This film NEED a physical release.
10 May 2016
I, like most people saw this movie on Netflix. I was bored one day, this film was recommended to me. I read the description and myself, being a fan of the 80's indie post-punk scene (The Replacements, Husker Du, Dag Nasty, etc.), watched it... I LOVED IT!!! I've since seen the movie probably 5 or more times. The characters were really relate- able, they almost seemed like people I knew when I was in my late teens and early 20's. AND THE MUSIC!!! No B.S. great songs!!! Very funny moments, but not in the cheesy, slap-sticky kinda way. I can't recommend this movie high enough. If you're a fan of the mid-late 80's indie post-punk stuff and are a fan of real characters, real situations (for a band touring in a beat up van) and really great music, this film is for you!!! It's only available on digital at the moment, but maybe if enough people see this film and love it, hopefully we can get a proper special DVD/Blu-Ray edition.

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