Decline of Twin Peaks
1 September 2023
Obsessed with the death of Laura Palmer Agent Cooper has a trippy dream and the series starts going to heck.

When this series first aired I was 28 and mistook weird for brilliant. Having been unable to watch the first month I taped it (remember videotape?) and watched the first four installments in a row.

Already, nearly everyone I knew, including friends and coworkers, were beginning to drop out because they couldn't follow all the soap opera storylines. "Binging" on the show (a word not yet coined) helped me keep it straight. But what really divided them was Cooper's dream. What had become wacky-soap-opera-cum-mystery became a supernatural tale and it alienated many.

Looking back over a thirty years I, the only person I know who stuck with the series to the bitter end, wallowed in the weirdness.

Now it looks over-blown and ridiculous. The author Quiller-Couch said, Kill your darlings. Lynch should have murdered a few.

Still, the episode has much to recommend it, including Tibet and Cooper's hair. It's a divisive episode that caused violent reactions in 1990. If, as I did, you keep watching . . . You're probably nuts.
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