City of Salt (2020) Poster


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Take the pathetic acting away..,
aloram-7450410 August 2020
Reviews must be from relatives or sponsors. No way this film warrants 5! Really wanted to like this flic. HOWEVER: no matter how poignant and awesome the story line, the message cannot be realized over the sub par acting. 1 hour 55 minutes of hoping it would get better. The cinematography and score is awesome but lost in the flaky theatrical performances. This film would be awesome had they invested in a cadre of more talented actors. Sorry, but delivery is important and the message of this film is lost waiting for actors to meet minimum muster. Actors tried too hard to appear as their roll.
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It's OK
jasonmarktownsend29 July 2021
The acting is rather wooden; the storyline is good. Could have been reduced by 30 minutes as the pace is quite slow. Worth a watch, but no more.
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Good story-line let down by poor script and acting
SamwiseG10 August 2020
The review title says it all really. The story is intrinsically good, and quite important. Unfortunately the script itself is quite poor, but even that surpasses the quality of the acting....... rather typically of the type 'B' movie that we are all being subjected to throughout Covid. I don't regret watching it, but just wish it had been better.
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I relly enjoyed this, no bore
akvilonn9 August 2020
Editor somehow forgot how to do his job on this movie. Yet it's truly an enjoyable flick, for sure, along with some good acting too! Scenario/story is a yarn.
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Important subject flawed by the actors dlivery
tims_friends12 August 2020
Ugh what has been touted as the next best film in the ex mormon facebook group is a very disappointing film. It's sad that such an important subject matter and a decent script did not translate well via the sub par actors to the screen. The 10s here are written by cast and crew and their friends. Dont be fooled
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Ratings dropped while watching
megacyclers9 August 2020
When downloading this movie from one particular site it was rated 8.4 Then I looked it up on IMDB where it was rated 7.3 Right after watching the movie and adding it to my list I noticed its rating dropped to 6.4 So in just 2 hours this movie lost 2 full points and I'm pretty sure it doesn't have reached its lowest rating. The fast dropping didn't really surprise me as there was terribly bad acting especially during the first half. Plot developments were badly introduced and lacked any sense of involvement in the story. To make the disaster complete, during the last half the plot developed so unlikely that my idea was that some amateur script writer was hired to complete an already murky story with shallow characters. See it if you have some 2 hours left on a rainy day. Otherwise skip it. You won't miss much.
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Not The Worst But....
tonikm-3429711 August 2020
Plot is pretty shallow with ending twist,im not sure whether the endig twist improve the movie or just make it worse. Acting was a bit too overeating. If you love dramas skip this
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Gonna Be Real Here This Is A 3.5 Rounded Up To A 4
Foutainoflife16 October 2020
This film has a great underlying story but it is hard to find it amid what is presented.

The script needs work. There is a great deal of needless repetition and unnecessary dialogue.

The acting is bad. There is effort but it just doesn't make the cut. Trying to create such a dramatic film with unskilled actors comes off as cheesy and unprofessional. It takes away from the viewer's ability to invest in the characters and without the investment, you are just watching people going through motions. It becomes bland and uninteresting.

The subject matter is a bit convoluted at times. Sometimes it is trying to target politics, at others, religion and then there is the topic of homosexuality or gender identity. While all of these topics can be blended together, the transitioning between them seemed choppy and removed from each other.

There was also one scene that just bugged me. The funeral scene. There are people standing around with umbrellas, we hear the sound of rain and yet, the sun is out and the flowers are bone dry. Just a detail that totally stood out to me.

I don't like to knock low budget indies. They can be great sources of fresh ideas and this movie, as I said, has a really great underlying story. The execution is lacking though and that's just being real about it. If you can get past the things I have mentioned and want to give it a try for the story, go for it. However, if you can't tolerate those issues, pass.
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Old fashion
ks-6050010 October 2020
The scene that the daughter come out of closet in front of her father and how his father react just make me feel it's 1990 again. Totally cannot fit in. Just a very mediocre storyline for family issue leading the tragedy. Both parents reaction is too over dramatic and hateful in many level.
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Great camera work
paul-bartlett1210 August 2020
Great movie beautiful camera work. The main actress killed it.
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When do lies exceed love?
johnbarker-064786 September 2020
I found myself asking this as the end credits rolled. Without spoiling the film, I feel it further poses the question: Does belief define truth?
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The message is so so strong with this one!
svancott11 August 2020
City of Salt tells a story... One that someone from SLC Utah can truly understand. I've lived in Utah my whole life, and this storyline rings so sadly true. Utah has a lot of work to do, and this is just one step in the right direction. Awareness is so so important. The message screams at you, but in a way that most probably wouldn't expect. Lauren is beyond amazing as 'Theo'. I personally know how hard this film was worked on, and what kind of budget they had. It came out absolutely stellar. Stacylynn (Jessica Doran) is an actress FILLED with emotion and I love her! Jake (William Doran) portrays an emotionally beaten down father and political figure oh so beautifully! Definitely watch it, but watch with an open mind, and and even more open heart <3

I rated this the way I did, because I believe there is ALWAYS room for improvement, especially when it comes to film, but again, I know there was so much love that went in to this film.
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Kept me Guessing
midgepierre9 August 2022
I came here after watching rite of the shaman.

There are a lot of things I really really like about this movie. The cinematography, music and story are glorious. I like the mystery behind it. The lead actress, her dad and woman detective killed the roles.

That being said some of the acting is not so good and could be better. Worth a watch for the message and interesting weaving of Utah issues.

You can see how the filmmakers keep improving because rite is a masterpiece.
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Refreshing and Bold
brummer-5446512 August 2020
It is nice to see someone willing and able to bring taboo subjects out in the open. Many people in the country are lost in trauma because people don't understand or aren't willing to listen to their experiences. Life is messy and doe not come in a perfectly wrapped package with a large gold bow. Alicia Farmer creates an amazing story that reflects the real life struggles between society and the individual as it bridges difficult and painful subjects and brings them to the screen. This movie is bold and unapologetic as it unfolds issues that many people are afraid to discuss or acknowledge. The script, directing, and cinematography are incredible. The actors portraying youth in the film are outstanding. Big things in store for young Lauren Holdt as she advances her career. Enjoyed performances by Adriano Wellington and Kayli Brummer. I encourage people to watch this with an open mind and loving heart.
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Watched this by mistake but was pleasantly surprised
banglainey16 August 2020
I started watching this movie thinking it was going to be more of a horror/thriller/mystery/suspense type film. The intro titles looked super professional, so I was surprised to see it was a B-quality film along with B-quality acting. But, I was curious so I watched the first 15 minutes. I quickly realized the plot was about a Mormon community that is rattled by a missing teenager and a suicide. Okay, sounded intriguing. I watched more.

Some of the acting was not great, and some was really good, but I wouldn't say it was all terrible or even the worst I've seen because it really isn't. I was intrigued by the theme, I wasn't sure who this movie was for. It was based on a Mormon community, but seemed to be preaching acceptance of others, including the LGBTQ community, which I know is not very accepted in conservative circles. So I kept watching to reveal more of the plot and actually was drawn in. The production quality is a little hokey and again the acting is not all great, plus I was really thrown off by some of the actors who were supposed to be kids looking like 40 year old women, but overall I was interested and before I know it the movie was almost over.

The film came to a close with fitting retribution. Most satisfying was the positive message it exuded, even in lieu of the religious backdrop. Though the production wasn't top notch, it wasn't the worst I've seen and there's a lot of other much worse crap out there you could watch.

Give it a chance!
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Good Message and Interesting Take on Utah Culture
michelebates-1859316 August 2020
I'll keep this short. This movie is what indie films are all about to me. Low production with high unique storytelling value. If you're looking to watch a new kind of story thats morally focused and keeps your interest and supports independent film this is a gem.
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Very important message about Utah culture, the LGBTQ community, and suicide.
peperlake25 August 2020
As a person who grew up in SLC and the mormon culture I'd say this story is a very accurate depiction of a very common problem in Utah. Look I know that not all mormons have this issue and the issue is not specifically a mormon one, lots of other religious communities suffer the same thing. But I'm telling you, as an ex mormon and born and raised in Utah, this story rings true. The LGBTQ community suffers from discrimination and as a result suffers from suicide in Utah way more than the general population.

To all the criticisms on this site saying this movie is propaganda, I have to say you folks must all be mormons. Seriously, why else would anyone throw that criticism at a movie?

Some say the acting is poor. I found it to be very good, especially the politician father in the opening scene, and later when he asked for forgiveness. He displayed intense emotion that was riveting! I thought that the daughter did a great job showing how it must be to go through that kind of discrimination. Very convincing performance.

I thought the plot twist of what happened to the daughter was very creative in the way that it laid bare the hippocracy of the folks involved.

I feel like this movie is an important story to tell. It can save lives. This story is NOT propaganda! LGBTQ people all face this issue! Every single one of them do. The fact that this is the very first movie made by these producers is exciting. Obviously they are going to be a force in the business. I can't wait to see what they make next.
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A look into Utah
jcordellseamons14 August 2020
I love how the story highlighted some of the issues that the Utah youth face everyday. The judgment in Utah runs rampant and you don't realize the magnitude of its effects until something happens like what happened in this story.
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A courageous movie
david-morris179 August 2020
So many topics that need to be talked about right now, I have a feeling this movie will get a ton of hate because of the topics people want to keep swept under the rug. These people have balls.
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City of Salt surprised me
baileconsulting12 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I've been waiting quite a while for this film to come out. The premise of the film was anticipated to cause waves, I know. To be honest, as a family in the LGBTQIA community, we were anxious about how effectively it would represent Utah's "Pride" culture. I am sure the Latter Day Saints aware of the film may have experienced similar anxiety. No one wants to be misrepresented.

I actually was surprised with the approach to humanize the Latter Day Saints to be like those in my community as I really know them. As a resident of 40+ years, I know that every person in the church culture does their best to fit and also is a human with flaws. This film showed both the flaws and, to borrow from a character in the film, the grace. The division that often is felt between Latter Day Saints and the rest of the state can feel tense. This film finds the places where humanity transcends our differences and people are human, above all else.

The film represents issues that really resonate in the city: stigma of a gay and trans-questioning youth is a genuine issue in Utah. We experience a huge number of gay and trans youth expelled from their homes. Suicide numbers are off the charts in our youth. Rape, opioid addiction... all real issues. The film packed Utah's problems all into one. Things got real.

I am pleased with this small, local film company and City of Salt.
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Lauren Catherine as Theo
crockett-645074 April 2020
Lauren Catherine is an up and comer -- new to the movie scene but someone to watch! The movie was very effective in tackling important social issues affecting the City, as well as the state and nation.
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Wow. Looks so cool 👍
ankitmishra-6295919 August 2020
Greats work guys, amazing team of talented artists.
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Out of the Park phenomenal.
goldenhandz-846184 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What can I say? This movie takes several concepts, ideas and motivations that are so current and poignant and weaves them together is a way that is sheer mastery. At no point does the film ever hit you over the head with any pre-chosen ideology while still keep true to the messages that needed to be said.

One scene in particular pulled at me in ways never before in any movie or book. In the funeral scene, it just hit so many emotions that I have felt, witnessed and often suppressed. All of them conflicting and yet intertwined. And yet you, oh masterful weaver of words and emotions, brought them out in a poignant yet respectful and dignified fashion. There was no race to the finish and brush the negative under the rug. It was present. It was meaningful. I thank you for that.
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Twists and turns
sara-530704 April 2020
This film is full of dramatic twists and turns leaving you wondering what is happening next. It tackled relevant and prominent issues in today's society that need to be brought to light. One key actor Lauren Catherine stood out in her role as Theo. The way that she portrayed the rollercoaster of experience she endured was incredible. It looks like this is her breakout role and I will be watching for her in future films. Additionally the cinematography and music was incredible. Well done, can't wait to see what is next from this dynamic directing duo.
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A powerful message for everyone
ShannRose5 April 2020
Since I'm not from Utah, it's so interesting to see the issues the community is dealing with. This film was created in such a way that it is not only appealing to those that are in the midst of it, but someone like me who is a bit of an outsider to the state and its culture.

The storyline was great, and kept me engaged all the way through until the end.

I loved the message, and the awareness it brings to these issues. Such a great reminder of the power of acceptance and kindness.
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