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Eyes wide shut and who is afraid of Virginia wolf entered the room...
5 February 2021
...but it didn't work out.

Washington and Zendaya just doesn't look good together - no chemistry.

Dry and Boring!
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The ending is cool if my theory is right...
30 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
My theory if Jacob is the killer:

He and his mother (Laurie) are killers. As they have that "killer gene".

At the last episode Laurie says that she doesn't remember the day of an accident and doesn't want Jacob to think that she wanted to kill him.

And twist here that they both don't remember the day of the murder and they both think that they didn't do it. But the reasons why they actually wanted to kill are very simple; Jacob: because the whole year he was bullied by Rifkin and it pushed him over the edge, Laurie: because she felt that his son is guilty and she felt bad for mother of killed boy and it pushed her over the edge.

All in all, I would recommend to watch it because of the atmosphere.
  • 1 because of ending
  • 1 because acting sometimes was emotionless (why wouldn't they screen at jacob when he published that story, why father-detective would allow Jacob to use internet at all, why wouldn't they show despair of the situation with more emotional acting)
  • 1 because the show was to polished (perfect house, perfect car, perfect city - I felt the need of real life. And Cris Evans looked to polished as well: always perfect haircut, perfect suite, perfect manners, c'mon)
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Mulan (1998)
Perfect and impovering
8 May 2020
There is nothing to say. I is brilliant. We need more such movies about women warriors. But couple of songs here absolutely irrelevant. That's why not 10. I have a small sister and thi is the best cartoon for 7 years old.
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Becoming (II) (2020)
Quite boring
8 May 2020
I love Michelle. But this movies gives nothing new. It is just cuts form interview and couple of minutes of original interview. If you know at least something about Obamas, there is nothing new in this movie ... unfortunately.
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Deadpool 2 (2018)
Quite boring. Some good jokes, but poor plot
25 May 2018
After really looking forward to this movie, I came out of the cinema slightly disappointed. There are plenty of jokes and actions but the jokes seemed to be a bit meh, I only remembered laughing out loud twice and story line is a bit disjointed. The problem I had is in the DP 1 you had the shock factor of a tongue in cheek marvel character but in this movie that's already gone, so you have to rely on a good plot but unfortunately it lacked that, so I felt a little bit bored by it. I'm not saying it not a good movie but I expected a lot more but sadly I felt let down.

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Icarus (2017)
One of the best documentaries
21 May 2018
The entire film is gripping, giving the audience no-holds-barred access to the biggest sporting controversy of the century, as well as pulling back the newly re-erected iron curtain ever so slightly to see the inner workings of the Kremlin.

Documentary exposes an uncomfortable truth that should call into question the whole purpose of watching the games anymore, when this awful disregard for ethics can find such an easy way in and become endemic to the whole thing.
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Phenomenal adaptation of Stephen King's equally noteworthy novella
16 May 2018
This movie has an extremely capable artists with an undeniable managerial capacity and an acutely developed awareness of each element of art in their films, the most prominent; music, visuals, script, and acting. The Shawshank Redemption defines a genre, defies the odds, compels the emotions, and brings an era of artistically influential films back to Hollywood.

By creating the film's firm foundation, the meticulously chiseled screenplay paved the way for this film's success. Frank Darabont outdoes himself with the phenomenal adaptation of Stephen King's equally noteworthy novella, Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption. In this novella, King demonstrates that he can break free from the genre he dominates and still create a marvelous piece of modern literature. Though the film mirrors the novella in many ways, Darabont illustrates a focused objective of improving upon the areas where the novella came up short, resulting in one of the best book to film transitions ever.

The Shawshank Redemption delivers much-needed breath of fresh air for anyone who realizes the capability of film. It proves that masters of the craft still live on this earth, and still bless us with timeless masterpieces that we will never forget.

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Pulp Fiction (1994)
Funny gangsters movie
16 May 2018
The film is so intricately structured, with so many astonishing details, many of which you won't pick up on the first viewing, that it seems to cry out for some deeper explanation. It's no wonder that fans spend so much time debating what was in the suitcase, reading far more into the story than Tarantino probably intended. The movie becomes a bit easier to understand once you realize that it's essentially a black comedy dressed up as a crime drama. Each of the three main story threads begins with a situation that could easily form the subplot of any standard gangster movie. But something always goes wrong, some small unexpected accident that causes the whole situation to come tumbling down, leading the increasingly desperate characters to absurd measures.

Perhaps no screenplay has ever found a better use for digressions. Indeed, the whole film seems to consist of digressions. No character ever says anything in a simple, straightforward manner. Jules could have simply told Yolanda, "Be cool and no one's going to get hurt," which is just the type of line you'd find in a generic, run-of-the-mill action flick.

The core of the movie, the blathering of Vincent and Jules is fun and enjoyable. Bruce Willis as a hot-headed boxer does an excellent job communicating his fear and desperation.

In the end, the movie's quirks and twists are merely to make a rather run-of-the-mill arthouse film seem more edgy. It is a little bit to long, but I can say it is Tarantino style to show everything in a little bit slow motion manner. There is no question that this is a well made and fun movie.

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If I'd just I could have got more
16 May 2018
Steven Spielberg's horrifically harrowing Schindler's List isn't just a critically acclaimed, award-winning masterpiece. This is almost a documentary of real life events, a truly terrifying picture which chronicles The Holocaust, within the most destructive period of our time. A time that must never be repeated. Captured masterfully in black-and-white celluloid with hand-held cameras, Schindler's List follows Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who begins to feel concerned for his Jewish workforce, leading to an emotionally captivating story that evolves continuously as Steven Zaillian's beautiful screenplay culminates to one of Schindler's final heartbreaking lines: "I could have got more out. I could have got more. I don't know. If I'd just I could have got more."

The decision to shoot the film in black-and-white only catapults the 'documentary tone' that Spielberg sets out to achieve (but still it is just a plaque of documentary as it shows only Schindler's life and describes a little bit about war), and in doing so creates an eerie experience for viewers. There's one scene in particular that uses colour for a little girl's red coat, as she stumbles through a disturbing site of bloody murder whilst Schindler keeps a close eye. This scene essentially serves as the brutal realisation for Schindler, and becomes one of the most iconic scenes in film history. A simply breathtaking use of colour within a black-and-white picture. Cinematographer Janusz Kaminski expresses his enduring adroitness with excellent execution.

John Williams' haunting score captures the horrors of war as violinist Itzhak Perlman performs every single note with intricate skill. The main theme is pleasing to the ears but when paired with Spielberg's picture, it's painfully distressing, traumatic, even disturbing.

Maybe it is not the best movie in the world, you will definitely find flows, but Schindler's List is a film to be seen by all.

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Logan Lucky (2017)
Typical Popcorn Movie. Not that bad for killing your time.
15 May 2018
The scenes felt heavy handed and went on too long in trying to make sure that everyone watching would understand what the scene was trying to say. Than was the biggest disadvantage. But at first I had expected that the working-class characters would fall into their designated stereotypes and we'd chug along to an easily-expected finish. Not so much. Actually, the characters were nicely filled out, there were stereotypes but not the ones I expected. Except Daniel, his character was filled with stereotypes. And who the hell did his hair cut? He looks like he is over 60.

In general, it's a zany comedy about unremarkable characters punching well above their weight but through sheer luck managing to pull things off. In the last act that the film starts to feel a little played out. The introduction of Hillary Swank as a Special Agent in the last 20 minutes of the film feels a little rushed and ultimately doesn't really go anywhere. Instead, the story continues through a number of false endings, not entirely sure when to bring down the curtain.

Overall, as the first feature to draw Soderbergh out of semi-retirement, Logan Lucky is clearly something he wanted to make and his passion comes through in the final product. Produced entirely on his own and without studio interference, Logan Lucky inverts the glamour and opulence of the Ocean's trilogy, but with losing the series' trademark quirks and high entertainment value.

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Fight Club (1999)
Classic as it is
15 May 2018
I view movies differently after seeing this movie, because it broke down doors. Then there's the tiny issue of the story of Fight Club, penned by Chuck Palahniuk the story is nothing short of incredible, a pure shock-value social commentary on the state of the world at the end of the century.

"Fight Club" an aggressive, confrontational, often brutal satire that is quite possibly a brilliant masterpiece. Taking the "Choose life," anti-consumerism rant at the beginning of "Trainspotting," and carrying it to its logical -- albeit extreme -- conclusion this is a big budget, mainstream film that takes a lot of risks by biting the hand that feeds it. "Fight Club" is a $50+ million studio film that remains true to its anti-consumer, anti-society, anti-everything message -- right up to the last, sneaky subliminal frame. What makes "Fight Club" a subversive delight is not only its refreshing anti-corporate message but how it delivers said message. As Fincher has explained in interviews, you don't really watch the film but rather download it. Its structure is extremely playful as it messes around with linear time to an incredible degree. The narrative bounces back and forth all over the place like a novel, or surfing on the Internet -- even making a hilarious dead stop to draw attention to itself in a funny, interesting way that completely works.

The film is a cinematic punch to the head as it challenges the status quo and offers a wakeup call to people immersed in a materialistic world where those who have the most stuff, "win." I think that Fincher's film wants us to tear all that down, reject corporate monsters like Starbucks and Blockbuster, and try to figure out what we really want out of life. It's almost as if the film is suggesting salvation through self-destruction. And it is these thought-provoking ideas that makes "Fight Club" a dangerously brilliant film that entertains as well as enlightens.

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Molly's Game (2017)
Sharp and stylish
15 May 2018
Nothing comes close to the rush of winning, at least according to those who have succeeded where others have failed. Molly Bloom managed to become a millionaire with a dose of luck, will and endless street smarts. I don't think Molly Bloom could have been cast any better than with Jessica Chastain... she nailed her role. Oddly enough, she looks similar to the actual Molly Bloom.

Being a sucker for great stories of real life characters, it is easy to see what Aaron Sorkin saw in the very true tale of Molly Bloom. For a first time director, he absolutely knocks this out of the park. He conferred with his friend & director David Fincher on strategies for shooting this film along the way and he go great advice because the innovative camera angles, control of time (a key sign that a director knows what they are doing), and assured pacing make this one of the most enrapturing and compelling dramas of 2017.

The American ethos of being No. 1 combined with the isolation and principles of its heroine make "Molly's Game" a tremendous playing field for Sorkin's directorial debut. It's two-hour-plus running time glides by like a breeze and ends on a corny yet truthful note about the virtues of failure, that is a glimmer of hope in times of struggle, as well as one of the tenets of screen writing.

The fight, the hustle and the failure never end, but then again, so do the rewards in their own funny way. You win some, you lose some, and Sorkin never seems to forget how close he is to the edge.

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