
53 Reviews
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Arcadian (2024)
Not sure what I just watched....
8 June 2024
The main issue with this movie is that it doesn't have any direction. The narrative is mute, characters are bland, and there isn't a concept to peak your interest.

Not all movies have to have a plot twist, a character arch, deep philosophical observations, or just a fun concept to explore, but a movie to be interesting has to have one of these qualities.

Arcadian, fails on all points. It's a monster movie, yet we don't get to see the monsters in any detail, know anything about them, or the dangers that the monster pose. There isn't any consistency in our villains, at one point they can only scratch a door and in the other they have strength that is superhuman.

The writer or writers attempt to create a story about family and the difficulties of growing up with two same age brothers and one dad in a claustrophobic environment, and even try to toss in some romance, yet not one plot line really takes off. Most of this movie feels like a trailer.

I don't recommend watching this movie at all. Only reason I almost made it to the end is because I had a sleepless night...and didn't feel like reading.
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Dagon (2001)
Sometimes it's better not to make the movie just like the book.
6 June 2024
I don't understand why this movie was made, so close to the original story by Lovecraft. To make this movie like the short story would take millions of dollars. I would much rather watch something that takes on the feel and the vibe of the original story "The Shadow over Innsmouth" rather than try and recreate the impossible.

Nothing works in this film. The action isn't good, the plot is broken because to follow the plot of the original story is outside the scope of this movie. Only few redeeming qualities is that this is in fact based on the actual story by the GOAT himself Lovecraft, and that's about it.

I think if there is any redeeming quality to this movie is if you're not familiar with the work of Lovecraft and want to get a taste...nibble of his style, this film does give you that much. I hope after watching this you will at least be interested in reading "The Shadow over Innsmouth," and you will the experience you deserve.
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Not a good Lovecraft adaptation, but ok for people who are not into sci-fi/horror.
3 June 2024
The flaw with this movie is that it's a strange mishmash of a bunch of other sci-fi films from late 60s to 80s. Which seems cool on the outset, but none of the topics presented are actually explored in any way...just a collection of remade scenes from other iconic movies. Example: Solaris, Stalker, The Thing, The Brood, The Shining and a few other titles that I can't recall.

I'm not sure who the target audience is, other than to capitalize on Lovecraft fans, Nick Cage fans, and show off beautiful effects to the others who happen to turn on this movie.

Yet, this film is not without merit. If you never heard of any of the films I mentioned, and watch sci-fi horror from time to time. This movie might not be bore for you. It will show-off little bits of this and that from previous iconic movies, that are loved by critics and audiences around the world over multiple generations.


If you were hoping like me that this might be an interesting adaptation of the short story by Lovecraft...there really is none, not even a vibe or a feeling. You do get a few easter eggs, like a scientist wearing a Miskatonic University t-shirt, which is heavily obscured by his flannel until the end. You have a girl who is doing a ritual from the Necronomicon...but, that's about it.

So, other than a few easter eggs, there are a few key plot points from the original story (maybe five) but they would only make sense to you if you still remember reading Color Out of Space. Yet there is zero substance of the shorty story, in between these little plot reminders.

Few examples Cage's character tastes big ripened fruit that come in early, but they don't taste good to him, because he is going insane. There is a carrot that goes slightly pale, there is a old man that lives in the woods, yet he has nothing to do with any plot, he is just an eccentric stoner who speaks strange obscurities. And that's really all the adaptation we get...just nods to the short story.

I only think that other reviewers who think that this is a good adaptation is because, they really didn't read the story in full, or just read a few works by Lovecraft a while back and never understood them...but think it's cool to say that they know something about Lovecraft.

Of all his short stories Color Out of Space, is one that lends itself to a good and creative adaptation for a modern film audience...yet no attempt was even made.
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Film made for fans of H.P. Lovecraft and the 1st and 2nd Re-Animator.
3 June 2024
If you are wondering about watching this movie, I don't want to steer you away. All three Reanimator movies are stand alone movies which capture the essence of the original story by Lovecraft.

Still, if you haven't already watched the original film, I strongly recommend to watch that one 1st or read the short pulp fiction style story. Beyond Re-Animator is essentially an extension of the already defined characters from the better original.

For those who are familiar with the earlier movies, you will likely enjoy this movie as well. It's quite similar, but the story is retold in a different context, within the cruel world of prison culture in America, within themes of crime and punishment.

This movie has some serious faults. It's not nearly as well made as the predecessors, when it comes to acting. The lead protagonist is still fantastic. West is depicted well, and you can tell that the actor, is even more familiar with the psyche of Herbert West.

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Finally, a Re-Animator movie which follows the original work.
3 June 2024
This final chapter of Re-Animator, for all it's silliness and over the top macabre. Is the closest version of the original work by great H. P. Lovecraft. We get a deeper dive into Herbert West's deteriorating psyche, as the impending doom is constantly lurking over his shoulder.

This movie struggles with some very serious themes, at least to the people during the time of the writing of the story (circa 1920s), experiencing the birth of modern science. Is there, there really a God now? Does life still have meaning due to the vastness of outer space? How can there be an afterlife is the body is a biological machine?

These questions are still very important to a lot of people even in our time. But I think, given the context of this story and the new breakthrough scientific discoveries by West, these same questions can come to light again.

I have my own opinions, but I hope you get the point. Even though, ultimately this film is silly and fun the themes of the movie make it even more interesting and engrossing to watch.

Finally, if you haven't seen the previous movies, don't be concerned. All these movies are rather different. The only theme that is consistent is of Herbert West and his gullible assistant, and they try to figure out the mystery of how human bodies work.
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Zombie horror...yet child friendly.
31 May 2024
The first film explores pain, depravity, greed, and human nature at it's worst. Yet done in a humorous demented way.

The sequel and this is an unequivocal sequel, recycles the characters from the first cult classic film. Yet the direction and the writing, takes this version to a young teen friendly viewable audience.

There isn't a depraved nature to this movie as in the first one. It rather takes on a more fun adventures overture, where child audiences will enjoy a story of heroics, adventure, and reminiscence of a tumultuous middle school experience.

The end is fulfilling, full of heroics of the child actors, which brings about a happy ending, unlike in your typical horror movie fashion.

Enjoy with your kids, knowing that they will get a bit of a fun horror experience...something we as adults don't appreciate anymore.
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Love, pain and Unit 731
31 May 2024
This movie take a deep dive into the most deprived and perverse nature of humanity.

At an outset, Return of the Living Dead III, comes of as a campy, dark comedy, but as the film progresses it turns to the most demented part of humanity. Google, Unit 731, or some of the most depraved scientific human experiments done in history.

The theme of this film is a teen romance story, turned to the outmost dark side, where our protagonist after a devastating motorcycle accident takes his dead girlfriend to a top secret medical experimental unit, managed by his father to bring his love back to life.

As it turns out being brought back to life is extremely painful unless the recently deceased eats human flesh. It is so painful that the protagonist's love is forced to insert metal objects into her flesh to curb her desire from eating her boyfriend alive.

Return of the Living Dead III, is an experiment into what hurts most. A lost of a true love or having your body ripped apart while you have no ability to die...yet still experience all the pain and suffering into perpetuity.

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Interesting concept
29 May 2024
The post apocalypse Barcelona is plagued by monsters. Some are humans who are possessed by a mysterious invisible creature. The creature itself can effect space and time around it and warp physical laws as we know it.

This invisible force is also capable of violating the human psyche. It can seduce, it can manifest hallucinations some audible and in some visual ones, which are unrecognizable from reality itself. This force seems to come out of nowhere, and preys on humans and possibly some animals, and itself never gives any reason for it's motivation. It communicates but only enough to achieve it's goal.

The invisible monster seems like a force of nature itself. While it has some physical manifestations like effecting water and some debris in it's vicinity, but that is all. The is one simple way to avid this force is to keep your eyes closed to avoid visual hallucinations and not listen to the seemingly conscious dialogue which we have with ourselves.

The manifestation is able to posses the psyche of a few individuals by creating an alternate reality for them, when in reality they are creating vile acts of sadism and murder.

What gives this move it's main hook, is that our lead protagonist, is one of the human monsters who is possessed and we get to see the reality from his perspective, as he struggles with morality and an obligation to "save" people who are still alive.

In the end the invisible manifestation is really us, our own whims, desires, and weaknesses, and all you have to do to stay a live is to close your eyes. Strangely this creature can only exist in the outdoors in the light, and it doesn't seem to be able to get inside buildings without open windows...which to me is a source of contention.

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Isle of Dogs (2018)
Empathetic, heart warming, and insightful
26 May 2024
Like a lot of reviewers I only watched this movie because of Wes Anderson. This is clearly a movie for children around the age of 8 and up...depending on the intelligence of your child, lol.

Right at the start I was engrossed. I was confused why this movie held my attention so much, other than the fantastic voice acting, fantastic characters and the beautiful cinematography, and the style of Mr. Anderson in every scene.

The plot and narrative, is so human. Where a fascist mayor, who is aligned with the cat agenda to eliminate the "dog problem." Inspire of all the obstacles, a boy risks his life to go to a trash island to find his beloved dog.

I don't want to give any of the plot twists. So, all I can say, as a 45 year old male, is this movie resonated with me on it's humanity, and not on a logical scale. If you're an adult I still recommend this movie, for its emotional impact and clever humor.

But if you have children this move should be rated G, I don't understand the PG-13 rating. This film is a great teaching tool as far as ethics and morality, which is digested for our most important generation.

Grab a beer and enjoy with your children.
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Strange, heavy use of tropes, yet funny and still worth watching.
26 May 2024
If it wasn't the the cast line-up there isn't a chance I would watch this movie or turn it off in the first act. But that doesn't matter because of the nostalgic and iconic cast.

I knew of this franchise for a while, but never bothered watching any of the movies. So, this is my first watching of the Expendables, and will be the last.

I'm from the generation where some of the cast played the most iconic films of the time, so I loved the nostalgia. If you are of the generation who missed these iconic films, I would steer clear and watch the iconic films first or you will not understand why a movie like this even came to fruition.

Expendables 3, while being goofy with guns that have fantastical unlimited ammo capacities, and bullets that can kill an enemy instantly even if shot in the gut, while throwing the person across the room. And many other completely unrealistic action move tropes, but yet they work for the audience who grew up with these actors.

Lastly, Mr. Gibson's performance is fantastic. And the fight choreography with Ronda Rousey were fantastic. Up until watching this movie I never knew who Ms Rousey is, but after watching her fight scenes I had to look her up, because I suspected that she is a professional fighter...and she is. So great choreography which looks and feels authentic.

Lastly, I love some of the serious undertones of this movie. One of which is the generational gap. So, overall it's quite watchable, even if you are of the latest generation.
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Fun, exiting, and thought provoking
26 May 2024
First, I'm perplexed for the low ratings of this film. This is the best cyber punk movie ever made. Yes Blade Runner is technically cyber punk, and an amazing and better movie, it really doesn't capture the core of the elements.

Mr. Mnemonic, is an interesting take on a character, who gives up his childhood memories to instal hardware into his brain to be able to store an amazing ability of 500 gigs, lol (I'm just guessing at the number but is roughly around that).

This is where the essence of the movie is. We have a self-centered, protagonist who lives a luxury life style, and for reasons which are very defensible, who ends up fighting for the cause of the rebellion.

Johnny Mnemonic is fun, funny, with creative characters, action fun action sequences. Yet, this movie takes on serious subject matter, such as the possibilities of a future we are driving to, and a character who is vulnerable despite his outward appearance.
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Timecrimes (2007)
Pure unadulterated sci-fi
26 May 2024
If you love time travel movies where you have to figure out paradoxes, and loop holes in the time continuation scenarios, you will love this film.

Timecrimes, is rather difficult to review because I don't want to ruin you experience as a viewer. What I can say is that Timecrimes is one of the most clever time paradox movies I have ever seen.

Even though this movie is heady, and you will have to set your beer down and put on your thinking cap on. This is the essence that makes this move so entertaining.

There isn't a right or wrong answer, since no one has invented a time machine. So, your conjectures are just as good as the screenplay writer.

Enjoy this movie as a fun puzzle that really doesn't have an absolute answer...but yet it does in the end...but does it make it true?
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Judge Dredd (1995)
Fun, funny and insightful
26 May 2024
Dredd, comes of as a just a fun ride on the big screen at the first impression. Yet there is a lot of substance if you read just a little between the lines.

Dredd is a fascist through and through. A cop, a judge and executioner all in one. If that doesn't scream fascism I don't know what will. Dredd himself, believes in order, law, and the government. But as the story unfolds, he realizes that his is in the minority. For this he is ostracized, when going against a major criminal boss, and ends up in jail himself.

Dredd ends up pairing with a character that is good at heart but is almost the direct polar opposite of him. As the film unfolds you can guess that the characters learn from each other and balance their personalities.

Yet having such serious undertones, this movie is fun, funny and exciting.

I hope you will enjoy this movie as much as I have, even though it seem glib and superficial at a quick glance.
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Charming, funny, and seductive
26 May 2024
Box of Moonlight starts of rather similar to other films in the similar category. You have one person who is uptight and the other is too loose. As the movie develops, we get all the fun schticks that come with these movies.

Another theme of this movie is missing out on your youth, for a career path and realizing that youth is fundamental to the development of your person. This is shown beautifully and organically.

While there are a lot of fun metaphors, with a touch of surrealism, there is no reason to look for the symbolism, it just permeates into your consciousness.

Lastly, what I meant when I said that this movie seductive. Is it just pulls you into the scenes, where you wish you were the participant, in the goofy shenanigans. And yes this movie is also funny even thought, the subject matter is very serious.
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Atlas (2024)
Decent sci-fi/fantasy, but could easily be much much better!
25 May 2024
The movie starts out great. We have a cop who is frustrated with her life, she's an emotional mess, heavily addicted to coffee and falls a sleep on the couch regularly, living the bachelor's lifestyle. So your typical 80's and early 90s cop movie start but with a PG-13 rating.

Our protagonist Atlas, is also a bit rash, hyper intelligent, she doesn't like to play by the rules, mistrusting, and is a bit to heavy handed. I really liked that this Hollywood trope and I've never seen this type character given to a female lead. Made the old trope fresher.

I hate to say this, but this movie is a missed opportunity for a great sci-fi move. But it is sort of broken into two peaces. On one side it's a real deal sci-fi, and on the other it's a pure action movie. And a lot of this action could have been cut out to explore more sciency stuffs.

For you who like a character driven plot, you might like this movie. Our protagonist is forced to go on an extremely dangerous mission, and in order to save her life and accomplish her life's mission, she has to learn to trust an AI robot, and grow as a person.

There are some serious issues in this movie, on how technology works, based on the information the audience is given, and a few highly derivative scenes designed to keep the character narrative progressing forward...but it is a movie, and not a book.

I looked at a few reviews, and I was very surprised at the hate on Jenifer Lopez. I have never been into pop culture and didn't realize who the lead was until I looked at the IMBD actors list. I personally think she did a great job, looked great with the new hairstyle, and playing a different character. She is very likable. So, my point is I have no idea why she is despised by so many reviewers...? Perhaps, she made some insensitive comments in the pop literature? I just don't know.

Overall, this could have been a very serious sci-fi movie, but the direction opted for an action movie instead. So grab a beers or a wine bottle, put you thinking cap do the side, and enjoy the pretty ride.
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Endearing, thought provoking, and funny.
25 May 2024
I only watched this move one time so I missed a lot of the underlining themes and metaphors, but you don't really need to dive into this movie to much, because the final act really spells it out to you, about the nature of this story.

The humor is good, dry and subtle. Which, adds to the story and lightens up the depressive contemplating mood. Three brothers go on a "spiritual" journey to reconnect after a traumatizing event. They visit spiritual sites, participate in Hindu practices, and are often given the red dot whenever they go (not familiar with Hindu practices but I get the message).

I didn't understand the importance of religion in this movie, it seems rather glib to me...but, suppose that's part of the narrative. They don't seem to really care about religion, but are trying whatever they can to find healing everywhere they go.

Lastly, the healing is found but through strange events that they encounter during their trip. And at the end we get a wonderful, bit of surrealism which really ties up the story very well.

Grab a beer, set you thinking cap to the side and just enjoy, and let the narrative just wash over you...and Enjoy!
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Original and thought provoking
25 May 2024
The acting is fantastic. The plot keeps you guessing, and the tension is pretty good, but a lot of the tension gets removed due to the behavior of the house invaders, and then it builds up again in the final act.

Shyamalan, is known for keeping the audience in suspense and confusion. And he delivers in this movie, though not in his typical style.

I understand that this isn't a movie made to please as many viewers as possible. The story itself is controversial, you have a gay couple, who adopts a child, and under misleading circumstances because they are gay. And a lot of their life is spent of being regularly othered. And on top of it, Knock at the Cabin, explores religious/theological topics, mostly based on the The Bible, mixed with tales from the Old and New Testaments.

So, I can see how the story of this movie can be quite polarizing and/or offensive for Christian viewers. Especially when on top of this Christian myth a gay couple is involved and a cult like group of the four horseman of the apocalypse. Though, the horsemen are pretty different from the Biblical description, so I'm not giving anything away.

Finally, the family who was invaded, has to make the ultimate sacrifice to God...if you're familiar with the Bible, I'm sure you can guess what that is, and from which story.

Final thought, I looked at the reviews, and there are a lot of 1/10 type reviewers. This movie isn't anything but 1/10, so it proves my point that this movie is polarizing, and IMBD doesn't allow for bigotry in the comment section. So, the cementers can't actually say what offended them so much to give such a low score, lol.
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The Returned (2013)
Well done and original.
25 May 2024
The zombie genre has been taken over by hacks, exploiters of the boom of the genre, and really monotony.

This movie is anything but. It's a great take on a fantastic genre created by the masterful George Romero. Now days zombie apocalyptic movies are a joke, not to be taken seriously. This film restores the integrity of the zombie genre. Zombie movies, comedy or not, should always tell a tale about humanity and least the good ones.

The Returned, takes the idea of othering in brings it to the forefront of the story, where the people who live with a zombie virus held back by a drug that must be taken regularly, are treated as 2nd class citizens and worse, depending on the socioeconomic level, and explores the modern nature of our society (sorry for the run-on sentence).

The movie has flaws, but this isn't a mega budget movie, where you can afford a team of writers. Yet on it's own it still holds up very well got good settings and good performances.

Grab a beer and put on your thinking cap, and enjoy.
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Hard to review because, it's so factually wrong!
24 May 2024
I usually give very low scores to films that are intentionally misleading. But I can't with this one because it is very well done and Hanks and Abdi really do a great job, especially Abdi, he was cast for a number of good reasons, one is for authenticity, something that Hollywood blockbusters fail at miserably.

I also give this move a bit of break because of how the piracy problem of the coast of Somalia was presented...very black and white, and yes that a pun. The reality of the situation is quite strikingly different. And for me this is rather offensive to discredit the plight of the Somali people and to show captain Phillips in a good light. Phillips was very self-interested trying to make a bonus at the cost of the entire crew, and the company that owned the boat encouraged zPhillips' decision to avoid dangerous about that for a truth bomb?

You can look up the facts on your own, but if the same was done by other nations of the coast of America, I promise you that there would be a serious reaction and the Coast Guard and the NAVY would get involved immediately. But since Somalia has no NAVY or an ability to have an weight in negotiations with the EU members, the Western World just crapped all over the poorest and most defenseless country in Africa...or close to it.

So, I don't appreciate create a case of heroism in this film, where it was mostly self-interest, negligence, and completely no information given about the politics which created this dangerous situation.

Lastly, I'm not defending the pirates themselves, I don't know anything about them, and I'm sure to do pirate work you have to be a morally compromised best. Still, the pirates only became in existence because of horribly predatory actions of the West.
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Her (2013)
Two movies in one. One is boring the other interesting.
24 May 2024
Wanted to watch a new take on an AI move, but got mostly a love story. And yes I don't watch romance, other than films like Romancing the Stone or True Romance.

I figured this was going to be a sappy chick movie, but I just love sci-fi, so I gav it a go. It started of very interestingly very sci-fi, and I was sucked in, only to discover a lot of the sci-fi elements to disappear completely. I usually stop movies when I find them disinteresting, hence if you look at my profile, I usually just give good reviews. But I couldn't stop this one. Phoenix, is a rarely good actor who can redefine a script, and. I have a middle school like crush on Johansson. Her voice acting was super cute.

The movie picks up again with interesting sci-fi elements, and ends in an interesting way. I should add to the sci-fi elements ore often psychological which made it so mush more interesting. One also has to question, how such a powerful AI was ever released to the public. I certainly would never have, but one can also argue that the real sentient AI is basically impossible to program, but would and will come more as an emergent perhaps the designers weren't aware of it's wild and possible dangerous potential, for example biing misused by a military for strategical and tactical purposes.

I will probably should have given this a movie a 7/10 score, but I felt bamboozled, into watching a pure romance story without realizing until it was too late. And frankly I didn't like the elements of the love story. It really is a women's interpretation of what love should look like, it really pandered to the female audience leaving out half of the population, which is fine, but I had no idea. For me this movie really dragged.

For me it was sort of like going to see Baby Driver wanting to see a cool heist movie, but all I got was a cheesy musical and a love the worst combination possible. I have no one to blame but myself, usually don't like to watch trailers because they often spoil the move.

If you are reading this to see what type of movie this is, I hope it is helpful. Yet I don't want to discourage sci-fi fans. This movie still has an interesting point of view on the nature of sentience, humanity, and AI.

Either way, if you are reading this and.
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Harpoon (2019)
A must see for any fan of the thriller/horror genre!
22 May 2024
I loved this movie because it was far outside of the Hollywood mainstream. This wasn't made to appeal to as many viewers as possible, with focus groups dictating every scene of the movie.

The screenplay is fantastic, acting is good, the cinematography and editing while nothing to write home about, is very clean good at showing the narrative. This is a micro-budget film, so you can't expect to hire a famous cinematographer or editor here.

The plot is fantastic, with twists and turns, and then some more. I really like that this movie really takes a deep dive into the 'custom of the sea.' And if you don't know what it is, no problem, the narrator, will explain it to you...not everyone is a fan of maritime history.

I can't say anything about the story or the premise other than that, otherwise I will ruin the movie for you. Watch the original trailer if you like to get a's fantastic and funny.

As far as some of you gore hounds, unlike other reviewers, it's not some over the top Tarantino film. But it is graphic, which makes a lot of sense in order to tell this tale. This is far from a gore-fest.

One last thing to mention, is I believe the poor reviews come from people who never finished the movie or just ignored it from the begging. I almost did the same thing! While it starts great, some of the bad decisions of the characters (main staple of any thriller of horror movie), seem to be very unlikely given their level of education.

Yet don't let this fool you. There is a reason for some of the poor choices made the the characters. I know I was rather disappointed at the seeming plot holes that seem at first to be derivative to keep the action in any other Hollywood horror film. But only to be pleasantly surprised how wrong I was!

So, enjoy the movie, and don't worry about the low budget, this movie certainly looks and feels like a big budget production. Thank you modern technology!
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Life of Pi (2012)
The theology is absurd, I didn't appreciate it crammed down my throat.
22 May 2024
I understand why people enjoy this movie. It is very well executed. Some of the detractors only really complain about the CGI...well, to those I say, get on a boat with a massive tiger, shoot a better film, lol...I'm sure the acting would be get better 100%...for a very short movie.

While the story is good, and it retells a gruesome, story of Richard Parker (1884), and probably other cases, of the 'custom of the seas." As an avid sailor (most of my sailing is done via books, lol) this story was very appealing to me, and it's historical significance involving the major trial, to set a common law practice of 'the custom of the sea." If you're unfamiliar with maritime history, just watch the movie and don't google anything until the end of the movie! For those who know, I was very surprised who was named Richard Parker in the script...but I sort of get it, in a fun cheeky way.

Now, what I don't like in this film, is the consistent preaching and proselytizing of whatever religion the screenplay writer imagines he believes. The screen writer is clearly a poor student or world religions, and has an obvious disdain for anyone who is secular. But yet the audience is forced to swallow his theology from the begging of the movie to the end.

The reason for 4/10 stars is one of the major aspects of making a great film is to propose a thesis, and then to explore it via story telling. And while I do love the tale of 'the custom of the sea." The film does a terrible job of exploring the old sea tales, in order to push the theologically absurd thesis. Thus failing miserably at both.

Lastly, I can see how the theology appeals to people who are not familiar religions, and have never read any actual religious texts. So, enjoy a birth of a new religion...that might be a nice way of putting it.
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Wild unsubstantiated conspiracy theories...and I love Stone's Films!
21 May 2024
You can look up my review history, and I think I have only given a 1/10 one time before for The Passion of Christ by Mel Gibson (I love Mel's movies).

The 1/10 rating for me is for films that are gross misinformation in the face of obvious historical and factual information.

I think the other reviewers have pointed out some of the terrible gross misrepresentation of facts, like referring to the Revolution of Dignity of 2014 as coup-d'etat, over and over again. Or the wild lies about the history of Ukraine by Putin and some Ukrainian oligarch, which are never challenged in the documentary.

I would also add that the Right Sector, isn't a neo-Nazi organization, which lead Ukrainians into the front line to get shot by neo-Nazi snipers, this was presented as a hypothesis, with zero evidence!

Then for some wild reason the second half of this documentary, went off on some wild tangent about the Ukrainian interference in US elections of order to support Clinton. Which is just wild, because the Trump's campaign manager Manafort, was fired by Trump because of his ties to Russia! Of course as a side not after Manafort was already sitting in a fed prison, Tump then pardons him after rolling Manafort under the bus.

I can keep going about the falsely presented percentages, in charts, or suggesting that George Soros, was the main orchestrator behind the Revolution of Dignity, because Soros established a fund to help Ukrainians...23 years ago. And no mention about what the mass protest was actually about! And on and on and on...

Sorry, can't stop, at the end of the documentary Ukraine is presented as the aggressor agains Russia! And blames the Revolution of Dignity for the further destruction of the Ukraine's economy, without mentioning the Russian invasion of the Danbas region and along the Ukrainian borders right after the change of government!!!

This entire documentary is pro-Putin propaganda.

Lastly, I want to mention this documentary's biggest sin, is this film is exceptionally boring. It's basically two talking heads who have committed unspeakable crimes against the Ukrainian people, and some ideologue "journalist." That's all we get...
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Inspiring! We in the West should look at this uprising an educational tool.
20 May 2024
A fantastic look at the perceptions of the protesters without involving various government talking heads, who will mostly just obfuscate the Maidan protesters' mindset.

This doc is simply interesting because of the amazing footage and interviews from the average people who were there at ground zero. Something, I have never seen before as these events unfolded. US media was horrible at covering the Orange revolutionary evens. The coverage in the US was really non-existent, and certainly obfuscated the actual events.

This documentary is also inspirational to the people of the Western World. Ukrainians faced torture, kidnappings, regular brutal beatings from the riot police who were armored, and armed with weapons. While we her in America are afraid to protest because we don't feel want to be inconvenienced, from our TV shows.

We should take away from this documentary that if people in America don't self-organized and make demands of our government now, in the future we also will face violence from the government.

If the Ukrainians could accomplish their political goals in the face of extreme position, We the People, don't have any excuses not to stand up and to demand for what is right!

Lastly, I don't understand comparing "Winter on Fire" to "Ukraine on Fire," as if one is more honest than the other. The two documentaries are two points of data about the Orange Revolution. These documentaries are not in opposition, they are both great...although, Winter on Fire is definitely more inspirational for future activists.
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I'm from Ukraine and the former USSR, and this is just a documentary...which is decent.
20 May 2024
I looked throw the polarizing reviews. And it's rather sad. There isn't "the truth," or "pure Russian propaganda." This documentary was made before the war in Ukraine was made public to the Western World. Most of the polarizing reviews are written after the major invasion of Ukraine.

Now after getting the nonsense out of the way. I really enjoyed this documentary because it gives the audience a fresh look at the Ukrainian conflict, between the East and the West. Oliver Stone I'm sure isn't a genius like Noam Chomsky but he is looking at the Ukrainian problem in this doc, from his perspective, and this is very obvious. Gray or grey...not right or wrong.

What I really enjoyed about Oliver's documentary, is that I got a fresh perspective, different from the major networks from around the Globe. I go new information that I was never exposed to before. Giving me an opportunity research new material.

A documentary isn't meant to be a justification for one cause or another, it's hardly two hours long! A good documentary is meant to peak your interests and open your mind to new perspectives...that is all. Any doc that claims "The Truth," is obviously just propaganda/marketing.

Oliver went out of his way not to make an outright claim on knowing the answer. And this is the reason I enjoyed watching it so much. Right or wrong, I got new insightful information! Which is a lot more than what our mass media feeds us...
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