
13 Reviews
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I Am Sam (2001)
it's not the movie, it's the MESSAGE (spoiler perhaps? not too bad)
15 February 2002
Warning: Spoilers
Well I have gone through almost all of the comments, it gets a bit time consuming, but it was interesting to see the different viewpoints on this movie. I don't think one person had the exact same reasons for disliking or loving the movie. I have my own opinions, however.

I went and saw the movie twice. Not because it was a favorite or some fabulous film, but because I wanted my friends to see it. When I first saw the movie, I cried four times, and I do not cry at movies. It's not my thing. But this movie brought out so many emotions relating to my own life that I could not hold them in. Admiration, courage, sadness, happiness, and pure ANGER gripped me. My younger brother is autistic, much more severe case than Sam in the movie. But I totally related to the feelings of frustrations of dealing with people who treat you like s*** because you are different. My own good friends sit there right in front of me making fun of retarded kids knowing full well about my brother. This society acts as though it is so compassionate towards others, but reading some of these comments just proved that this isnt the case. i knew it before, though. oh well, theres only so much that can change a close minded person.

The movie had its flaws, I'll admit. I walked out of the theater unsure if I even liked the film. It is pretty unbelievable that Sam could live in a nice area like he did with Lucy and raise her even to the age of 8, yet it has happened before i suppose.

But from my own personal perspective, there was much more good to the movie than bad. The movie was filmed beautifully. I read comments people had about it looking like a camcorder and being too chaotic, but did you ever stop to think why? Sam is retarded, and his whole world is dizzy and confusing. The camera movements simply displayed how Sam was feeling and set the mood, a perfect way for it to be done. The movie was well acted, all i can say is SEAN PENN. I thought he was amazing. yes i will always think Leonardo did it best in gilbert grape but this is the closest i have seen. It was completely believable in that sense, and like another commenter stated, the chemistry between lucy and sam was incredible. what a great casting job and what a great job done by the cast!

The message is there, whether you liked the movie or not. It was that love is not an emotion created for "normal people", but one that anyone can feel. it was also about stereotypes and the fact that people judge before they know a damn thing. I suggest this movie for anyone, open your minds please! 8/10
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Dude, Where's The Humor?
1 August 2001
I know there are movies that are "so stupid they're funny", but I dont think this one qualifies. I knew that by seeing this I wasnt going to enjoy it, but I have to say I at least expected some funny things to be in it. It was really corny and stupid, nothing humorous about it. It comes in 2nd to Joe Dirt being one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
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Not what I expected, but is that always so bad?
1 August 2001
I thought this movie was going to be something else. I dont know why, but I just had this false idea of what it would be. I guess I thought it would be more serious or something. In either case, I was happy with what I saw! First of all George Clooney plays a character I have never seen in him before. I never could picture him being funny or anything, because all of the roles I have seen him in hes pretty serious. I thought he did a great job as did everyone else. This movie was funny and very well made! I suggest anyone see it! (I personally dont think you need any prior Odyssey knowledge to get it...)

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Cast Away (2000)
good movie
14 July 2001
I liked this movie. I thought it was really unique. And bravo to Tom Hanks! I think it takes quite a bit of talent to be able to be the only actor for basically the whole film and still make it work. It was very realistic also. For example, the plane crash was the most realistic ive seen in the movies. I think anyone should see this movie. Its long but its very well made and entertaining.
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disturbing but good
14 July 2001
This movie was very well-made. I enjoyed watching it alot even though it was quite depressing and disturbing. But it was real. It showed reality and I am happy it didnt really seem too "Hollywood" if you know what i mean. Overall i thought it was very good. 8/10
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The Matrix (1999)
One of my favorites ever...
3 July 2001
I waited a good long while to see this movie. After Columbine, there was alot of buzz that there were similarities to the manner that the boys killed their classmates and the scene where Neo and Trinity kill all of the security guards to rescue Morpheus. However everyone kept telling me it was great, so I gave it a chance. And thank God I did! I absolutely loved this movie! The actors and their characters, the genius idea in general, not to mention the special effects. IT WAS GREAT! 10/10!
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As good as they come...
3 July 2001
This is definetly one of my favorites ever! How anyone could say the characters were poorly developed is beyond me! The entire base of this movie was developing its characters! Without that there would have been nothing to watch at all. It was well written and funny too. I loved it, personally.
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so dumb it was funny
29 June 2001
There are always those movies that you see that when looked at from a serious perspective, seem like the corniest movies ever. However it was pretty obvious that the intention of this film was to be corny and viewed from a more laid-back perspective. take the movie for what it is: funny and a little cheesy
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The Hurricane (1999)
pretty good
26 June 2001
it was kind of long, but i guess that was needed to tell the story. i liked it, i thought it had a good cast, good story(not that anyone could control it considering it was true), and was pretty much just well made. i suggest it for anyone, although it is a little brutal at some parts. anyways its a good movie. 8/10
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26 June 2001
i thought it was real boring. i had to keep leaving because it was so ridiculous. it wasnt entertaining or fun to watch, either. but i wasnt really expecting anything of it, so i shouldnt be complaining. i just dont understand how people could have liked it so much.
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Read it...
26 June 2001
I personally enjoyed this movie alot. It was very unique. I just finished the book. It made me appreciate the movie alot more. This is because it was put from paper to film so well. The casting was so great. Everyone played the character just as they were portrayed in the book. I think that for those who have such negative comments about the movie, u should read it. Then you will see why the movie is the way it is.
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pretty damn good
25 June 2001
I thought it was awesome-it was everything i expected it to be. People who say it was bad must have been expecting some beautiful film with great actors and an in depth plot. u obviously expected wrong. in all the ads it always showed exactly what it was, a movie with guys cars and violence. not bad violence, really. it was entertaining. of course the characters werent developed and the plot was a little crazy. thats how it was meant to be.
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My favorite movie by far...
25 June 2001
I don't know how people could have such awful things to say about this is one of the best movies I've ever seen and definately my favorite. The script was written beautifully and had an interesting plot, the characters were amazingly well-developed, it was historically accurate, and the actors did a great job. Not to mention the great directing job. this is a perfect war movie. so what if it has its bloody moments? i honestly have seen much worse. i would rather watch the D-Day scene a thousand times than any stabbing in scream or some other dumb horror movie. the blood and guts in SPR help tell the story. it is needed to show the realities of war. so if u can handle a few minutes of a very REALISTIC Omaha Beach scene, then i suggest this movie for anyone.
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