Like An Outbreak Of Gonnorhea
28 February 2016
Warning: Spoilers
"I think I'm gonna be sick," says Quark, and that one sentence sums up this episode, which can only be described as sewage.

Let me think... where to begin... there's so much wrong with this episode that I may not have enough space to accurately describe it.

"Let He Who Is Without Sin" is soft core sensationalist soap opera sludge, and to pass this off as Star Trek is a violation of the franchise and everything for which it stands.

Leading the parade of shame is the god-awful Terry Farrell, who has managed to keep her character Jadzia Dax as useless and poorly defined as it was in Season One. Farrell- vacuous and stiff- has managed to make Dax lifeless and entirely unnecessary, and she ices the cake of her performance each week by speaking in a faint, flat voice, the result of her clearly not having enough air in her lungs to push the dialogue out through her lips. Maybe that's why she had to overdub every single one of her lines. As an actress Terry Farrell is a cadaver, a comatose shell, and her performance is a crime against the craft of acting.

In recent episodes Dax has suddenly become the biggest in space, with multiple, head-scratching references made to her extensive sexual history and unbridled lust. It's even revealed in the Deep Space 9 TOS flashback "Trials & Tribble-ations" that Dax slept with Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy. Read that sentence again. Now a third time if you have to. It doesn't help, does it? Dax is vocal and obnoxious about taking a vacation with Worf to Risa so they can bang each other's brains out in private. She smiles cluelessly and without shame, and urges the senior staff of DS9 to loosen up and get laid, but not before we're treated to a graphic description of Klington/Trill intercourse. "I pulled my neck fugging," Dax tells Odo and Sisko, grinning gleefully, without even a hint of guilt or self-awareness. Also Vanessa Williams shows up as Dax's lesbian lover for some reason. Are we vomiting yet? Someone needs to slap Terry Farrell so hard that the echo from the resulting crack makes schoolchildren weep.

Not to be outdone by Dax's boggling behavior is Alexander Siddig as medical paperweight Julian Bashir. He raises one eyebrow and engages in sexual innuendo so inane and juvenile it would make a twelve year-old boy blush. It seems Julian likes sex, and the act of having sex, and he wants to have as much sex with his dabo cupcake Leeta as he can. Because of the sex. Did I mention sex? In "Without Sin," Star Trek- originally conceived as a high-minded science fiction anthology built on themes of discovery and human nature- melts inexplicably into a broad, goofy, exploitive sex-com as a ragtag band of space station crew misfits hit the road to bust a nut and learn a little something about love, sex, and the true meaning of Christmas. Gene Roddenberry must be rolling over in his torpedo tube on Genesis. This episode is nothing less than an absolute bastardization of the Trek name and the ideals for which it stands... it is a tumor... it is a crime.

My attack on this episode may seem severe but it is in my opinion well-deserved. My criticism of Terry Farrell may seem harsh, but I have patiently waited five years for this actress to display even a trace of talent or energy. I have waited five years for her to TRY. Frankly I'm tired of waiting. If she can't be bothered to even make an attempt then I can't be bothered to show her any sympathy. "Let he who is without sin cast the first stone," says the Bible passage. (John 8:7) *tossing a jagged rock at Terry Farrell's face* Avoid this junk. It's not Star Trek. It's forgettable smut.

"Let He Who Is Without Sin Cast The First Stone." Boldly banging where no man has banged before.

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