Pig Hag (2019) Poster


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Not the usual movie and hard to rate
ourworldcollides17 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Don't believe the other raters who say this movie is boring, it isn't, at all. In fact I was surprised when the hour and twenty odd minutes had passed. I'm also glad it did wear out it's welcome, it could have dragged on and that would have been wasteful.

Now for the story. Yes, Jodie is a sad, angry, jealous, very lonely and sometimes vulgar (leaving a number 2 for your friends to see) middle aged woman. She has the emotional quotient of a pre-teen and doesn't seem to understand how her actions and harsh tones is off putting. When people try to get close to her, friend her, like the cousin "Ashley", who was just trying to bond with her woman to woman, she just leaves.

With Dusten (the love interest from the GNR concert), she lashes out, insults and even commands him to drive in the first 5 minutes of meeting. When he's trying to just be nice and hang out she again lashes out in what I expect is her first response to push them away as everyone does to her in the end. Not sure why he didn't run from the offset? Once we get to the "romantic" scene, she almost rapes him.

The next morning as she's had some sort of intimacy with him, which may be the deepest conversation she's had with the opposite (non gay sex), she becomes a stage 5 clinger...first spooning, then chasing to the washroom offering no boundaries between them and the offer to help regardless of the personal invasion. She then texts, calls, calls, calls, leaves message....then after working up the nerve, confront and attack. Clearly the desperation is oozing out of every pore and he cannot get away fast enough.

Upon returning she explains From her perspective what happened with Dusten. She exaggerates not only how much he came on to her but the very private story of his wife (burning down the house), albeit she was stoned when listening or waiting to talk as she doesn't have the EQ to have a compassionate conversation. Then as she goes on, she believes she just needs to get out there in a big way. This part made me sad for her. To have no self esteem, I really felt for her. It also made me sad this Is a reality and we wonder why people in today's society have issues finding real connections.

Some people say Jodie stayed static throughout the movie; however, I disagree. I think in end she realizes that she's enough. She sees what positives she has, the people around her and the thing she wants to do, her small dream. Overall, I found this movie hard to rate. I thought the acting was done very well throughout the film. It was raw, unfiltered and a movie that makes you think and I believe will stay with me. It will not be a movie for everyone. I think if you prefer high morality in your movies, skip this, it will not be for you. If you are interested in human emotions, reasons people are the way they are, raw humanity and the society we are now evolving into, this movie will be for you.
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It was alright.
Sandra-durand807 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The movie wasn't all that bad, but I thought it started out good. They could've done a better job with the premise, though.

The main character was obviously going through something. She had a terrible attitude, with a big mouth and I think that's why she couldn't find a steady boyfriend. I don't think she was a nice friend either.
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An interesting concept, but the central figure was appallingly handled.
paulhfromthedeep16 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This move has some interesting elements, but there were some very poor decisions made in the writing.

The movie is largely a one woman show for Anna Schlegel, and she carries off the part wonderfully.

However, and this a big however, the character she plays is at her core a largely unpleasant character. At 36 years of age she is a real woman-child, intensely focused on herself and largely oblivious to the needs of those her around. While I wanted to like her, partly because large ladies are rarely given such prominence in the media, I really struggled to connect to her. She is aggresively belligerent, she yells conversations, she's emotionally entitled, she makes a vast range of frankly stupid life choices and seems to have no idea what people other than her want in the world. There is zero personal arc in this movie either, she ends it the same person she starts it as, this is just Chapter 174 in her miserable life.

In one scene she cries like a baby, she spits out the sandwich she was eating and lets it rest on her shoulder while she cries and cries. I get that she's probably deeply sad, but this movie finds no way of showing you how or why or what about the sadness. It justs plain self pity. Somewhere in here they could have made me care, cos I wanted to, but I just didnt.

If one of my buddies went out with Jodie (and the move is all about Jodies need for a partner to solve all her problems) I would advise him with all the vigour I have about the massive red flags she waves at full mast. She does have one brief encounter in the movie and very wisely the man heads for the hills the first chance he gets. It was a smart move, nothing convinces me that he would have been sensible to pursue this. Her interaction in a partnership would be emotionally greedy and intensely juvenile in nature. What, didnt look at your phone for 30mins and answer her 5 texts? Well theres gonna be a screaming match the moment you see her next.

She just isnt worth it, the movie shows us that, all relationships require a certain quid-pro-quo to work, she would be all quo and no pro (yeah yeah.. i know, but you get the point).

So ultimately, what was the point the writer was trying to make?

That unpleasant and unappealing personalities deserve love? Cos once you reach adulthood they dont, no one really 'deserves' it, you earn it in some way.

And I struggled to see how poor Jodie could earn it.

Interesting idea, interesting filming, very poorly executed in my opinion.

Its like the insult Pig Hag was taken literally by the people writing about her. Which is sad.
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Shockingly bad
LazarusHeart14 June 2020
The first five minutes are almost silent - then Jodie screams and screeches at something she reads on her phone.

She doesn't stop screeching until the end of the movie. She screams at the man she picks up. She screams at her friends. She screams at her sister. And she screams at her self.

After 93 minutes of her screaming - I need a valium!

This movie was poorly directed and poorly acted.

Best avoided if you value your eardrums!
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Are you all blind?! Warning: Spoilers
The film has no storyline. My friends and I saw this at SXSW and we left the theater feeling like it was a massive waste of time when we could be enjoying other things. Allow me to explain my distain. In the film the main character is no more than a whiny and needy child with no morals and a talent for pushing everyone away. The character doesn't really have an arc and stays rather stagnant throughout the course of the film. Although she's the main character of the writers seem to make her character an afterthought. What was the point of the whole Guns N' Roses thing other than to introduce a romantic interest only to have him scared off by the main characters clinginess and general insanity? What was the point of having all of the freaking text messages from no one?

On a technical side note: the sound was off when she was going through her epic freak out. It when from a full sound to her voice echoing. And the sound of the condom wrappers sounded like half full bags of chips at times.
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I'm glad I sat through to the end.
smashingadams24 March 2021
I was definitely unconvinced about this movie in the beginning and, honestly, up until about halfway through. The constant anger spouted by Jodie, the protagonist (although she's kind of also the antagonist), is definitely exhausting. Everyone knows or has known someone like her, someone who has so much anger inside of them that it comes out in every word they say, no matter what they're talking about, and in her you are bound to see your own person and feel the exhaustion you've felt around them. In the first half of the movie, it definitely starts to feel like this is all this character has to offer, like the writer forgot to give her dimension or even just a setting below "full blast". This, coupled with the borderline offensively stereotypical "LA gays" and the way that they're portrayed as little more than a Greek Chorus doesn't make for a particularly stimulating or even pleasant watch. However, the further into the movie we get, we start to see more of the real pain Jodie is in, and it does absolute wonders for the way a viewer can connect to her. The emotional range of Anna Schlegel becomes so much more apparent in these moments, and it's the first time you get the feeling that any of the filmmakers really understood how to utilize her talent.

This is not a comfortable movie to watch and it might even feel somewhat pointless when all is said and done, but the fact of the matter is, not every movie needs to have a moral or even a sense of closure. While this movie has neither, it does provide a character study that I think isn't seen very often, a truly unglamorous and relentless look at the ugliest places we go in our own heads when we feel unloved.
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Very depressing
dale-rohrer8 June 2021
There is not one happy moment for the main character.
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Well-acted and relatable
jordan22405 April 2020
Not sure why this movie rates so low on here. I took a chance on it anyway, and don't believe it deserves anything worse than a 6. I found the performances of all involved to be genuine, and the lead actress was phenomenal.. I didn't have to find a mate in the world the main character lives in, but for anyone dating in current day, I believe the depiction is very real, especially for people who are obese. And I can certainly relate to how one can undermine a relationship by being too anxious. The group of gay friends adds a bit of humor to the film. I enjoyed it.
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solitarysundown-1308822 January 2021
This movie made me feel sick to my stomach, I felt disgusted by almost everyone's behavior in the film and it made me loose even more faith in humanity if that is even possible. I very very rarely feel physically ill trying to watch a film and this one managed just that. We all know how awful life can get sometimes, suicide rates are pretty high these days. Despite being an overweight single woman in her mid-thirties dealing with the pressure to find a partner and have children.... I was revolted by this film.
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Refreshinging unpleasant
bredaoreilly10 March 2020
I liked this movie a lot because it was raw and real and didn't gloss over a painful life. It tells is own story and does not follow the usual Hollywood formula for a movie.

The main character is clearly disturbed and is quite unpleasant, but she has her moments of likeability. But I could feel her sadness and desperation. It was really interesting to me to see a female character like her in a movie like this.

I have been thinking about it a lot since I watched it and found it worth watching. I am glad I watched it alone. I don't think it is everyone's cup of tea.
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Disgusting creature
rsvp32118 October 2019
Her obesity is irrelevant to the story.

She is a mean, nasty person that has zero self respect, dignity, personal hygiene, treats her friends and family terribly (works in a retirement home?! I hope she's nice to those helpless people!)...a disturbing woman lashing out, then can't understand why she doesn't get everything she wants.

I watched it all, and regret the time wasted.
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Just block texts
grahambuilder13 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Instead of saying stop texting me, just block the number. That was kinda annoying
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vexvane-8726117 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
On one hand it is easy to feel sorry for the main character, at first. On other, as movie goes on it becomes very blatantly obvious that it is her own fault, and that she has zero intentions of changing anything about herself.

If it was a movie about obese, unlikeable child, maybe it would get a 5/10, but by the time woman is 36 years old she had at least two solid decades to correct herself. You do not wake up at 36, childless and weighting in at over 300 pounds, alone, lonely, trying to find dates online, and with your only friends gay men, and then asking any guy you meet if he ever had sexual contact with another man, without making a LOT of bad, bad, bad choices along the way.

By the end of the film any sympathy I had towards her has left the building. What I was left looking at was extremely lazy, unpleasant, psychotic, insane character, ... without any point being made. Nothing actually happens of any consequence throughout entire movie. She begins as a lonely weirdo, and ends as such, and yet apparently meets plenty of men willing to have sex with her which is just messed up and seems to attempt to portray all straight men as unable to control themselves, even if woman looks like Jabba the Hutt.

As a man I can tell you that I, and most other men, would rather become a monk than tap her. Maybe most men have lower standards, but this woman falls below even very low ones.
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No redeemable qualities
lrenery26 April 2020
Actress full of rage from the get go. Zero nuance or range of emotions. Painful to watch, esp the "drop in" scenes at the end. WTF? Would have been more interesting had the director coaxed some modicum of back story and let her emotions start from somewhere and eventually rise up. Ugh.
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amymackey1619 March 2021
Main character is angry, yelling, crying or complaining from beginning to end. If ur into that ur gonna love it. Otherwise I wouldn't waste ur time on it.
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Different Low-budget Fare
indielover-0848917 September 2021
Some will love it. Some will hate it. For those who love independent film that share different experiences and different points of view, this is a very enjoyable watch. I recommend this film if you come to it with an open mind and simply experience it.
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Relatable AF
tavialparker6 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So, yeah, Jodie is angry, perhaps entitled and childish. I would have blocked Mitch from the Internet the first time he texted beyond telling him to stop. Jodie's emotionality may be off-putting, but it's so real... Her friends and their love and support in helping Jodie to actually live her best life are my favorite part of this film. I really enjoyed this movie. The way dating has changed and the way the internet has played a role in the evolution of dating and loneliness are portrayed artfully here. This film won't be relatable to everyone, perhaps, but I am grateful it was made and I hope it can change the worldview of some who stumble upon it, at least.
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Totally Underrated Indie Film
pangipingu9 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Watching Pig Hag was a kind of therapeutic experience for me, something I did not expect at all. Let me clear a couple of things first: I'm not obese, not in my mid-thirties, and can go into a relationship with someone I like if I want to, on the other hand, I could relate to Jodie in the sense that no dick or nicety was capable of filling the hole inside her, the one created by the lack of self-esteem and years of being bullied. Even in a miracle scenario where Prince Charming on a white horse appears to make her his wife, we know that she will never be the happy spouse in those fairy tales, because abuse leaves marks, and in this case, a life time of trust issues. Jodie showed me that I'm not the only one, and that it is okay to find other ways to have fun.
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Stunning feature debut that will break (and heal!) your heart
ryansimantel10 December 2019
Pig Hag is a movie that breaks your heart is such a beautiful way, that it makes you hate and love the world in which it takes place.

Jodie represents so many of today's young women: Breaking under the pressure of social media and societal expectations; lost in a sea of loneliness that is only amplified by the seemingly happy crowds around her.

The film is essentially the anti-Sex and the City. Yes, the protagonist is a single female in her 30s, but she doesn't have the bank account, conventional beauty or endless parade of handsome suitors circling her life.

She's completely alone, and dangerously desperate. This leads her down a rabbit hole of bad decisions that crush her - and yet, in a way, heal her.

Anna Shlegel's performance as Jodie is brave, raw and vulnerable. And (first time!) filmmakers Colby Holt and Sam Probst give the film an intimate, fly-on-the-wall feeling - as though we are secretly observing what Jodie (and, really, so many other women) are struggling with inside.
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Interesting and truthful to a certain point
johncomo-330 December 2019
This one is like something you never witnessed before, sure you can say the movie was a bore, I didn't think it was, but how many of you out there judging when you yourself never experienced longliness. It took quite much courage in the first place for the lead character just let us in on her mainly exposed body throughout the film with her being obesed in the first place. Secondly, what do you expect from amateur actors. It's entertainment people.
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Don't Miss This!
frankiepozos7 November 2019
Incredible indie film, laughs, tears, harrowing a bit hardcore and so emotionally engaging. Never sure where our heroine was gonna end up but the end was sooooo satisfying. Went down easy like a top shelf Tequila. If you don't get it, don't review it. Go watch Aquaman!
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Personally Relatable
c_jazz20 October 2019
I know a couple of the people involved in the making of this film. I just watched it today and can honestly say it's been a long time since I've truly enjoyed a film as much as this. It was raw, real, relatable, and supported positive body image and acceptance of LGBTQ communities.

All the negativity here is cishet white religious hypocrites mad that the mold is being shattered.

Keep up the great work lads and lasses--I can't wait to see what comes next!
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Raw, relatable, possibly divisive
thedinnerpartyfilm20 March 2019
Pig Hag is a cautionary tale on loneliness, comparison, and internal struggle. The film subjects it's viewers to a narrative that might not be for some, but certainly rewarding to those who can relate.
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This is a great film
jtaliaferro-1242818 May 2022
Love the narrative. Everyone experiences joy, pain, depression, love, etc. Yes even gay people and overweight people, and those that aren't necessarily classically handsome (he's a total cutie anyway). Everyone is capable of good and bad. Life can be very unattractive and it can be exceptionally beautiful. Way exceeded expectations. If this disgusts you then I guess life does as well. Not everyone fits into a small box.
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Powerful and daring
jrotondo141027 September 2022
Powerful film! Top notch performances and thoughtful writing and directing make for a must-see experience. The story is executed in a surprising yet effective structure that keeps you on your toes.

The chemistry between the actors is palpable. It is wonderful to see this authentic, raw, and important story portrayed on the screen. Looking forward to seeing what is next for this fantastic group of filmmakers.

It is no surprise that this film was able to have its premiere at South by Southwest. It makes a powerful punch and leaves the audience with a lot to think about and consider. Highly recommend.
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