a difficult time alarming the press and the public. And yet, even when it's made abundantly clear there's a dangerous predator at large in town – that, by the way, already killed at least a dozen of people by then – the public still doesn't seem to be too panicky, as they cheerfully continue to walk their dogs at night, go to restaurants and hang around in the central park! Numerous sequences and plot twists are almost too ludicrous to describe, like when the lion gets on board of a city tram or when a crazy wannabe hunter and his retarded son are hired to ambush the animal in the park. The cute veterinarian eventually has to bring in her former lover, who used to be notorious hunter in Africa. A romance between a veterinarian and a hunter … Can it get any crazier? Of course it can, because the "fearsome" hunter turns out to be a driveling alcoholic Brit in a wheelchair!

"Prey" is a pretty bad but immensely entertaining B-movie in every sense of the term! The acting performances are already terrible when the cast speaks in Dutch, but when they switch to English they become downright atrocious. The gore and make-up effects are decent, but look a little too "digital" and – like the case in most traditional creature features – the lion is most menacing when it remains off-screen. I genuinely hope that Dick Maas stays as stubborn and eccentric as he ever was, and that he continues with making these insane movies. It's not because "Prey" gets a low rating (I just don't have another choice) that I don't love and respect this man tremendously!
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Save your money for an actual trip to the zoo
mohamudsnijder12 October 2016
You can't blame Dick Maas for not trying. This movie is probably not going to disappoint you if you're are a fan of his much older work. You might think Maas learned from his past mistakes, but his directing style is not going anywhere and it is still utterly horrible. The whole plot (or lack there of) is awfully slow, nothing really happens until the lion shows up and after that the whole film seems oddly paced. I won't go into details to avoid spoilers. The lion was supposed to be done entirely with digital effects, but because of the lack of budget they had to resort to animatronics, for which you could applaud the makers. Sadly, everything falls apart quickly. Whenever you see the lion, it's never believable. Not only because of how it looks, but also it's behavior. The action is entirely unsatisfying and the whole movie falls flat after the hour mark. The acting ranged from horrible to decent, which might add to the camp factor of the movie.

This movie was supposed to fall into the "So Bad It's Good" category, like most of Maas' films, but this genre is overrun by movies that made this an art form (look at the library of "The Asylum", movies like "Sharknado" and it's sequels). This movie doesn't get to that standard. What you do get is a movie that doesn't know what it wants to be, a thriller, a horror, a comedy or an action movie. Selling a movie on just the idea of a lion going on a rampage in Amsterdam isn't something you can base a complete movie on this way in 2016.

It comes down to a nice try to revive the 80's bad horror movie, something Sam Raimi recently achieved beautifully with his Evil Dead franchise. But you need more self-awareness as a filmmaker to get this to work in this day and age.

The movie supposedly cost around 3 million to make, around three times the budget most other Dutch films are made for, so it's surprising the movie feels like a bad 10.000 dollar movie.

As stated before; if you like films by Dick Maas, you might enjoy it and feel the nostalgia coming over you. But wait for it to come to Netflix and watch it on a rainy Sunday, instead of paying for a theater ticket. For all other people; save your money and don't bother with this.
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Maas attacks!
BA_Harrison2 January 2021
I admire Dick Maas: he doesn't let a stupid concept stop him from realising his vision. Killer elevators (Der Lift, Down), a murderous scuba-diver in the Dutch canal system (Amsterdamned), an evil Sinterklaas (Sint): all fairly preposterous, but executed with plenty of enthusiasm and fun. Now add 'man-eating lion with ninja-like stealth' to the list.

Prey's 'mane attraction' is a 7ft big cat with a taste for human flesh, on the hunt in Holland's capital city. How it got there is left a little fuzzy. As is its ability to prowl the streets and parks of Amsterdam unseen or sneak on board a tram without so much as a 'hey, you gotta buy a ticket to ride, Aslan!'. No-one seems to notice the lion until it's too late. Not good for the citizens of Amsterdam, but good news for fans of trashy, gory horror - people get eaten left, right and centre, the lion leaving mangled body parts strewn all over.

The acting is atrocious - or at least the English dubbing is - but the film's characters are enjoyably daft, with special mention going to Mark Frost as the English big-game hunter Jack, who is called in to try and track and kill the lion: he's only got one leg and travels around in a motorised wheelchair, but that doesn't stop him from going face to face with the ferocious big cat, even sacrificing his remaining leg to help lure it into a trap!

It's probably a stretch to call Prey a 'roaring' success - the CGI used to realise the lion could have been better and the pacing is a little uneven - but Maas should take 'pride' in the fact that his film is still worth hunting down.

6.5/10, rounded up to 7 for IMDb.
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I've seen worse
Leofwine_draca15 September 2022
PREY (2016, original title Prooi) is the latest from Dutch director Dick Maas, whom you may remember from the 1980s and such films as THE LIFT and AMSTERDAMNED. Sadly his budgets have dwindled in the years since and inevitably there's been a drop in quality in his films, but his heart is still there and PREY is a story with a simple yet classic premise: a man-eating lion is let loose in the streets of Amsterdam and proceeds to go on a rampage of destruction.

As a fan of nature-runs-amok type films this was an irresistable premise for me, and yet the film itself is only so-so. It doesn't help that the version showing on Prime is saddled with an appalling English dub track which makes the whole thing feel like a quirky comedy. The characters are ridiculous, particularly the greate white hunter with his state-of-the-art wheelchair complete with motorised tracks. However, there is a lot of killing and a good amount of gore, which at least counts in this film's favour. The lion is pure CGI but I've seen worse.
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Worth the wait
rivertam261 April 2020
I've been waiting for this one to come to the States for a while. Originally released in 2016 and originally entitled ProoI a.k.a Prey. This Dutch creature feature has finally hit us and has been retitled Uncaged. It's a fairly generic title but its promise of satisfactory killer cat thrills is quite successful. The setup is simple as a killer lion attacks Amsterdam with a cast of quirky characters to try and help. The film is fun and gory but not overdone in any way. It's best watched with subtitles because the dubbing is a bit wonky. Although it never strives to be more than what it is, its definitely fun.

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Dick Maas strikes again
myriamlenys10 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I can't say I'm a great admirer of Mr. Maas or his works. Still, credit where credit is due : Mr. Maas is one of the most consistent filmmakers of the Netherlands. He has carved himself a very specialized niche (let's call it comical horror and gore) and he sticks to it, with all the loyal faith of a guide dog. No gadfly he : he knows what he likes and he continues to produce it, come rain or shine.

Moreover, he is honest in describing his ambition : he just wants to give the viewer some jolly good scares.

"Prooi" (or "Prey" in English) follows the pattern to the letter : Mr. Maas promises a rogue lion going on a bloody rampage through the Netherlands and that's exactly what you, the viewer, get. There's roaring, there's springing, there's dismemberment and there's blood - enough blood, in fact, to repaint the pyramid of Giza. There are also a lot of pursuits and hunting scenes, up to and including through some of the busiest cities of Europe. And that's it : if you want petty details like backstories, exposition, logic, witty dialogue, character development or insightful comment go and watch some Woody Allen.

This robust attitude is the reason why the movie does not explain the sudden presence of a lion : the lion is there, period. Who cares if the beast escaped from a circus, swam all the way from Africa or rode a bike from Finland ? Or it's just as possible that the lion used to be the class pet of a Dordrecht school for very young children. ("But before school closes for Christmas vacations : who wants to take little Fluffy home ? Remember, no more than five hyena carcasses a week ! Fluffy is becoming a little chubby !")

I didn't like the movie much, although there were some funny touches here and there (Dick Maas is absolutely correct in pointing out that the Netherlands are filled to the brink with artistic and heraldic representations of lions, while the sudden appearance of a real lion would create a screaming, howling crisis). However, for lovers of the comic gore genre "Prey" is Dutch catnip of purest quality.
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Jaws with a lion
holly9000-110 April 2020
Uncaged is a nice re-make of everybody's favorite man eating shark movie. If you liked the one with the fish wait 'til you see the one with the cat. Thumb's up!
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It's so bad, it's funny
indranilu-429-82389524 November 2020
It is a completely ridiculous and illogical film with nothing making sense. One gets to a point when it becomes funny. Call it a Dutch version of Sharknado
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It's bad...but oh...did I ever enjoy it!!!!
riesje-3878624 October 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I happened to catch this movie yesterday and had a blast. Sure, you can see the lion is fake and yeah...some of the "acting" is horrible ( you know who I mean you son of a great game hunter!!!!!), and it's almost identical to "Jaws" ( just watch the opening scenes) but this film has the most funny dialogue i've come across in a long time. "What does this lion like to do besides running?" "I don't know, but it has something to do with people" ( mind you, this is after the lion kills 7 people.) The only thing that was a bit 'meww" for me was the scene with the public transportation aka the tram. I've expected more from this purely based on the fact that in the trailer there's this infant in a stroller who sees this lion, points at it and goes "kitty,kitty.." Overall, I enjoyed this movie and had a good time and if you lower your expectations i'm sure you wil too
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Decent and entertaining film about a huge lion on loose terrorizing and causing extreme massacre in Amsterdam
ma-cortes21 May 2020
A veterinarian (Sophie Van Widen) finds the tracks left by an animal that kills people result to be of a huge lion . As an enormous lion carries out a criminal spree in Netherlands . Then a wheelchair bound disabled man (Mark Frost) is asked for hunting it . He is a world-class hunter , competing several times in African hunts, however , long time ago , a lion injured him. Later on , a merciless wild hunt takes place . The beautiful veterinarian , her boyfriend (Looman) and the crippled hunter get caught in a dangerous adventure while the lion terrifying the Dutch capital of Amsterdam. As the giant lion roaming and lurking victims for a tasty meal . As three protagonists leading the city-wide hunt and confronting themselves one of nature's most fearsome predators which savagely attacking its preys , innocen humans .

Creepy and eerie film with chills , thrills , scary attacks and lots of blood and gore. Furthermore , adding some brief touches of black comedy .The enormous lion delivers the goods with hair-raising chills, full of scares when the huge creature shows up and suddenly attacks .The lion images are made by a mix of digital special effects , C.G. and was also built animatronic for the close-up frames, creating a well-made manually operated lion. While the scenes appearing running and attacking in full were made by computer generator such as the pursuit set piece through Amsterdam when the monstrous lion chases the delivery boy on the scooter by the river .

It contains colorful and brilliant cinematography . As well as atmospheric musical score by Dick Maas himself , as he regularly scores his own films , because not hiring an external composer allows him to save money for additional days of shooting . This grisly motion picture was professionally directed by Dick Maas . However , being his lowest grossing film as if 2016, though in China it got a big boxoffice . As Maas made a name for himself in far flung China as he sold his rights to a Chinese distributor , making in an over night hit in mainland China. Maas is considered to be one of the best Dutch filmmakers . His movies have high production values for Netherlands standards , usually including spectacular pursuits , blow up , known stars and uneven other Dutch directors his pictures are aimed at the international market. His first great success was the claustrophobic and tense The Lift , following Amsterdammned , Do not disturb , Quiz , Down , Saint , among others . And other successes in Flodder comedies as The Flodder in America , Flodder 3 and Flodder TV series . Rating 6/10 , acceptable passable and entertaining .
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It was ehh
christianperez-5351311 September 2021
Really the best way to describe it. Ehh. Nothing great or special. Lion animations was far from amazing. Hated the voices at first until I realized it was voiced over for english, hence why 4 instead of 3. Actors performance at best was a 5. Low budget film so it naturally renders a low quality results.
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It's like Jaws but with a lion and not as good.
liamlogiktv21 December 2020
If you like b movie style creature features such as Lake Placid and Anaconda you'll definitely enjoy this, however it's nowhere near as well done as does two and that's ok because that was part of its charm for me. It's got a silly plot with a low budget and doesn't take itself too seriously, I found myself laughing out load on a couple of occasions while viewing and I never thought I would see a disabled man in a tank of a wheel car chase a lion around Vondel park in Amsterdam which was awesome. It's not terrible and it's not going to win any Oscars but its defiantly worth a watch. Oh yea and the English subbing is really bad too.
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What couldn't they not see and where did it come from
steeleronaldr18 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Written and directed by Dick Maas, I gotta say that when I see written and directed by I hold my breath. When a director writes his own material things can get a little mushy and this one lean's in that direction. Another minus is they tend to leave huge plot holes or miss little details that usually leaves a question mark above your head. In this horror movie a full grown (big) lion is on the loose eating anyone in it's way. The movie starts with 4 victims and how the fourth did not see it hmmm, leaves one to wonder on that one.

Where did it come from is another pretty much unanswered question here. Guess it just happened to escape the wild and head over to a major city to start chomping on people. Aside from that the acting is kinda LOL here. Police have a rapid body count rising and they seem to be like well what you want us to do.

Other than that Dick Maas seems to hold it together and concentrate on the action not to mention gore and there is a ton of gore. The characters are almost laughable for this type of movie, a news reporter, zoo medic I guess she is, one police officer on her side, inept hunters and a wheelchaired ex wild prey Hunter. Guess I can add more than one plot hole, if you can overlook all that then you're set for a decent movie.

Let's get real here now... don't watch this movie expecting a masterpiece or a big budget over the top creature feature. I recommend you watch this expecting nothing more than the average horror flick cause it'll save the day. It's a low budget $3.500.000 movie which earned a respectable $8.700.000 making it a sleeper hit. I didn't expect too much from this and glad I didn't. I've seen one of his earlier films "The Lift" (US title) about a killer elevator and was pretty good considering so this one falls in the same category. A fun horror movie that tip toes into dark comedy and suspense.

It's not "Jaw's" but seems to use the same scenario that Jaw's used. The dialogue is choppy and the plot holes are there. To enjoy this movie you definitely have to overlook it's weaknesses. I did and enjoyed the movie for what it was. The end has you rooting for our zoo medic and even stirs up a plot twist. It does seem to move along decently and picks up the last 20 or so minutes.
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Not so scary lion
brunovanael5 August 2021
A speedy scenario with lots of action in part 2, but unfortunately also some inconsistencies and never any real scares. Acting was ok, but the thing that ruined this movie was the main character that looked distractingly fake.
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In the jungle, the mighty jungle, the lion kills tonight...
Hey_Sweden15 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A very large and bloodthirsty lion terrorizes the citizens of Amsterdam, striking first at a farm outside the city. United in the mission to find and destroy the beast are a zoos' veterinarian, Lizzy (Sophie van Winden), and a former lover of hers, Jack (Mark Frost), a quirky hunter. Jack is recruited by the authorities, who don't know that he's actually disabled; he lost one of his legs to a lion in the past. Rounding out the romantic triangle is Dave (Julian Looman), a scoundrel who is Lizzy's current would-be boyfriend.

Writer / director / composer Dick Maas ("The Lift", "Amsterdamned", "Sint") certainly understands this genre of the animal attack thriller. He opts to play it tongue in cheek a great deal of the time, and as a result the film is often disarmingly amusing. Cheesy dialogue and cheesy dubbing is par for the course with this generally agreeable movie, that does eventually work its way towards a pretty good finale. With a knowing wink, Maas injects plot "twists" that most people will see coming ahead of time. The lion itself is a combination of animatronics (for close-up shots) and CGI, and is a formidable antagonist. At one hilarious point, it ends up on a tram!

The characters are colorful and the performances entertaining. Lovely van Winden and handsome Looman are amiable leads, with English actor Frost tending to steal the show.

Maas is never too concerned with any of this making sense or playing out in any logical way. He's just having fun here, never pretending to take his material too, too seriously. While the digital big cat could have been better, the gory aftermath of various attacks is always effective. Standout moments: wheelchair-bound Jack chasing the lion (!!!), and an intense scene of a child on a playground structure.

Seven out of 10.
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marshy6511 September 2021
Perhaps it didn't help that I could only watch this movie in dubbed English, dubbed voices rarely work in foreign movies, subtitles are better.

The movie is billed as a horror comedy by Amazon and that's it's biggest failure. The comedy aspect doesn't work, it needs to be a pure horror/creature feature. The better parts of the movie were definitely the serious parts where the authorities were hunting the lion.

The acting was .......bad! Perhaps it would be better if I heard it in dutch, the dubbed english voices certainly didn't work. There is absolutely no chemistry between the male and female lead. Authority figures are all depicted as buffoons. Perhaps the one actor who did do a good job was the guy who played the lead cop (Rienus Krul i think his name is) who carries off the role of a cop out of his depth hunting lions instead of criminals.

But the biggest acting faux pas is Mark Frost as Jack, the expert hunter. Being English myself, his portrayal of his English "aristocratic" hunter is deeply offensive to me. I can laugh at the English people but his parody is just offensive the English nation. Parodies and send ups of different nationalities have been done before, very well and very funnily (such as Allo, Allo, which parodies French, English, Germans and Italians). I can understand even better now how black people feel about Black Lives Matter.

There are some good features to this movie. The CGI lion was very well done and the chase on the moped works well. The scene on the tram was ok, but could have been done better.

If I find the movuie in dutch I'm prepared to watch it and see if I change my opinion but I will still hold onto my ioinion that the comedy aspect doesn't work.
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Dubbing is hell
kevanmoore15 November 2020
The English dubbing is so bad, it's bad. Just bad. The movie premise is awesome but the dubbing is just bad
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An alright killer lion horror movie
HorrorDisasterGuy-9061716 September 2023
The story isn't that bad and killer lion are rarely uses in horror movies. The opening does a good job setting up the arrival of the lion and there's a couple of suspenseful scenes when the lion appeared. But the story is mostly weak because its pretty predictable and it mostly the characters trying to figured out how to stop it. Most of the plans are done by the side characters and most of the time it doesn't work at all. I also found the twist revealed near the end to be predictable and pretty obvious.

One thing I enjoyed in the movie is chase scenes where the characters are either running away or is hunting after it. I found those scenes to be enjoyable and suspenseful.
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Some good scares here !!!
nambiaruveetilappu6 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A real good theme, though a tight script is missing and there are some lagging parts in screenplay. But go for the thrill and the theme of a "man-eater on loose". The climax and anti-climax was good, not 10/10 material. You may find similarities to the 'Lions of Tsavo', but what is missing: a 'Good Hunter', on whose shoulder the story could have been carried forward. . The CGI and the scares/thrill are a two thumbs up. . Comedy; could've been better. . Commendable work by the Director.
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Awesome OTT creature feature
keithy6787 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Adding spoiler alert just incase. I love this movie! It is pure and simple funny gory fun. The creature effects are pretty damn good for the budget I really enjoyed the mix of practical and cgi. I have only ever watched the dubbed version so can't really comment on the actors but the dubbing is spot on hilarious. It doesn't take itself too seriously has some great set pieces for the kills I would have preferred it to be a bit more gory but it doesn't detract from the enjoyment. One great set piece on the tram which makes no sense and I think could have been pushed a bit further and extended to be longer bur was still really cool. It has a weird sense of humour throughout but made me laugh loads plus the suspense is great in parts with one great jump scare which I totally fell for! This is a genuine treat to watch with a few beers and some mates or just as a creature feature movie night on your own. Riffs on quite a few movies but isn't ripping off more like a little love letter to other movies clearly influencing this one. Switch on your fun goggles sit back and have a roaring great time!
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BandSAboutMovies1 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Released in the U. S. as Uncaged, this movie was directed and written by Dick Maas, the man behind The Lift, Amsterdamned and Sint. Taking place in the architecture of Amsterdam, Prey unleashes a gigantic lion that takes no prisoners.

On the trail of this 450-pound mountain lion are Detective Olaf Brinkers (Rienus Krul) and forensic veterinarian Lizzy (Sophie van Winden), all while a reporter named Maarten (Pieter Derks) and Dave the cameraman (Julian Looman) follow them, with Dave having just as much interest in winning over Lizzy as he does catching the cat. Maybe he's more interested in the girl, to be perfectly honest.

After police chief Zalmberg (Theo Pont) has his cousin die spectacular trying to capture the lion, he hires famous hunter Jack DelaRue (Mark Frost) who just so happens to be Lizzy's ex.

There was no way that this could be filmed with a real lion as wildlife is prohibited in the Amsterdam city area. There's a mix of an animatronic lion in the close ups and a CGI one in the rest of the movie. It's not perfect, but there are some thrilling scenes, as the ending with the lion trying to claw through a windshield to get to Lizzy is really intense.

Also, if you're expecting a non-gory animal attack movie, you may have not seen any of Maas' movies.
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Not worth your time
kevin_robbins15 June 2023
Uncaged (2016), originally titled Prey, is a Netherlands 🇳🇱 film that I recently watched on Prime. The storyline follows a Lion that has been experimented on that is running loose in Amsterdam on a killing spree. A local zoologist decides to help track down the animal and see if she can capture it after the police have tried and failed too many times.

This movie is written and directed by Dick Maas (Saint) and stars Mark Frost (Mayhem), Julian Looman (Emily in Paris), Abbey Hoes (The Hitman's Bodyguard), Ko Zandvliet (Boys) and Sophie van Winden (Leef!).

The storyline for this is fairly straightforward and reminded me of Grizzly 2. The special effects, much like Grizzly 2, rely on a mix of a robotic lion, CGI and a person in a suit...and you can tell. 😂 The characters are pretty annoying, especially the hunter in the wheel chair and the cameraman. The voiceovers were average and the dialogue was painful. The news reports did entertain me and gave me a good laugh, mainly because you couldn't take them seriously. The highlight of the movie is a worthwhile bear trap scene. Somehow a bear trap scene is always good.

Overall, this movie is absolutely awful and not worth your time. I would score this a 3/10 and recommend skipping it.
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Ain't Elsa
PaulEss77719 April 2024
Thing is, reviewing 'Prey' - or any Dick Maas film - it's hard to decide what stars to give it . .

For sheer fun it's a straight 8. I laughed all the way through it.

As a cohesive, well-thought-out thriller, it's about a 3. People do and say the stupidest things when there's a killer lion prowling near. Makes sense in the context of it being a Maas film, but still . .

Anyone who's seen 'Lake Placid', 'Gorgo' or any number of Toho's, will see the end 'twist' coming a mile off.

It will weary you. 1 for the 'twist'.

For construction, ie: music, cinematography, settings etc, it's a 6. Nice to look at, plenty of admirable Amsterdam atmosphere. Lots of trademark Maas pretty ladies.

Maas still thinks it's the 80's so 'Prey' is clichéd beyond help. Whether it's parody or not is up for debate, but I kinda like the ambiguity - and there's no accounting for taste . . so 6 again for that.

Acting - almost constant mugging - is eye-bulgingly hysterical. Dubbing also, but, again, this adds to the overall oddness. Anything from 0 to 10 on that one. Purely subjective.

'Prey' doesn't get lost in the dark realm of the so-bad-it's-good sub-genre, either. It's both . . and neither.

It's gloriously wayward. Brilliantly ludicrous.

. . And not boring for a second. So on this reckoning alone, forgiving him the ending, it's a fair 7.
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