Review of Facets

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Facets (1995)
Season 3, Episode 25
May I Borrow Your Body?
13 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
See the lazy DS9 writers fail to devise a story or plot-based reason for Dax to meet her former hosts: she does it one afternoon because there's nothing good on TV.

The fact that Dax employs the DS9 crew- including Odo AND Quark- to offer their bodies as Trill shells is pointless and beyond absurd. Terry Farrell- who has not a thought in her hollow little head- once again commits a crime against acting with her typically vacant dissociative presence. Much more interesting is watching young and spunky Nog in his attempt to qualify for Starfleet Academy.

Note to DS9 writers: enough hypothetical, imaginary, spiritual fantasy horse diarrhea. I'm old enough to remember when things ACTUALLY HAPPENED on Star Trek, and I miss those days bitterly. Still, this episode gets a bonus point for Odo's rockin' fro.
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