Review of Star Trek

Star Trek (2009)
Terrible plot undermines what was otherwise good
4 January 2012
So Star Trek returns with it's most visually stunning outing to date. This movie looks great, with very nice sets, special effects, costumes and action set pieces.

Similarly, the casting is very good. Quinto is just perfect as Spock, and I found the choices made for the other characters fine as well. This was one of my biggest concerns for this reboot, so bravo! The story effectively creates a new reality for our characters, a major catastrophe means that this is effectively a different universe to Star Trek:TOS. I think this was probably for the best, freeing the writers from the constraints of the existing storyline. I know that many viewers object to this thinking it somehow invalidates other existing Star Trek franchises. It doesn't because it's a different reality. ST:TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager are real in their own universe and are as valid as ever.

But where the movie really falls down is the plot. There are many plot holes, ridiculous coincidences and incomprehensible decisions made by the characters. It seemed like the plot was simply created to string together the action set pieces regardless of how stupid it turned out. I can understand this being an action orientated movie, but I couldn't help but find myself regularly shaking my head at what I was seeing.

The plot is so poor it reduces what would have been 10/10 for a 'Wrath of Khan' quality plot to a mediocre 6/10. Please, more of the same for the next movie but write a decent story, or at least one that makes logical sense. The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.
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