
232 Reviews
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Palm Springs (2020)
27 May 2024
Don't get me wrong, Palm Springs is very entertaining. There were many hilarious scenes, the beginning was brilliant.

But story-wise there is nothing new to see here. This has been done plenty of times before. People seem to love this time loop thing - I love it too.

The filmmakers had to find some likeable actors, and a nice love story and voila - they had a good film. These actors are doing great by the way.

But a rating above 7 is questionable.

I know several innovative and great movies with a lower rating,

I wouldn't criticise Palm Springs in terms of its believability because it's a science-fiction fairy tale. Even if the female lead, Sarah, did her master's degree in quantum physics as homework. She figures out what's going on inside a time loop wormhole that alters reality strings. And how to escape from it. ... sure thing.... Wouldn't we all do that?

But it is an entertaining and cute movie.
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Saltburn (2023)
Does not meet our expectations
26 May 2024
God, this is a brilliant film. I was rolling on the floor because of some of these hilarious scenes. These are hard to put into words. The protagonist and these teenagers and twenty-something kids of rich aristocrats who have never worked a day lead to these incredible scenes. But it all comes down to the actors. These protagonists were a brilliant choice.

When I read these negative reviews, such as "The ending doesn't work." and "it requires an enormous suspension of disbelief" and whatever....

Look, I'm also a critical person, perhaps even too much so. But one thing is crystal clear: the better a scammer - or whatever you want to call him - the less his appearance would be like a scammer. Isn't that right?

A scammer's job is to hide his intentions. If a scammer did a good "job", you will be shocked. You didn't expect what happened.

Find something else to criticise to make a bad movie out of this one. Jesus.

I did not like everything about that movie either. The homoeroticism e.g. But that wouldn't be an objective point to judge the film badly. It's just a matter of a person's taste and preferences.

Watch Saltburn if you haven't seen it yet, you don't know what you've been sleeping on. Just do it.
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Midsommar (2019)
24 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
2 hours and 28 minutes seems too much for a film? Not for this one. You'll forget you're watching a film. Midsommar feels like you're dreaming. There are small visual effects throughout the film, such as living flowers and trees. This is caused by hallucinogenic substances that the protagonists, a group of young American students, consume during their stay in a strange pagan cult community far out in the woods behind the hills in Sweden. A historic festival is about to take place. A festival called Midsommar, which only takes place once every 90 years. (!)

What's the best way to describe Midsommar? My attempt would be that it feels like a bad nightmare that doesn't look like a nightmare at first. But it turns out that everything bad that could happen - and that you as a viewer DON'T want to happen - does happen. Continuously. Like in a bad dream. And it feels more and more panicky. Surrealism contains realism, in a non-logical way. That's what happens here. What scared me about the film was, that it was believable. There are no ghosts or paranormal activities.

Brainwashed humans are the monsters here. I know, this has been done many times before in other films about cults, but not with this perfection and that atmosphere as in Midsommar. All of this is also achieved by these brilliant actors, who all do a great job.

Watch this film if you want an innovative horror film with a surreal nightmarish atmosphere.
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Brutal and disturbing, but it's technically well done.
23 May 2024
This movie has good cinematography.

The production design, lighting, camera angles, cuts etc. Are good. I wasn't expecting that based on critics I read beforehand and because of the low rating. But technically, this movie is fine.

All in all, the movie is better than I expected.

However, there is no getting around it: the movie is extremely violent and disturbing with terrifying graphic content about cannibalism and torture scenes. So be warned.

Surprisingly, the film has a message: humans are an evil species. Indigenous and civilised humans.

The biggest criticism I have concerns the ending: while everyone probably agrees that the boss of the group of young activists was a jerk. But is that enough to leave him with the cannibals to be tortured and eaten, as the main character decided in the end?

And why did she protect the cannibals when she reported them? Why did she lie for the benefit of the cannibals. So they get away with their horrible crimes and continue with the cruelty.

Because even if the cannibals believed that this group of young people belonged to the evil "bulldozer people" (which was not the case): Nothing would justify torturing, killing and eating people. Therefore, the ending of the story has a bad aftertaste. I don't know what would have been a better ending. But I'm not a story writer. I can't say it any other way: what the cannibals did to innocent people was a horrible crime, and no one should commit such crimes against people and get away with it. I would rate the film 7 stars if the screenwriters had come up with a better ending.
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This is hilarious and cool for my taste
21 May 2024
I've seen Wrong Turn Part 6, but it doesn't matter which part it was because the guy who matters is on the cast list of all Wrong Turn parts. It's Julian Richings, the actor of "3 Finger".

I ended up on "Relax, I'm From The Future" because I checked movies with Julian Richings. What a happy coincidence.

This film captivated me from the first scene to the last. It is unique. All the actors do a good job, they are perfect for the roles they play. The lead role is a unique and very sympathic guy.

The story is cool and it is funny...... none of the nonsense of other time travel theories such as infinite parallel strings of reality and whatnot. This one keeps it simple: there is only one reality, a self-adjusting mushy blob of reality or something, which keeps itself on the main track (something like that...) so we can go back in time and interact in the world, as long as we don't change important historical events and not kill important people (or let them live instead of dying as it is supposed to happen). As it turns out, most of us aren't important, most of us don't matter. But I don't want to spoil too much.

This movie is made to entertain and it serves its purpose.

7 stars because I liked it. This a low-budget movie that works perfectly fine because of a great idea, a cool story and great execution.
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A true story about a serial killer in the 1970s.
16 May 2024
If you haven't seen this film yet and want to know what to expect and whether it's worth watching and enjoyable: yes and no.

First of all:

Be warned, the film is not for the faint of heart, it's shocking and depressing. It relies on realism. This is not a high-tech horror thriller with overwhelming cinematography like made in Hollywood.

It shows the world as real as it is. The depressing and hopeless lives of alcoholics. One of them is a sick sociopath with an IQ of below 75 who cuts women into small pieces and keeps the body parts in his flat. A monster among unsuspecting people. You will see how he cuts those women's bodies into pieces with a saw.

Many scenes are playing in a pub called "The Golden Glove" in Hamburg's red light district.

A place for poor people spending their last money for alcohol.

The lead actor gives an incredible performance. All the actors are doing great at playing ugly and poor people which is certainly a challenge for any actor.

Important note:

all the locations such as his flat and the pub and all the film requisites look exactly as they did in reality. Because during the ending credits the original (!) crime scene photos are shown. You will see what you have seen in the film looks exactly the same as these original police photos. The movie's flat was built on with a police blueprint of the real flat with all the places of hidden body parts.

For some unknown reason, this sociopath killed all the women he took to his flat and after having sex with them. He was a sick person with a distorted personality.
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World War Z (2013)
"Left 4 Dead" with even more zombies.
11 May 2024
This film will take your breath away with countless disturbing scenes and plenty of blood and gore.

But here it comes: a certain group of critics here say, that this is "not so much a zombie movie" ....(???).....

but "rather a mediocre action thriller with little blood and gore" ........ You've gotta be kidding me.

Don't listen to these critics who are not to be taken seriously. Just don't.

What's happening in World War Z:

Brad Pitt is sitting with his family inside his car in a traffic jam in Philadelphia. A cop on a motorbike stops at his car and warns him, to stay inside the car, only to be run over in the next second by a truck from behind driven by a person who seems to have lost his mind. The following scenes are hard to describe:

Thousands of people panic and flee from a small horde of attacking zombies. But the number of bitten people who turn into zombies themselves increases exponentially and very quickly since the time between a bite and being an infected zombie is only about 12 seconds.

This is one of the best scenes regarding unexpected terror/horror I have ever seen.

You see Brad Pitt throwing a grenade into a horde of attacking zombies in a Boeing 747 in the air at an altitude of 30,000 feet at a speed of 580 mp/h. The damaged aeroplane has a hole due to the explosion. It immediately sucks these zombies out into the sky and some of them are sucked into the turbine...... which leads to a plane crash.

Hundreds of thousands (!) of zombies are shown in Israel and around Jerusalem.

Tens of thousands of zombies climb a 100-foot wall on a pile of zombies and invade the city of Jerusalem. This and the following scenes are perhaps the best scenes ever done in cinema history in terms of non-stop attacking zombie masses.

I don't know another movie with such masses of attacking zombies.

But I'm not saying the film is perfect. In the panic scenes when the zombies attack, the camera is very shaky. And very short scenes are cut together. I understand that this is a way to convey panic and the flight reflex, but the director sometimes overdoes it. For some mysterious reason, many filmmakers do it so in similar films.

Nevertheless, one of my top 3 movies about a zombie apocalypse.

My rating is 8.5/10.
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Interstellar (2014)
6 May 2024

"Woohoo!! ...... ready for the next trick?"

Answer from the robot:

"It'll have to be good.. We're heading into Gargantua's pull..... ."

(which is a nearby black hole).

Interstellar is an epic science fiction movie. Travelling through a wormhole is not enough. This movie shows everything, even what it is like, when entering a black hole - a singularity with all the consequences in spacetime in terms of relativity. And it will give you goosebumps and tears towards the end. It is a lot about the meaning of life and the purpose of love. Again: the purpose of love. Chris Nolan is not only a filmmaker artist and story writer. He is a wise man. I deeply admire his art. My rating is 10/10.
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This is a big one.
5 May 2024
Lulz Asians generally show little emotion on their faces, but when they see Godzilla, everything changes. They immediately show fear and despair better than anyone else.... Then they decide to shoot their guns at a Godzilla which is as big as ....... 380 feet or so? That's what Google is telling me. But it looks as big as an aircraft carrier. That's a lot more than 120 metres - it looks like it's about 300 metres long, which would be about 1000 feet. 120 meters? No way.

There are incredible scenes in the ocean and when this thing walks through a city and hurls trains hundreds of metres away.....

I don't know if this is the best Godzilla, perhaps it is, but Godzilla vs Kong was also pretty impressive. Go watch and decide yourself.
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Widows (2018)
This feels like a constructed story.
4 May 2024
Which it is of course. All stories are, if not based on real events.

But the story didn't captivate me. Because it is too bumpy, It doesn't flow smoothly. A lot of things felt wrong.

I felt sorry for the lady in the lead role throughout the whole playtime. She feels sadness after her husband died. And I felt her sadness too. But as it turned out, she was even more disappointed in him because he leaves her with a pile of serious problems behind, because he was involved in criminal activities.

She performs absolutely great and shows a difficult-to-play version of method acting. She put me in the same mood as hers, when I watched the movie. Which wasn't enjoyable....

Most of the other characters are an odd mix and don't captivate the viewer. The blonde is like, "I'm a tall blonde, what are these problems.... I want to go shopping now......" Why should I root for her to succeed with the heist if she's not interested in it?

However, the entertainment factor of the film is too low to keep the audience interested during a film that lasts longer than 2 hours.

There's no other way to put it: this film didn't work for me - sorry.

I want to add, that Liam Neeson in the role of a bad guy feels weird.

The same goes for Daniel Kaluuya. He plays a very bad guy indeed. Kaluuya stabs a guy who is sitting in a wheelchair several times with a screwdriver to get information. No kidding.... just an example.
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Inception (2010)
No, I am not just following the crowd because I rate it 10/10
4 May 2024
I'll tell you why I think it's one of the best films of all time:

It's not just about the ingenious idea of sharing dreams and manipulating thoughts. As well as incredible images and outstanding actors who need no introduction.

As well as a complex story with many facets. Nevertheless, it is easy to follow this complex story because it certainly captivates you.

What captivated me most about Inception was the subplot surrounding Cobb's secret. The viewer develops empathy for Cobb and begins to feel his sadness. His despair. It's a fascinating story about Cobb's life that stays with you - perhaps forever.

Just to give you a little insight: Cobb already lived a life in another realm, and he grew old there. He spent many decades there. Then he returned to his real life, from which he began the other life. He was a young man when he moved to the other realm. Therefore, he is a young man again after his return.

Then he entered another realm again, where he grew old again. The only way back depends on the outcome of his mission. If he fulfils the mission, he can return to his real life as a young man. But I don't want to spoil anything, just watch the film and find out for yourself.

If that's not mind-blowing, I don't know what else would be. Without a doubt, this is one of the best films of all time. No matter what anyone else says. It's my opinion.
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Taken (I) (2008)
I have no time for mercy and fear.
25 April 2024
After the introduction of the characters, this film turns into a high speed action train of "Tell me what I want to know or I'll kick your ass right here like no one ever did".

I don't know another film with this non-stop ass-kicking action. An absolute must-see. The best of the genre. Second to none.

Liam Neeson constantly fights his way through everyone who stands in his way and who doesn't want to tell him what he wants to know. Merciless and fearless. Bravo Liam Neeson.

If you like him in that kind of role, there is another one with the title "Cold Pursuit" which is worth to watch. Another one is "Non-Stop". But Taken stays unmatched and is the best of the genre.
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Dashcam (I) (2021)
Don't miss the live chat.
23 April 2024
Almost everyone is mentioning how upset they are about the role the main actress is playing. But hey, I don't know a single found footage movie or mockumentary without extremely annoying protagonists. The Protagonists in found footage horror are always annoying. Think about it.

So, nothing out of the ordinary here, Jesus folks.

But the chat is a highlight. The live stream chat. The annoying protagonist streams the whole thing on the internet. And those comments are what make this film worth watching.

I can't quote the best lines here because my review would be declined. So my recommendation is: watch the live chat by all means. The chat is the one thing what makes this film entertaining. There are hilarious comments. The chat had me laughing and smiling the whole playtime.

So I don't understand, as to how come hardly anyone mentions the chat in their reviews but they complain about the protagonist. Wake up folks.
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Wolf Creek (2016–2017)
This is a fantastic horror thriller franchise
21 April 2024
Did you miss the last scene? I bet a lot of people did.

The last scene, season 2 episode 6. After the ending credits.

It's not over yet, folks.

We have every reason to expect a 3rd season of this incredibly well-made series based on the 2 movies.

I don't understand the negativity of some of the reviews for season 2. What is so bad and unbelievable in season 2? Please explain. I want to know. The only supernatural thing was the conjuring of the Aborigines people. But hey, this is a horror series.

In the entire series, both episodes are neither better nor worse than the films. Everything is on the same high level.

I don't even have a favourite of these 4 storylines. 2 seasons and 2 movies. Because ALL are fantastic.

The victims, the actors, the story, the locations, the cinematography and the villain (I refuse to call that thing a person or a human).

I also love the roles of the indigenous people.

The only thing that sucked a bit is the mistakes of his victims. They had so many chances to kill him, but they didn't. That seems to be a common problem in this kind of horror movie. On the other hand, if they killed him, there would be no series, so....

If you've missed the Wolf Creek franchise, you don't know what you've slept on.

Just go and watch all of it. Watch the 2 movies first, then go on with the 2 seasons of episodes. You won't regret it.
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The Grandmaster's masterpiece.
16 April 2024
I love everything about the film except the brutality and the violence.

But that's what you get when you watch a Tarantino film. That's the deal.

On the other hand, there are priceless scenes.

I think Pulp Fiction is the best movie with perfectly hilarious scenes combined with tension, like the toaster scene with Bruce Willis and John Travolta. Or the Gimp scene. And many more.

Inglourious Basterds is on the same level. It has some of the best scenes in the history of cinema. I am dead serious.

If only it weren't so violent.

But as Tarantino would say: it's a film and I don't want to talk about violence anymore. If you can't handle a film, don't watch it.

The basement bar scene is one of the greatest scenes I have ever seen. Priceless acting and tension.

Next to the Italian scene in the French theatre.

Brad Pitt and his mates pretending to be Italian film people.

Between hundreds of Nazi officers and German stars and actors.

The look on Brad Pitt's face is priceless when Hans Landa is talking to the actress. And when he is testing Brad Pitt's italian language skills. Tarantino had me rolling on the floor. It doesn't get any better than this. It seems like, this scene is what this movie is constructed for.

The tension and fun at the same time can't be described in words.

Gracie. Arividerci.

Edit: I have an opinion to the topic WW2 and all of the other obvious topics. But I think, this movie is fiction, a fairy tale and has not a lot in common with the real thing.

A critical opinion about real war crimes of several nations has no place in a review of a fictional comedy action drama that not even has a message for real life. There is no such a message in that movie neither to learn from nor has it anything to do with the real thing. The movie could have been titled: War fiction. How to end a war.

Hence, that is the only statement from my side to these topics. I think, this movie is pure entertainment comedy action drama without any message.
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Influencer (II) (2022)
Unpredictable and entertaining.
15 April 2024
This is a surprisingly well-crafted crime thriller with unexpected twists and turns that will keep you interested throughout. And it has a good atmosphere.

I never felt bored.

There is even plenty of potential for a sequel.

In other words: The film could have gone on for another 90 minutes after the end because there are so many ways in which the story could have continued.

But don't get me wrong, the ending was good the way it is. Absolutely.

I recommend watching it without any spoilers, this is always the best way.

One word to the soundtrack: it is very well done and adds a lot to the atmosphere.

Another highlight of the film, by the way, is the location, which is Thailand, with stunningly beautiful natural imagery.

Go watch it.
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John Travolta is great in this one.
12 April 2024
Everyone knows that Travolta makes incredible films - and this is one of them. One of my favourites with him.

He plays the role of the smart and bad guy perfectly here. Just like he did in Face Off for example. He is good in that kind of psychopathic role.

Denzel Washington is doing a good job, even if he is a bit too much of a soft guy. But that is just me, my personal opinion.

To cut a long story short: This is an impressive, highly entertaining thriller without a single boring minute because of these great actors. All foremost Travolta.

It is a blackmailing thriller with subway hijacking. And with an emotional ending.

Absolute recommendation to watch. I don't get the negativity of some of the reviews here.
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Jungle (I) (2017)
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy would do better in the wilderness
10 April 2024
...better than these 3 comedians:

"Hell Yeah! Let's go to the jungle!!!" The rebel yell to start a comedy that was planned as a drama/adventure based on a true story.... but it's not the story that sucks- it's these actors.

These guys can't even manage a campfire or navigate a raft on a river.

When the most annoying of these 3 guys happens to meet Karl in the city, Karl tells him about a hiking tour through the jungle...

Instantly this bearded pain in the ass is thrilled by that idea. He tries to convince his new friends (whom he met 3 days ago) that they should go on this jungle trip....

".........Guys, listen: do you want to go to Machu Pichu??? Like all the other tourists? Anyone can go to Machu Pichu!!!! You know what I'm saying? But this is the jungle - we will meet wild Indians that no one else has ever seen before... that's where we are going .......Oh hey Karl, what's up man, what's the plan dude? What's next - you're the boss - whatever you say....".

Big grin on his bearded baby-face with high expectations....

This is in the top 10 of the worst embarrassing movies I have ever seen.
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Tenet (2020)
One of a kind
3 April 2024
Tenet is stunningly good. Chris Nolan takes the idea of time-travelling to the next level and does something completely different from anything else that has been done before.

Tenet not only includes time in the formula but also matter, which means that time travel can exclusively take place for so-called "inverted" objects and subjects without their environment. I.e. A small piece of matter is moving back from the future into the present such as a bullet from a gun. Also, completely "inverted" areas separated by a glass wall can be created. So a subject outside the inverted zone can see himself in the past when they observe the inverted area behind the glass wall. Entropy comes into play which is inversed for an inverted subject inside a normal zone (non-inverted). Inversed entropy means disorder turns into order, hot is experienced by cold etc. To cut a long story short: it is hard to explain and even harder to understand. But it appears to make sense the more you get used to the idea.

This film creates a cold and serious doomsday atmosphere. A unique one. The protagonist is a perfectly confident man - and has every reason to be. He is making James Bond look like an apprentice.

For example, in the scene where the protagonist meets Sator for the first time. A scene in a restaurant: Sator is the most dangerous and powerful man on the planet, but still - he has a bruised ego because his wife is cheating on him with the protagonist. At least that is what it looks like for Sator. Nevertheless, our protagonist manages NOT to be killed with his balls in his throat - as Sator is telling him in the restaurant. And on the way to the exit of the restaurant, he kisses Sator's wife. He turns Sator's ego into a TSAR bomb - one click away from detonation with this and the following scenes.

This is a story that only Chris Nolan could come up with... and it is just a small subplot besides perfect cinematography, script and outstanding actors. The story is one of a kind. Bravo Christopher Nolan.

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Fresh (2022)
Daisy Edgar Jones deserves an Oscar for the 4 minute scene
20 March 2024
This is a disturbing story. The protagonist and his disgusting personality make your jaw drop and fix it to the floor with superglue.

Daisy Edgar Jones deserves an Oscar for the 4-minute scene where she slowly realises the situation after waking up. She has been drugged. She's chained up and he's sitting there waiting for her to get awake. He wants to talk to her.

You can feel the adrenaline rising in her blood, her fear and disappointment in him growing with every passing second. She starts to hyperventilate which also increases with every passing second. She feels a mix of fear and disappointment in him. This is a terrific acting performance by Daisy Edgar Jones. I'm dead serious about the Oscar.

Sebastian Stan is also outstanding. So is Jojo T. Gibbs. All of the actors are doing a good job.

The good thing is that there isn't bloody gore, most of the bloody scenes are happening in the viewers' imagination.
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The Gift (VI) (2015)
This one slowly pushes you to the edge of your seat until you fall off
19 March 2024
Yes, this thriller is very well done.

In terms of revealing the story - piece by piece - this film has some pretty impressive moments. Unexpected moments when it comes to the IiiiiI88characters.

Without violence, terror scenes, or anything like that, this suspense thriller blows most others out of the water! The longer the film went on, the more I sat at the edge of my seat.

It does start with some awkward scenes for the first 30 minutes, but that is part of the story - as you will see. Even those awkward scenes have a purpose. Every little piece of the story has a purpose.

This film is unpredictable and I recommend not reading any spoilers.

What I love most about this film is its unpredictability and its message.
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Peppermint (2018)
A sad revenge thriller which reveals a corruptet system,
12 March 2024
What hurts in this film is the corrupt system, especially the so-called judge and the so-called cops, who are more like scared wimps. Cowards who get paid by the taxpayers for not doing their jobs.

This so-called system protects murderers and a group of organised Latino criminals. But one woman, who has lost her kids and her husband has to watch as these grinning scum get off scot-free by the system that is paid to provide security and justice. These Latinos murdered her family in front of her eyes and get free, but she is wanted. "bravo".

A good revenge thriller that scores with its revealing message. It's only a film, but unfortunately it's very close to reality.

By the way, in 2021 there was another stunning film about a One-Man-Army revenge thriller with a female protagonist. "Kate" from 2021, which I also highly recommend. Don't miss "Kate" if you like this kind of movies.
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2012 (I) (2009)
Watchable with a lot of popcorn.
9 March 2024
This film deserves a better rating than it has at the moment, like 5.8

We all know, that Roland Emmerich is a master of films that don't require active brain activity. It's more of a "now your brain can switch to passive mode" filmmaker.

You just sit there and let him do the job he had been paid for.

There are many epic scenes, typical Emmerich stuff, and his shallow family stuff included, which we have seen in many of his movies with slight variations. Father, new stepfather, etc.

But the story, the visual effects and the entertainment factor are first class.

John Cusack's acting is "just good" though.

For example: there is an epic scene where they barely make it out of a city in a small Cesna plane flying between collapsing scryscapers, and Cusack's facial expression is like:

"....... well that was kind of lucky. I think I haven't seen that before...."

Woody Harrelson did great. This guy seems like the perfect choice for any role, as long as it's not a sane guy he is playing.

I highly recommend this movie for everyone, including kids.
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You have been lied to. All of us. You will realize that hopefully, when you get older.
5 March 2024
Many young people believe the ultimate truth is what they learn in school. Therefore, the masses follow the mainstream worldview. This is more than naive. They believe, that science has revealed a big nothingness has exploded. 13.7 billion years ago. This was the creation of the universe. (really??) Since the launch of the James Webb telescope, these dogmas have become increasingly questionable.

The mainstream worldview holds, that the first self-created microbe.......(.... what???) must be the origin of organic life, thus our ancestors and all animal's ancestors. Darwin's fairy tales fit this theory miraculously.... but the truth is: that this is the best they have that fits the mainstream worldview.

Folks, this is why persons like Richard Dawkins can sell books and make lots of money by attacking religious people who supposedly only believe in implausible stories, in contrast to him who favours scientifically proven facts. But the only fact is: that there are no proven facts. Even he believes in the best story that suits the atheist's worldview. Because it "must have been so...... " because, if there was a creator, who created him?? Answer: nobody claims to know the answer!! Religious people certainly do not claim that they KNOW who created the creator. The know that they have a belief "only". Nobody KNOWS the ultimate truth, and Richard Dawkins is the last person on the planet that I would trust in that regard. All that we as mankind can do in these matters is: to choose what we believe.
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Poor Things (2023)
Don't confuse insane and tasteless with cool and freaky.
2 March 2024

This one feels off for a reason.

According to the ratings, a lot of people missed that reason. Or they indeed mix "distasteful" and "insane" with "cool".

But this one is not cool. Not at all.

1st: This one contains adult material. A lot of disgusting material. And it is not just one scene to make a point for the ongoing story - no, it is scene after scene. BUT WHY?

What is the point of showing it over and over again??

Someone please enlightens me.

Sadly enough that's not the real problem yet.

2nd: The real problem is, that the "monster" has an intellect of a child - if I understand correctly. Doesn't it?

This is the point where nothing more needs to be said. This is distasteful.

This one is a failed attempt at a "comedy-drama-romance". And a sane person would find it difficult to watch it to the END.
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