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Saw (2004)
A Classy Horror Movie!
27 October 2009
This film was on TV the other day. I have never been a fan of horror films that rely on gore e.g garbage like 'Hostel', but I watched this out of curiosity... and I was very surprised! First of all, the storyline is good. I always thought Jigsaw just killed people for the sake of it but he actually 'kills' them for a good reason. In fact he doesn't actually kill them directly... I actually see this film as a Crime or Mystery film as well as a horror. It keeps you thinking and wondering right till the end of the film. As for the horror... well, I didn't sleep well that night! It is scary. Which I also wasn't expecting. Jigsaw's mask really gives me the creeps.

I would recommend this film to anyone with a strong stomach, and to people who love a good mystery. But if you are squeamish DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM! 8/10
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
A Very Clever, Entertaining and Funny Film
11 October 2009
There is no doubt that this is one of the best films of all time. I wasn't expecting it to be so good. I was just expecting just another gangster movie, but it is so much more than that. The way it all comes together at the end and how all the stories are planned out is so unique and brilliant.

The acting was also superb. Great performances form both John Travolta and Samuel L. Jackson. I have to say I have never heard so many uses of the F**k word in one movie before! Lol. But it is also a funny film which I wasn't actually expecting. It doesn't say on IMDb as a comedy film but I think it should be put in as one of the genres of the film.

I would recommend this film to anyone. Alhough if your easily offended this film is actually an 18 for a very good reason. But overall, brilliant movie. 10/10
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5 October 2009
Warning: Spoilers
This is one of the worst horror films I have seen. Soo predictable. Just another film with a bunch of teenagers getting chased then dying. And why the hell is Busta Rhymes in it? I didn't find this film scary at any moment. I didn't think much of the first Halloween film and I don't know why it got carried on this long and got turned into this garbage. I also don't get why Michael Myers gets hung on a wire and stays alive! If you get hung you die straight away. Also at the end how does he come back to life? They check that he's dead, and then right at the end we see him open his eyes. This film defies logic. The only thing I liked about this film (as with the first one) Is the soundtrack. Its cool. creepy and suspenseful.

Stay clear of this film. 1/10
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Could have been sooo much better!
26 September 2009
I though this was a very average film to say the least. As I say it could have been allot better. I haven't seen the re-make yet but I have a feeling it is a bit better. I didn't find any of the film scary but I really did expect it to be. The concept (which is apparently based on a true story) is quite creepy and the house does look quite scary but they failed to make it a scary film. I noticed that this version goes on for 2 hours and the re-make goes on for only and hour and a half. Maybe in the re-make they cut out allot of unnecessary stuff. I also thought that allot of the 'scary' parts in the film are ridiculous. Like having a path to hell in their basement, which don't get me wrong would be quite cool! But it is just a bit stupid. I mean, just because there was a murder in the house years ago shouldn't mean you get all this weird stuff happening in your house.

I was really disappointed with this film because it could've been sooo much better and I was expecting a classic horror film. I wouldn't recommend it as a horror but it's average as a film I suppose. 5/10
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They Don't Make 'em Like This Anymore
14 September 2009
It may not be the scariest horror/thriller visually but it definitely leaves you feeling like you can't trust anyone! Any film that changes the way you were feeling after watching is definitely a good film and that's what's missing in modern day horrors. It's all about the gore and the language and misses a real dialogue. Rosemary's Baby has a fantastic storyline and keeps you guessing and wondering right up until the end.

I don't really have much else to say about this film because I can't really find anything bad to say about it. The reason I gave it a 9/10 is because it is quite long... In fact sod it it's a perfect film! I just hope they don't re-make it. They will probably make it a crappy 15 and they'll put random swearing in and gore. Overall great film!
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OK film, but VERY dull
5 September 2009
I haven't seen 'The Beginning' yet, not that I want to. I hate films that are just random gore. But this probably isn't all that amazing either. I think if films are going to be mainly talking it has to be at least interesting. It takes ages to get going and when it does its short lasting then doesn't pick up again until the end. Even the exorcism scene is short lasting.

I'm not sure whether to recommend this film or not. But I supposed it's less of a waste of time than the awful 'Exorcist II: The Heretic' which isn't even worth bothering with. But I wouldn't say don't waste your life with this film, it's OK.
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I enjoyed it... surprisingly
29 August 2009
Warning: Spoilers
OK I don't usually like slasher films. I feel like there all the same. Its always 4 teenagers, two girls, two boys. Two of them have sex, 3 of them die. That kinda was the case in this film but A Nightmare On Elm Street has something else to it that makes it better than most slasher films. The main thing is that it has a brilliant storyline and thats what makes films scary and thats whats made The Omen such a good film. Although it doesn't seem realistic it is slightly believable.

I must say the acting was pretty terrible in this film. And the last scene when the woman gets pulled into the house by Freddy is probably the worst effects I have seen in a while.

Its a shame that they had to ruin this film with a stupid amount of sequels and the abysmal Freddy Vs. Jason. But the original is a great movie and I recommend anyone to watch this film. 8/10
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The Omen (2006)
If its not broken don't fix it!
28 August 2009
The Omen (Origional) Is one of my favourite movies of all time and I really don't feel like it needed to be re-made. I admit some bits in the original are a bit shabby. I thought the impaling scene was more realistic in the remake. In the original the priest just stands there waiting to be impaled. But in the remake it caught him by surprise. I thought that Damien in the remake looks more evil than Damien in the original. He looks to cute to be the son of the devil in the original. Lol. Those are the only two points that I thought were better in the remake. I feel like they tried to make it a horror thats visually scary and a typical horror that rely on typical horror stuff. But the original was a psychological horror that really made you think. I mean, this stuff is predicted in the bible! Thats the scariest part.

I think eventually people are going to run out of ideas for horrors so everything will be re-made... I really hope that doesn't happen! Writers need to start digging deeper than pointless gore and slasher films. They don't make them like The (Origional) Omen any more. 6/10
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The Exorcist (1973)
Greatest Horror movie ever made
28 August 2009
First of all to those people who say this film is crap and its more funny than scary - you are stupid. I think people who think that are just shallow people who cant think about things. I feel this film made me think allot about Religion and the Afterlife. I mean this is based on a true story so surly something must be out there. Anyway lets not turn this into a religious debate (Im not a Christian by the way). This film is perfect in so many levels. Its powerful, as I said it makes you think. But its also powerful because you begin to feel the guilt that Father Karras feels about his mother and when the demon speaks in his mothers voice and says 'Why did you do this to me Dimmy?' really gets to you. They really did choose the soundtrack well as well, Tubular Bells is one of my favourite albums and it works brilliantly in this film. Apart from that this song doesn't actually have much music, but I think that works well. It makes it seem more realistic unlike most modern films. Another thing that I love about this film is the In Your Face scenes. They just time it so well. One minute its quiet and nothings happening then it just explodes in your face.

I found I understood the film more after I read the book. It's certainly more detailed. If you haven't read the book I seriously recommend you do.

... Also if you haven't seen this film yet... WATCH IT! Haha but seriously if you not one of those people that likes horrors that just rely on pointless gore and flashing images and your someone who likes clever classy horrors then this is your film. 10/10
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What the hell did I just watch?!?!?!?
28 August 2009
OK, if you are planning on watching this film don't bother... in fact, actually watch it out of curiosity like I did but don't expect anything good to happen for about 2 hours or so. The bad reviews don't lie it is as bad as people say it is. Anyway enough of the babbling.

The films I love and that I find scary are the ones with good story lines (The Omen, The Shining, The Exorcist etc.) but I had no idea what was going on. Even at the end. I found with The Shining everything came together towards the end but this I still have no idea what I watched. I would like to be able to press 'Contains Spoiler' but I don't know what there is to spoil. Most of this film is funny as well! I have no idea why they re-shot the exorcism, and the demons voice in it is laughable. I'm surprised William Peter Blatty (Author of The Exorcist) let this film be made.

Another thing, why is this film an 18?!?! It is not scary, has no gore, has no profanity at all, and has the slightest nudity (A pair of babylons for about 2 seconds). This film should be a 12 if anything.

I supposed the only reason this deserves a 2 is because the music is composed by Ennio Morricone, who I love. and 'Regans Theme' is a beautiful piece of music.

As I say, watch this film out of curiosity but not because you want to see an interesting film. 2/10
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The best Exorcist sequel
27 August 2009
I have heard mixed reviews of this film. Some saying its the best Exorcist sequel and some saying its utter crap. Well to the people who say it's utter crap you have no idea what your talking about. This is by far the best Exorcist sequel, probably because it was actually written by William Peter Blatty (Writer of the first Exorcist). I think this should really be the Exorcist II because it begins where the first one finishes, and also because The Heretic was a joke.

One of the reasons why I love this film is because it is essentially a mystery film (which I'm not usually to keen on) but it also has the major horror elements that make a horror film. The hallway scene at the hospital is one of the best horror scenes I have seen. Just the tension and the fact you don't know whats going on and the silence, then suddenly... well I wont give anything away. Its definitely different to the original so if your looking for another The Exorcist then look elsewhere, but this will probably still scare the daylights out of you.

Overall, fantastic film and I'm glad that Father Karras is in this film because I loved his character in the original. 9/10
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