Sonic Forces (Video Game 2017) Poster

(2017 Video Game)

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Way Past Average
thewildbro30 January 2021
Sonic fumbles once again in this mediocre addition to the franchise. Really, what can I say that hasn't been said: the levels are short, the physics wonky as heck, Classic Sonic is a dead cow being milked to its limits, mischaracterization of characters, and I'm just scraping the bottom of the barrel here.

Some of the redeeming qualities of this game is the soundtrack, the custom creator, the environments of the stages, some set pieces are pretty cool, but that's about it.

Not bad, but not very good.
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"Generations level pack"
monotiller7 April 2020
So this is an interesting game for sure, I'm not really sure what to think of it. On the one hand is it as bad as some people would have you believe? No, not really. Would I say that I think the game is great? Probably not either. It's in this weird state where I think that the hate it gets is unwarranted but I'd hesitate to recommend this game entirely.

Basically put, if you like the way Generations or Unleashed played and would like more levels in that style then this is more of the same with regards to game play. But the story is a bit rubbish and some of the bosses are a bit on the weak side but I don't have many complaints with either the visuals, the music or the performance. They're all pretty good.

So I'd say, pick this up on sale if you'd like a "Generations level pack" but this is not really the game I wanted or needed, but I enjoyed my time with the game play and collectables that you can hunt for
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Sonic Needs To Lay Off The Chili Dogs
richiesburgers12 May 2022
Warning: Spoilers
In terms of gameplay and story, Sonic Forces is a nice experience for Sonic players old and new. The custom character was the best part about this game and the concept of Infinite was awesome.

However, most of these aforementioned details aren't executed properly! The story is cheesy, Sonic's friends are sidelined, Infinite's full potential wasn't unleashed, and worst of all, the controls aren't tight. The two Sonics and custom hero control like they had too much chili dogs and are heavy to start and stop, thus putting the player at risk in tough stages! It also doesn't help that Super Sonic is free DLC. Even that can't dissolve the fat within the heroes.

Thankfully, the flaws end when you finally defeat Baldy McNoseHair and Classic Sonic goes back to his home dimension from Sonic Mania.

After all that, I don't recommend playing the post game side missions unless you want to get every last collectible this game has.

I hope that Sonic Frontiers has the tight controls of Super Mario Odyssey, because The Blue Blur's Chili Dog addiction needs to be put on hiatus.
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Wasted Potential
jackass-2663411 February 2020
Ever since the garbage that has been Sonic Boom, I was hoping when SEGA would just stop, rethink their actions, and go back to what made them great. When I first saw Classic Sonic in the trailer, I got a bit excited that this would be a sequel to Generations or a new experience. But, nope. It's just Super Mario Odyssey with the main focus being the OCs, a lower budget, horrible, unwanted voice acting, boring story and villains, unnecessary side characters, and trash character development. What's the point of having most of the characters here if they're just cheerleaders and aren't playable? However, what SEGA did to Tails is unforgivable. In Adventure 2, he defeated Eggman on his own, but since Unleashed, he's just a mere background character that does absolutely nothing. Wow, what a way to go.
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Okay Game, But Has Some Problems
jeremycrimsonfox17 July 2019
As a person who owns this game and played it, I do agree it does have problems, but they never bothered me.

Basically, the story is Dr. Eggman has created a new scheme to take over the world, and after the first stage, Sonic is defeated by the mad scientist, especially since he has the aid of Infinite, a new villain for this game. After Sonic's defeat and imprisonment in space, Eggman goes on to take over 99% of the planet, but Knuckles forms a resistance, alongside some of Sonic's friends, to fight back. The story sounds a lot like Sonic SatAM, but getting rid of characters like Sally Acorn and replacing them with the game cast. However, they get a new member, the Rookie, which is a character you get to create using one of seven different species, each having a special ability, and being able to use Wispons, weapons using wisps' color powers without needing the wielder to transform. Once you make your Avatar (as the game will call it), he or she is sent on a mission to break Sonic out, eventually leading to the two teaming up, Also, Classic Sonic joins the fight, coming to the Modern Sonic dimension due the events of Sonic Mania.

So, the game allows you to create your own character for use in Avatar stages as well as the stages where he/she teams up with Sonic. However, one of the problems with it is how limited the selections are. You are limited to one Avatar until you beat the story, and customization options are limited from the start, as new clothing and Wispons are unlocked as you progress through the story as well as complete specific tasks. As for customization, don't expect to make a perfect replica of characters like Sally Acorn or any other non-game character, because the customization has it where shirt and pants are one single outfit, and females are forced to wear bodysuits (although you can make it the same color as the skin, but it will still show).

Depending on the stage, you play as Sonic, Classic Sonic, or the Avatar. Some stages have Sonic and the Avatar teaming up. Each one controls differently (the Avatars have a wire attack and can use Wispons, Sonic has his usual homing attack and can boost using white wisps, and Classic Sonic plays like he did in Sonic Generations). Sadly, another problem is the game can be beaten very quickly if you decide to go straight to the goal, with it being extended only if one decides to go for the collectibles like Red Star Rings that are hidden in almost every level. Also, some of the challenges can be a bit grindy, with some ranging from killing a certain number of enemies with a certain Wispon, to getting a certain medal rank as a certain species. While completionists and achievement hunters will find this nice, others will find it excessive and boring.

However, to ease the grinding, the game adds daily challenges that will add a score multiplier when completed. Sadly, these are insulting easy, as some will require you to change a certain article of clothing on your Avatar.

Other gripes include Episode Shadow, which acts like a prequel, and when beaten, unlocks Shadow for play in Modern Sonic's stages (the episode only has three stages, and Shadow is nothing more than a reskin of Sonic) and the fact that Classic Sonic was put in this game to link it to Sonic Mania (and solidify the game's entry as an anniversary title). Otherwise, the game is okay and is worth checking out if you are a Sonic fan.
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Why, just WHY?!
arorashadow_200310 November 2017
You've heard it right, "Sonic was never good" "Sonic was only good in 2D" I've never bought into that, I thoroughly enjoyed Sonic from it's 2D days well into the 3D days but the series has been so thoroughly off track since 2006 with it's ill fated Sonic '06 entry. After a series if poorly conceived and boring gimmicks we were treated to Sonic Colors which felt like a real rebound for the series. Then came Generations, many loved it, I was meh on it to be honest, feeling it was too short and the controls too stiff for platforming.

Sonic Lost World came next which looked like Sega's sorry attempt to ride Mario's coattails with a Galaxy-esque design style and returning the Whisps from Sonic Colors. That game was dull and plagued by so many poor choices. Sonic Boom was another odd experiment that I had hopes for but was sorely disappointed on. Now we have Sonic Forces, promising at first, a game that's been in development for a long time, no sorry rush jobs, enough time to really think about the design mentalities from the last six years and a new generation of consoles to welcome to and it all has fallen apart. Everything done right in Colors has thoroughly been undone in this one game.

The flaws: Early promises with the first few stages until the game ramps it up with artificial difficulty with a slew of bottomless pits. True pits are time honored platform traditions, even in Sonic games but this game really laid it on thick! This game might as well be Bottomless Pits, the Game, featuring Sonic the Hedgehog. The most egregious of pits, the last two stages, Metropolis and The Tower level where precise timing is key to not falling in these pits that litter these stages.

The controls are clunky and awkward. You control between Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic (though I guess now he's just Alternate Sonic) and your own custom avatar. Classic Sonic can't make it up a simple loop even while running at a decent pace, what is this, Sonic 4? I thought we fixed this long ago, Sonic Team! Modern Sonic and Avatar are a little floaty thought somehow it doesn't work as it did before in the Adventure series. Again probably because the abundance of bottomless pits makes it easy to overshoot your platform. Despite being floaty your jump is also terribly gimped, as gimped as it was back in Generations. Somehow the game is floaty and gimped at the same time, I really don't understand.

The whisps are back but terribly this time. Perhaps the most fun aspect of Sonic Colors has been reduced to a small powerup that's good for maybe five seconds at most and is limited to one single weapon your avatar can get. And it's not as though your avatar can change weapons on the fly, no that'd mean doing something well in this. The homing attack, a Sonic staple for 20 years now, since Adventure 1, is here but is bizarrely relegated to the need of a reticule lock on mechanic. Why?! Why change what has been known for nearly two-decades, what's been ingrained into every player who ever picked up a modern 3D Sonic game, why of all things would you change that. This franchise has seen many changes over the years with it's mechanics and styles but if anything has been consistent it's the homing attack.

The Rage-Quit moment: I had two rage-quit moments in this, first was during the Zavok battle, the first boss in the game. The key is to hold your position on the ground and let his ground pound launch you into the air. This isn't communicated to you in anyway so what's your first instinct, jump into the air to get the homing attack! I must have jumped over and over again but nothing came about. I constantly restarted, intentionally died just thinking maybe I was hitting some kind of bug until I learned the proper way to do that. What's your first instinct in a game like this where the boss rides high in the air, or again any 3D Sonic game before Lost World? JUMP INTO A BOSS! The second moment was the final level, suddenly wall jumping is back! It was nowhere to be found for most of the game but now I have to do it here, with a slippery as can be custom character over an endless amount of pits. I couldn't make it through, I just got fed up with constantly falling and dying and falling and dying! The positives? Though I give this game a real failing score there are just a few bright spots, they're few and not enough to really save this but most of the music is pretty good. Probably one of the better soundtracks in a while from a series sometimes known for better music than games. The last few games have come to rely on dull orchestral scores (orchestral is usually great but not what I come to want in a Sonic game) and badly auto tuned theme songs. Forces goes back to the mix and match of rock and synth pop that made the Adventure games so memorable. But even there there's a few dull tunes, 2D Death Egg was garbage, not taking from either S3&K or Sonic 2 (likely for Sega being cheap in licensing). The story is the same goofy cheesy comedy we've had since Colors, which is for the best, Sonic trying to get too serious just comes off as trying too hard. We had it work once in SAT-AM let's call that lightning in a bottle magic and not keep trying it.

Early promises of Forces and early good will steadily faded the longer I played. I'm not going to waste more time by finishing it, I'm done with this game and I'm done with this franchise.
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R.I.P. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991-2006, 2010-2017)
yolibarvueswag5 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've always wondered why SEGA keeps making mediocre modern Sonic games, since Generations, we've haven't had a good game since. But my biggest problem with the game is the characters. The majority of the characters don't do anything at all, and just are incompetent cheerleaders that apparently forgot their own powers and accomplishments. I'll explain the characters and what SEGA did to them. First, for Shadow, I don't really care about him. He does at least help somewhat, but otherwise he does nothing. Rogue is pretty bland, and I'm overall indifferent towards her. Omega is.... dead? The Chaotix, I'm indifferent towards, and Knuckles, I really don't like they made him "smart" again. Because while he's slightly more competent, he's just not as funny nor enjoyable as he was in Sonic Boom. He's pretty boring. Sliver is just lifeless and hardly talks (though he probably lost his voice form all those It's No Use!s), and also boring. Amy, is less annoying, and a bit more smart, but she's boring. But for Tails? Oh boy. What SEGA did to him is disgusting and despicable. Tails in the much older games defeated Eggman on his own, and proves he can be a helpful sidekick, but since Unleashed, he does literally nothing and just stands there and cries. Like, when Sonic is beaten up and hanged up by some of the villains, and Infinite, Tails just stands there and watches. Like, did he become brain dead? And after Sonic is "dead" his friends are apparently worthless without him. So, overall, a pretty bad game.
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One More Last Fist Bump
TheMysteriousReviewer13 January 2021
Sonic Forces is far from being the best of the franchise, but quite an enjoyable game. Probably the biggest issue is the story is sorta weak. The cutscenes can be seen rushed and doesn't tell us much about Sonic's journey. And the controls can be repetitive sometimes. But what makes up for it is fantastic graphics, some of the nice gameplay especially when you get to make a avatar for the game and likable charm from the previous Sonic games. Overall, it's definitely not the best Sonic game. But can't say it's the worst either.
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"It's Alright"
Awful level design. Awful voice acting from the regular show background voice guy. Awful, boring, sterile cutscenes. Awful story. Awful villain. Awful music. Awful everything. It's another painful attempt at appealing to the fans after the other three hundred times. This game is the embodiment of a seven year old's idea of "edgy and cool", because those Sonic fans want the seriousness and deep complexity of Sonic The Hedgehog back really bad. It's downright embarrassing and annoying, it's not fun and it's just a boring reminder that the absolute garbage spewing from Sonic Team's big fat money filled mouth will be categorized as "okay", because the standards have become that low. At least you can laugh at the franchises' worst games, this one is just miserable and obnoxious.

Don't go and waste sixty dollars on this, not even if it's on sale. I would give it a 0 if I could.
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Has Problems but still good
rememberme-1480716 September 2018
This game has a huge list of problems but for each problem theres two good things. This game is not the 25th we deserved but is still entertaing enough to exist.
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They had a good idea but the gameplay is terrible.
onemillionpapercranes22 April 2021
Loved that you can make your own avatar, loved the plot, loved the backgrounds, but the gameplay is terrible.

For the most part it's super easy (so easy it's boring), but then there will just be a part of the map you have no way of knowing about so you can't not die a few times. Seems like the developers where like, "Let's make the game so easy a three year old can play it, but let's make sure they die a few times at random parts of the game just so they think it's hard."

Once you have played the entire map once you can play it again with your eyes closed. It's all about knowing where that one place you need to jump is.

Would have been a better game if it were open world instead of everything on a track.
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Sonic Forces is Disappointing
beinta_dalsgard17 October 2022
Sonic Forces is the most recent mainline Sonic game, and i gotta be honest, this game.. isn't good at all, the story attempts to bring back the dark and edgy tone of past Sonic games, but it just fails really badly, i barely felt like anything even happened, Eggman has finally conquered the world along with his new invention or buddy named Infinite who is just one of the most generic villains in Sonic history, not having any interesting motivation or backstory, besides throwing a tantrum after Shadow obviously destroys him in the Episode Shadow prequel DLC, you also have some villains from the past Sonic games being Shadow, Zavok, Metal Sonic and Chaos showing up as fake illusions by Infinite, but for some reason, you don't fight Chaos or Shadow, showing me that they had no respect for the dreamcast fans, truly disappointing.

Now this game has 23 stages and 7 bosses, now while that sounds like a lot of content, all these stages are insanely short with most of them taking 1-3 minutes to complete, making you beat the entire game in under 4 hours, and this is an anniversary title (well, i mean, it kinda is!), it should be big!

Speaking of the stages, let's talk about the gameplay styles, this game has 3 gameplay styles being Modern Sonic, the avatar you can create and Classic Sonic, Modern Sonic has the best gameplay style most people would say, but that doesn't mean it's good, every single level in this game is mostly a linear bore-fest, Modern Sonic's physics have been completely destroyed, he has no run formation, he feels very slippery to control, his boost is way too OP and his double jump feels so weak and doesn't do anything at all unless you abuse the game's crazy momentum system.

So what about the avatar, the avatar is definitely the best part of this game in my opinion, not his gameplay as it is literally just Modern Sonic's gameplay except you don't have the boost, it's the fact you can make your own OC be canon to the storyline which is a really cool idea, there's also a bunch of accessories you can customize your avatar with.

And now we have Classic Sonic, yep, they ruined his physics COMPLETELY, he was obviously just a last-minute thought, so of course, his physics were gonna be bad considering Generations already didn't have the perfect physics for him, but yeah, here, he is just complete trash, his normal speed is incredibly slow, his jump feels too floaty, everything sucks about him, he's also not even relevant to the plot, only being here because of when Mania ended, he forms an emotional bond with Tails, when he really doesn't, because he has done nothing, then there's also the part where the game states he's from another dimension INSTEAD OF ANOTHER TIMELINE LIKE WE WERE TOLD BEFORE!!

I'm so done with this game, so much missed potential especially when you look at the visuals in the stages which just look gorgeous, but obviously, it was doomed to fail from the start as they used a new engine for this game, there's some other things here, like the soundtrack which is just ok compared to other Sonic OST's and the tag-team mechanic between Modern Sonic and the avatar which was kinda clunky, and the final boss which was once again, a copy of the Nega-Wisp armor from Colors, but yeah, that's about it!
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Larry the pig
thisisplusharama26 June 2022
Sega has really hit Rock bottom With sonic Forces so I decided to do something different sega if your reading this then scrap sonic and say hello to Larry the pig. Yes this we'll be your new mascot, he Will sell plushis figures and games like Larry boom Larry 2 the rescue and Larry Forces.
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Sonic Forces Me To Be Sad
eisaiah-8467221 March 2021
Sonic Forces is a sad story. It had the potential of being one of Sonic's best games yet, and instead it became one of Sonic's most mediocre and disappointing games to date. The story tries to be the next SA1 or SA2, but instead the story had a villain with a cringe backstory, questionable usage of characters (cough cough Tails), a world that's like cardboard, a Mary Sue OC, and combined this all with a laughable script that try's to take itself both seriously and funny and with awful acting leads a game that overall, is painfully mediocre at its best, and an insult to the fans at its worst. Sonic could do WAY better than this insult of a game
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It tries and almost succeeds
dextremearrow17 May 2019
Honestly, this game is a mix. While there's some bad moments like certain controls or plot holes. The rest of the game is decent. Sure it's a letdown for Sonic's 25th anniversary compared to mania, but when looked at alone it's surprisingly fun to play. Playing as 3 characters is a great refreshment for the series. Sure two of them are sonic and one is a character customization result, but at least we get more playstyles. My only complaint is that the main villain Infinite is just bad. His reason for becoming evil is because Shadow called him weak. That's as if someone tracked down a random YouTuber just because they commented "KYS lol." also the rest of infinite is just the "Evil dark and edgy" stereotype we all know but don't like. He's basically a Great Value Shadow that's past the expiration date. The soundtrack is great about 75-85% of the time, the level design isn't bad due to the fact only 3 people worked on it, the free dlc "Episode Shadow" is fun and I'm honestly glad to play as shadow after so long. If you want to get this game, get it when it's on sale because even though for me it's one of my favorite sonic games, it still has some minimal problems that can be fixed.
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It's a great game
donovanmcrale21 June 2018
Beautiful graphics, amazing music, sweet story, cool villain, great controls.
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sonic forces review
jackstonestone9 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
So sonic forces is a game from the sonic the Hedgehog franchise that is a part of the main series of sonic games and not the spin off games and it shows a character named infinite that has something called the Phantom ruby theta can can control time and space and he brings back various sonic villain characters like shadow and metal sonic for example and sonic actually gets defeated and Eggman one of the main antagonists takes over the world and now the remaining resistance team needs to work together to stop Eggman by all of them uniting as a team to stop him and to also repair their own world back together again and they do in the end and they all live happily ever at least until the next game. HOWEVER, I've done a lot of research on this game and have figured out that a lot of people who have played this game before don't actually like it that much and think that it is a bad game but I have done research all about this game and everything in it and I begged a differ so I'm going to do an honest review on this game so here we go. So first of all the gameplay seems very solid for how there are both 2d and 3d sections that can transition between one another which I think is really cool to have both formulas of 2d classic sonic games and the 3d sonic games together to fit both themes. Also classic sonic makes a return in this game back from regular sonic meeting him in the game sonic generations and it's cool to see him back in this game as a nice little callback. Also the callbacks and references to having previous sonic villains appear in this game from fan favorite games of the sonic franchise was a huge surprise to me and it's great to see all of them in the same room. Also Eggman's previous inventions make a return like the egg dragoon from sonic unleashed and even a metal sonic boss fight in 3d. Also the boss fights finally have health bars now and while it's a minor detail at least you know how much progress you're making during each one of them. Also the cinematic cutscene in this game are very well animated and have started very smooth art design that has all of the characters in their normal original 3d modern designs and the dialogue for each character fits their personality perfectly in my opinion and the voice actors who voice them have EXTREMELY nice talents in voice acting to me. Also this game has somewhat of a comic book design where things look more 2 dimensional like the fonts and the special effects but it just looks really cool to me because I personally love reading comic books and seeing this is very nice for visuals. Also super sonic is back in this game but now he has been amped up to having an infinite amount of rings and no time limit but also your boosting ability becomes infinite and it doesn't run out and best of all you are invincible. Also the difficulty in this game seems pretty decent and also it doesn't seem too easy either so it does seem well balanced in my opinion. But also one of the best features in this game is that you can create your very own original sonic characters that have their very own abilities and have a huge part of the story mode as well and you can design them in any way you would like with custom weapons to have as well so that REALLY COOL. Also the rankings for each level can only go down to a C ranking so at least people who do get that ranking won't feel so bad. Also the craziest thing that happened in this game at the begging of it was that sonic actually loses to Eggman and he actually manages to take over the entire world and sonic actually gets captured and that's just crazy how that actually happens. Also another really cool thing about this game is the fact that SO MANY previous and iconic sonic characters from the past make a comeback in this game. I also love the fight scenes in some of the cinematic cutscenes because they are actually really cool figh5 scenes to watch They do have a good amount of action in them. So in conclusion, this game has a lot of very good elements related to gameplay, characters references and animation with a really good and smooth art style. So what would I rate this game on a scale of 1 to 10. A solid 9 because of logic in the story but that's about it everything else was great in my opinion.
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Challenging game
Ashen655 June 2021
I played the game and didn't really try to get high scores first time and the game looked so average to me with no unique experience.

But second time, I focused to get S scores, and the game turned out to be so enjoyable and challenging.

The story wasn't very strong but that didn't ruin my fun so i wouldn't count it negative.

The controls for Classic Sonic weren't very accurate. Changing directions in air isn't easy unlike Modern Sonic who has a good controlling and mobility.

The colours, the designs, the graphics, all of them gave this game its own mood and a decent atmosphere.


There are multiple characters in this game. Tails, Knuckles, Silver, Shadow and others. But actually, the only playable characters are: Modern Sonic, Classic Sonic, and Your OC. You had brought back so many characters but still, I am only able to use 3 of them. I know Shadow is a playable character, but he has the same exact abilities that Sonic has.

You had diverse characters I wanted to use and not a created OC. I wanted to play some extraordinary experience with Silver. Or some different stages for Shadow. And not my OC. You can't show us a huge content and doesn't expect us to use it. It's like buying a Sonic game but Sonic is unplayable.

This game got so hated from the community for numerous reasons. But I actually liked this game and don't have any problem to see another Sonic game like this. Thank you Sega.
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An Extremely Over-Hated Masterpiece
trevorbrinnier11 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I don't understand why this game gets all the hate it does. Many criticisms I've heard thrown towards this game is just flat out not true. "the writing is inconsistent and cant decide whether it wants to go for a comedic tone or a serious tone". Not true, almost every line said by any character in this game is meant to further the plot and the few jokes that are present here aren't even that offensive except for a few standout lines that made me cringe (don't count your chickens before you smash your eggs).

I will mostly be defending the story in this review because i feel that's what gets the most unwarranted hate, but the gameplay is still really fun, fast fluid, and even classic sonic controls really well I never had an issue with him while many other people say hes clunky and hard to platform with.

The story is great I have no idea why people are bothered by it aside from tails being more of a coward than he should've been. I feel like the story could've benefitted from a longer run time because some things come and go too fast, for example sonic "dies" after the first level and one cutscene later the resistance is already discovering he's alive. But besides pacing issues the story is written really well with everything it sets up being paid off later. Many people look at this story at an insanely surface level perspective and hate on it for that but when you actually take a minute to think deeper than just what the game shows you you will see so many good things about this games story

example 1: Everyone criticises infinites backstory by saying "oh shadow called him weak and thats why hes evil that's so stupid" but as I said before that's a very surface level look at it. When you think with more than half a brain cell you'll realize that when you've gained a reputation as "The Ultimate Mercenary" and you're defeated almost immediately in a confrontation with Shadow its totally understandable and even expected to have a massive mental breakdown over that. His huge ego was shattered in an instant making him want to become more powerful, offering himself to eggman to be the test subject for the phantom ruby, rebirthing himself as Infinite, and giving up his old self

example 2: another criticism with infinite is he was a big part of the story but after your final fight with him in stage 27 he disappears and is never seen again. Now when you look at that surface level it seems stupid but if you actually think, and pay attention to the cutscene, you would notice that infinite is flickering, with a red aura surrounding him, almost as if he was a phantom ruby creation rather than infinite himself. And when he beacons back to the fortress the real infinite was probably up there, and after his defeat eggman took the phantom ruby from him used it to create his new Death Egg Robot, kicking off the endgame.

My main point with this review is to explain that many people are biased against sonic forces because the trailers got them overhyped and when they got the game and saw what it is they were disappointed, so instead of appreciating the games story and all its complexities, they just hate on it and give baseless criticisms that lead to unfair judgement of a perfectly fine game

does this game have issues? Yes. Its too short, the levels should've been longer, the pacing should've been better, there's no chaos or shadow boss fights even though they both have their own antagonistic roles in the story, infinite no matter how much I love him is an underdeveloped character, there's pretty much nothing you earn from collecting all the star rings, bingo numbers, and moon tokens other than clothing for the rookie, and if you're not interested in stylizing your character then 100%ing the game would be of no interest to you, but despite all this the game delivers on fun gameplay, good writing, a great story, fun locations, alot of fan favorite characters (even if many of their actions are done off screen while you blast through levels), and an amazing soundtrack which is the one thing I'm glad everyone can agree is amazing.

If you read this whole review and haven't tried the game yet, I'd definitely recommend it, and if you don't like it, that's perfectly fine. We're all entitled to our own opinions, just dont say stuff about the game that's objectively wrong, because so many people love to do that nowadays, and not just with sonic, with all games.
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Doesn't deserve the stick
sanctumlcie12 October 2021
Gameplay is actually quite refined and enjoyable. What let's it down is the length of the levels. In my opinion, I think if the levels were between 4-6 minutes each that everyone would be calling this game sonics great return. I don't play sonic for a great story although it can help. I play for gameplay. I believe the gameplay is fine.
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