Strip away the gimmick and you're left with very little.
29 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
"An interesting concept, an editing marvel, powerful performances, a love letter to classic Star Trek."


I know I should expect people to wet their pants over blatant fanservice by now, but it's really hard not to see the average rating for what it really is. Fanboys so blinded by nostalgia that they rate based solely on the fact that something they know is being referenced. Look, it's KIRK! Hey, is that SPOCK? They referenced the KLINGONS looking different!


You better believe it! They're all here! Now hand over those ticket stubs you sweaty nerds, as we play you a TOS rerun. With a boring side story involving the DS9 crew tacked on top, of course. It's cute to see them use 90s editing techniques to tape the crew into the background, as well as re-creating the sets and dressing the part. Though, I'm willing to bet a lot of these 10/10 ratings are coming from horny old perverts happy to see Dax in a classic uniform. Get some class, you filth.

The truth is, separated from the gimmick, Trials And Tribble-ations is just a plain episode. The intrigue comes from seeing old faces and DS9 together through the use of fast editing cuts and some clever footage manipulation. That's really all there is to it. They go back in time, which is already an overused trope in Star Trek, and mess around in the background for 30 minutes. And then it just... ends. I guess by that point, the writers ran out of "fun" ideas and just decided to end the episode. Sisko's little interaction with Kirk towards the end was cute though, I admit it. But unlike most of you (apparently), I don't think references make up for a poor plot.

The reason they'll never let these poor TOS characters rest, and keep putting them in reboots (those Abrams movies) and future series (STD bringing back Spock as a sad last-ditch effort at getting people to watch), is because they know it gets the trekkies shrieking like groupies. It's why they'll keep bringing back these characters over and over and over and over again.

It's far from the worst DS9 episode, I'll give it that much. But me saying that doesn't matter. I'm sure this review will have a ton of "not helpful" votes on it for daring to leave an even slightly critical review of this "masterpiece". To those people, here's a helpful tip for your troubles: stop living in the past.
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