Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Our Man Bashir (1995)
Season 4, Episode 9
Doctor Bashir... secret agent
25 May 2010
Warning: Spoilers
When Dr. Bashir takes the lead part in a James Bond style holosuite program it doesn't work out quite as he had hoped; firstly just he is about to get intimate with a beautiful lady he is interrupted by Garak who wants to know what he is doing thinking it might provide an insight into his friend's psyche. That is the least the doctor's problems though; as a runabout returns to the station with Sisko, Kira, Dax, Worf and O'Brien it falls victim of a sabotage and they are beamed out at the last moment. They don't rematerialise and before they are lost their patterns are stored in the ships computers. Their physical patterns are put in to the holosuite and characters in the story take on their appearance but not their characters. To make matters worse the safeties have been deactivated and any attempt to exit the program may delete those crew members. Bashir and Garak must play the program to its conclusion without letting and of the five get killed even though some of them are in the roll of dangerous enemies. While things are going on in the holosuite Nog races against time to retrieve the crew members before anybody gets hurt.

Although I'm not usually a fan of holosuite set episodes this one was a lot of fun as it was always fairly tongue in cheek as it spoofed '60s spy thrillers. It was fun to watch Avery Brooks hamming it up as evil super villain Hippocrates Noah who plans to flood the planet. Andrew Robinson was as always great as Garak and it was fun to see his interactions with Alexander Siddig's Dr. Bashir (super-spy).
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