Pharma Bro (2021) Poster


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Was this doc supposed to make me like Martin Shkreli??
economywater9 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Because if so, it failed. BTW it's disingenuous to pretend to be someone's friend (bringing him beer) whilst wearing a hidden camera in order to gain access into dude's apartment!
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lucaschriskowalski15 October 2021
Ok so not what I expected. I wasted $6.99 renting this via iTunes. Whilst it did explain what the issue is I didn't get anything else out of it other than regular comparisons of Martin to the Joker from Batman due to his grin. He is absolutely odd though.
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Great Trailer- Poor Pacing
joiedevivrenee9 April 2023
The trailer is preferable to the film and, honestly, if you've watched the trailer you've seen it all.

I genuinely wished at least one act was spent on the crime he actually committed. Show us who the justice system thought was worthy of working on behalf of. Who was he indicted him for harming? We all know about the other stuff. Show the more concrete ways he is a product of the system rather than waxing poetic and trying to make him a sympathetic character. I also feel badly for the filmmaker who starts to come off as a bit of a sycophant. I think if the film were structured differently that wouldn't have been the case. It also loses so much steam towards the end, the sound mixing isn't great and the closed captions are wrong on multiple occasions. Feels like a missed opportunity for so much more.
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Introducing the Docu-Troll
ozjosh0312 January 2022
A documentary about Martin Shkreli? Sure, why not? The guy briefly became "the most hated guy in America". He drew attention to pharmaceutical price gouging with his own cack-handed attempt at the rort. He was convicted of securities fraud. And his weirdness alone should almost guarantee a watchable film. Unfortunately, Pharma Bro manages to take everything interesting about Shkreli and squander it in a muddle-headed exercise in something that veers wildly between trolling and hero-worship. Director Brent Hodge does himself no favours in putting himself front and centre in this half-arsed search for answers about Shkreli. In fact, he starts to seem like a mini-me Martin, as needy, as self-absorbed, as irrational and as amoral as Shkreli himself. For commentary on he relies heavily on the likes of Milo Yiannopoulos (someone as widely loathed as Shkreli), a rapper friend of Shkreli's who turns out not to be that much of a friend, an ex-girlfriend who wasn't even that much of a girlfriend and a WuTang Clan rapper so incoherent that he should have been subtitled. None of it is very revealing. Hodge actually seems to have a secret crush on Shkreli, which is the only way to interpret his efforts to paint Shkreli as a colourful cartoon super-villain - a kind of cross between Lex Luthor and The Joker. It's a cute conceit, but it does little to illuminate the seriously awful things Shkreli did, much less shed any light on Shkreli's motivations or personality flaws. Pharma Bro feels a bit like documentary-making for the TikTok generation. But even that makes it sound more interesting than it is. Don't waste your time.
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Interesting and insightful
thejdrage25 March 2022
On so many levels.

As the Wu-Tang guy said, everything we do is recorded in one way or another.

I just wanted to know more about Martin S. And I found out a few things I didn't know. If he were my kid, I would have helped to take him down.

It's also shows a sad commentary on American pharma laws. Just add it to the list.
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Wannabe YouTube Star?
davidlohr9 January 2022
This documentary is terrible. The "filmmaker" comes off as an obsessed stalker seeking fame. There's nothing new or interesting in this. Glad I caught it streaming free.
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Feels like he's trying to glamorize Shkreli. Misleading parts.
hello_darkness125 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Not sure if the filmmaker is aware but the FBI call Shkreli receives on livestream is not real. It's a clip from a well-known prank calling website and the film plays it off as though it was a real call from the FBI. "Yes, hello, this is a call from Special Agent Webster" comes from the website PrankOwl and can be found by googling it. The doc played it off as though it was a real call from the FBI.
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Odd and uncomfortable
nick_holloway29 December 2021
Probably not in the sense you are thinking. The guy making the documentary thinks hes trolling martin, but trolling insinuates some sort of 'poking the bear' of sorts. Instead, this 'troll' documentary creator is actually just a shy stalker.
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Giving 10 Stars for Exposure
bethanyprior19 January 2022
Look into the journalist Christie Smythe that is one of the talking heads throughout the entire piece. Interestingly, while she was working for Bloomberg News she reported on Shkreli's court case, then she developed a relationship with him.

Shkreli petitioned the court for compassionate release directly to his girlfriend Christie's (also referred to as his fiancée's) home. She spoke up in court to say, among other things, that she deserved a shot at love with him.

Smythe went public about the relationship in an interview with Elle Magazine. Other media outlets reported on the story. When Shkreli was asked for comment from prison and he said he wished her success in all her future endeavors. Burn. He reportedly hasn't returned her calls since 2020.
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Stalker uses other Stalkers do create a film??
gabaod28 January 2022
I think the title sums it up enough. This director isnt a director, but a stalker who literally moves into Martins building to provide us the viewers no extra info. He than convinces other stalkers to be interviewees in this to provide no extra narration. I hope the lady journalist enjoys her future kids from being a stalker. Sad day in society that this is released as a film.
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A documentary directed by a stalker
cummgroyper22 November 2021
It's played as lighthearted and meant to be endearing, but Brent Hodge, a faux-journalist documentarian, did something that is an example of everything wrong with modern journalism.... he stalked his subject. Not only did he stalk his subject, he didn't even ask any meaningful questions or provide any meaningful insight. Brent Hodge isn't really a great documentarian, he makes long form YouTube videos. You would get more out of watching a ten minute InfoWars analysis on Martin than you would paying $7 on iTunes to watch this BARELY feature length "film"
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Reveals interesting parts of the story, but remains shallow and incomplete.
EcclecticViewer12012 November 2021
If you didn't follow the Shkreli story too closely this documentary will bring some interesting parts of it to light, e.g. He constantly livestreamed and took calls from random people. It is mostly about the public scandals surrounding him.

The main journalist who practically stalked Shkreli for a year has nothing meaninful to add. Whilst an interesting angle, nothing came of his efforts and didn't deserve a good chunk of the documentary. Instead he too just got caught up in the public drama and failed to do any meaningful journalism.

The documentary attempts psychoanalysis via the people that knew him personally, however this just ends showing people that keep empathising with him. What about the people that were hurt by his actions?

A question that I wanted answered was "how many people did he kill because people couldn't afford medication?"

Instead you have his friends and ex-girlfriends saying what a sweet misunderstood guy he is; if you ignore the psychopathy he is actually quirky and likeable. The interesting angle here is how various people have failed to apply any ethical standards to their personal relationships. Several women wanted to date him only after he became known as a menace and just ignored his other actions.

Because he was so reviled by everyone the new perspective the documentary is trying to bring is to paint him as "only human". The real discussion to be had is about the US healtcare system and how Shkreli has become a symbol of bad things can get. There's the briefest talk about that.

At the end it's still not clear what is driving Shkreli, other than a desire for quick money, or what makes him so callous.
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Interesting trailer, zero substance and learned nothing new.
jesscaudill-002528 January 2022
Save your time and watch a different documentary about Martin S. I didn't know much about him to begin with, but this doc does not explain much about him or his legal troubles. It seems the documentarian wanted himself to be the subject of this film, and did a bad job telling any sort of story. I have it a 2 instead of 1 star, simply because I enjoyed the wu tang interviews. It has more hipster kids trying to make something deep without understanding actual life experience. This doc is one you should skip.
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Trash masquerading as documentary.
aarpcats13 February 2022
I wanted to punch the sociopathic jerk before I saw the film. After the film, I wanted to punch the sociopathic jerk AND the idiot who memorialized his poison with a movie.

This is a movie for people like Susan Sarandon who throw their votes away to prove something or Tulsi Gabbard that answers "HERE" on a yea or nay House vote. It makes no point, wastes two hours, and does nothing but show you how dumb and pointless the lives are of the selfish trolls who think they are journalists,
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Martin Shkreli turns a mirror on a country that that does not have Universal Healthcare.
deirdreshan-457283 January 2022
The patient does not matter.

One man shows that profit is everything in the USA medical system.

A broken system. Yet, Americans keep drinking the poison.
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Stalker Behaviour
jasonboaden-0057718 November 2021
Not only doesn't the documentarian know what a bro is, every step he takes and every move he makes in this barely insightful film is classic stalker behaviour.

I also hadn't learned anything new about Not A Bro by the end, that I didn't already glean from the opening few minutes.

Because that's it.

This feature length documentary is a 12 minute Youtube video blown way out.

Save time and skim a Wiki page or news piece on Not A Bro.

Then maybe move into the documentarian's building... monitor his every move, both physical and online... approach him on the street or drop round unannounced, insinuating yourself into his life...

You know... like a stalker.

Oh, and don't forget to cast some has been hippity hopper in your film, should you make one, who is some how dirty about the single biggest pay day his crew has seen since the 90s.
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What is this?
itsjustme-994378 January 2022
What is this and why did Blumhouse put their name on it? This film got some good interviews from participants but was pieced together with all the skill of an undergrad. I think the filmmaker waited too late to state his intention for this movie. It came across as some sort of weird and uncomfortable stalker film. A love letter to Martin Skrelli. I had to use the fast- forward through several awkward scenes.
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Interesting topic but amateurish movie
samquinn200624 March 2022
I was interested in the story but the whole format of the film and the direction was just embarrassingly poor. How on earth did it end up on Prime? That being said, I did watch it 🙄
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helenahandbasket-937349 January 2022
Who keeps giving these obtuse YouTuber kids money to make films?

If you're going to travel down the Shkreli rabbit hole, at least get your facts straight- Martin was part and parcel of a larger (literally) person who was bilking millions upon millions as a smaller piece of the bigger problem.

Aside from that-

this child who claims to be besties with Shkreli because they live streamed together and 'just wait til my mix tape drops!!' With his donut snack around his neck, seriously?

WTC? Shut up. YOU SOLD ONE ALBUM FOR MILLIONS but now you're up in arms about Martins behavior? GFK talking smack about him like he's going to do something? Sit down. If you were worth a damn you'd have done it- you got free hype over it and were more than happy to have my one pay attention to you.

This 'creator' needs to find a comb, find some SOCKS (no one wants to see your feet) clean himself up, and stop stalking the guy because it's flat out creepy. You're obsessed and not in a good way- seek help and study filmmaking more.

Milo nailed it- you're pathetic.
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Objectively Bad
skylerdevine15 January 2022
This documentary follows a trend I've been seeing lately of the filmmaker accidentally-on-purpose asking inflammatory questions and provoking the subject of the documentary, and when the subject inevitably tells them to pound sand, it's all "wow see how unfair they're being? We tried really hard to ask questions you all saw."

That's not journalism, not at all. You're trying to bait views by going to the least common denominator and inventing conflict. Nothing of value in this film.
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Dunno why all the bad reviews
gus_emery15 January 2022
Says more about the disgusting United States laws than martin shkreli himself and they still haven't changed the laws to set medication prices. Shame on the usa.
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thespeedhomestead20 January 2022
Why was this made? Or rather who thought this was a good idea? No one thought the filmmaker moving into his building was a huge red flag? Just absolute trash all the way around. So many different attempts at "he's not the villain" "he's lonely/needs friends". Nothing was gained by making this film.
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ryancauley21 January 2022
There was no shortage of material for the filmmaker to create an incisive and interesting film. This movie really missed the mark. It was all over the place and offered no original insight into the psyche of the pharma bro. This movie will probably be well received by younger audiences who yearn for content that confirms their preexisting beliefs. This documentary is about as clever and interesting as late night tv in 2021.
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Missed the mark
katz009-110 March 2022
Completely missed the mark. It's a mouthpiece for the subject made by a major fanboy of his on top of essentially being a documentary about making a documentary. There was, maybe, a total of 7 minutes towards the end where they tried to make the point they should've made from the beginning. Not worth the time.
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Glamorization of a psychopath
madworld-6350330 March 2022
An amateur 'documentary' by an idiot fanboy 'journalist' that essentially just glamorizes this pharma boy human garbage can, and tries to paint him as some sort of eccentric and misunderstood genius. Gross. Don't waste your time, there is nothing redeeming to this at all. Go to Neflix for some quality true crime documentaries.
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