I wish I could give it less than one star
30 June 2008
Boy, I could not wait to come on the internet and complain about this rubbish, I simply can't believe anyone who watched more than five minutes of this poorly executed rubbish would distribute it on DVD.

This is basically a five minute (and that's being generous) short film needlessly stretched into a 70 odd minute feature, its excruciatingly boring (I couldn't help but skip through it) with no humour, violence/gore or even decent pornography to make it worth watching.

It looks like it was edited in Windows Moviemaker or imovie judging by the extremely poor use of sepia tinting and old movie look, which I suppose is to add realism but simply detracts and annoys. To make this film realistic, cold hard ungraded digital video should have been used.

The soundtrack of lame emo & cheap sound effects also serve to annoy and betrays the film makers lack of confidence in his material.

I normally try to be supportive of films of this type as I myself am a no budget film maker, but there is simply nothing here that I can be positive about, especially as it will be taking up space in a DVD shop where my and other honest film makers work could be sitting.
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