Llamageddon (2015) Poster


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Awful but hilariously awful
jessicacram-861254 January 2021
This....is the best worst movie I've ever seen. I ENJOY glob awful horror movies but this...THIS takes the cake. The acting, the "spaceship" made of a horse trailer a tin siding....the 6+ shirts the black dude wears during one party. I cant tell if this is a parody or not but...thank you for the horrendous...everything that brought me so much laughter. Let's not forget the multiple times actors CLEARLY broke ON SCREEN
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Fun on the cheap.
cowgod-404-1606363 November 2020
If, like me, you have become jaded by big budget yet identical Hollywood cinema then 'Llamagedon' is great change of pace. It has the look and feel of a movie made by a bunch of twenty-somethings having a great time. The animated sections are superb and are genuinely quality. Which is a bit of a shock, but it's all good. So grab a beer, unhook your brain and this is great fun.

Warren Lodge
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wow!!!!! why
creepsarehere17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie was legitimately entertaining until the egg laying scene. cant really say im the same person after that
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It's terrible...but wouldn't you expect terrible from the title?!
planktonrules30 November 2020
With a title like "Llamageddon", you obviously are not expecting an installment of "Masterpiece Theater"! It is, pretty much, what you'd expect--a film with production values similar to "Birdemic" and a lot of other zero budget movies.

The film begins with a cheap cartoon sequence showing celestial llamas hopping about spaceships that look like horse trailers with wings...and they blast into space. One lands on Earth and the film becomes live action....with a llama wandering about with glowy red eyes. You never actually SEE the llama do anything but it supposedly kills with abandon. Fortunately, its main victims are a house party full of young people who are complete losers. So, while the film is very bad, at least you get to see a bunch of jerks die...which Is why I give this one a 2 and not a 1. Plus, it fortunately never took itself seriously. However, don't expect cleverness or humor...it's a pretty limp viewing experience....one I'd just as soon not repeat.

By the way, if you do watch this one, just be forewarned...it's very crude and crass and is probably not a film to show your kids, mother or Father O'Malley.
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I can't see clearly now
broggoethe27 February 2024
I am assuming the 8's, 9's and 10's are all the people involved in the movie and their friends and neighbors.

I really can't believe its on Prime so I will give them a two for that and for making the movie.

The effects aren't bad for a super small budget.

I guess Spielberg might have started like this.

Keep up the good work and maybe we will see you on the red carpet somewhere.

OK, so, are there any other movies you are going to make in the near future?

Try Swiss Army Man, its got to be better than the one with Daniel Radcliff.

Or maybe Lamb, with Noomi Rapace, you could do wonders with that one. Good luck!
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I'm So Confused
taylormellors13 April 2021
I...Just...What? This is the single worst, most confusing film I have ever seen. To my friend who made me watch this: Cheers.
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The title made me laugh but that's the only thing that did
d_m_s7 September 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I couldn't finish this film, I gave it maybe 20 minutes but it was unbearable. This is not "so bad it's good" like other reviewers are suggesting and giving this a 10 out of 10 (probably all fake reviews from the director). On the basis of those reviews I went into this thinking I would be perpetually amused or bemused a la Wiseau's The Room but I was not. This was unwatchable bad not funny bad.
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So bad it's good? No.
obsidian_melody18 November 2020
Now listen, I love a good bad movie. I'm a massive fan of The Room. Osama Bin Zombie was a fair investment of time I had to waste. But Llamageddon? I'm sure someone, somewhere has done a compilation video of the "best" bits - honestly, watch that and save yourselves some time and disappointment. The premise is great - llamas from space who shoot lazers from their eyes to kill people because reasons! Sign me up? No - I've literally just provided you with all of the joy you'll get from watching this eighty-odd minutes of trash. It's like some college kids who were majoring in... I don't know, basket-weaving studies, got really high and were like, "Dude! Imagine if we made this film about killer llamas! Duuuude!", except instead of leaving this conversation where it rightfully belonged - in a stoner haze - they committed to it and refused to admit that they weren't actually as funny as they thought they were whilst baked. Also, that they couldn't write, couldn't act and had no sense of comedic timing, and then to top it off they eventually made it ten years after graduating. So you get to endure 30 year olds pretending to be college kids whose parents are inexplicably about the same age as their grandparents, and long protracted scenes of sexual tongue waggling where it's supposed to be funny because it's intentionally not sexy but actually just makes the audience feel a bit like they're watching it with that creepy uncle that everyone avoids. Meanwhile, the llamas get far less screen time than the awkwardly written conversations between characters you don't give a crap about, which is a travesty because they're the only good thing about this movie and the sole reason it gets two stars from me.

Literally everyone who has given this great reviews must have been a) twelve, or b) as high as the writers were when they thought of the premise. If you don't want to watch it in the same state, just... don't watch it. Trust me.
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richardbutch-1916428 October 2020
I was rooting for the Llama to kill everyone in the movie. All the actors deserved it for starring in this stupid movie. The acting was stupid. The special effects were stupid. The plot was stupid. How other reviewers could have giving this movie more than one star I do not know.

If I could give it zero stars I would.
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How to waste $30 million
jamesvicktoria2 October 2021
Man, I just watched the trailer and let me tell ya, I've watched enough movies in my life to know that there are some that can absolutely make you feel like the time you have wasted will be something you can never get back. The trailer was 45 seconds....where or how am I going to get that time back? Don't do, read a book, cook water, watch paint dry... do something or anything. It'll be far more fulfilling than this god awful movie.
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A Masterpiece
armzynxkw18 October 2020
I wanted to give a star for every time Dan changed shirts, but I can only give 10. Boo.
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Double Feature!
w00f24 December 2020
This movie demands to be seen on a double bill with Barn of the Blood Llama. Drugs help.
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audiomixerdon13 February 2021
To start I love horror. Especially B-movie horror..

But this just sucked! Horrible acting. No humor. Llama was the best part and it sucked. Whoever made this needs to watch more SYFY and see how to properly do a schlocky movie
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Still better than Zach Snyder's Justice League
bkwheel29 March 2021
From the horrifying lines, to the pathetic acting, to the glorious murder llama, each second was awkward, disturbing, unsettling, and vile. Definitely recommend watching!
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I tried to watch it, really.
Q-Man10 February 2021
I thought maybe it would be funny, bu, nope. Not even good enough for MST3K. The animation at the beginning was OK, the rest was terrible. I didn't expect any Oscar quality performances, and, on that score, I was not disappointed. The llama was the best actor.
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Would give less than one star if I could
mikemcd4127 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ignore the people even implying that this was a good "bad movie." It doesn't even deserve that. There were no witty one-liners and less than low-budget special effects. There was even a scene where multiple people were being electrocuted in a hot tub, and despite being able to see these people convulsing and the electricity actually coming out of the water, two more people got in. Trying to put this in the category of enjoyably bad movies like Sharknado is an insult to those films. Santa Jaws was a masterpiece by comparison.
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the worst movie you've ever seen in your life
webregnet2 October 2019
If you can remember the worst movie you've ever seen in your life, this one is even worse. The comment "brilliantly made" is of course a joke and not to be believed for a moment. I do 1/10 because the 0 does not exist, and even less so it deserves.
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The greatest worst movie. Ever.
muppy1413 December 2020
Litteraly the worst movie ever made, even more horrible than Gingerdead man 3, the only thing that me kept watching is how many times Dan changed shirts. BONUS: They did talk about evil dead for 10 seconds.
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Home video again
oldvicar18 August 2021
More camcorder rubbish, but with an astonishing amount of fake reviews. I'm giving it 1 star just for the effort of creating all these IMDB accounts and the opening animation - almost amusing. As for the film, it isn't a film, just home/phone made nonsense that I was hoping would be funny but wasn't. I ended up skipping forward a few times and turned off in less than a minute.
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Dear God...what did I just watch??
Kerry_Bradford11 October 2021
I was just curious when I saw this movie on my Amazon list. Decided to give it a watch and instantly regretted it. The animated scenes are pretty cool if I'm being honest and I will give this one solidary point solely because the people who created this intentionally wanted to make a bad movie.

This is some of the worse acting and effects you will ever see. If you want to torture yourself or friends, pop this movie on and let the cringe fest and fast palming begin.
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Pick a shirt Dan!
ArcherAdam14 November 2020
2 stars for concept. 2 stars for execution. 2 stars for Floyd, 2 stars for introducing me to bungheaded twizzle, and....


Another star because of the commitment one guy had to twitching around in a hot tub for a solid two minutes while wearing a horse head.
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"Everyone in the hot tub is dead!"
stoob0t25 May 2021
The following tale of alien encounters is true. And by "true", I mean "false". It's all lies. But they're entertaining lies. And in the end, isn't that the real truth?

The answer is: No.

Truth or not, this film has no right to be anywhere as much fun as it is. Did it stretch the limits of what can be achieved with a small budget? No. But was it sort of fantastic in a way I can't put my finger on? Yes.
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A space llama attacks a party apparently hosted by Busch beer...
Aaron137527 November 2020
What we have here is what I like to call a home brew movie. It had me fooled thinking there may be something somewhat good about to come on with a fairly decent animated precredit sequence, but then it switched to the movie and it was not on film and that just screams cheap and homemade. So, unless it is an adult movie, no budget, no stars and shoddy special effects are a coming. We also get attempts of humor and I will say there are some good jokes, but when the actors are your friends you are not getting good actors. The old saying is dying is easy, comedy is hard and if you are stammering through your lines and flubbing them you are lessening the impact of the joke.

The story in this one has a llama sent to earth where it goes on a kill spree. I would say it is very similar to an 80's film called Nightbeast where an alien lands and just starts killing everyone and even blasts everyone with a laser during the first portion of the film. We get a brother and sister watching a house where the llama killed their grandparents and the sister immediately throws a party that lasts way too long before the llama crashes and begins killing.

Once again, the film is not on film, I would not be surprised if this was shot with a smartphone. Film is so much better as it hides things, it is even better for adult films because you don't have to have actual teens for a movie, you can play off 20 and 30 year olds because the film hides scars and such and in this film it could have hid things as well such as the cast of this thing being not very attractive at all. This is one film when sex scenes seemed to be starting where I did not really want the girl to go topless!

So this film is rather bad, my guess is that the high score of it comes from the entire cast and crew rating it a ten and those people who for reasons that baffle me think it is funny to rank horrible movies a ten and then gush about how wonderful they are in their review. My guess, ten year olds. I did give it a two as I was impressed by some of the gore and by the laser effect which looked pretty good as the makers of this have potential, they just need a bit more money, but hey, we all do.
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Deliciously Horrible
byepolarbare12 January 2021
If, for whatever reason, you go into this expecting a good movie, you've failed yourself. The movie is a monument to its own badness, and it is a great sight to behold if bad movies are your thing. The acting is terrible, the cinematography is anemic, and the gags are subtle. All told, it was no Velocipastor, but it is truly in a category all it's own.
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I'm sure the filmmakers get the joke....
childsfamily123412 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
....but all I saw was a hamfisted attempt at a tribute to TRULY good bad movies. This Tarantinoesque parody/tribute attempt fails in the end. This was a clumsy and obnoxious fusion of Halloween scare house, Cincinnati locals, and too much budget. It gets one star for successfully entertaining on a level ANY drug user can enjoy, one star for the birth scene, and 2 stars for spending EVERY SINGLE DOLLAR of the budget.
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