My Name Is Earl: Our 'Cops' Is On! (2007)
Season 2, Episode 12
Funniest yet of season two
12 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Yes, the Cops episode of Earl is my favorite of the season so far. So many great lines. My favorite was "You had me at...." (well you know what he said). You had to love it when the school bell was heard just as Tim was being interviewed by the cop. And with the following week's episode -- My Name is Everybody Else on the Show -- they are clearly clicking on all cylinders. So many shows do badly with famous guest stars. Not Earl. That lady from Drew was hysterical in this one. Be sure to watch when everybody's singing the Cops theme song. Even then Randy isn't able to get it right. Classic. My only minor complaint about this episode is that Crabman was apparently living with his grandmother. That doesn't seem to fit in with his undercover past. Maybe they'll explain that later. Still, a ten from this reviewer.
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