Beyond What?
29 January 2006
Beyond Borders had the potential to show viewers the plight and suffering of peoples around the world. However, instead of focusing on the suffering of people viewers are given a half-baked romance. Do makers of films today believe that viewers are incapable of watching a film without romance/sex scenes? The film was informative by showing the many areas of the world where refugees, disease and famine are rampant. However, the time spent in each area is so brief that the sense of these issues does not truly penetrate the viewer. It's as if these missions of mercy are just day trips by Jolie's character to the desert, jungle and tundra.

This film could have been so much more; it had the chance to promote awareness and charity. Jolie's character of Sarah is supposed to be concerned with children however; her own children in the film are virtually neglected by her. Owen and Jolie have no on screen chemistry and most of the dialogue is on par with 17-year-old high school girls. The makers of Beyond Borders should have decided whether the film was going to be a romance or an informative film. By blending the two genres together it cheapens and blurs the intent of the film.
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