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Worst twist since Crystal Skull
bobbystarsmore2 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie would've gotten a higher score from me if it wasn't for the lame twist at the end. From a nice old fashioned ghost horror to run of the mill torture porn.
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It's ok if you like those kinds of movies.
This movie needs a bigger screen and good atmosphere to work.

Don't watch in daytime or on a small TV.

It's not a one star movie. It is well made, the actors are quite good (they are very good at displaying the typical youtubers).

The setting is amazing and its use is quite effective.

The plot twist is weird, but who cares, it works.

For Found Footage completists.
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only for POV lovers
lojitsu8 November 2019
Here's The Lowedown on "Heilstatten: Haunted Hospital" (NR - 2018 - DVD)

Lang: German Genre: Horror/POV My Score: 5.3

Cast=4 Acting=6 Plot=7 Ending=5 Story=3 Scare=3 Jump=5 F/X=6 POV=7 Twist=7

At an abandoned sanctuary near Berlin, a group of YouTubers illegally enter for a 24-hour challenge they hope will go viral. They learn too soon that they are not alone and not welcome.

"Rule number one: no Internet while we're here." I thought this was pretty good, but only because I am a POV horror junkie. This movie would only appeal to those that would think the same way. Even still, there was a solid concept (maybe because YouTubers die) and a good twist (you have to pay attention). If you're desperate, this might be worth a look.
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Poor performance can't save the good idea
mrfoxx-7046610 October 2018
The basic idea of a horror movie revolving around a bunch of YouTube influencer who are searching the next thrill for a couple of likes more is quite good. Even the setting is excellent, and the stories behind the sanitarium have potential. But after 10 minutes into the movie, you get sick by the lame comments and actings of those main characters. All of them are exchangeable, so they leave no impression whatsoever behind. As a matter of fact, you wish they die fast and cruelly. As much as I like setting and atmosphere - which really grows denser the longer the movie takes - at the same time I disliked all of the lead characters, which made the movie unwatchable.
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Great V.O.
edwardbundy27 May 2020
MAYBE this could have been scary, now its just extremely funny for the AMAZING dub. These voice-actors should taken some more classes if any. Its so monotone i thought i HAD to watch the whole thing. I couldn't. WOOOFFFFFFF
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If you watch this film as a whole, you may be in need of a cure yourself
Horst_In_Translation3 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
"Heilstätten" or "Fear Challenge" is a 1.5-hour German horror/thriller movie from 2018, so still relatively new and this one was directed and co-written by Michael David Pate. If you have heard the name, then you know what you are in for. He is the one who came up with the infamous Kartoffelsalat movie before that where he told a horror/zombie story involving some of Germany's most known Youtubers. And "most known" here means "most ruthless" and "most fake" too because the cast members were predominantly people who are known to the trained eye for product placement and tricking mostly young audiences into buying the stuff they advertize while fake-trying to convince everybody that these are the products they are really using. Their videos are scripted from beginning to end whil pretending for interesting and surprising stuff to happen, or in short these are exactly the Youtubers you don't want to watch and also you don't want your kids to watch. FreshTorge was the star in this older film and he is also in this new movie we have here, but really only very briefly early on most likely lying to people in some kind of publicity stunt to make this film more known I assume that he is really scared of/during horror movies. Some probably watched the film because of his name attached to the project, but if they were smart enough they switched the film off pretty quickly. Because all that followed afterwards was not good at all. The beginningw as already, but slightly tolerable. However, the "scarier" the film became, the worse it got too losing itself in infrared camera recordings that were supposed to add everything, but in fact added nothing in my opinion. Lets take a look at the cast. I must say I have no idea who the boys are if they are actual actors or more Youtube influencers. The girls are slightly more known. Gerhardt has appeared in some prestigious projects and she is somewhat the female lead. But I don't really see a lot of talent in her either, so don't think she is good only because she is better than the really weak rest. korol has been Tina in Buck's Bibi and Tina franchise, but her role here offers really nothing. I must say I was a bit surprised though about Gerhardt's looks. Don't have her as attractive in my mind, but the non-blonde hair suits her pretty well. But yeah, can you really blame her for not turning the role of a Youtube influencer/influenza into acting gold? It is an impossible challenge you could say, even if she tries her best. You can blame her though for accepting the role. Now as for the story, we have a bunch of young people travelling to Heilstätten, a location where Nazis dealt with people suffering from tuberculosis in the first half of the 20th century. So it is a dark place really, even if it sounds like a wellness town. But yeah, it is pretty disrespectful to make a garbage film like this on such a meaningful location, especially as they were taking itself really seriously making this movie here. It is never scary, it is never entertaining, it has never at least guilty pleasure potential. It is just plain bad. It is really tough to find anything positive about it. One thing you could mention is that it actually depicts influencers as fake to some extent, which did surprise me bit. There is one scene when we see her pretend to her fans that her boyfriend is her ex-boyfriend, so she seems single to them and probably attracts more male fans I don't know. There are 1 or 2 other references depicting that it is all make-believe and nothing you see is real and you will recognize them if you watch this film. But even there, Pate was far from being as bold as he could have been when elaborating on this subject. But that is no surprise obviously after shooting Kartoffelsalat and lets be honest here the irony is priceless already this way with him including stuff like that and then having FreshTorge in his cast who is probably top5 of the phonies here in Germany. Now back to the film, it is incredibly bland, uncreative and never a success. Skip it. Highly not recommended.
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Haunted Hospital: Heilstätten
Oslo_Jargo24 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
*** This review may contain spoilers ***

*Plot analyzed*

An extremely annoying video (not a film at all) with youth culture written all over it. A bunch of morons, with no redeeming qualities except to destroy, harass and elicit juvenile emotional responses from each other, form the 'meat and bones' of what we see. They spend some time at a "haunted hospital". Their puerile pranks get weary after about 2 minutes. Lacking any intelligence, we really don't care what happens to them.

The setting is significantly eerie but put to bad use by the inept videographer (not a film director at all). Quick jumps, bad lightning (intended) and idiotic editing further drag this into the mud.

The ending is entirely absurd, preposterous and ludicrous. It does not deviate from the now-standard formula of "found footage movies" that now permeate the horror market.

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enaboule10 January 2019
A movie with such a good potential but sadly it ended to be really bad. The action takes too long to settle, the acting is bad, and actors are just caricatures of how someone you who don't understand this generation and internet views it. The movie try so hard to drown you with it's message " bouhou young people are stupid and they watch stupid things that some stupids ones do just to be famous" god knows this is so annoying. And this plot twist, a good idea, easy but not previsible but they failed it, cause of that goddamn kid's acting, 0 credibility. Plus they try to fix it but for a final it's too long and have absolutely no sense, at the end you're like " wtf ? ". It is sad, such a good idea wasted like a lot before this one. Watch it if you want to spend your time, for me, I'm not watching it again. One that you forget easily.
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Blair witch meets paranomal activity
heitmann8416 February 2019
Pretty decent movie with a good twist. Loved it. Much better then the rating showes..
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One star for the set - that's it about this movie.
mmabln15 March 2021
This movie is so bad that I am not able to express it in words.

I give one star for the set ("Beelitz Heilstätten").

Obviously this was meant to be some kind of "Blairwitch Project" mixed with today's social media centric society, taking place in a decent location.

It was hard to stand watching it to the very end. Sometimes I found it even stressful to watch, not because of the horror or tension, but because of the cutting and camera work. It felt like being done by an ADHD suffering person who just had ten espressi.

The acting was so bad and all the characters so unlikeable and interchangeable, almost from the start I had a deathwish for everybody in this movie, die! Die! Die!

And the twist in the end was laughable at best.

Don't watch.
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Enjoyable German found footage project - with a twist.
parry_na8 September 2021
Events at the beginning of this film happen at such a fast pace that, coupled with the exuberant characters, things seem as if they might become exhausting. Thankfully, this calms down a little as 'The Sanctuary' progresses.

I enjoyed this German found footage film a great deal. The fact that the plot revolves around a group of notorious You Tubers gives the usual trappings - given away by the film's alternative 'Haunted Hospital' title - individuality, as well as a good reason for them to continue filming no matter what.

The twist at the end is a big one, and asks a lot of the viewer - some will like it, some will hate it. I thought it made a lot of sense, and was genuinely unexpected. My score is 8 out of 10.
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2 stars for idea and place
cmelaniesenf10 March 2021
I have to admit, I didn't know the movie was German. If I had known, believe me, I wouldn't have clicked. But it was in the top ten ranking on Netflix, I repeat, I didn't know anything about the movie, so I clicked. Oh boy. What a waste of time. Why, and I am asking this as a German, why are German productions like this? For once, we didn't steal from Hollywood, I think, had a decent idea on a historically valuable building and its background and that's the outcome? Wow. We literally failed every film academy class one could think of. From script to special effects. Too bad. The idea was so good. Not original, we are talking about an asylum here, which literally created the horror genre, but good. Solid. If only they did a little more research on the patients, on the history. What a great movie this could've been. Not necessarily horror but drama.

The worst thing is people donated money so the film could be shot. In a crowd funding on the web! I hope they didn't want their money back after they've watched it.
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kirbylee70-599-52617911 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wasn't sure what to expect when I began watching this movie. I knew it was made in Germany, fortunately dubbed in English since my eyesight is off at the moment making subtitles difficult, a sort of found footage style film and involved an overnight stay in a haunted location. As big a fan of movies like this, in particular GRAVE ENCOUNTERS, I was anxious to see how this one turned out. I wasn't disappointed.

The story involves several vloggers, those who create their own YouTube channels in hopes of drawing in the most viewers. The first among them is Marnie, a young girl whose channel deals with confronting the things that frighten you most. Her channel is one of the low rated ones. Next up is Charly and Finn, a pair of rap style wannabes who prank people on their videos with a large following. Lastly is Betty, a self-styled guru of beauty who is the most self-absorbed of the group as well.

Charly and Finn have issued a challenge to Betty to join them on their next prank. Their pranks tend to involve something illegal and this is no exception. Their friend Theo, a tourism guide, is sneaking them into the infamous Heilstatten, a hospital in Berlin long abandoned where it is said tuberculosis patients met gruesome deaths and Hitler was once a patient. The challenge is to spend the night in the building. Along with tech assistant Emma they head in.

Before the night gets rolling Marnie joins the group. It turns out Theo was her boyfriend and a year earlier had taken her and her sister into the building. Marnie saw something then, a woman in white, which frightened her and insists that they all leave. The pranksters offer her a link to their page and Betty's if she agrees to stay and be their "medium". Theo insists that if she's staying it's just to gain viewers to her blog. She agrees and they all settle in for a night in the hospital.

It isn't long before things begin happening. Doors slam and sounds come from various parts of the building. Charly and Finn make jokes and Betty tells them to behave. But Marnie knows there is something there. She asks Theo if he bothered telling them about patient 106, a woman who was impregnated by one of the doctors and later tried to kill herself. She is supposed to haunt the halls here. At first the pranksters pull jokes that frighten Betty. But when they begin seeing things for real the tables turn. Before the night is out they will become believers if they can only survive the night.

The movie uses the typical setup for movies like this but that's to be expected. If your film involves a haunted location and filming done by those looking for ghost there isn't much else you can do. The fact that these are not actual ghost hunters but kids who have YouTube channels they are trying to boost was a fresh idea and explains the use of numerous cameras on hand that they plant throughout the building. The gore effects are nicely done but being able to see them in the low lit atmosphere makes them difficult to really appreciate.

The acting here is not top notch but being a lower budget film I wouldn't expect that. Still most of the performers here do an admirable job with the possible exception of Nilam Farooq as Betty. I'm not sure if it was her performance or the dialogue provided but she came off as a completely unlikeable character who spent far too much time in hysterics. Even setting aside the fact that this was a German made film that was dubbed it became too much at times.

I will say without providing any spoilers that the twist in the film was completely unexpected and I'm one that usually sees things coming in advance. It was the saving grace of the film and made it one that I could then recommend for others to watch. Ignore the constant swearing of the young kids, no doubt to show them as being young kids, and give the story time to unfold. By then end I think you'll enjoy this one as well.
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michaelneumann-283427 March 2021
This is a found-footage film. Nowadays everything is recorded with a smartphone. Every phone's camera has a stabilizer yet this movie is so wobbly its nauseating. Why? Because nothing scary happens and the shaking of the camera reflects the illusion of non existent suspense and action. Boring. The characters are so horrible you want them to die.
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Ruined by annoying characters
redban0221 January 2022
The movie is a found footage horror, and a lot of the movie rehashes what has already done before (but that's the case with all found footage horror movies nowadays). If you don't like found footage movies, then don't watch this one, obviously.

But if you're like me and love found footage horror, then you may be interested in this movie, and some of the scares are truly ok. My biggest issue is that the characters are really annoying, which began to wear on me around the 45-minute mark: the women just kept screaming and crying, the guys kept fighting and bickering with each other. With better characters, I might've been inclined to give this movie more praise.
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Half - half
baunacholi-8615928 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Targeted to current youth culture with their craving for internet presence - an aspect which becomes an important angle - if u make it to the end... I have to say, the 1st half was for me no fun to watch unless u are interested in dialogues around bro talk, the excessive use of ingenious swear words and characters as unlikeable as possible. But once the story evolves (aka one after the other disappears or dies) it does pick up tension. The twist or reveal was quite a surprise and very different to similar found footage flicks! Twist number2 a nice add on just before the end credits roll.
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Madmen: More Locked Outside than Inside
jordirozsa10 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The Germans have always known how to add a touch of grace and originality to the most clichéd themes, even in the saturated market of "found footage" films. "Heilstätten" (2018), by German director Michael David Pate, exemplifies this, emerging as one of the worst nightmares of its recent collective memory, infused with a highly concentrated gothic essence, akin to an essential oil. This is a testament to Europe's age-old culture.

This approach sweetens and enhances a film molded from the tired and overused subgenre of mockumentaries, adding a distinct, old-world European luster. This film marks Pate's earnest foray into feature filmmaking and, to further complicate matters, into the horror genre. With two comedies under his belt, and let's be honest, not particularly well-received ones, Pate dives into the quagmire of a mockumentary, interspersing it with external narrative perspectives.

It's evident that Pate was aiming for an easy win with a once-popular format, but by 2015, it was already gasping for air. And by the time he got around to it in 2018, it reeked of staleness. However, Pate's primary misstep was overestimating his and his art team's ability, including cinematographer Pascal Schmit, to create an effective set. The dilapidated asylum, both inside and out, establishes a scene that quickly immerses the audience. At least that was my experience: a space that, through its aesthetics and the imagery attributed to it in the narrative, manages to keep us glued to our seats. Every element of the set, without exception, creates not just discomfort but a true context that, with its enveloping authenticity and the onset of night, reaches a point of suffocation and claustrophobia. This recreation was so cool that the Koreans, almost simultaneously in the same year, under the direction of Jeong Beom-sik, released "Gonjiam: Haunted Asylum," practically under identical artistic, technical, and narrative premises. It's hard to say who copied whom.

Nowadays, information travels so fast through media and networks that, despite what might be documented, it's unclear whether the Korean copied the German or vice versa. This piece stands as an example of technical proficiency. "Heilstätten" also features a generic but effective score by Andrew Ryan, which at least fits well and serves its purpose during climactic moments. The special effects are decent and restrained, avoiding an overindulgence in blood and gore, thus preventing a narratively weak film from becoming an easy target for ridicule and satire.

The cast is a mix of genuine YouTubers, seasoned film actors, and even some with significant theater experience, all displaying their skills on screen.

The issue with the cast lies not so much in their talent, which shines through at times, but in what a clumsy script, co-written by Pate and Ecki Ziedrich, allows them. The film starts with two potentially strong axes: a simple yet potentially rich plot and a system of possible relationships between characters. Additionally, there's an underlying critique of current generations obsessed with broadcasting every detail of their lives on social media for a handful of "likes." Instead of capitalizing on these powerful elements and the beautifully crafted setting, the script suffers from rhythmic imbalance, lack of direction, and ultimately, underdeveloped narrative arcs, including the dimensional construction of its characters.

Pate seems to be more focused on (and I'd like to think this is intentional rather than a lack of talent) a biting critique of his contemporaries, keeping them chasing their tails with challenges, tricks, vacuous conversations, boasts, "likes," and other nonsense for over two-thirds of the film. This prevents any semblance of character depth from emerging.

With all the narcissistic posturing, dark shots, confusion in the shadows, and shaky hand-held camera work, the audience is even deprived of the pleasure of seeing the beautiful faces and bodies of these young men and women. Their true communicative facet only reveals itself when the fireworks of frenzied action in the last part begin. This does little to help us understand who is who, let alone identify with any of them. Only at the end do we connect with Marnie (Sonia Gerhardt), the sole survivor of the madness (pun intended), who will likely think twice before venturing onto a YouTube channel again.

Moreover, it's impossible to overlook how most characters in "Heilstätten" see their existence in the script reduced to mere pawns in a macabre game, like sheep on their way to shearing or, worse, to slaughter. This oversimplification not only strips them of depth and relevance but also misses the chance to delve into intriguing subplots. A glaring example is the so-called patient 106, euthanized within the sanatorium. The story of this character, whose ghost is rumored to haunt the asylum, could have added an extra layer of mystery and psychological terror to the plot. However, this subplot is only superficially explored, squandering a golden opportunity to enrich the narrative and immerse the viewer in a more complex and nuanced experience.

Pate tries to salvage a chaotic and absurd script that continually tests, and ultimately exhausts, the audience's patience, with a twist that aims to be the height of mockery, culminating in a scene that's cruel, horrific, and surprising. All this, in a futile "tour de force" in the last 25 minutes, comes too late to regain credibility with an audience that has stoically waited for something to happen or be revealed. While Pate's attempt to inject pace and momentum in the final crescendo is appreciated, as well as a "masterclass" in surgical anatomy, it backfires, including the twist upon twist in the final shot, suggesting that behind every "bad guy" there's an even "badder" one. Everything from the revelation of Tim Oliver Schulz's character (Theo) to his final, ghastly act of shooting himself on camera (a sardonic visual representation of the critique of how far one can go to create a viral product on social media, bordering on comedy) adds fuel to the fire, mocking the neuroses of today's young adults to an extreme.

The script reaches a critical point when Theo, after cutting off Betty's nose live, begins to dissect Finn (Timmi Trinks) to remove his heart. This moment of extreme horror is abruptly interrupted when Theo leaves Finn in agony to chase after Marnie, who has managed to escape. And Charly (Emilio Sakraya) is left awaiting his torture tied to the operating table (Theo had proposed hanging him by his vocal cords), in a scene that promised to be a grotesque display of violence but remains unfinished. This sudden shift, abandoning Theo's bloody work to chase Marnie, deprives the audience of a visceral terror climax. Although effective in maintaining tension, it results in a missed opportunity to explore the depths of barbarity, leaving a sense of an incomplete horror narrative.

In conclusion, the film fails to crest the wave and is instead capsized by it, ending not with our jaws dropped in awe but in laughter. Culinary speaking, Pate burns the sauce, and it might be something he sought, consciously or not.

In the end, I feel a certain degree of second-hand embarrassment for a German audience that expected a resurgence of national horror after years of self-flagellation with historical memory quotas from ultra-conservative political correctness. We witness the schizophrenic dance of a young filmmaker torn between the most caustic caricature and the exploitation of ideas and opportunities served to him on a silver platter. And, as it should be, this mad and macabre dance takes place in the context of an asylum (albeit abandoned, it's still an asylum). At least in this, there lies some coherence.
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Boring cliché film
vtallgabriel13 July 2020
From the trailer, it looks very interesting and scary, but over the course of the film I discovered that it's a garbage and boring cliché film, pseudofoundfootage, with a script written by a sequel.
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Getting ill with it
kosmasp9 March 2021
I've seen way better Found Footage movies. Even with all the spins and twists, this probably will not entice you too much. On the other hand, how is this different or worse than any other of the many FF movies out there? Yes from a story standpoint it tries to give it a spin (especially towards the end), but overall this is business as usual and shocking moments as usual as well.

The acting is overall ok, though I would totally understand if you feel differently. Either go with the flow and the ridiculous premise(s) or better not watch at all
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Don't fear your fear, face it
nogodnomasters23 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
The film lets us see The Pranksters, two video vloggers who have a following by doing stupid pranks like spending the night in a morgue with dead bodies. Their arch rival is Betty (Nilam Farooq) who questions their maturity. A challenge between the two factions has been devised to spend the night in a haunted hospital outside of Berlin. We discover it was used during WWII to experiment on sick people with TB. Story goes Hitler was a patient there during WWI. There is a legend about patient 106 who got pregnant by a doctor and she still roams the halls. They go to the location along with a film crew and Marne (Sonja Gerhardt) the medium. We are told it is winter and cold but we never see any frozen breathe of people with red face and sniffles from the cold. The pranksters do their pranks on Betty, but soon there are things they are not controlling.

I watched the film in German with English subtitles because reviews claimed the English version was monotone. It added some realism to the feature watching in German. Okay for a found footage which includes the jerk cam, floor cam, dark cam, bad light cam, and this one includes the famous dragged across the floor cam.

Guide: F-word. No sex. Corpse nudity.
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Words can't describe
takato052424 January 2021
How awful this was. Granted, I don't like "vlogers" or YouTube personalities, so I went into this hoping these idiot kids would die. I watched this in German, as that's all Amazon had, and no I don't speak German. A good movie you can follow by body language and setting. While this is far from a good movie, I was able to follow it. And I wish I couldn't.

Having seen Chernobyl years ago, I was hoping this was going to be of the same suspenseful quality. It isn't. 10 minutes in, at max, you pray for characters to start dying. By the time any action starts, you're already dozing off. Using infrared cameras was a horrible idea. All it did was add headache to the already terrible story.

The ending/twist is worse than an M. Knight movie. What a cheap cop out. All this movie did was solidify why I don't care for YouTube "personalities" or people born after 1992.
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Ignore the negative reviews
Louloulemon9 March 2021
Being from Germany i am happy to see that we are making horror movies as well. That being said, German movies are different from other, for example american horror movies. The acting is not poor like some other reviews criticized. In contrary it's very good, the actors depict German influencers very well (yes, the influencers here are really LIKE THIS). I liked the story and the creepy atmosphere. Hope this movie will receive better ratings in the future. An overall 4/10 is not what it deserves.
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Hoping for it to get better
MiniCooper912 January 2024
The movie could've been good. The storyline was good. I watched it in English and that's where a big mistake was made. The English voice actors are so bad, especially for the girl Betty. Hers was so bad I hated every scene she was in. I tried switching to the original language but unfortunately this streaming service didn't have the option. It wasnt scary either but I really feel like watching in the original language could've helped the atmosphere a lot. The voice overs made everything, even the screams, just terrible sounding. I also never connected with a single character personally. It's ok to skip this one, you're not missing much.
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This is a warning
H6rr6rsAdv6cate12 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie is actually terrible. The acting is horrible. The story is mostly predictable and boring. The make-up is very cheap and the camera movement overall nothing that makes sense. From being tilted sideways, to very shaky all the time.

BUT I wanna focus on the positive. There where a few moments I liked the setting. They had some moody shots at the beginning, when entering the abandoned hospital, where I actually would say, they could have had some great stills, if they focused more on that. The color-grading was actually giving the vibe of a YouTube-video, though I was hoping that the picture in total would be more like a YT-video. They gave the feeling of a YouTube-video and at the same time i thought, even. YouTuber would film it better.

There were 2 moments where I was scared for at least one second, something I didn't expect after being halfway through the movie.

The 2/10-rating is reliable imo, because they had a creative idea for merging a new version of "Blair Witch project" with the YouTube-style. And the plot twist at the end gave soooome excitement.

Still very trashy movie, which seems like made as an attempt to make a solid movie.

I learned a lot, but I wouldn't watch, nor analyze this movie a 2nd time.
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It was so good...
samleviking27 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
...when this absolute pile of steaming turds of a movie was over.

Un uninspired found footage taking place in a hauted derelict sanatorium where a bunch of stupid social media influencers (pleonasm?) lock themselves for a "fear challenge".

If you manage to drag yourself into the ending part, you'll have the pleasure to see a double plot twist so idiotic and cliché you'll wonder if that wasn't just a joke.

I don't know how some filmmakers can still tell themselves, nowadays, that making that kind of movies is a good idea, and some producers to give them the money to make them.

Special mention to the French dub, bad enough to make it almost funny.

So, if you value your time (unlike me), take a wide berth around this wreck and go watch something else.
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