"Veronica Mars" Years, Continents, Bloodshed (TV Episode 2019) Poster

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Bittersweet disappointment
jackie-58-28619122 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The rest of the season deserves a solid 9, but this episode I rated a 6. Which is more than it deserves. Until this episode Veronica Mars was one of the few Revival shows that can be could be called a success.

Rob Thomas had the chance to give fans the happily ever after that they have wanted for 15 years. Instead he chose to once again crush Veronica and Logan along with it this shows fan base. I thought the show like it's characters had grown and matured, but I was wrong and once again Veronica and Logan couldn't be happy for more than 5 seconds.

We can only hope that this was for a better reason than Veronica's personal growth or setting the show up in a new location if there is a season 5.

So why did Rob Thomas kill off one of the main characters? Hopefully this is to set up the show for the next season on "finding Logan". After all we didn't see Logan in the car when it exploded and on tv you're never really dead unless you're killed in a manner such as BD Casablanca was. It does seem suspicious that Logan's therapist saved that message and waited a year to share it with Veronica.

If there is no Logan / Veronica banter, LoVe, chemistry, there is no Veronica Mars.
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Happy Till The End
keepsakesc22 July 2019
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I finished the season when it came out and thought they did a good job. I don't want to give any spoilers but it seems unavoidable. They need to have a season 5. I enjoyed the show and the return of the original cast. The end however, I did not see coming and hope the can change it in season 5. When the last episode ended it ended a year later and unbelievably wrong. A year after Logan dies by a bomb after being they were married five minutes before. How can you have Veronica Mars without Logan ?? It broke my heart and if there is not another season, ruined the series for me.
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Why always the tragic hero?
twonebody3 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I love Logan in this series because he came so far from where he was in the first season and he's gone now. I guess heroes can never be happy. And one more thing what about Dick? Dick Just lost his father and his best friend. Where is his story?
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tanyatabach25 June 2021
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Although, after a year of grieving V appears to be recovering and ready to move on, supporters of the show are not. Comment after comment on social media and reviews and online articles (including the Atlantic, RollingStone, and Oprah) all echo the tremendous disappointment followers feel about what appears to be the end of Veronica Mars. The consensus is nearly unanimous that such a tragic and painful ending is not at all the ending the series (or Veronica and Logan) deserved.

Thousands of VM followers signed a petition to bring back Logan Echolls, stating "Logan deserves better," while others insisted that the entire series deserves better. The writer himself expressed some trepidation that he had taken "a gamble," and hoped he hadn't "made a bad bet." Two years later, it doesn't look like his finale won any jackpots.

Although most fans have expressed that if there is ever a Season 5 of Veronica Mars, they will not watch it, some marshmallows (Veronica Mars fans) are urging VM's creators to reconsider and use the fact that there was "no body, no funeral," and no definitive statement locking in Logan's death to revive him. ["Bring Back Logan Alive in Season 5."]

One published article even offered a number of possible ways Logan could have survived (serving in a special ops/top secret mission being the most likely way, considering that he was working in Naval intelligence and had extensive training in the field).

Recently someone calling himself Logan Echolls has popped up on social media to claim that Logan is, in fact, still alive. He claims that although his creator tried to "fridge" him, the will of tens of thousands of caring supporters has kept him alive. He confirms that he was whisked away a fraction of a second before the car bomb detonated. (His decoder colleagues had solved the riddle about Fiji in advance and took advantage of an opportunity to make Logan an even more valuable asset.)

This person claiming to be Logan Echolls said he is imploring his creators to "write the wrong," asserting that ending the entire series with his death is not noir but tragedy. He feels that not only does Veronica deserve so much better, the entire show deserves a better end. He writes, "Killing Logan has killed Veronica Mars."

Indeed, tens of thousands of Veronica Mars viewers would be hugely relieved and assuaged if the creators would see fit to find a way to let Logan live and to allow Veronica and Logan to stay together. If they were able to do this, Veronica Mars could go down in TV history, becoming a classic that inspires viewers to be as sharp, sassy, and tough as Veronica; as able to grow and mature as Logan did; and as willing to admit one's mistakes and change course as, hopefully, the show's Creator(s) will have done. --LE.
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Everything it could possibly have been, and more
ShippersAreEvil1 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A stunning, surprising rebirth of a show that was canned too soon, and which was at last given the proper Noir grit that it could only skirt around in its first iteration.

All of the corruption and greed and venality, all of the broken and twisted souls, all of the indomitable spirit of the Few Good People given a proper, stark and unflinching treatment which the great Noir writers would have been quietly chuffed with. Murders that happen for a reason, people who cheat with a motive - and lovers who are always *always* going to be doomed.

Because that's how Noir works.

Nobody ever gets a happy ending. *Ever*. Nobody is entitled, no matter how much they have earned it. That is the cardinal rule of noir.

So if the show is going to go forward it is going to have to do so without Logan - and thank gawd for that, as the whiney, petulant 1-Star ratings for this episode show.

Nothing whatsoever against Jason Dohring, who is typically great as Logan, but LoVe shows what a cancer shippers - and their locust-like swarming over fan discourse - are on fandom itself.

How much has Dick Casablancas lost? - his brother and now his father AND his best friend. But oh, no let's make it about the LoVers. I truly salute Rob Thomas for not pandering to them(1).

I could not have asked for more in this reboot.

Well, OK. If there is a season 5, let's have some Mac.

(1) As long as it sticks - any get-out-of-car-bomb-free cards will be unforgivable.
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Their story was supposed to be epic
tolip2124 July 2019
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This is an amazing show. It so sad that out of 4 season and a movie, it only took 5 min to ruin it all for me.

Throughout her life, the character of Veronica Mars never got what she wanted or really needed. But one consistent thing was Logan. What would the creator of the show ruin the one thing that was her happy ending ? To shock? - great! I'm shocked at how bad of a decision this was.

The only good thing about this it that, now, I don't care if there's a 5th season. Actually I would prefer that there wouldn't be one.

What's with great shows and bad endings (I.e. GOT) lately?? Ugh
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Unexpected ending
grothar7 August 2019
I see a great many people complaining that the series didn't end the way the hoped for. For me, the ending leaves a bitter sweat taste, but not because the episode is bad, or character development is lacking, it is because it marks an end of an era, the way finishing a good book makes you sad, because there is no more of it. It's really hard writing it up without spoilers, but, the series is not ruined as some people say, it is evolving. As Rob said in an interview, they're moving from a soap operaish format to a proper crime drama, not all that similar to Agatha Christies novels, and this is a quite good bridge episode, to show, and set up Veronica's character development. Either case, I would preferred a happy ending, but you can't always get what you want.
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And in one lazy, fell swoop, Rob Thomas nuked his own series...
iciclespark21 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
What makes the finale of season 4 so terrible is that it is the television equivalent of Adele's Rolling in the Deep: we could have had it all, Marshmallows. We really could have. And instead, Rob Thomas (with Kristen Bell's co-sign and endorsement) fell into a tired, lazy trope that served as the framework of GOT and Buffy, and nuked his own masterpiece in the last 20 minutes. The first 7 episodes are strong, overall. The red herrings are a little too obvious and forced at times, but the mystery is satisfying. The characterizations are spot-on, for the most part, and newcomers Patton Oswalt et al. are stellar additions. The updated, more adult feel and problems works for the series. It first begins to come apart at the seams with Veronica's absurd 180 on Weevil that feels like a tired recycle of the beginning of season 2. Francis Capra shines as always, but the tone shift between them and the literally repeated one-line excuse for Veronica's shift never fully rings true. Wallace feels like a placeholder, not a bestie, and it's annoying considering the emotional turmoil she's in. This is when Wallace SHOULD be omnipresent. Logan's character growth is one of the stand-out elements. It's a hopeful message that from abuse and many mistakes, one can change, heal and move forward. Jason Dohring nails the nuance here, and it's stellar. Rob almost had it all. He even opened a door for Veronica to heal and grow, just like Logan. But he made two lazy, terrible decisions this season, and they unfortunately mar the whole thing. Keith's storyline begins promising, and Colantoni plays his part with such emotional depth, I found myself on the edge of my seat... only to wave it away in a quick two-line fix, negating what could have been something so powerful. And then, the last twenty minutes happens. The part where we understand why the entire cast, save the brave Capra, bailed offline for a few days. The part where we question why Kristen Bell thinks her daughters need to see more tragedy porn in 2019. Last I checked, we had Buffy, GOT and oh yes, the first 3 seasons where online we collectively counted at least TWENTY instances of trauma Veronica has endured. But instead, Thomas falls into the dangerous "women cannot be strong without endless trauma" trope and decides his heroine can only be better if he breaks her, one more time. As one critic astutely expressed, he spend a season drilling home a message that she is choosing not to grow, not to be happy, only to dismissively take her agency from her and leave us with a broken woman who is nothing if she is happy. To add insult to injury, he literally fast-forwards her trauma and denies her exploration of that so she can quite literally "get back to work". A major character demise is given 30 seconds of screen time, and worse, this is done one minute after granting Marshmallows a moment of peace and joy. I'm not sure why I'm surprised, considering Rob has a terrible habit of inflicting trauma upon his characters and either fast-forwarding past it or making it a past event so as to skip the difficult writing of people in the midst of that grief and trauma. It's the mark of a writer who enjoys being DARK and EDGY and SHOCKING, but cannot deliver meaningful denouement. Here's the thing, and I offer this as a rape survivor who was bullied as a teen: what we loved about Veronica was yes, that she rose up stronger, took no prisoners, and shined in the darkness. That she reclaimed her body, her agency, and her joy in spite of the trauma. But in the years since we first became friends, we have grown and healed, like Logan. We are strong IN SPITE OF our traumas. To see a writer we thought "got it", and to see her portrayer believe it to be healthy for her daughters to see a reductive, lazy "women are only interesting in pain" storyline? It's an insult and a shame. I am more than my abuse and rape. Much more. But Rob Thomas doesn't seem to believe Veronica is much of anything interesting without repeated trauma. He decided that he was so determined to prove the minority bemoaning the "fan service" in the film wrong, he cancelled out his own point in three scenes.

A long time ago, we used to be friends. I think I'll stay in those seasons, where Veronica was on a slow, upward trajectory, instead of this forced crash and burn in the name of "strong women".
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Solid season. Deserving of the Veronica Mars title
johnryeh-496946 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Solidly acted. Tragic in the sense of the earlier seasons. Maybe a little too convoluted but it works.

Lots of conservative trolling here. Pretty honest take in my view.
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Great season, terrible ending!
izruT30 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
While the entire season was very good, the ending was just pointless. If the writers wanted to get rid of Logan, they could've simply separated them. Killing him just for the wow effect was drama for the sake of drama and really disappointing. Moving forward without Logan I can understand, killing him in that way I can't. All of the personal drama with him in the four seasons was pointless with this ending. How's that for a main plot line?
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What's the best way lose loyal fans of 15 years?
parkerjennifer71171 September 2019
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Have them fund the return of your series, promote the latest season using the parts they'd love to tune into the most, and then literally blow up their hopes and dreams in the last 10 minutes. SPOILER here but this episode is such a slap in the face to all that stuck with you and funded the return of this once amazing series, you stole our ratings and then wrote a terrible mystery and killed Logan. You killed him in a way that wasn't respectful or reasonable and the rest of the amazing cast was treated like they were inconsequential. We didn't offer up our ratings for THIS version of Veronica Mars. This isn't what we wanted and no matter how much Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell try to tell us it was what we needed, it wasn't. This is a bad move and I find myself for the first time ever hoping that my favorite series will be cancelled. Season 5 won't mean much at all at this point. If I could rate zero stars I would.
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Life will go on.
jaje1912 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Everyone so harsh with reviews! Yes this episode was devastating, I sobbed like a grieving widow while trying not to wake my actual husband next to me. I've been a fan from day one, I live, love, breath Veronica Mars, I named my actual child Logan after Echolls! I'm devastated he's gone but I get it. I was a teenager when Veronica first aired, and now at almost 30 I've grown, just as the cast, crew and writers have, so I get it. I get that a shake up needed to happen, a part of my heart has gone with Logan Echolls but I can't wait to see the new path Veronica will take! It was a wonderful episode, with laughs, shock, edge of your seat (come on Logan's 'sorry' text hello!!! Lol) and tears, many tears! It would of been quite a boring episode if nothing bad happened.... maybe Mac will return for season 5 ;)
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Episode 408
bobcobb30126 July 2019
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You could tell this would be a polarizing finale while you were watching. A shocking death and the setup for a potential fifth season with a much darker tone is not going to appeal to everyone.

This wasn't the worst finale ever, but I feel like it was a letdown given how the rest of the episodes played out.
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Worst ending ever...
kacisegna4 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I've seen a lot of shows end badly, but this tops them all. It's like Rob Thomas wanted to destroy the show and his fan base. The rest of the season wasn't all that great either, but I still absolutely loved that Veronica Mars was back along with some of our favorite characters. The whole season felt a little weird, and didn't quite flow like the others, but those are all things we can forgive. This ending, however, is unforgivable. Not even the fact that he killed Logan, but that Veronica couldn't even figure it out. That was insulting to her character.
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Let's Talk About Empty Marshmallows.
farren-8309224 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The real question: Will HULU take a risk after the fan fallout?? Rob Thomas stated he wants to write noir mysteries, yet he doesn't get that no one really watched for the scooby-do-esque plots... we watched for the relationships and friendships. The human element. Do people watch Grey's Anatomy for the medical jargon? Or Mad Men for the advertising campaigns? I doubt it. I grew up on VM and as such, had so much invested in season 4. Regardless of my vested emotional interest, I really feel Rob Thomas and Kristen Bell has underestimated the intelligence of the VM viewer. Bell said in an interview before the season4 release - regarding Logan and Veronica: "...Like, we're over this ideal of John Cusack holding a boom box outside..." and yet in a short clip on her twitter to promote the new theme song for S4, Rob Thomas is outside Bell's window with, yes you guessed it - a boombox dressed as Lloyd Dobbler. This is when I realized they are fully aware of the situation and on a bit of an ego trip. It's getting close to mocking the fans. As I saw in an article, the best screenwriting rule: "People will watch a show once for the premise, and keep watching for the characters." After the VM fans revived Rob's career single handedly, I don't think it was wise to blow up the hand that fed him. I personally will be sending an EMPTY open bag of marshmallows to HULU offices with a large note inside: "FED up. Will not be watching."
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Ending that I hate so much that I adore it!
Lady_J_Bravo12 April 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Ending could not be better! So unpredictable! Yes, I loved Logan. And yes, I cried like a baby. And yes, I hate this ending. And yes, all of that are reasons for me loving this show a little more. Its perfection is in that. Happy ending would not be natural. Their love is epic and extraordinary. Happy ending is for fairy tales and usual everyday love, which this was not. Overall, beautiful tv show, great stories, exciting misteries and crimes, amazing characters (and good actors).
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Great until the end!
jami-miller72024 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I love Veronica and Logan. The end left me depressed. I don't even care if there is another season.
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1 star reviews? Come on people!
acharrell20 August 2019
Just because something happens in your favorite TV show that makes you sad or angry doesn't make it bad. It doesn't make it bad writing. You aren't owed anything because you contributed a few bucks to a Kickstarter for a movie 5 years ago. You aren't owed anything by the people who create the things you love. This show is conceived and created by people who have their own vision of what they want it to be. Rob Thomas doesn't need your blessings. It was a great season, and a pretty good final episode. The twist back to the actual bomber is surprising, and the shocking event that everyone is so mad about is done well. Grow up, crybabies.
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You bet and you lost.
silverliningk627 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Rob Thomas, a fantastic character writer, wants to trade it all in to write procedural. Except, he's a terrible mystery writer. Fans have forgiven him for his plot chasms over the years specifically because of his character work. So how does this case resolve? The Pizza Boy did it. Was anybody surprised? Did anybody not figure this out when Patton Oswalt's character was announced? If you have any knowledge of the show's history you wouldn't be. Poor Penn Epner is tired of being picked on by Alpha males, and he's going to show everyone. Who does that sound like? Beaver Casablancas? Tim Foyle? Stu Cobb? Norris Clayton's neighbor? And then there's the dumbing down of Veronica required to make it work. Anybody who read the Ten Thousand Dollar Tan Line will remember THAT year's "Spring Break Killer" piggybacked off another killer's work to make it look like a serial killer. Yet somehow, Veronica forgot solving that mystery - hard to forget when the culprits were her own stepfather and stepsister. To make things worse, we're supposed to believe she would drive away (or even be allowed to leave the scene) with a backpack bomb in her back seat. Not MY Veronica. And finally, there's Logan's death. Am I mad that they killed off a beloved 15 year character for the sake of shock value? You bet. But I'm disgusted by the callous way in which it was achieved. There is no universe in which Logan Echolls goes out with a whimper instead of a bang. No pun intended. And then, to deny loyal fans an opportunity to grieve a beloved character by jumping ahead seems especially egregious. I think I can speak for many fans when I say we have been conned. Rob Thomas spent years pushing fans into to mobilizing for his show, and then slapped them in the face for their generosity. His on-record excuses make him sound like a creativity-deprived hack than the genius he thinks he is.
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Complex Story With A Great Ending
blueoysterdvp22 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Sure, through Season 4 the bomber (s) and killers names have shifted several times. To a die hard Veronica Mars fan these 8 episodes are gold. Blasts from the past. The witty banter between Keith and Veronica. References made to the first 3 Seasons with several shout outs to some of our favorite characters and unfavorite of the past. Not sure why fans are giving Episode 8 lower ratings than the first 7. Because one of our favorite characters (who we initially hated in Season 1) gets killed? It's not 2004-2008 anymore. The new intro with Chrissie Hynde singing "We Used To Be Friends" is awesome. It was time for an update. The Dandy Warhols did their job for the first 3 and they did it well. Being on Hulu means a rating where words like "dick" and sex scenes with more skin can be expected. Hats off to J.K. Simmons for an outstanding performance. What a great guest star! Patton Oswalt from "King Of Queens" and the narrator voice of "The Goldbergs" also did an excellent job playing the nerdy pizza delivery guy. Plenty of guest stars to satisfy all of us devoted fans. Now if Hulu can come up with a Season 5 while 4 is still fresh in everyone's heads that would be awesome! The death at the end surprised me when everything was happy and peachy. This is 2019 though. Veronica is more complex as was the plot and sub plots. I didn't want a fan favorite killed off. For me it worked though. My wife disagreed. It was truly heartbreaking. Kind of a "Walking Dead" moment where we lose someone we love. I bet Rob Thomas is ready for a Season 5. Season 4 ended with Veronica Mars in disarray. We just can't end it like that. Veronica is strong and Keith and us fans need her to come back after grieving. We want more Kristen Bell and Enrico Colantoni. More Leo, Weevil, Wallace and any of our favorite characters Rob Thomas can sign on. RIP Logan. You will be missed.
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Best Season/horrible ending
dsweeting-838-6429364 August 2019
This was probably the best season of all until the last maybe 15 minutes of the show. Talk about horrible endings, you all win the award. I agree if there's a season 5, I wouldn't plan on the fans watching unless the final twist is undone.
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No, no, no!!!!!! I'm pretending the ending was the wedding scene!
amelie-2310 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was so excited when this new season came out, I stayed up all night watching, and I loved it until the final 5 minutes of the show. I knew that Logan was going to be killed off, once they started filming them packing, and the parking alert popped up on Logan's phone. The ending scene should of been the heartwarming wedding. I am seriously going to try to pretend the last few minutes never happened because otherwise I will be so depressed that my favourite couple was blown up, literally. Logan was my favourite character and this ending is such bull and so unnecessary. I hate the writers and I don't want another season from Hulu. They literally ruined the show for me!!
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Happy Endings Not Required
thebenfrederick30 April 2020
People that are tanking the season 4 finale rating because they're sad are missing the point.
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We used to be friends...
mdanko-3247111 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Here's the thing, I have consumed countless tv over the course of my life and there is genuinely very little I ever have to complain about. Don't get me wrong, everything has it's problems. I know nothing is perfect. But I have always tried to give the content I am consuming the benefit of the doubt. If the creators are coming from a place of honesty and sincerity then the art they are creating is always worth it. This show was that to the Nth degree.

I am a new fan of Veronica Mars. I have been told by countless people that I should watch it. I have been aware of it very passively, but had only seen one episode of season 2 before. It took the lack of everything else during this pandemic to finally get the opportunity to watch it in full. I was extremely excited to begin this journey. The way this show carried itself in the mid 2000s and then the fan involvement getting it a movie in 2014 to getting an 8 episode series revival in 2019, this was the hidden gem tv show that I had been waiting for my whole life.

And every time the show was seemingly heading in the direction of so many shows before it, it still managed to divert expectations and make the right decision going forward.

At least, until the last few moments of the 2019 Hulu season 4.

Moving passed the clear problems with Veronica Mars never really working on herself or making any effort to change her behavior, killing Logan Echolls because "the show wouldn't survive without it" is shortsighted, cowardly, and completely ridiculous for absolutely every other choice the show has made since it's beginning.

I understand the reasons Rob Thomas gave for doing it - Shedding the old ways of Veronica Mars teen drama and diving deep into full on Mystery/Noir. But I do not agree that fridging a character, a character that you worked so hard rebuilding, growing, and developing a solid foundation for his relationship with our protagonist is justified. Women can be happy. Couples can have solid relationships and still have conflict. It is not interesting just because you kill someone off. It is not a bad thing to have a happy ending. It isn't good storytelling just because it's shocking. It's not what is best for Veronica's character. It was not what Logan Echolls deserved. And it is not what fans deserved.

I don't mean to sound dramatic or like an internet fanatic, and I have this same issue with every instance that a character is fridged (usually a woman) to further the plot of the protagonist, but I sincerely enjoyed everything about this show up to this point. So to throw it all away in the last few minutes because you think the show's only chance to survive is to kill off her partner just as they have gotten their life to where they want it to be is atrocious.

Not to mention that taking her out of Neptune means it is also less likely to visit all of the other reoccurring characters that we have grown to love for the last 15 years.

This show and all of the characters they introduced were gripping and entertaining and completely underrated in the eyes of pop culture. The show itself was better than anyone gave it credit for and if it weren't for the massive amount of fan support it wouldn't have the legs to continue for as long as it did.

And in the last few minutes of the final episode of season 4, Rob Thomas did the exact opposite of what his show deserved and instead went down the same road countless other shows would've taken.

It's hard to convey my rage and anger over the internet without it sounding silly. I know it is only a tv show and I can spend the rest of my life focusing on other things, but I needed to address this somewhere. I watched the last episode about 2 weeks ago and ever since then I have been stuck on how it ended.

Normally, I move on and watch something else, but I can't move passed it. You'd think I lost a loved one with how much time I spend thinking about Logan Echolls death. It is a haunting thought that pops in and out of my brain at the most random times and I don't think it will ever stop.

I don't know if I have any words left. I am just heavily heartbroken and disappointed and I don't know how to come up from it. And believe me of the countless tv shows I have watched, hundreds of them have ruined their entire series with a bad ending. Hundreds of them have disappointed me and left me upset in their wake. But with everything else this show had done for me and the fans before me and had the potential to keep doing for all of us, I don't think it'll ever be the same.

I created this account specifically to address this problem. Not just to complain on the internet but to try to get these feelings off of my chest. It shouldn't be effecting me as much as it has been, but that's how strong the show had been from minute one.

I was sucked in. I didn't even like Logan for the majority of season 1. But the combination of characters, the class division, the swift-talking wise cracking father and daughter private investigation team, and even the goddamn theme song, it all spoke to me.

Unfortunately, I think the time has come that I have to hang up the phone.

A long time ago we used to be friends, but I can't think about you anymore.
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So far not so good
lilcrystal-8822223 July 2019
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I have always loved Veronica mars but this is truly disappointing. I understand the show is going in a new direction but it's just off. Even the actors are off. And I have read some reviews blaming the fact they haven't acted together in a while. If that was the case the movie wouldn't have been as good as it was. And killing off Logan was a total misstep on Thomas. He said he didn't know how Logan fit anymore. Really. You couldn't have just sent him off on a mission and have him come back every once in a while. Saying Veronica needs to be single to be badass is like saying women can't have a family and have a career at the same time. Kristen bell herself is an example that you can be both!!!
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