"Designated Survivor" Brace for Impact (TV Episode 2017) Poster

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Lackluster, and ultimately disappointing.
honestly2218 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Designated Survivor has been one of the smash hits of 2016/2017, hence why this finale ultimately disappointed me. I felt the series lost its way for a while during episodes 13-17, but it came back strong once it found its feet again.

After episode 20 ended with Hannah (the best character, don't even argue me here) in the back of a van filled to the brim with explosives, I'd hoped this week would be tight as hell. This was not the case and the episode (while having a brilliant opening scene resolving the Hannah cliffhanger) dragged its feet for the first 32 minutes. Not cool.

The end of the episode treated us with one hell of an undeserved monologue by Kirkman, before giving us a half-arsed set-up for next season.

This episode did not do the first season of this show justice. I like this show, it's not one of my absolute favorites, but I'd be annoyed if it were canceled; so why do I feel so cheated? I think its because nothing really feels resolved. Everything explained in this episode we kind of already knew, and the set-up for season two feels kind of unexplained- if you asked me to tell you what Loyd plans to do next season, I just, I don't know what I'd tell you.

Anyways- Am I excited for season two? Yes. Will I buy this show on DVD? Yes. Is the first season worth watching? Yes.
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Good, and very politically correct
m-fallon6722 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Designated Survivor this first season was good, but a one sided Hollywood bias throughout the entire fabric of the show. Sure it is all fantasy, however very predictable in several ways. The President played well by Kiefer Sutherland is a true honorable and likable man. The hero is a liberal democrat naturally. The Republican leader is a Senator Bowman, complete with a southern accent, and heartless demeanor. Naturally. Gun control gets passed, and other liberal fantasies in this Hollywood fantasy. In the midst of all this, is a decent thriller, with different turns, but of course follow the recent political correct PlayBook to the end. A female FBI agent who discovers the conspiracy to bomb the Capitol and leads the charge of solving it, and catching the bad guys responsible. Here is where the eye roll starts. The people responsible are not radical Islamic, or eastern Eropean terrorists. No it is the evil right wing white Americans. This has been the Hollywood theme lately in shows like Quantico, and this past season of Homeland. Political correct? You bet. Watcher beware.
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Just a Bit Over the Top
Hitchcoc17 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I did enjoy this series, climaxing in this last episode. One problem is that there were too many action scenes that ended outrageously. The dip in the Potomac by Wells's car. The T-boning of her car by the bad guy. And then there is that long speech (there is way too much pontificating in this show). I did enjoy the capture of that jowly jerk who was a spy in the West Wing. But it was too much action film. Nevertheless, this show kept me entertained. I suppose I'll watch the first episode of Season 2 and get myself hooked. There are a lot of unresolved issues and a huge, ambiguous threat out there.
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Absolutely Breathtaking Finale!
AliAkbar9919 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
So, One of the best seasons of 2016-17 TV series came to its end. A season which had both strong (1,9,10,11,12,15,20,21) and weak episodes (13,16,17,18). It actually shows how - as Seth said in the first episode - "The lowest rung of the ladder" turns to a mature POTUS during the crises. In my eye, It was thriller from top to toe. political, Conspiracy and Family Drama.

The Ending of the finale was superb, promising an even better second season! As it was predicted the cast have done their best. Kiefer Sutherland, who has fantastically understood the character Tom Kirkman and played it. Maggie Q was awesome too. Although their performance was somehow predictable, Kal Penn was actually great. I my self didn't expect Italia Ricci and Adan Canto to act well, but they were strangely wonderful.

If 13 episodes had been ordered for the first season, It might have been a better season tough, some episodes could've been outdone. This show really deserves more budget or even a better network than ABC! I mean, except the Oval office, the white house could've been designed and shown better. But since there is not that much money, we are observing these kind of problems!

Regarding to the IMDb's ratings, there are so many users rating it 1 just because this show does not drink to their opinions regarding the administration issues. I hope they stop doing so. Let's take a loot at the artistic aspect of the show, not our personal point of view about the matters discussed in the show, e.g gun control! I mean Come on! The president must look into social aspects of the society. It shouldn't be all political, or international issues. Art is also important. Justice system is, too.

Don't forget that this series has left so many questions behind: Is Leo really Tom's son? What is Lloyd gonna do with the information Lozano handed over to him by hacking Pentagon's servers? What will happen to Tom after his first term ends? Will we see a fight for election? and why MacLeish as the president, did not shut down the stock markets!?

If you ask me, Yes, the first season definitely worth watching, and Yes, I can't wait to watch the second season!

Finale : 8.8/10 Season 1 : 8.5/10
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One of the best seasons of Nikita so far
sarakuralexx18 May 2017
If I had known Nikita would get a spin off back in Early 2014 I wouldn't have gone through my major withdrawal.

With that being said, this show is epic. I'll be forever thankful for getting Maggie Q as a secret agent taking down a shadow organization.

Can't wait for Season 2!
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Decent finale
LoveIsAStateOfMind22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Given the events of this season I was terrified which part of the government would get blown up or main character shot in this episode but as it turned out the series finale was quite mild in comparison to the events building up to it.

Agent Wells and the bomb got resolved quickly and in dramatic fashion – I think Hannah Wells was channeling Nikita in these last few episodes because despite being drugged and beaten up multiple times whilst on the ship, she was able to lead a taskforce and then come out a winner in a fistfight with Catalan!

I was scared that she wouldn't last the season. Maggie Q is the reason I started watching the show to begin with and with most of the season having her going it alone to discover the truth, the setup felt a lot like Nikita at times. I am glad that she is still standing at the end of this episode. I am sad that Jason Atwood was the sacrificial lamb but kudos to the writers for taking the time to show Wells's softer side and have her mourn him in his empty FBI office. The flashback to their first meeting really made me smile.

I feel like I have been starved of Aaron/Emily moments in the second half of the season and disappointingly the season finale was empty of any significant moments between them although with Aaron back at The White House, no doubt the UST will resurface between the two of them in Season 2.

I am glad that President Moss turned out to be a true ally as I was initially suspicious of his motives when he appeared but the best character growth for me in the whole season was that of Kimble Hookstraten. I love how the writers kept us (and Kirkman!) on our toes debating whether she could be trusted or not. I am sorely disappointed that she won't be returning for Season 2 – I only hope that we will get her guest-starring for a couple episodes or so.

President Kirkman, Alex, Ritter and Seth are all solid characters that I love. I am sure that for most people the defining moment of this episode for Kirkman was the rousing speech he gave at the end but for me the scene which really highlighted why we all wish we had a leader like him was the way he dealt with Abe Leonard.

This episode did a good job of wrapping up just enough loose ends from this season to give the viewer a sense of closure before dropping the plot bomb which will undoubtedly be the shadow that hangs over season 2 – after all we all know that in many ways cyber- terrorism is more dangerous that blowing up the Capitol.
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edwagreen18 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
A very good finale for the season was this final installment for the year.

Go know that in Homeland Security, there were conspirators ready to bring down our country.

Agent Welles sure got the drop on the guy who had kidnapped her. The president's speech before Congress was enlightening though I have to admit it was a cheering speech for the commander-in-chief that was received exceedingly well.

The mastermind to the capitol bombing is still on the loose and the season concluded in a perfect way as he has to be sought out. What makes the series so good is that it depicts how President Kirkland has matured through the various crises affecting his administration and how national security must come before anything else.
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Massive plothole
bestfootie23 June 2019
Surely when they realise C is in the Pentagon and they know he's just been issued with a card, in order to find him why would they not just track any recent access card made that day? That way they would isolate him in minutes.
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Are they kidding?
kap-crp242429 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS AHEAD: Most of the episode was beyond ridiculous, but the worst part was the opening scene. The previous episode ended with one of the heroes, FBI Agent Hannah Wells, waking up in a van, not knowing how she got there after being drugged by a bad guy. She had gotten out of the van after finding it rigged with a massive amount of explosives, only to discover the van was in a parking garage under the FBI building. Then she was confronted by armed guards. What to do? This episode, the season finale, opens right where that one left off. The armed men order her to lay on the ground several times. Thinking quickly, she says she'll set off a bomb with the device in her hand, etc. She jumps back in the van, goes to the driver's seat, turns the key and drives off. Yes, the ignition key was still in the ignition! This was a HUGE plot hole that the bad guys, after planting bombing evidence in Agent Wells apartment to tie her to the minutes-away upcoming bombing, would leave the key there! This was possibly the most stupid scene in any show this season. Then there's the beatings that she took during the day yet she was fine to lead a mission, and of course the scene where bad guy Catalon rams his newer car headfirst into a structure and the airbag never goes off. Seconds after that, Catalon's car gets T-boned by Agent Wells' car, yet he's able to leap out uninjured and be 75 yards away in about 4 seconds. I could go on, but the whole episode was a joke.
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Really disappointing and salty final
jeremyhamaoui23 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Disclaimer: this is my first review and I would never have thought that I would review an episode ever.

I really enjoyed the TV show overall but the finale is disappointing to say the least.

So many annoying things during the episode that I will only list a few:

  • the car damages disappearing during the chase (take that continuity)

  • he got T-Bone by a SUV, let him unconscious and end of story.

  • he didn't take the suitcase with him when he ran so it should be in the car and ready to be picked up by the FBI

  • so evident that one (usually the bad guy) would end up impaled during a fist fight in a house under construction.

All those things together left me with a very salty feeling about the show itself, I won't be looking forward for the season 2 for sure.

It looks like they rushed into closing the season 1 and learn at the last minute that a season 2 would be needed.

A lot is not explained about the conspiracy that wiped out the entire government and I am pretty sure that season 2 will not provide any more explanation.

They should have made a double episode for the finale to polish the ending of season 1 and justifying the season 2 a bit more.
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The lazy writing goes on
adamsosnowski31 January 2019
The writing in this show gets from bad to worse with every episode. So the Pentagon was all closed once they knew that Catalan was in there. Nevertheless he left the building with no problems at all. Nobody recognized the man who whot the president. NOBODY in the whole Pentagon. And then, just like that, agent Wells drives by and recognizes Catalan in his car. I mean, come on... In the fighting scene he slams Wells against the wall, but she is just fine and easily kills a highly trained soldier who is twice her size and weight. The writers are not only bad, they also have liberal and leftist views and they began to show it very clearly in the last episodes of season 1. And those were also by far the worst episodes.
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Season One
zkonedog3 July 2019
Whenever I start a new TV show, I usually like to commit to at least a few episodes to see where the show is going and what its potential might be. That being said, a TV pilot does have the responsibility to be interesting enough to make you keep tuning in. This is especially true for network shows that are so severely limited by content, network, and other restrictions (not like the cable/streaming shows that basically have free reign). I was excited about the potential of "Designated Survivor" for two reasons: 1. It looked like an interesting concept; and 2. Kiefer Sutherland is a great actor. Unfortunately, neither of those things are played to their fullest potential, leading to one of the most lackluster, "vanilla" pilots I've ever seen.

For a basic plot summary, this show sets up the concept of a low-level Cabinet member, Tom Kirkman (Sutherland), being thrust into the Presidency when all those further up in the chain are taken out via a terrorist attack during the State of the Union address. As Kirkman and family, notably wife Alex (Natascha McElhone), struggle to deal with their future taking such a dramatic turn, an investigation into the bombing commences.

There are two main problems with this Pilot:

1. There are no surprises whatsoever...nothing to make you believe that this show will be interesting or unique in any way. It doesn't deviate from the concept in any way, shape, or form.

2. It focuses on all the wrong things. This should be a show about how a Jimmy Stewart-like "everyman" takes on a surprise Presidency. Instead, and rather inexplicably, it seems to focus on anything but. It turns into a show (or at least an episode) that seems to dance around the fringes of what should be the "good stuff". As much time is given to Kirkman's family and the terror investigation. To me, this signals that the show really isn't all that interested in breaking new ground; content to just be grooved into a formulaic pattern.

I feel a little bad jumping ship after one episode, but despite all my hopes going into the show, I have not one iota to continue after watching the Pilot. There wasn't a single thing that interesting me enough to want to keep tuning in, and compounding the issue is the problem where it looks like the show won't address what should be its interesting components. My gut feeling tells me this show will be cancelled without an entire season pickup. It's just too sluggish and dull to attract many eyeballs.
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