The Banishing (2020) Poster


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Christopher Smith's worst film
haskel-7295117 April 2021
I love Smith's other 6 features, but this one....not so much. It is a slow burn, and that I have no problem with. Trouble is, it really doesn't go anywhere. The cast tries, but the script is lacking on multiple fronts. It doesn't help that Smith's trademark pitch black humor - which somehow even showed up in moments of Black Death - is totally absent here. It almost seems like he knew this was hopeless and put in minimal effort. If not for seeing "Directed by Christopher Smith" in the credits, it could have been made by literally anyone. Very disappointing to see a director with so much ability just phoning it in. Hopefully this is just an aberration.
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Borderline Boring Borley
MrsHoHoHorror28 October 2020
There is a lot to enjoy in this somewhat by-the-numbers haunted house movie. Sean Harris gives it everything to almost comic effect and Jessica Brown Findlay is very good. True, there's nothing new to see here and it drags a touch but it's certainly more engaging than many recent mid-budget ghost films.
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Snooze fest!
gab-6759928 March 2021
I really tried to get into this movie but it was slow and the characters were not memorable at all. So for me this movie would not be one I recommend to anyone I know. Although kudos to them on really catching the essence of the 30's.
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The Banishing... of entertainment.
S_Soma6 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
There are many different "styles" of horror. There is body horror, supernatural horror, Lovecraftian monster horror, and alien horror just to name a few, and there are many more.

I'm not sure that it actually has a horror category name, but there seems to be a variation of horror that's largely composed of "people behaving badly", for lack of a better name. Alcoholism, insanity, random emotional clawing going on any time more than one character is on the screen at once, constant bickering and squabbling, mutual distrust amongst all the characters, implied sexual derision, and just general, constant unpleasantness permeating every scene, are all hallmarks of this kind of horror.

You could remove all supernatural elements and the movie would still be an horrific viewing experience. It's practically nothing more than WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF with maybe some ghosts or witches or something, although you can't usually tell whether these supernatural elements aren't simply illusion (because of the insanity part...). Oh, and it's usually a requirement that everything be very dark, as in you have to watch it at night or you can't actually see anything on the screen because there's no light.

The experience of watching this movie is like a prolonged aversion conditioning session.

It is into this unpleasant category that THE BANISHING neatly falls.

To try to give the plot a little supernatural street cred, there is a setting back story where some perverted Christian cult was headquartered thereabouts who believed that torturing people cleansed them of sin and brought them closer to God. This (naturally) sort of saturated the house and surrounds with supernatural nastiness. Or something. This has the effect of driving people insane and separating loved ones one from another. This at least somewhat explains all the unpleasantly bad behavior amongst the characters; usually no explanation is given in this kind of movie.

We experience a red herring happy ending where the chief source of the "haunting and visions" is uncovered, and the bones of the wronged parties are given a "decent Christian burial".

And here I must confess a bit of confusion as I am not entirely certain that I understood the true ending. The newly consecrated and buried bones are dug up, some of them are placed in the small catacomb associated with the area, and some are carried off to Nazi Germany for some purpose not actually specified in the movie that I could detect. A comment is made to the effect that "our plan worked; the girl found the bones". Shortly after this the movie comes to an end.

In the entire movie, during one of the incessant arguments between characters, there was only one vague reference to the evil priest character having some connection to Nazis that I can recall. Beyond this, up until this ending scene, Nazis had not been involved.

I cannot speak with confidence, but I THINK this is to suggest that these bones were desired by the Nazis as part of their infamous occult obsessions, based upon what I see in this scene tied together with my coincidental arcane knowledge of this very subject. But I can't see how anyone without this background understanding would be able to understand this final scene at all, which would be a major hole in this movie in my opinion.

Personally, I'd recommend giving this movie a pass. Some people are giving THE BANISHING credit for being a subtle "slow burn", but it really isn't. It's just slow, exceptionally unpleasant to watch in a very self-flagellating sort of way, and sorely lacking in any entertainment value. Any sense of horror that you feel doesn't have anything to do with any supernatural entertainment; it's just natural discomfort at being in the presence of an entirely obnoxious collection of characters for the entire run time of the movie.

Lastly, I have absolutely no idea how the movie got the name THE BANISHING. Who was banished? Why were they banished? What banishing even happened to anyone?
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Better than a sleeping pill
sofia_bugalho2 April 2021
Do you suffer from insomnia or do you lay in bed overthinking for hours before falling asleep? If yes, this is the movie to watch.
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Don't waste your time!!!!
lbiscaia126 March 2021
Full of clichés. Really bad script and very, very disappointing ending. The actors/actresses are good but that's it. I regret having rented it. It was a big waste of my time and money! If you are a fan of horror movies, like me, you will feel cheated.
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Get thee behind me, Satan!
begob28 March 2021
A vicar and his wife and her child are sent to a failing parish, but the vicarage holds a ghastly secret.

Decent performances, the standout being the occultist, who has a certain look and intensity that suited the part - although I had trouble catching some of his lines. Otherwise, the sound design is good, with effective music, and the cinematography makes the most of an old location and does justice to the director's flair for mirror trickery and surreal images.

But the screenplay is an absolute mess. This is supposed to be a story of righting a historical wrong, of laying a ghost to rest - think Ringu for pure simplicity with clever story telling ... and then run a mile from this. It's burdened with a preposterous fascist subplot, but also has the cheek to open with a scene that is never integrated into the main plot yet is far more gruesome than anything that comes after, then intrigues with a tango scene - again, pointless - before stabbing away at some blaaah about illegitimate child bearing, before resolving on a completely under-powered encounter at the end. All sorts of themes are tossed in, with an unserious take on religion, resulting in a lack of drive or coherence. Because of this, nothing can really work, and the whole thing is drained of frights.

How do actors, and the director and cinematographer, find the will to go on with this kind of material? Beats me.
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khaled_928 February 2021
This is not a horror movie, there is no plot, story progress is so slow you could sleep for half an hour and still you wouldn't miss any thing. This is just a bad movie
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But there was nothing to banish...
paul_haakonsen29 March 2021
As I sat down to watch the 2020 horror movie titled "The Banishing", I must admit that I was expecting to be in for more of a haunted house or ghostly movie of sorts. Little did I imagine that I would be in for a snoozefest of epic proportions.

And it is no secret that the movie's cover/poster definitely caught my attention, with its promise of something otherworldly or supernatural.

I have to admit that I am somewhat baffled that three writers - David Beton, Ray Bogdanovich and Dean Lines - could collectively manage to come up with a script so devoid of a proper storyline, interesting characters or anything even remotely scary. So that made "The Banishing" a rather boring and unappealing movie actually. And I got up and turned it off with just 40 minutes left to watch. But by that time, having suffered through a heap of nothingness, then I was just fed up with the lack of anything worthwhile.

It should be said, though, that the acting performances were actually fair enough, and had the actors and actresses been given a more well-written script to work with, then they could have put on stellar performances. Just a shame that they literally had nothing to work with to bring the movie to life on the screen.

The atmosphere in the movie was good and it could have been utilized so well to compliment the story effectively, if only the movie actually had a proper script in the first place.

For a horror movie then "The Banishing" was a very weak and watered-down cup of stale, cold tea. Believe you me. And if you, like me enjoy a proper horror movie, do yourself a favor and stay clear of this 2020 movie from director Christopher Smith, because it is simply a waste of time.

My rating of "The Banishing" lands on a three out of ten stars, not because of the movie's script and storyline, but because of the acting performances and the atmosphere of the movie. However, I have zero interest in returning to watch the last 40 minutes of "The Banishing", as I just don't care one ounce about the storyline or the characters milling about aimlessly and without purpose.
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I created an account just to be able to comment on this movie!
Awjohansson10 April 2021
Watch it! It deserve sooo much better ratings than 4,5! I'm a horror fan and have watched ALL the good horror movies so that's why I try the ones with less good ratings than 6.

I don't understand the bad ratings. This is a well made, tense and thoughtful movie. Intriguing. The acting was also very good. My personal opinion about people who call it boring just don't see the psychological deeper meaning about this movie, which I find is important to remind oneself about these days.
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A tedious hotchpotch
KeriJoe29 March 2021
What a tremendous disappointment! I just wanted to enjoy a creepy, atmospheric horror film but this one is so tedious I had to wrap up watching after 1 hour because I almost fell asleep. I know the director's earlier works and he always seemed talented, well, not anymore. If a horror movie is boring as hell, I think that's unforgivable. If I can give you an advice, just skip this garbage.
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A very well crafted English Haunting. Extremely atmospheric and effective with a nice, creepy backstory...
lathe-of-heaven27 March 2021
If you happen to like authentic films about Classic English Hauntings, this one is excellent. This is truly one of the best movies of this Genre that I've personally seen in quite a while. Wonderful atmosphere full of foreboding and dread, but at the same time still subtle and artful.

I'm guessing that the few reviewers here say that it is boring because of the pervasive overkill in most Horror movies these days. This is not one of those. So, by comparison it might appear to be slow. Don't get me wrong, I love over the top Horror films too (see the recent very entertaining 'WILLY'S WONDERLAND' or the Classic 'REANIMATOR' for example) BUT... when we are talking Classic British Ghost stories or Hauntings, in my lowly and wretched opinion, that is a completely different type of animal. With this type of movie atmosphere and mood are EXTREMELY vital in slowly tightening the tension and dread as the cryptic reasons underlying all this phenomena are unveiled. Thus, the need not only for subtlety, but also, precisely so that it will NOT come across as 'Boring', it needs to be crafted very carefully with a lot of attention to detail and a skillful director who can bring out and continue to build the intensity in such a way that it keeps ratcheting up the Horror for the audience (with a good dose of Mystery I might add)

I feel that they did an excellent job here and thus the reason that I gave it an '8', which FWIW is a rating that I do not give out very frequently. The current 4.x rating I honestly believe is merely a reflection of the few people who just simply do not care for this particular type of Horror film. No disrespect to them of course. But something that I always, ALWAYS try to emphasize time and again in my reviews, especially where I think a movie is done really well but is rated very low, is that just because ***YOU*** find these kinds of movies 'boring' doesn't mean that there aren't indeed many others who really like this kind of film. One, that I might add, is a Genre that is rarely done well. So, again, in my dubious opinion, this is a genuinely well made, quality film that is clearly done with a lot of thought and precision which I feel would be very entertaining to those who like really good British Haunting or Ghost stories.

I also really liked the soundtrack which I felt greatly added to the unease and atmosphere. So, if you DO like these kinds of Classic British Horror films, ones that are done in the Classic subtle style, but one that ultimately is pretty darn effective and creepy, then there is a very good chance that, unlike the few here who found it 'Boring', you might really end up liking it very much like I did.
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It is worth a watch due to Jessica Brown Findlay; from Downton Abby performance she is excellent
robfollower12 July 2021
The Banishing (2021) is the latest film from Christopher Smith, director of such chillers as Creep (2005), Severance (2006) and Triangle (2009). This is a very drama focused horror film, and as such there is a bit of time investment required by the viewer before 'The Banishing' offers up some scares.

The Banishing is a restrained and rather muddled ghost story set in pre-WW2 Britain. Taking a more traditional approach to the haunted house tale, the film focuses more on characters and drama. There is great emphasis on the film's context, not just the parallels with the foreboding and inevitable conflict with fascism, but also the social isolation felt by the mother and her illegitimate child.

The bulk of "The Banishing" consists of Marianne (Jessica Brown Findlay; from Downton Abby) facing the demons that have emerged from the tarnished history of Borley. Jessica Brown Findlay is the saving grace of this moody ghost story her superior performance. She is a great actress and kept the film engaging.

On its technical merits, the film is quite satisfactory. It is well-shot, with creative framing in many scenes. The soundtrack is chilling and unnerving when it needs to be. The Banishing admittedly provides a genuine threat, though the ending itself was too similar to that which many past horror films have used as misdirection before unveiling their real ending. It is worth a watch for the period setting of the 1930's WWII Britain and the standout performance of Jessica Brown Findlay.
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ryanmarino15 April 2021
It sort of keeps your attention because you really want to find out what the end game of all of this is and it falls wayyy short. I don't wanna say I hated it but I didn't love it either. It's worth a once over. Jessica Brown Findlay of Downton Abbey fame does give a great performance though! I give it 5 out of 10 bags of potato chips.
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So disappointed
juliakonig3 May 2021
I am so disappointed. I thought this was going to be strongly based on that real life legend that surrounds Borley Rectory. And so I jumped through endless hoops to sign up to the Shudder App. And all for what?

A very wishy washy plot, slow scenes that dragged on, and scare gags that were just plain dumb. The supporting characters came and went from the story in jerky, choppy fashion, and their relevance to the storyline was patchy. The storyline felt like it had holes in it. It was sad to see the character of Marianne having such strained relationships with her husband and daughter, but it would have been fine if they were resolved beautifully in the end. But they weren't. I was hoping for a romantic love scene of husband and wife reconciled within their marriage. But nope. Nothing like that.
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Nap Worthy
Sci-Fi-Reviewer26 March 2022
This movie was full of plot holes. The beginning of the movie is fast paced but then it just goes up and down, up and down from there. There are sooooooo many unanswered things and so many time skips/ jumps from one scene to another.

I will say the cinematography was beautiful most** of the movie. The lighting and setting was movie quality but the plot was not even close to how beautiful the movie looked.

This movie should have been a TV series. It had the feeling of one, but definitely not the feeling of watching a movie. I would not recommend watching this movie to anyone, but it is definitely worthy of being background noise for when your studying or just trying to take a nap (if you can't sleep without noise).
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Was it as bad as the reviews say?
Rubies-340-4961108 April 2021
Okay well I sat down really looking forward to a good spooky horror, sadly that is not what I got, instead I had a very slow very unusual way of telling a story! I can only assume the writers disagreed on how to tell this story and settled on something different that none of them can really be pleased with!

The acting was good however if only that had something to work with, but they held their own considering the script!

It is a shame really because it did set the mood and could have been a great film!

So I gave it three stars because the acting was good the story could have been good and I didn't hate it! Would I watch it again? Definitely not! Is it worth a watch probably not but if you like slow and not scary at all this might be for you!
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Could have been a good movie
kharr-0213815 May 2021
It was definitely an interesting premise but the story doesn't follow through. There's too many questions of what's happening but also too much of nothing happening at the same time. Really wish I hadn't wasted an hour and a half of my life.
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Sunday service resumes....
Stanlee10713 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The writers of this film ought to be banished from making any more movies! For a film about exorcising entities with the social commentary about the evils of the church set in background of Nazi insurgence, you would have hoped for something entertaining. Instead you are given a poor excuse of movie that is devoid of any scares & run amok with clichés that are taken from the lazy school for horror film writing & telling.
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Slow, Atmospheric, Fairly Effective
stevenhorr16 April 2021
If you like a slow, historical ghost story, you'll like this one. The plot is fairly predictable and many of the old haunted house tropes are here. But the score is great, the acting well done, the atmosphere effectively eerie, and it offers up a few creepy scares.
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juliana-856646 June 2021
The only reason I watched this to the end was my curiosity at Sean Harris' performance.. and whether he was possessed by Leslie Phillips. Which would have made for the one original plot line. I'm sure the idea was a homage to classic horror and I suppose the tropes are there but the characters are underdeveloped and the haunted house/madness angle doesn't deliver anything new.
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Loved It !
rotini-5258627 March 2021
Not for some people's tastes....but I love these slow burn haunted house movies.
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Why the hate?
gavynhumphrey6 July 2021
I don't understand how this movie has under 5 stars. The Old Dark House is one of my favorite horrors and this gave me similar absurdist vibes. Will I rewatch it? No, but it was a solid one-off.
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fell asleep
tony-146-69562621 June 2021
There were four of us watching this movie. Me, my wife, and my two teen daughters. Both me and my girls fell asleep 3/4 of the way into the movie. It was just so boring.

We tried to enjoy it as a period piece. The house is 7000 acres and a real place with one family owning it for 1000 years. Visually the movie is good eye candy. But it is not supposed to be a documentary.

There are plot lines that are teased and downright central that are not answered. After the movie i went hunting for a "ending explained" article only to find out that there are no answers. The plot lines are just dangling in the air like a stink bomb at math class (actually did that once).

If it had scared us even a few times i would have given it a 4 or 5. Much is promised and not delivered. At best creepiness is felt every now and then, but no serious scares. And I have a 7.1 surround system with a nice 65 inch oled screen that really delivers scary moments.

Do not recommend. Wasted potential...
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Banish This
ryanpersaud-5941521 May 2021
The Good: nothing really. Maybe the time and location.

The Bad: the movie is obsessed with being about fascism and the Nazis without actually doing it. It's pretentious. It's boring. It mistakes cryptic for scary. The plot is paper thin and stretched over 97 mins. Also, the characters are super annoying and very dumb. This movie also uses the "little girl" trope to a ridiculous degree. This girl is like 11 years old but acts like she's 6. It's weird.

The Ugly: the ending..Oh man is it half baked.
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