
8 Reviews
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Not What I Expected...In a Good Way!
13 June 2006
Yes, I was the one that downloaded the first 5 minutes of the movie. And I was thinking "What's Paul Walker doing in Takashi Miike-like film?" Well I just rented the DVD and boy was I wrong. I know this film came and went, now I'm kicking my self for not see it when it was in the cinemas. The story was not what I was expecting at all. The film is violent, twisted, exciting and original. It was two hours of enjoyment. If you like action movies like how they were in the 70's and 80's, you'll like Running Scared. The plot actually takes more twists and turns than your usual action film. I don't want to give anything away but it involves kids and guns and hookers and other seedy sides of life. If you abhor violence, depravity and cussing in any form you'll hate this movie. I've you love actions films with a passion, press PLAY and dig in.
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A Lush Exotic Film (slight spoilers..)
20 June 2004
Warning: Spoilers
A very lush, exotic, film. Breathtaking cinematography and amazing costumes. Performances are so-so though. The Prince keeps yelling "Bring me the head courtesean" at least 10 times. See a princess go crazy and the many ways of pleasure in the bedroom. Indra Varma's pubic hair has more personality than some of the supporting cast and you get to see an elephant stomp a man to death.

Don't expect anything too hardcore. It's more showtime-ish stuff. It is a good story though, downer of a ending. Recommended for people that like their movies slow and unfolding instead of some slam-bam crash editing.
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Demonlover (2002)
The Most Original Film of 2003!
21 September 2003
I have never seen an Olivier Assayas film before.This was just a visceral load of imagery that I didn't want to stop!

All of these images before you. Corporate power, double crossing, hentai anime, and interactive torture websites all come together to form something that might mean different things to different people. The performances are great though. Gina Gershon (Showgirls,Bound,Face/Off) looks better then ever only problem I wanted to see her more. Connie Nielsen in the lead role is awesome as the corporate mole/ice queen. I'm surprised that was the same actress in Gladiator and One-Hour Photo. And Chloe Sevigny is quiet but assertive at the same time.

If your tired of all the same exploding cars and sappy romantic comedies lately, come check this one out. You'll be pleasantly surprised
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21 August 2003
I can say that I was pleasantly surprised at this movie super sequel. The whole theatre was a riot screaming it up. This is so much better than the Scream/I know what you dids of late. Not stop Kills, action, and most of all BREASTS in a horror film. Havent seen those in a while.

I really think Horror is making a comeback now [I'm a horror fan so to me it never went out] with Jeepers Creepers 2, Underworld, Cabin Fever and 28 Days later. I even had my doubts about The new TCM, but after seeing the trailer before Freddy vs Jason, I change my mind.

I'm glad there is violence, blood and guts [NON- PG-13] for the rest of us that like that stuff. I'm Glad Freddy slammed should I say SWAT'ed] Colin Farrel's candy-ass down a couple of notches and delivered a death blow to Ben and J-Lo's Gigli.

But seriously go see this movie, it is very entertaining and the script is laugh out loud funny. Kelly Rowland from Destiny's Child is pretty good, So is the stoner guy and the rookie cop.
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A work of Art [some possible spoilers]
21 May 2003
Warning: Spoilers
I just rented this for the fun of it, and a friend of mine likes the group Air. I don't really care for Kirsten Dunst but I kinda like Josh Hartnett and James Woods.

What I saw was unreal. Sure it was long depressing story with an ambiguous ending, but in the end the surviving characters are more the wiser. Just like Heathers, American Beauty and Midnight Cowboy, this film shows the harsh realities of life and REALISTIC ways that people in a situation deal with it.

Come on people, Vin Diesel doesn't save the day neither does a bullet dodging Trinity. These are everyday people doing what they think is right.

I was impressed by Sofia Coppola's film debut not only as a director but a writer. Umm but I'm sure she got daddy to pull a few strings...

Wow but one of the comments made about Kathleen Turner, yes she did gain some weight, but so what. How long ago was Body Heat?

Overall it's a rich slow-moving film that has to take time to dissolve. The ethereal haunting soundrack varies between the group AIR and various 70's songs. Adding to this is Ed Lachman's hypnotic cinematography. He also shot 'Far From Heaven' so mood is definetly one of his specialties.

I liked it it was good
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Was this supposed to be funny?
27 April 2003
Warning: Spoilers
*Slight spoiler if you never seen it before!*

I saw this movie last night at a Revival screening at LACMA and more than half of the audience were laughing like crazy! This story of friendship between to women and their daughters is a mix of high melodrama and racial equality, or at least it tries to be.

Among the over designed sets, strong lighting, every other scene shot within a frame, a doorway, a partition, or a mirror, director Douglas Sirk is trying to distance us from the characters. Sirk obviously wants to show us that this world that they live in is artificial, totally superficial in contrast to the characters' emotional depth

The confusing thing about Sirk is beneath this melodramatic fluff, what is exactly is he trying to say? Following the scene Sarah Jane gets beaten up by her boyfriend for being Black, Annie is massaging `Miss Lora's foot. There is also something to say about the sugar-coated Suzie, she has everything a girl could ever want [a horse, a closet full of nice clothes and an awesome room] except her Mothers ex-boyfriend.

Finally the racial issue comes up. We are to assume that Annie and Lora are equals, both financially and as friends, between the best and worst of financial situations. But when Lora makes it as an actress, Annie is still the maid. That's not equality. In the new house, Lora has outfit after glamorous outfit, while Annie still has plain clothes that almost suggest the help, even though there are other servants in the house. Annie prepares the food, dresses Lora, and massages her feet! Throughout the whole movie, there is no indication that Annie is getting paid for her services. The only agreement that is shown is the work that she does is for room and board. Umm.last time I heard of that I think it was called SLAVERY!

Sirk is showing that they even though Lora and Annie are the best of friends, they have the same problems with their daughters; they live in the same house but not in the same world. Lora is surprised when Sarah Jane doesn't like being Black. Lora is surprised when Annie tells her that she has hundreds of friends, like Annie's life consists of waiting on her hand and foot. Ultimately, Lora is also surprised that Annie is dying.

But played for high camp this movie was funny. I wanted to cry but couldn't. Even the Annie's death scene was almost laughable with Sara Jane's smirking picture in the background. In the final scene where Sara Jane throws herself on the mother's casket, you were almost expecting Lora to slap her. But I really do love this movie that shows how the 50's were or more accurately how the 50's were supposed to be.
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Shopping (1994)
Cool visuals, Techno music, and Jude Law and Paul Anderson
11 April 2003
This movie is an interesting debut from Paul (WS) Anderson. Dark sets and cool visuals teamed with techno music really get you going. You can see the visual style from the director Mortal Kombat and Resident Evil.

Speaking of MK, that Orbital song is used in this movie too.

I think this is the first film were Jude Law actually looks prettier than his female co-star.
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Offensive and Unfunny
23 February 2003
I went to this sneak preview of this film to watch something funny. What I got what a cruel and racist movie that wasn't the least bit funny. What's worse is that the people all around me were laughing. (I don't know why?) It has racial comments that are hurtful and stereotypical. They involve racial slurs, an "Aunt Jemima" moment and Joan Plowright singing a very offensive "plantation" song. I am not a movie snob. I watch all kinds of films, foreign films, cult movies, zombie/cannibal flicks, etc. Viewing this film last night is the first time I actually got upset watching a movie. Is it just me? Give your comments when this movie comes in wide release in the next two weeks. I know this is not just me.
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