Review of The Forsaken

Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: The Forsaken (1993)
Season 1, Episode 17
Nepotism is a vile, evil thing that destroys art.
29 April 2021
Lwaxana Troi is the absolute worst character in all of Star Trek, and Majel Barrett only got the role because she was the boss' wife. It's also how she got the role of Nurse Chapel in TOS. She was unlikable in that series, she is unlikeable in TNG, and she is unlikable here.

Yet the showrunners insist on using her again and again. Even after Gene Roddenberry passed, this obnoxious, annoying, horrible character still shows up, ruining every episode she's in and wasting the viewer's time. She steamrolls through TNG once a year, and now she's steamrolling through DS9 like a plague. Why did they insist on continuously using this awful character? Nobody likes her, with the exception of the few Star Trek sycophants who refuse to apply critical thought when appropriate.

In this episode she engages in grotesque sexual harassment towards Odo. It is clear that he does not want her advances, yet she persists. It's "supposed" to be comedic, but it's just another repugnant performance by a character that is both horribly written and horribly portrayed. It's an awful message, and the people who made this show should be ashamed of themselves.

Lwaxana is supposed to be an "ambassador." yet she possesses zero diplomatic skills. She just runs her mouth like the blowhard she is, and insists on getting what she wants without compromise, with selfish disregard to the words and wishes of everyone around her. This is supposed to be "funny," but it's not. It's just more despicable, unethical, and disrespectful behavior from a despicable, unethical, and disrespectful character.

I read that she appears a few more times on DS9. It would be best to skip those episodes. I'd rather see Wesley Crusher return, and that's saying a lot because he's the second-worst character in all of Star Trek.
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