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Cats (2019)
I quite enjoyed it
11 January 2020
This film feels like two in one. Let me explain:

The first half is a bit strange. Jason Durelo and a lot of milk (take that as you will), Rebel Wilson and her singing mice/roaches, James Corden and his.....weirdness. That is all pretty darn weird.

However, power through that weirdness and you get to the second half which is really enjoyable. You get the good songs (Mr Mistoffelees, The Jellicle Ball, Gus: The Theatre Cat, etc) with some hard-hitting moments and you would even find me smiling/laughing.

Yes seeing Judi Dench raising her legs up in delight is a bit strange, yes the CGI feet glitch and yes there are human hands here, there and everywhere. However, you will be left with a smile on your face. Honest
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Fyre (2019)
Great documentary but - just like the festival - nothing under the surface
4 February 2019
Warning: Spoilers
My underlying feeling about this film is frustration. You had a lot of the people 'in the room where it happens' and yet, there isn't anyone asking deeper questions that could prevent something like the Fyre Festival happening again.

For example, the last 5-10 minutes of the film talk about the influencer culture that now rules a lot of young people's lives. The fact that Russians can buy a 3 hour experience where they have pictures taken in a private jet that never gets off the tarmac. The fact that one of the organisers of the failed Festival said (paraphrasing) 'We haven't committed fraud, but we may have falsely advertised'. This could be the start of a great conversation and discussion with some of the people behind those sorts of influencers; instead, all they do is go back to blaming 'Billy' McFarland.

This documentary could be a lot more. It gives a great account on the background, planning and delivery of the festival. However, there is no substance behind explanations. This leaves me as frustrated as those 6,000 festival goers who were given a refugee tent!
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You felt like you were in the Palladium
2 December 2018
One word describes this viewing of the King and I at the London Palladium: Scrumptious.

I was one of a few 100 almost-theatre-goers in my local cinema. Having booked early, we were slap bang in the middle of the screening, at eye level with the eyes of the actors and it was fantastic.

All the actors were on top-form, the orchestra played every note beautifully, the choreography was gorgeous, the lighting was inspiring and the cameras were top-quality.

The filming took place as if you were in the audience. As it was a live performance in front of real paying theatre-goers there were no cameras swooshing around on stage, it was all as un-obstructive as possible and it created a feeling of being in the audience in all the best spots to capture every moment.

Only two qualms: sometimes - when the actors were moving at a quick rate - there was some blurring on the screen. However, in the still moments, you could see every pore on the actor's body. Second, in the theatre, an actor will usually have to be over the top in their mannerisms, because the cameras were zoomed in, these looked a bit 'weird'.

Still, this is and will be a great production. I genuinely hope it comes out on DVD, it is already the biggest filmed theatre show of 2018, please bring it out!
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La La Land (2016)
A love letter to Hollywood with a modern twist
20 January 2017
The first half and last scene of this film are simply, outrageously gorgeous. Amazing music, clap-your-hands-with-delight-dancing with quite the cast. It brings tears to your eyes, goosebumps to the back of your neck and a nostalgia even this 26-year-old can appreciate.

The middle third/half of the film brings the modern twist to this film; it shows the audience that the optimism of youth sometimes has to give way to practicalities of life; that sometimes means that you might have to 'cash-in' to fulfil the dreams of your younger self. This I think, is a great narrative to live by, especially for the generations after mine who seek fame for fame's sake rather than attempting to be the best at something first.

Now, I know some people say that there is a lot of 'mansplaining' in this film; that's for other people to decide. Since I'm a white male, I can't really comment on that. Another criticism that I had was the opening scene - as brilliant as it was - needed more......WOW factor; it's the opening of a musical, you can ramp up the volume, make things brighter and happier. Whilst it is amazing and awe-inspiring, you were straining to hear what was being said and - after the hype of this scene - you felt a bit.....meh.

Another criticism has been the last scene, personally, I loved it. It's a classic 'what could have been' that everyone feels at some point in their life. The idealised view that life could have been happier and racier. However, they have gotten to where they want to be and would they have managed that whilst being together? Who knows.

As the title says, this movie is a love song to classic Hollywood whilst poking fun at itself and having a liberal sprinkling of modern touches. I loved it though I do acknowledge the criticisms, some of which I accept, some I don't quite buy.
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Skyfall (2012)
Bond is back with a Vengeance
26 October 2012
Bond is back, and its fantastic to see him again! Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace were good but Sam Mendes- the director- has done his homework and it damn well shows!

M (played by Judie Dench of course) has some enemies and they have finally come back to nip her on the butt. (Don't worry, that is all I will say about the plot!)

The script is so well done, you truly do get the idea of impending doom and the only person who can save us all is 007 himself. Sure there are explosions, car chases, fights, etc but there are certainly less explosions and more of the traditional things in Bond movies.

Adele's "Skyfall" theme tune is so amazing, it gave me tingles down my spine as the sequence starts, and believe me it is at a truly epic part of the movie!

All the lead characters were played so well though I thought one of the bond girls (I won't name!) was on for too short a-time and it would have been nice to see more of her, calling her a Bond girl was slightly exaggerating as she is really just a plug in a small hole in the plot.

This movie truly is going back to the old style of Bond, you will find a lot more tongue-in-cheek humour, a few more of the old-Bond characters are back. However, rather than being sentimental about it, they've brought Bond into the 21st Century (after 12 years, its good of them to join us) If you are a Bond fan, this is the movie for you, its great, action packed and just fantastically British!

Bring on the next instalment!
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Titanic (1997)
Simply amazing
9 April 2012
Warning: Spoilers
I am, I think, one of the few people in the world who has never seen this film in the full before today.

My sister and I went to go and see the film in 3D today. I have to admit, I was looking forward as well as a bit nervous about this film. There has been so much hype, the most expensive film ever (at the time), the 11 Oscar's, THE song, etc. I just hoped to god that I wouldn't be disappointed.

To those of you who haven't seen it, you MUST go and see it! From start to finish the film is amazing. At the beginning when you see the- now- famous footage of the Titanic in it's watery grave to the very end when Rose dies (?), ever single moment of the film is timeless, classic and truly amazing.

I'm sure the film looked absolutely amazing when it first came out but James Cameron's painstaking remastering into HD and then the 3D added just make everything look amazing. From the start where you see the Titanic in all it's spender as the hopeful passengers wave their loved ones goodbye, to the splendid 1st class suites and til the very bitter end where you see the Titanic crash under the waves to her watery depth's. Every single scene and every single image was so crystal clear it felt like you were there.

Even after 15 years, the directing of James Cameron is just superb. Yes some scenes are amazingly cheesy, but you soon forget these moments and replace them with the true emotion of the final half hour. The old couple who hug each other tightly as the water slowly rises toward them, the mother tucking their children into bed and giving them their last bedtime story and of the course the moment Rose lets Jack go whispering "I'll never let you go"

Throughout the whole first half of the film you are swept up with the happiness and pure delight on Rose and Jack's faces, you watch them from good friends to falling in love, a warm feeling surges through your body. However you always have that small, tiny niggle in your head, knowing that it wont last, the moment we see Jack, eyes closed and at peace, slips down into the darkness of the ocean is constantly in your head.

This story isn't just about love found and love lost. It's about relationships, throughout the film you see different relationships. fiancé, best friends, mother/daughter, father/son, parent/children, rich toff/servant. Each one, unique in it's own way, each one is precious to the two people involved.

This film tugs at the heart strings because of the transformation of the happy times, all the way to the saddest and most terrible times imaginable. Combine that with James Cameron's amazing directing and the timeless score that creates goosebumps and sticks in the mind for hours after, and you have a truly remarkable film.
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Holby City: Wise Men (2011)
Season 14, Episode 11
Great Christmas special
27 December 2011
What a fantastic, original Christmas special this was! Over the last few weeks and months- what with the plastic's scandal, Michael leaving, Elliot nearly having to move and Chrissie and Dan splitting up (about time to) over Dan's revelation- it's been quite a fantastic few months! So I was looking forward to seeing what happens next!

Not only did we have a different location (Kiev to be exact) we had some old faces return! One of the favourite nurses in Holby- Nurse Petrenko came back and so did good ol' Michael Spence!

I won't go into any of the story lines but needless to say this was a great Christmas special and all the actors in it deserve a big pat on the back!

Also well done to the story writers who made such a fantastic and interesting AND thought provoking storyline to our screens this festive season!
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8 January 2011
Warning: Spoilers
Afghanistan is one of those places that you hear a lot of stories. Some so harrowing you don't really believe they are true. The Kite Runner doesn't just bring these stories into reality on the big screen, they don't leave anything out.

I have just finished watching this film on BBC2. (8/1/11) My Mum asked me to watch it with her. I am so glad I have watched it, it was truly a remarkable film, it should be on the list of the films one should watch before you die.

There are many "main themes" running through this film. loyalty and forgiveness being the two main ones. From the boy who won't leave his best friend. Ever. To the uncle who won't leave till he has his nephew. These themes are crucial to the film's success, because of these, you go through an amazing journey through some of the hardest times in Afghan history.

It starts just before the Russian invasion in the 70's and finishes just as the Talliban is starting to enforce its iron grip.

China is a brilliant and amazing replacement for Afghanistan (for obvious reasons a American crew couldn't really be expected to film in the real Afghanistan) some of the views of the snow-topped mountains were truly awe-inspiring.

To summarise, the whole story is amazing, the scenes are amazing, the locations are amazing, all in all, an amazing film
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The West Wing (1999–2006)
An amazing show with amazing actors, amazing script and amazing plots.
16 August 2010
I have watched season's 1-4 and have just ordered seasons 5-7. My sister had watched all 7 seasons about 6 months before I started watching it myself.

Like a lot of other people at first I didn't particularly like the show, everyone talks fast and you feel like your kept in the dark when they talk about the new draft from the OMB about money going to farmers earning $10,000 or less (don't spite me people, I just thought of that at the top of my head, at no point does it actually mention this as far as I know in any episode of any season) However, I pretty soon realised that all one has to do is relax and allow the script writers and actors to take you on a ride in each episode and any references will usually get explained and revealed later on in that episode or- if its a long running storyline- later in that series.

I also watched this because I do American politics at my college and this helped me enormously with my studies.

The West Wing is probably one of my favourite shows EVER now, I'm soon going to have all 7 season's and I'm going to enjoy watching the last 3 seasons hopefully very soon. If you are into politics of any kind- even if you don't like the American's pulling their weight in the international stage- THIS is the show for you, it covers a wide range of issues and all the huge variety of political scandals. Even if you don't like the above, just watch it because you'll very soon understand all political jargon and stuff like that :)
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Way too long
16 May 2009
I know its a stupid analysis of this epic of a movie. The whole thing was done amazingly way and it was so beautiful. The only problem was so long you were glad when the film finished! If this was maybe an hour shorter I would've given it 10/10 but it got to the point where you felt like you'd actually sat through your own lifetime having watched it.

I really wanted to enjoy this, we'd gone to see it just after it had been nominated for BAFTA's and Oscar's so I thought "Well this should be pretty good then!" Don't get me wrong, it IS an amazing movie, the special effects are amazing, the acting is amazing and the storyline was amazing. But as I've said, the length totally ruined it for me.

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Star Trek (2009)
Really good but could've been better
16 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I went to see Star Trek having hated every single series before and moaning to my dad whenever he decided he wanted to watch an episode.

The movie starts off with a good old battle scene which, if I must admit was very short lived. That I find is a crucial reason why I didn't give this movie the full marks which it good've got from me. The final battle scene and the first battle scene- although uses great usage of SFX- was so short that by the time the scenes had finished, you'd only just got into them. On the other hand; it is a refreshing change from the now necessary urge of director's to make huge battle scene's which go on for over 1/2 hour, I'll let you make your own choice.

Apart from this point, the movie is pretty awesome. The special effects are amazing and so are the sets. The plot centres around the rescue of the commander of enterprise and also James Kirk's urge to become the captain of the enterprise.

All in all, if you want a great movie with amazing special effects then this is the movie for you. However if you want a movie with huge battle scenes. Don't bother
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A LOT better then the Da Vinci Code
15 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Like most people I'd already read the book "Angels And Demons" and ever since then I'd been looking forward to Dan Brown's books to be made into movies. Of course with the flop which was "The Da Vinci Code" I was naturally pessimistic about Angels and Demons the movie.

The movie starts off with the Fisherman's ring being destroyed and the Pope's funeral. For the first 15-20 minutes of the movie definitely starts off on a down beat but as soon Robert Langdon arrives in Vatican City things start to pick up, for me, the next part of the movie is action packed and -even though I'd already read the story and so already knew what was going to happen- it was most definitely edge-of-the-seat-stuff. The last bit of the movie where all the bits and pieces are put together for both the characters and the viewer is thankfully not as action-packed. You definitely can't go into the movie expecting to just have a easy ride, you need your brains in gear to fully understand everything and to get all the points in the end because otherwise the movie will seem like just a load of sub-stories brought together into some obscure storyline.

People who feel that "The Da Vinci Code" was a let down and ruined a perfectly brilliant and best selling novel by one of the top authors of our time will be very glad to hear that "Angels and Demons" does in fact do fantastic justice to a brilliant book.
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