Bloody awful
23 September 2019
Loving vampire films I thought I'd give this a watch. It didn't take long to realise this isn't going to be a good one! Firstly the acting, if you can call it that was well below par especially the scenes around the elders table they were just bad. There was some attempts at acting but I don't know if it was bad scripting or terrible sound management as they all seemed flat and emotionless ?!. Secondly the story it was vague to say the least in fact I'm not sure what the story was? The plot itself was devoid of direction so I wasn't able to understand the story at all. Thirdly the effects, guns that keep shooting bullets without reloading, Bad CGI of any impacts of bullets and muzzle flashes that stopped despite the user still gesturing with his gun as though he were still firing. Any vamp biting was hidden so they didn't have to show any actual dripping of blood even when actors were getting bit they were so far away from the neck they may well have been receiving a BJ!.

I won't be recommending anyone to this movie.
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