Notzilla (2020) Poster


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Predicable parody that runs itself thin with obvious humor
parksodamfan22 August 2020
I'll harken back to Vincent Canby's review of Phantom of the Paradise where he points out that you can't make a parody of something that is already so ridiculous. The premise of Notzilla is nothing original, it sets to spoof the long tradition of Japanese monsters, namely Godzilla. What sets this film apart is that despite the infinite spoofs of Godzilla films in the past, their hasn't really been a full length one. (Well technically that's not true, there are films like Death Kappa and the X from Outer Space Strikes Back. In retrospect some of the films it attempts to parody are already parodies in an of themselves). Notzilla doesn't really do anything different then your average episode of MST3K does. A film like this has to tell you what to laugh at and sometimes literally spelling out the joke.

The main issue that Notzilla has is it's length. The jokes and humor becomes constantly repetitive. This is a genre that has always been mocked and derided so you really have to be inventive in developing some original jokes. And every single joke is exactly what one expects. Add to that a copious amount of flatulence humor and it runs itself a bit thin. It can fill up a short, but not necessarily a feature length film. Also there tries to be an emotional story with the Japanese scientist and the woman scientist but it the film's tone and acting works against it. It wouldn't be all bad if the film didn't focus on it since you barely get any monster action.

The effects are unfortunately more reminiscent of Full Moon projects like Zarkor or Kraa. They lack the campy artistry of the old Godzilla flicks, or even the silly creativity of the Gamera films. I'd say more miniature sets instead of the use of rear projection would be nice. It's more of a parody of what general audiences picture old Godzilla movies to be, rather than a genuine deconstruction or parody. Simply put the effects in this makes something like Godzilla vs. Megalon look like Jurassic Park (And no, it supposed to look like that is not a valid excuse, you need to actually put in some actual effort).

If one is looking for an intelligent parody that takes apart the genre and flip some tropes then this won't really satisfy. There are a few laughs to be had but the end result is overall a miss.
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The right amount of parody and over the top
teklord-0670516 November 2020
I loved the movie. It had the right balance of parody and over the top acting. I was laughing all the way though it.
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A glorious reminiscence of the classic Japanese "Godzilla" movies...
paul_haakonsen19 August 2020
Initially when I sat down to watch the 2019 movie "Notzilla" I was a little bit hesitant. But since I hadn't seen it, nor even heard about it, I ended up watching it. I do like watching new movies after all.

This is not a top of the line with the latest and greatest of special effects and CGI. By no means.

Turns out that "Notzilla" was a nice surprise of a movie. Now, this is a spoof on the classic Japanese "Godzilla" movies, no doubt about it. Writer and director Mitch Teemley had managed to put together a storyline that was equal parts spoof and equal parts tribute to the old styled Japanese classics. And that was definitely something that was enjoyable.

From the in-your-face-obvious toy cars and fake scenery to the monsters whom are just people in rubber suits - it was all there. And it was all so very enjoyable. I must admit that I was more than entertained by "Notzilla".

The storyline was actually enjoyable and good, and it was very reminiscent of the style seen in the old classic "Godzilla" movies. And that most certainly attributed to the overall enjoyment of the movie.

They also had put together a good ensemble of casted actors and actresses to portray the various roles in the movie. I wasn't familiar with the cast, so that was enjoyable for me.

The effects in "Notzilla" were not multi-million dollar effects as seen in Hollywood movies. No, they were very true to the effects you would see in the old classic Japanese "Godzilla" movies, and the special effects team really pulled that off very well and very nicely. And of course I must comment on the Notzilla creature itself; it was very loveable, and I just loved the zipper in the front that were made no effort to hide, it was just brilliant. And the fact that he guzzled beer like there was no tomorrow, another great concept for the movie.

I can warmly recommend "Notzilla", especially if you enjoy the often goofy and campy old classic Japanese "Godzilla" movies. Thumbs up to writer and director Mitch Teemley for this movie.

My rating of "Notzilla" is a six out of ten stars.
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In a world full of disaster, NOTZILLA Takes the cake!
vitodanoto19 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Splendid well-made movie! satire, the old 50's feel, and tons of chuckles, add up to one of the best movies I have seen in many moons! I love a good comedy and a good horror movie. Best Ive seen since EVIL DEAD 2!
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It's like an incompetent version of Airplane!
owlmanvsbatman20 November 2020
This was an extremely cheap and low budget spoof so I wasn't expect much, but man is the "humor" and acting in this just real cringeworthy. There was only one visual gag with a train that was interesting but most of the stuff was very obvious and too on the nose. And for a supposed monster movie, most of it deals with the scientist's story which is quite boring and uninteresting. Lord wonders when actual good spoof movies make a comeback.
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Notzilla is not it
Jeremy_Urquhart18 November 2022
This does sort of feel like an Austin Powers-influenced spoof, taking on old-school monster movies rather than old James Bond movies. It's got a far lower budget, and it's also way less funny.

It's not a total disaster. There were a few mildly amusing moments, but seeing as more jokes fell flat than succeeded, I don't think it would be right to give it a passing grade or higher. It's kind of a failure, which is a shame, because I think the idea of a silly parody of Godzilla could be fun.

There's a fine art to making broad comedies funny, though, and Notzilla just doesn't strike the balance between not seeming like they're trying too hard and being disciplined and precise enough to have the jokes land. There are only so many words that can be said about a comedy that doesn't work more than it does; it just doesn't really work (a handful of slightly funny moments here and there aside).
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BandSAboutMovies31 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As Japanese troops destroy two giant monsters, a young paleontologist rescues the offspring, taking it to Cincinnati, Ohio where he promptly flushes the unhatched egg down the toilet, just in time for Dr. Richard Blowheart and the scientists of SNUGI (Secret Nuclear Underground Government Installation) to blast the Ohio River with nuclear energy. That said, there are no real worries. The egg has a small creature named a Notzillasaurus Partiontilldon and as long as it doesn't get near beer, the world will be safe.

You can figure out what happens next.

Notzilla is a goofball movie that Mitch Teemley spent decades writing and planning. I mean, the film has a kaiju with a giant zipper over his chest - it should be on his back - so obviously it's out to have as much fun as possible.

I loved how the soldiers were all obviously toys, but this is the kind of movie that works better as a fake trailer than an actual movie. However, the idea of pouring beer on a kaiju egg to make it hatch appeals to me.

There's room for making fun of the kaiju genre, but for some reason, I didn't feel that this movie was laughing with the films it is trying to be, but instead at them. That doesn't play well around here.
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All the love without the heart
DanTheMan2150AD21 June 2022
Perhaps my biggest grievance with Notzilla is that there is a clear love for the genre on display here but it's just not enough to save it from the downright boring, awful and repetitive humour. It's trying way too hard to be Airplane! But actually ends up being closer to Disaster Movie. It's not a love letter but a spiteful and insulting mockery of the genre, the low budget excuse doesn't even fly with this one.
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A lot of fun
meadever30 December 2020
This movie is just so enjoyably bad. This is a film that knows it's cheap and leans into it hard. But for the kind of film they're making fun of, that cheapness works. The cartoony sexism, the bad puns, the cliche dialogue, it all works perfectly within the cheap sci-fi genre that inspired the movie. The blatantly low budget suit on the monster has got to be my personal favorite. His goofy eyes and obvious zipper are honestly hilarious when you see him moving around and doing things like playing football with a zeppelin. And every actor really gives their all to the stupidity and bless them for it. I would take this over something like "Epic Movie" or "Disaster Movie" any day. The filmmakers took their microscopic budget and ran with it in a way that is sure to please people like me that appreciate old-school fifties science fiction films that take themselves too seriously. Not for everyone, but definitely worth watching if you can appreciate something that is just utterly goofy by design.
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Loving, Punny Parody
elliot-993271 September 2020
As the name implies, Notzilla is a very silly homage to the classic Godzilla movies. Everything is stylistically on-point - the miniatures, the multiple levels of rear-projection, the rubber suit! Incredibly over-the-top - think Airplane! with a side of Space Balls, and just a hint of Duck Soup. Short and surprisingly sweet, Notzilla provides some much-needed giggles right now.
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I actually was surprised,I ACTUALLY LIKED IT
maddoxsmith-7912115 March 2021
WOW. I liked this. I don't even know why. I've been wanting to see a Godzilla parody FOREVER and thought none existed so I was pretty much like,"ill have to make one myself ", but then I found this pleasant parody and its very good. Its does a good job sporting the old Japanese Godzilla movies and STAYS ON SUBJECT. THIS MODERN PARODY DOESNT PARODY ANYTHING ELSE. JUST OLD GODZILLA. That's incredible! All the newer parodies practically run ads in the middle of the movie but this one has no references at all nor does it spoof random things popular at the time that has nothing to do with the movie(unlike disaster movie,meet the Spartans,etc.) So for that I like it much more! I thought it was just gonna be a dumb parody like Epic movie but was very pleasantly surprised and for that alone this movie doesn't deserve that much hate!
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Could have been better
staunton-gary22 August 2020
It's a bit of a chuckle movie rather than a laugh fest. Props and acting are daggy, just as you would expect. Had the potential to be much better, but they settled for just made it. Definitely worth the watch.
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Exactly what it claims to be
jedwardboring26 August 2020
"Notzilla" is a greatly fun, unapologetically silly film. Within the first minute, you will realize the writer, director, actors, have all committed themselves to producing a chuckle-fest worthy of extra buttered popcorn and Milk Duds. It is pretty much non-stop goofiness and pun-tossing.

In my humble opinion, every ounce of elementary humor is intentional and well-executed. These folks knew what they were creating, and they went for it whole-heartedly.

Relax! Enjoy it! Don't try to count the puns. Don't over-analyze the plot. The "special effects" are exactly as the writer/director intended them to be. Fun!

We could have seen a bit more of Captain Bleech, though. :)
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Best Godzilla parody ever!
kbyrd0822 August 2020
This is classic Police Squad type of humor and the camera work felt like classic 50s/60s monster movie style. Three of us watched this today by accident and couldnt turn it off. My 8 year old girl, 48 year old wife and myself (50s) all truly enjoyed it and it's clean campy style. Keep in mind this is a godzilla parody and not On the Waterfront(1958)- If you dont take it and yourself too seriously you should find this quite entertaining!
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Great film if you want laugh
robertonestar6 January 2021
Go in to this film not expecting it to ever take its self seriously and some times that's just want you want watch people being silly telly a very silly story
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Stupid childish character names, plot and dialogue. LOVED IT!
ukgekko6 January 2021
There is every reason to be put off by this but don't be.

I hate American humour. Its obvious, strained and just not funny.

This is funny. Very funny. Has its bad moments but its a total leg pull that doesn't even try to hard to be good.

Watch it
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Notzilla, it's a fun ride!!!!!
walkersartstuff12 December 2020
I know there will be people that will say I'm nuts for giving this 8 stars. Here's the thing, this is a fun ride!!!!! Its everything you can want from a Godzilla parody and it's a pretty self aware flick. It knows it's not a big budget block buster and it runs with it. (Although it should get an Oscar for best use of green army men in a motion picture.) Let's be honest, it's not going to be for everyone. But if you want to watch a fun flick that's actually funny and well written you can't go wrong here. Seriously check it out, grab a bowl of popcorn, have a beer, sit back and enjoy. It'll be worth it.
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A redundant and childish love letter
michaelgalusick25 August 2020
Notzilla is unsurpisingly a Godzilla parody.

But Notzilla doesnt really do anything to deconstruct Godzilla itself. It seems to play with the ideas of the imagery of Godzilla as opposed to Godzilla itself.

The director and writer of Notzilla, Mitch Teemly set off with a lofty goal. Make a parody in the style of the greats, like Mel Brooks, the Farley Brothers, or David Zucker... But the film never quite reaches the mark.

The constant barrage of jokes is ambitious but once you've heard one or two, you can predict where each scene is going. Every character has a "comedy of errors" misunderstanding element built into them. Doing this once is great... Twice can be funny, but four characters pretending to be something they aren't just gets perplexing.

While there are some legit great jokes, there are also scenes that just meander and lack sufficient pacing.

If there's one thing this film has going for it though, it's the acting. Everyone really seems to be enjoying themselves and they commit 100% to absurdity of the universe that they inhabit. The lines don't always make sense, and that makes it even more fun to watch these actors really try to bring it to life. And they succeed for the most part. Leslie Neilson would be proud
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Funniest unpretentious parody in forever!
benniegrezlik17 November 2020
Every movie I've ever seen has at least one moment (most have many moments) that need a MST3K or a Rifftrax to bring it back to earth. You can't make fun of a movie that relentlessly makes fun of itself. Notzilla lays bare its soul in its determined unselfconsciousness. I had many laughs watching Notzilla.

Almost every line and every reference to other movies and literary allusions were good. Some not perfect, but close enough. I love word play and this was like a fast ping-pong game of words and memes. I salute everyone involved with this movie. You made me laugh and that's what a parody is supposed to do. Thank you. General Specific, indeed.
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Fun family movie
lauradeitzel23 January 2021
Great movie for the whole family. Pop the popcorn and settle in for a fun night of classic humor. Didn't think I would like this movie but it was perfect.
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Such a joy to watch during these times and not take it serious
joseg1321 January 2021
If you have watched Airplane, The Naked Gun, Spaceballs, Young Frankenstein more than once then you should watch this. Same silliness but yet new that you have not seen and it is parody of Godzilla. Who does not love the 50's Godzilla! During these times it is such a joy to find a film you can sit, kick back, have some popcorn, chips, beer (or whatever) turn down the lights and enjoy the next 78 minutes and just laugh. It was not tiring at all for me. I just looked forward to the next silly joke. Thanks for this movie! It will go in my Favorites film bin to definitely watch again and again.
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wstetler5113 February 2021
Wacky this movie is A comedy and is so badly done you can't help but laugh it's a lot of fun to watch because everything in it is so idiotic it takes bits and pieces of all the monster movies to an extreme In a fun way and you can tell the actors are having fun doing it it's a definite must watch
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A Saturday Matinee Funfest
nunstuff27 February 2021
This is a goofy fun spoof of all those monster movies we used to go to as kids. When you just want to sit back and forget all your troubles this is the type of fun you will enjoy. Zany antics with a great cast and beautifully filmed. Congrats to the cast and creative folks.
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Funniest thing this year
barrymclaren-0861228 August 2021
The Asylum makes terrible movies on purpose and mockbusters. Now some genius has made an The Asylum rip off. Sounds stupid doesn't it. Nope it's soooooo funny has a great cast. The jokes are just so silly. I loved it. If you need cheered up I'd def give this a go. It's absolute nonsense but it knows it.
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I had a fun time!
TreeFiddy5317 August 2023
This is a spoof/parody of Godzilla, and it's been filmed in...CINCINNATI!! Ayyeee!!!

If you liked Austin Powers, Scary Movies, you'll like this, although, it's not anywhere on those levels. I think you should watch this if you're from Cincinnati regardless. It's ridiculous but that's what you expect from a parody. And oh, it's only 78 mins along.

In a way, this parody was more about stereotypes and related comedy and less about Notzilla, but that's okay. I thought that the dialogues were "well thought out" for a parody, lol. You'll chuckle every now and then with a few louder giggles.

If you haven't watched a (bad, yet funny) spoof in a while, check this out. If you're from Cincinnati, watch it ANYWAY!!
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