
27 Reviews
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One Christmas Eve (2014 TV Movie)
Bad but enjoyable thanks to Heche.
10 December 2014
The movie on itself is bad. The acting besides Heche is below average, and the writing is even worse. the interactions between characters were awkward and poorly executed. The movie is predictable, and it contains a lot of clichés. But this movies does what it was designed to do. It don't require a lot of brain power, but is enjoying to watch.

The only good thing about the movie, is that Anne Heche is starring in it. Although this is an another way beneath her talents role for Heche. Heche on her own saves the movie. Thanks to her the movie is entertaining.

Not a complete waste of time, if you don't take it to seriously,you will enjoy this.
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Gracie's Choice (2004 TV Movie)
Not that great movie boosted by an excellent performance by Anne Heche
29 April 2014
Based on a true story that is nothing new in a movie. This movie was just a typical American made for TV "tearjerker". You can see that it is a small budget movie.

The movie is most of the time slow-paced and the script is so-so, but Heche and Bell make the movie with their acting. Two lesser actors would have reduced it to a hack piece of garbage.

Kristen Bell does an descent job in this movie. So does Dianne Laid. But Anne Heche steals the show with her truly outstanding performance as the dysfunctional mother who neglects her children to lead a most disgusting life in pursuit of a good time.

If you are not a fan of drama, Anne Heche's performance is the only reason to invest time in watching "Gracie's Choice"
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The Michael J. Fox Show (2013–2014)
Below average sit-com
3 February 2014
Michael J. Fox has a sympathy factor, but is uneasy to watch. The show has furthermore an another way beneath her talents (guest) role for Anne Heche. The rest of the cast are not in her league and fits the mediocrity of writing. The editing is even worse. No real story development or what so ever.

The show got a little better after a few episodes. Still the jokes are overdone and the same over and over again.

The show is overall not funny and boring. Maybe a must-watch for Michael J. Fox's fans, but don't be too surprised if it's a negative one. Not to recommend.
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Fatal Desire (2006 TV Movie)
Damn good for a made-for-TV movie...
28 November 2013
Tanya Sullivan (Anne Heche) meets over Internet a great gay, casino employee Joe Donnely (Eric Roberts), an ex cop -made to resign after testifying truthfully against the PD- and divorced father. After months of hot mail, Tanya flies a first time to Atlantic City and they start to having an affair........

Eric Roberts does a decent job in this movie. In this movie he shows that he can act. still he is played away by Heche. No one can play an uneducated, low class, skanky and manipulative slut better than Anne Heche. Glenn Close in Fatal Attraction was kids-play compared by this performance of Heche.

The Movie is slow-paced in the beginning and the script is so-so...but Heche and Roberts make the movie with their acting. Two lesser actors would have reduced it to a hack piece of garbage.
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Save Me (2013)
Better than the average sit-com.
2 November 2013
Beth gets a second chance at life, family, and friends after she accidentally chokes on a sandwich. God has intervened and helped this misguided, alcoholic, joke of the neighborhood, become the person she has always wished she was.

As someone who has nothing up with religion, I was skeptical to watch this Series. The mainly reason to watch it, was for Anne Heche. This is however not a pro- or anti-religious show. The show dares to bring God into the storyline, but with a contemporary approach. The moral and ethical messages are funny and light carried out.

Heche shows her outstanding comedic timing and facial mimic in this Show. She makes an unlikely character touchy and believable. The rest of the cast are not in her league, but the acting is more than decent.

Especially the first 3-4 episode are funny and well written from then on the director is rushing through the story and the show gets less enjoyable. The show is fast paced and the format of 20- 25 minutes suits it well. This comedy is different but better than the average sit-com.
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Spread (2009)
Anne Heche the only reason to go and watch this movie.
31 October 2013
This movie as labeled as a sex-Comedy. But is not really a comedy, nor a porn movie. It's more like a drama. There's plenty of gratuitous nudity and sex to go around until the second half of the film which switched gears and the movie turned into a sappy romantic Drama.

The movie is original, but has a lightweight story with little on the side of character development , amidst some hot sex scenes.

With the exception of Anne Heche's performance, the acting was completely stiff and devoid of any emotion and expresions. The only real acting came from Heche. Unfortunately, this movie is all about Ashton Kutcher. Kutcher drags down the entire proceedings. He did his best as the lead role of Nikki, but this movie shows, that Ashton Kutcher is just not a very good actor.The acting gets worse in the second half when Heche disappears for Margarita Levieva, who take over the female lead with even worse acting than Kutcher.

Anne Heche great performance is the only reason to go and watch this movie.
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Volcano (1997)
enjoyable disaster itself!
23 October 2013
An officer of the rescue organization (Jones) and geologist Dr. Amy Barnes (Heche) teams up trying to combat a roaring volcano in Los Angeles......

The ingredients were there (Volcano, Jones and Heche) for a great movie, The first 30-40 minutes are pretty okay but after 40 minutes the movie turn so bad it could make you laugh or cry....

The characters were paper-thin. The plot was chock full of holes. Poorly written and embarrassing moral moments pulls together. Underground rivers of lava that seem to appear & then disappear just as quick. Various people standing inches from a river of lava yet not being affected by the heat. One simple blockade at the end of a street will stop the flowing lava. And it goes on and on.... The cast go through the motions with some terrible dialogue & ridiculous set-pieces to contend with.

Jones and Heche did very well with what they have been giving, unfortunately they we're giving crap. Jones and Heche deserves better than this.

The script here is total nonsense and is not based in reality at all. But the movie does entertain.

Volcano is a bit of a disaster in both senses, it is a disaster themed film that ended up in an entertaining disaster of itself. Stop you're brain working and you will enjoy this....
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Girls in Prison (1994 TV Movie)
Outside Heche the movie is really bad
22 October 2013
Sweet young songtress Aggie (Missy Crider) gets sent to a harsh women's prison after being found guilty of a murder she didn't commit……

Most of the laughs in the film are unintentional rather than written. Parts of this movie (especially the truly unbelievable climax) defy belief.

Some parts simply make no sense at all. It looks like this movie had no script, the actresses were told just to use whatever dialog they could think of.

The only scenes with quality in dialog, comes from Anne Heche. It looks like they were more her idea rather than scripted or directed. Heche is great as the bad girl and is the only one, who knows what she's doing. The lack of acting from the rest of the cast are sometimes good for a big laugh.

The movie has two graphic shower scenes. Although poorly filmed, the girls are nice to look at (Heche bares her gorgeous breasts).

Outside Heche the movie is really bad... and not to recommend....
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Psycho (1998)
Better than the original...
16 October 2013
Marion Crane steals $400,000 from her boss, she runs away and on the road she stays in the small Bates Motel, owned by psycho Norman Bates…..

I have watched this week both the original 1960 and the 1998 remake for the first time.

The original psycho is overrated. The remake is stuck to the original ideas but add some surrealistic colour and own interpretations. Anthony Perkins did a great job, but the rest of the characters were horribly acted. The remake had a great cast. The actors create different characters ,even using the same lines, and bring more depth to their roles, particularly Anne Heche.

The remake has improved acting, the score in digital sound and more realistic sound effects. The movie is still a little too slow… It could have used some pace.

The original is a pretty fine movie (since it was made in 1960), the remake is slightly better, with a few more adjustments it could have been a masterpiece….
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Psycho (1960)
It isn't as good as its reputation...
16 October 2013
Marion Crane steals $400,000 from her boss, she runs away and on the road she stays in the small Bates Motel, owned by psycho Norman Bates….. I have watched this week both the original 1960 and the 1998 remake for the first time.

This movie is overrated. Anthony Perkins did a great job, but the rest of the characters were horribly acted.

The story is good, audio line matches harmoniously. But the movie is very slow… It could have used some pace. Even Considering it was made in 1960.

It isn't as good as its reputation. Psycho surely builds the base of horror movies, but certainly it's not the best one. The remake is slightly better (much better acting especially from Heche compared with Janet Leigh), so if you haven't watch both, i would recommend the latter....
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Toxic Skies (2008)
Not great, but watchable....
11 October 2013
A mysterious illness has broken out, sending its victims into the hospitals convulsing and vomiting and generally looking really gross. The disease displays symptoms that lead super-doctor Tess Martin (Anne Heche) to begin thinking that the Bubonic Plague has erupted. But when a guy named Jack (James Tupper), who just so happens to Speak Truth to Power, gets on the scene, he clues Tess in a frightening conspiracy.

Toxic Skies is one of those straight-to-video movies. For being a low budget film shot in Canada, this movie has great cinematography and editing. The movie had more potential if only the writing had been better. The script was too inaccurate and unrealistic. Too much effort was put into the message, and not enough into the quality of the film. The movie is slow.

Toxic Skies cobbles a few elements from the movie "Outbreak", particularly why it becomes personally important for Tess to quickly discover a cure. The movie isn't as suspenseful as it could have been. The film touches on an important motivation of Tess' physician work, yet never returns to it. There just seemed like great potential for backstories, or learning more about the two main doctors in general.

Anne Heche gives a solid performance as Dr. Tess Martin, but the rest of the cast is lacking of talent.

Not great, but watchable....
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The Juror (1996)
Average movie could have been a lot better
11 October 2013
Annie Laird (Demi Moore) is a sculptress and single mother to Oliver (Gordon-Levitt) who essentially talks her way onto the jury of a major Mafia trial. That leads to her being targeted and manipulated by a hit-man(Baldwin) who demands that Annie produce a not guilty verdict……

Baldwin and Moore trying their best, and are compelling to a point, it all eventually unravels due to over-length and implausibility of the characters, whose actions over the course of the film are increasingly unlikely.

This film is a great demonstration of Demi Moore's lacking of facial expression. She's a capable performer, but she lacks the ability to project either vulnerability or likability. Moore fails at playing the victim.

Moore is played away by Heche (one with great facial expressions). Heche in the leading role And Moore in the role of best friend, could have raised this movie up from being slightly better than average into an exciting thriller.

This is a pretty good movie up until the ending, that goes way over-the-top.
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Enjoying to watch.
10 October 2013
Robin Monroe an ambitious New York girl is on a South Seas vacation with her Boyfriend, when she's called away on business. The only plane available is piloted by Quinn Harris with whom she shares a mutual dislike. They crash on a deserted island. There, this mismatched pair finds themselves facing danger, while they endure the elements and each other's company…..

The movie on itself is not that bad. OK the movie is predictable, and it contains a lot of clichés. But this movies does what it was designed to do. It don't require a lot of brain power, but is enjoying to watch. A well mixture of competent shooting at a marvelous location and great acting from the two leads.

The two leading actors Heche and Ford building up a unique romantic chemistry throughout the film. The normally wooden Harrison Ford is funny and convincing as Quin Harris. He is very comfortable on the screen thanks to Anne Heche. She is the real star of the movie. This movie shows that she is one of the most underrated actresses in the business.

The movie would have been much better and more enjoyable without David Schwimmer. He almost ruins the movie entirely on his own with his horrible acting. He was incredibly annoying and whiney with his Ross-alike performance in this movie.

All by all, a predictable but tasty meal.
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It's a well made, well paced action flick.
9 October 2013
When the Russian Premier is taken hostage at a rock concert in Moscow, it's up to a drummer, an ex-biker, to save him.

This movie has everything a good action movie should have... Minor plot holes, mostly physically plausible action, and some pretty good dialog, including some actually funny stuff.

Dolph is not the greatest actor, but he did a pretty well Job.

The surroundings are tight, claustrophobic, making the action quick, rough, frantic. When Dolph takes someone on in a fight, he goes in fast and hard, using any weapons he can at hands.

Once the action kicks in, the pace of cutting picks up as well. But more-so, the tightly editing helps hide the small budget. The lighting is natural. It enhances the production value of the film. The opening of the film really establishes the style of it brilliantly. It's well shot, and very well edited.

A must see for fans of good action-cinema!
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Pretty bad!
9 October 2013
The story development is very poor, and has very long dragged scenes that add nothing to the story. The non-linear and looping time order of the scenes smacks of an effort to cover up the lack of coherence in plot and character. The movie is like several episodes of a TV show thrown together.

Some sequences, especially one involving bondage harnesses and homosexual rape, have the uncomfortable feeling of creative desperation, of someone who's afraid of losing his reputation scrambling for any way to offend sensibilities.

The actors are doing a fine job with the crap they are given. However the distinct lack of a coherent plot, the disjointedly interwoven and half-baked story lines, the absence of characterization and incorrectly using of the music, makes this movie a good example of bad Cinema!
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Wag the Dog (1997)
Disappointing, given such a great idea and great actors.
9 October 2013
The U.S, President has just been exposed in a sex scandal not long before the next election. Spin doctor Conrad Brean (Robert DeNiro) teaming up with Hollywood producer Stanley Motss (Dustin Hoffman) to fabricate a war, so as to distract the country from the president's sexual follies.

There are several badly handled leaps in the story and the movie lacked tension. The acting is pretty good, De Niro and Hoffman are reliable. Heche is outstanding and even Harrelson is fun to watch.

A great cast, a good story. Wag the Dog should have been a classic but it isn't. The satire in this movie is spot on but the writing just isn't strong enough and the production looks cheap.
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WALL·E (2008)
Great animation, weak story.
9 October 2013
In the distant future, a small waste collecting robot inadvertently embarks on a space journey.....

The animation is amazing but this story is mellifluous mindless drivel and spectacularly boring.

The first half of the movie, when the interactions between wall e and the cockroach are shown, is interesting, but the second half of the film is cheesy, clichéd, and boring.

The movie is slow moving and is devoid on any real plot and the two main characters are not at all engaging.

This could have just been a fun movie about a Robot for kids, but instead it is trying to indoctrinate in the second half of the movie.

I gave the movie a 4/10 mainly for the great animation. The story was extremely weak and was basically a love story with an environmental message/propaganda.
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Lack of budget
9 October 2013
Louis Stevens (Ex-Special Forces) returns to Miami to find his former high school overrun by drugs and violence. He pledges to straighten out a dozen of the school's worst students by teaching them Capoeira . The local drug lord vows to stop. Now Stevens must fight….

The film was shot on a zero budget. The story and plot are weak and predictable. The fighting scenes from Dacascos are great and the only decent acting comes from him. The story is a bit too sentimental at times and the whole thing of Capoeira changing the lives of these street kids doesn't bode much credibility,however the fight sequences are great.
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Cedar Rapids (2011)
Overall not funny!
9 October 2013
Tim Lippe (Helms) has been living in über-sleepy Brown Valley and still "pre-engaged", while selling insurance to protect other people's dreams. But now he's headed to a "major" metropolis - Cedar Rapids, Iowa - where he must try to save his company at a do-or-die insurance convention…..

The movie goes for the cheap and easy laugh but don't delivers. There are some funny scenes in this movie. Overall it's just mediocre, to over the top and not funny at all. There were several parts in the movie that really didn't need to either be in the movie, or made sense.

Ed Helms falls in this film violently by the basket. Like the rest of the cast. The only one that remains is Anne Heche. But she can't keep this film out of trash on her own.

The movie could have been hilarious, but it certainly wasn't.
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One Kill (2000 TV Movie)
Better than the usual made for TV-movies.
8 October 2013
A divorced female marine officer (Anne Heche) with two small children is charged for killing an senior officer. As the characters begin dealing with the matter of trial, the facts behind the case unfold piecemeal via flashback.

"One Kills" offers excellent performances. Anne Heche natural acting works great as the army officer having an affair with her superior, played by Sam Shepard, and Eric Stoltz is credible as her lawyer defending her against the military establishment.

The movie is well build up. sometimes a little slow and too dramatic.

Recommended for trial/drama flick fans and those interested in military courts-martial.
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T.N.T. (1997)
Not that great but pretty fun to watch
5 October 2013
Olivier Gruner stars as Alex, who is a member of the Tactical Neutralization Team. Former soldiers now working for Eric Roberts who finances this team out to do his bidding. After Alex is betrayed by the team and accidentally kills a child he leaves the group and starts a new life in Colorado. Randy Travis plays the town sheriff where Alex has started a new life. The TNT team has now targeted to take out Alex and anyone with him.

The movie is an action movie with no good acting. The best acting comes from Gruner, shame on the rest of the cast. The fight-scenes are great, as you might aspect from Gruner!

The action and fighting from especially Gruner makes this a fun and watchable movie!
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Simply the best!
4 October 2013
Bruce Lee is a legend. When it comes to Martial Arts cinema, Enter the Dragon is the most highly regarded. This is the godfather of action film.

Enter the Dragon achieved success by presenting a series of superbly staged fighting sequences with a minimum of distractions. The story finds Lee as a martial-arts expert determined to help capture the narcotics dealer whose gang was responsible for his sister's death. This evil villain operates from a fortified island manned by a team of crack martial artists, who also host a kung fu competition. Lee uses his skills to enter the contest and then tries to chop, kick, and otherwise fight his way into the dealer's headquarter. The story is, of course, merely an excuse for showdown after showdown, featuring masterly fighting by Lee in a wide variety of martial arts styles.

Great Plot, great Acting and of course the master Of Jeet Kun Do Himself. Th only movie i will give 10 out of 10.
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Girl Fight (2011 TV Movie)
Moving story results in a good movie!
3 October 2013
The film was inspired by a 2008 beating in Florida.

The movie looks at the life of 16 year old Haley Macklin (Jodelle Ferland) who wants to get in to the cool girl group but things go horribly wrong in her effort to fit in with them. She posts a negative message on a social networking site about the cool girls and the rush is on for payback on her comments. They beat her up with the goal of putting that whipping online but her parents and the law get involved.

Very good movie considering it was made for TV.

The performances in this movie were great. Jodelle Ferland doing a good job as Haley. James Tupper is not a great actor but in this movie he is believable as a dad. Anne Heche is outstanding as The mother. (Should be awarded for this role!)

This movie was really well done. It may be the best Lifetime movie ever made.
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Not that bad......
3 October 2013
The movie stars Anne Heche and Marcia DeBonis as the kind of unrealistic best friends. Primarily focusing on the friendship between the kindly Bebe (Marcia DeBonis) and the crazy Dee Dee (Anne Heche, as herself?....), the film consists of an almost female cast. Taking place over one day in New York City, Bebe eagerly prepares for a date she has later that evening with a man. Dee Dee, her best friend, is not enthusiastic about this upcoming event.

Dee Dee and Bebe wander New York getting Bebe ready for a date and making scenes. Along the way they pick up a sex-addict sidekick (Alia Shawkat)

This results in some crazy situations...

You can see that it's a very low-budget movie. However there are funny moments, especially from Heche.

It is not a great movie, but an enjoyable chick-flick...
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1 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Wendy (Heche) and her family have just moved into a new town where her husband is set to be the new Pastor in the church. What starts off as a nice new life in a town with great people soon turns horrific when the true intentions of the outgoing Pastor are revealed.

It started off really slow with no real character development. It went from a slow Feel good movie to a romantic until there was something like a horror.

It's all agonizingly slow build-up to one of the girls getting possessed by an ancient evil). Constant crosscuts give the impression that nobody involved could make it through a full scene without nodding off.

Even Anne Heche (not a big role) could not drag this movie out of the boring trash (not her best performance, mildly said). The music is sometimes far fetched and not in accordance with the current evnet. Almost everything seems to go in slow motion, Such as a pickup truck gliding past houses at the residential speed limit. The movie is a waste of time.....
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