
23 Reviews
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Moonfall (2022)
Disappointed. Garbage
2 May 2022
I was hoping for epic entertainment, instead I got a lot of boring dialogue nonsense followed by a lame sci-fi wannabe cacophony which is too unbelievable to even keep a sci-fi fan entertained. The effects were good as expected by a Roland Emerich film but they were too little, too late.
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Big, loud, but messy...
11 January 2022
It's definitely entertaining. I don't know anything about the video game so I watched it with an open mind. It's definitely entertaining. Has big f/x and lots of action but they seemed all over the place. Some of the visuals didn't last long in order for the viewer to appreciate them. All in all it's a good time.
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More of the "camera guy following you"
11 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
I am so tired of the movies with the dude following the people with a video camera. Enough already. Cannibal Holocaust was the mother of these... Then came Blair Witch. And then every time you turn around, the same crap. What the hell is the deal with this movie? First you think its just the Preacher being a quack, then the molesting sibling then some devil worship crap? Im sorry but the people behind this movie could've done a far better job. Im just so glad I didn't buy this crap and opted to rent it is not even funny. The Exorcism of Emily Rose, the Exorcist movies (yes even Renny Harlin's) are far better remaining true to the possession thing as opposed to some, well you figure it out.
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14 August 2010
This movie as I expected was full of fire. The guys were awesome. To me personally, Dolph was the best. Sly did a great job giving all the guys equal amount of screen time and dialogue (with the exception of Crews), but all in all, I think Dolph was the most entertaining. Then Statham. His role was cool, especially the payback scene. Jet Li was hilarious. The film also had its fair share of blood and guts as expected from a Sly directed film. It had all the necessary ingredients: Explosions, shootouts, chases, funny one liners and blood. I hope this film brings Dolph back to the main screen. All in all, it made for a fun time at the movie theater.
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Solid but slow
19 May 2010
I was really looking forward to seeing this film. I really wanted to like it. The story gets a little slow and very Seagal like. When I originally saw the trailer I was like "Oh hell yes, Mel Gibson is back". The film starts off with a bang but then it slows down a bit too much for my taste. There was too much conspiracy junk going on here. Not a lot of action. I thought it was going to be like Mel's daughter gets killed and he was out for payback. Problem was the film took a different direction in the sense of whats good for the environment and stuff and how his daughter was involved in some corruption crap. Its a good film, but not what I expected.
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Kicked ASS!!!
2 December 2009
This movie delivered what I was expecting. Wall to wall action and incredible effects. Once again, we are treated to yet another installment which surpasses the previous in overall grandeur. The actors were good but best of all, the film was a treat for the eyes and ears. Again, McG delivers unrealistic stuff in a realistic manner. Yeah the stunts and the effects were a little hard to swallow but, that is what we want to see in a big summer flick. All I can hope is for another installment. I wont comment on the story line simply because if you're a Terminator fan, you should already know the story. This is just to sit back and have a good time. All the idiots that criticize the film need to go to your local movie rental outfit and rent from the Special Interest section or perhaps the Foreign sections.
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Star Trek (2009)
19 November 2009
I've never been much of a Trekie, so I approached this film with an open mind. All I can say is the Special Effects were incredible. At times the sequences moved a little too fast, so I was not able to truly appreciate the Special Effects. Now, with that being said, here comes the negatives. The story was lame. It did not have the same impact I had when the very first star trek movie came out many moons ago. Remember the Voager thing? It was really cool. This one had some crazy space ship that really appeared to steal the show. My favorite choice for the actors was Karl Urban. I was waiting for the famous "Dammit Jim" and I was not disappointed. All in all, it's not too bad. But in this case, great special effects did not make up for a crappy story portrayed by a bunch of unknown actors.
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What the hell?????
9 November 2009
OK, I don't like to be so negative, but what the hell was this movie about?. Given the fact I'd never seen Donnie Barko, I started to watch this with an open mind. What threw me off was when I left the movie rental store, I read the back of this DVD and I was like "what"??. I remember seeing the preview on the internet and the film looked cool. I can't say much about this because, well I have no idea what this was about. It was something about the future. Was the guy a cop? The chick a porn star? What was the deal with Justin Timberlake? What the hell was he?. All I remember was seeing a lot of Saturday Night Live actors in this. Thats about it.
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It delivers the goods
25 October 2009
I have to say this movie delivered the goods as promised. It had plenty of gore and scary moments. It also had some nice suspense too. I liked the first one. I liked the second one more. The this installment looks as if the whole budget was spent on the gore and the effects. This was a nice change since some crappy direct to video films like the Boogeyman series worry too much on the actors and the story line versus the gore and violence we want.I've never been so glad to see a good looking chick die like in the first few minutes of the film. I'm sure the chick did not really talk like that, but it was nice to start off the film with a bang. This film is great to just have a good time and watch people get killed.
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11 October 2009
This to me is one of the better Dolph films to come out of the 2000's. I appreciate the simplicity of it but what makes it stand above the rest id the quality in the acting. Dolph is very good as Niko the mechanic. Ben Cross as well as the other guys are very good. The climax in the film makes it for me. The fact that Dolph directed this makes me wonder why doesn't he direct all the films he stars in. The Defender was good too but I like this one better. This is not your typical wall to wall action film, but the action scenes here as well as the shootouts are very good. Nothing new with the story, but it's crafted in a way that looks as if it was new.
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Wake of Death (2004)
Outstanding Film!!!!!
1 October 2009
In my opinion, this is by far the best Van Damme film. The acting is superb and first rate. The story is nothing new but it's done very well. The directing and the editing is first rate too. All about this film is first rate. There is maybe a few glitches but that's it. The fights are awesome as well. What I think makes this film superior, it's how well it was made. You actually feel "something" for the characters. I loved Max and Raymond. The actor who portrayed Max is awesome. Tony was very cool as well. My feeling is that if someone like Bruce Willis or another big time movie star played the main role of Ben Archer, the film would've been a theatrical box office success. Jean needs to stick to films like this.
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1 October 2009
I'm a fan of Doph, but this movie was lame. It did have cool explosions and stunts, but thats it. The story is similar to The Russian Specialist, which in my opinion is far better. One thing I've come to appreciate from Danny Lerner's movies is the fact that a lot of stuff gets blown up. In my book that is a plus. In this movie the fights did not look too convincing. The Russian dude in the beginning of the film in the jail, gets his ass kicked by Dolph within the first few seconds and he just sat there and took it. I've seen the same Rusian dude in other films and he kicks ass. Dolph looks in great shape, but his moves appear slow as if the editing or choreograph was not all there. But then again, I'm not a movie maker. Dolph has been in somewhat of a slump with films like Diamond Dogs, Missionary Man, Direct Action and now this. I think the films he's directed himself are far better...
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Very Good
18 September 2009
I've never been a fan of Hero movies in general. I'm one of the few that didn't care for any of the Batman films or the Hulk ones, as for that matter, I didn't care to see the Fantastic 4 films either It was the trailer for this film attracted me to it. I thought this film was very good. The action was excellent. The special effects were intense. The actors were very good as well. I remember seeing a little bit of the first x men film and I did not care for it too much. I feel the film makers did an excellent job making this like the Star War films did a few years back. This film is very explosive which is always a plus for me. I guess I need to watch the other x men films now.
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Lame Lame Lame Lame
13 September 2009
I don't like being so negative, but my God, this was bad. I should have researched this before I bought it. It started good. Some nice action and good stuff going on. Then it turned into Lifetime's Movie of the Week. I wanted to see Samuel Jackson kicking ass and taking names. But instead all I got was him drinking and kicking his annoying teenager son in the ass which as annoying as he was, it was nice. Then the other 3 soldiers were boring too. All this was, was a "remembering" the war and how screwed up life is now for them. It reminded me of Dead Presidents in a remote way. But Dead Prsidents was way better. Curtis Jackson is as annoynig as an actor as he is a rapper. This is good if you want film to watch and think "wow, those guys have it really bad". Certainly not for action fans.
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12 September 2009
I had somewhat high hopes for this since I like Tim Roth. I was not pleased with this film. I liked the Ang Lee The Hulk a few years back so I figured this would have more of a bang to it. First I was very disappointed with John Hurt's performance here. He looks as if his eyebrows were re-shaped for this. His performance was not convincing. He was not as good as one would expect. Tim Roth is cool as always here. The Gama thing didn't really stick to the original story line I don't think. I guess the best part of the film was the end. It had some cool action. The only problem with the original was that it was too long. This one is not as long but it got a bit boring at times. I remember some time ago when Walmart had this movie really cheap for sale and I always wondered why?. Now I know. I was hoping to to get blown away, but I was not.
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Boogeyman 3 (2008)
Wow. What a film!
28 August 2009
I'm a horror movie buff just like the next person. But oh my God, this was awful. First, I was expecting plenty of violence and gore. There is none here. Maybe some computerized blood here and there but that's it. Now, let's talk about the main chick. Yes, she's easy on the eyes but the whole talking between her and her buddy radio DJ doctor was getting on my nerves. Now, let's talk about the bogeyman himself. What in God's name is his problem? I can't remember a movie where the bad guy could get locked in a closet by a much smaller chick. I mean, the thing was a wuss. I really was not expecting much, but come on. There are movies like Wrong Turn 2 which is also a direct to video film which delivered the goods. Plelty of violence and gore. Avoid this movie at all cost.
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Has It's Moments
2 August 2009
All I can say is this movie has it's moments. It kinda reminds me of Me Myself and Irene. The main character is an out of this world figure that stands out in a crowd big time. Most of the humor is very vulgar. But funny non the less. This movie is good to kill time to say the least. Not recommended for younger audiences though. The scene with the young girl talking to her dad is funny as hell. And so is the scene involving the strap on!.I think it's old Farelly brothers humor. Randy Quaid is funny as always here. When you see it, make sure you have plenty of cold beer. I'm not sure what the director has done previously, but I think he will do good things.
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12 Rounds (2009)
Predictable, but good non the less
5 July 2009
I had high hopes when I was about to see this film because I am a Renny Harlin fan. I read several negative reviews but I like to make my own opinion. First off, It was literally wall to wall, from the opening credits to the end, all out action. I always like to see stuff blow up and I was not disappointed. The only slight flaw was that the film "borrowed" too much from other films such as The Marine, Die Hard 3 and Taken. I'm not saying that's a bad thing but you can't help but notice these things. All in all, it made for a very good time and I recommend it for anyone who wants a good time with a movie. Certainly not for the folks that like to watch movies about European children, victims of war and without hope...
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Power Corps. (2004)
WOW!!!!! 10 out of 10 in the CRAP O METER!!!!!!!!!!
29 May 2009
What the hell is wrong with the people behind this crap? Here is a better question, what the hell is wrong with me renting this crap?????? I was only able to stomach the first 15 minutes or so of this lame film. I knew that this would be an extremely low budget film. But, some of this actors were soooooooooooooooooo bad. From the Sergeant all the way to a pilot!!!. I've seen some movies that the budget was like 27.00 dollars but the acting was good. This had the worst special effects, the worst acting and the most stupid plot ever. Oh, and one more thing, in the beginning just before the movie started, they did an opening credit thing like in Star Wars but this time they had some guy reading the wording. It was soooooooooooo bad 'cause this guy sounded like he was dying to say "dude" at the end of every word. AVOID AT ALL COST!!!!
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The Ruins (2008)
What the Hell?
29 May 2009
I rented this expecting to enjoy a god horror movie. Instead I got a total waste of time. The concept of a horror movie involving ancient Mexican stuff is pretty cool and original. But that's as far as it goes. You never really know what's going on here. I can't give any information away, but the "evil forces" here in my opinion have nothing to do with ancient Mayan folks. And I ain't no Mayan but anyone equipped with a brain will agree. I'd stay away from this waste of time if you're in the mood for a horror movie. I guess I was maybe expecting a horror movie and maybe some crazy people running around like the ones in Apocalypto!! But then again, that's maybe my fault!
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Driven to Kill (2009 Video)
Way better than the last 2
28 May 2009
Not been able to see a preview before I saw this made me a little worried, but I thought, what the hell? Seagal rules. I was pleasantly surprised with this movie. The only flaw was that at times I couldn't understand Seagal. It also appeared as if he did most/all of his fighting and that was nice. It was a pretty good story. It's was your standard revenge flick. It's nice to see Seagal go after bad guys that messed with his family. It was like Urban Justice in a way. I was glad it wasn't that European package crap or conspiracy from the early 90's or 2000's. This was way better than Kill Switch and of course that vampire crap. But not as good as Pistol Whipped.
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Against the Dark (2009 Video)
18 February 2009
I had high hopes for this. Judging from the trailer, it looked interesting to say the least. I've been a Seagal fan for a long time, but his films have gone from great (Urban Justice) to lame (Against the Dark)to ridiculous (Flight of Fury). Call me crazy but it looks as if a stunt man does his fights. Why? Remember "Today you Die"? and "Kill Switch"? Whats with the double? Nothing's cooler than to watch Steven Kick Ass!!! Enough 'bout that. Against the Dark is not a Seagal film at all. All he did was about a 10 minute cameo. It's a neat story and it had some nice action bits but that's it. Nice violence too but not enough to keep someone interested. Steven, please go back to kicking ass and not all this non-sense!!!!!
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Kill Switch (2008 Video)
Waste of Time
18 February 2009
This film actually had a cool story. But once again, there is a stunt double doing his fights!!! WHY???? It was really annoying to see some stunt dude doing the fights which you could only see the back of his head then suddenly you'd see Seagal's face for a second. And then at the end, you see this chick whom I guess is his wife or girlfriend? Where did she come from? This film would've been far better if Seagal did his own fights and removed the last 10 minutes of the film. And please remember to reload your clip!!!! That's probably not his fault but please go back to motr hand to hand combat!!!! It was a cool story but WE NEED SEAGAL TO KICK ASS AGAIN!!!!!
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