Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Our Man Bashir (1995)
Season 4, Episode 9
Might be the best holodeck episode in Star Trek
16 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Holodeck episodes get a bit of a bad rep. The main issue being: there are no stakes unless the holodeck breaks, and why would such a technology break so often and yet still be used? A secondary issue: the events in the holodeck feel disconnected from the world of Star Trek.

Now, I'm pretty forgiving with holodeck episodes. Still, this is a cut above the others - mostly because it avoids the usual issues of the archetype. Here, the stakes are heightened not by the holodeck breaking, per se, but by the storing of transporter patterns. Which gives an interesting dynamic of the protagonists still dealing with danger, but they must be pacifists to save the day.

Even within this fantasy, there's still some great genuine character moments between Bashir and Garak - about what it means to be a hero, and how each makes tough choices.

Outside of those two, the rest of the actors are having a ball, hamming up this loving pastiche of spy films and their tropes. It's a fun episode, entertaining from beginning to end, with a clever story going on underneath the surface. Kira as a Russian bombshell and Sisko as a crazy monologuing Bond villain are both highlights.
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