Snowfire (1957) Poster


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Magic for a Horse Loving Child
internetlifer21 October 2005
I saw Snowfire as a little girl in our local movie theater. I must have been around 4 or 5 years old, making the year 1963/1964. I even wore my red cowboy boots to the movie. (One of which I lost under the theater seats, and was never recovered. I was carried home.) The movie was magical.

While I was growing up, Chicago's WGN television station broadcasted a program called "Family Classics" hosted by Frazier Thomas. To my utter delight, "Family Classics" aired "Snowfire" about once a year. Knowing my love affair with the movie, my family members would be sure to call me in from whatever outdoor adventure I was on to inform me of its showing. The only time I didn't come running was when I was riding an actual horse.

I see that someone is looking for a copy of Snowfire. WGN in Chicago Illinois might have a copy for you.
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Looking for Snowfire on video?
Molly-3110 December 2005
Sorry. Snowfire will not be released on video or DVD. This has to do with legalities and something to do with the family. I cannot give further details without permission (which I have asked for). Your best bet is to write to WGN and request that they show it, make tapes and circulate them. There is only one copy left. It is in a vault in Chicago and can be rented for something like $150 per showing.

If you are interested in talking to other fans of this film, contact the Snowfire Revival Society mailing list -- a Topica list, linked from the "miscellaneous" links on the left-hand side of the main page for Snowfire at IMDb.

--- I am not Molly McGowan. Ms. McGowan died of Hodgkin's lymphoma about seven years after making this picture.
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"That Snowfire is one very smart horse".
classicsoncall21 March 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It no longer surprises me that even the warmest of family films finds it's detractors, just take a look at some of the negative comments for "The Wizard of Oz". This film has similar qualities to those found in "Miracle on 34th Street", in as much as the little girl Molly (Molly McGowan) understands that you have to believe in something to make it come true. You'll have to work out the talking horse business for yourself but it's an otherwise fine story that families with young kids can take delight in.

I did have a little trouble with one scene though. When Molly took up the Triple M iron and threatened to brand herself, that was a bit dicey for the film makers to record. Not only for the fact that it was a scary scene for youngsters but actress Molly herself was already twelve years old, so there's some question there about the decency of the situation. I wouldn't even bring it up if it hadn't affected me so strongly.

I did think that scene with Doc Stewart (Paul Keast) was pretty clever. For all those doubting Thomases out there, the doctor couldn't pull the trigger on that bet with Molly and high tailed it out of there real quick. That's what the story managed to do throughout; every time Molly's Dad or sister tried to get a concession from Molly that maybe, just maybe Snowfire didn't really talk to her, she came right back with a confident rebuttal that made you think twice. For me, that was the magic of the story.

The film looks like it must have been a family affair in it's own right. The director and producer were McGowan Brothers, and the sisters in the story, Molly and Melodie, were the real life daughters of Dorrell McGowan. Which begs the question whether top billed Don Megowan was selected for his name or because he actually auditioned for the part; he was no relation to the others and his name spells differently. Also, for modern day viewers who weren't around in the Fifties when this came out, there's some unintended humor relative to the name of the bad guy brothers who kept making trouble throughout the story - they were the Stoners.
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Request for re-release of original "Snowfire" movie 1958
mpmagers29 April 2005
I had no idea so many other folks were searching for this wonderful movie "Snowfire". I saw it as a child of 10 in the late 50's and the movie and song have haunted me on and off for all of these years. I find myself on occasion singing the title song in my head even though I cannot remember all of the words. Why has this movie crept into my mind and stayed?? Obviously, it hit a nerve in my young mind at the time and stayed with me all these years. No other movie since the re-release of Gone With The Wind in the early 60's has affected me so. Unfortunately, I have not had the opportunity to see it again on any of the classic channels in this area. I so want to obtain a DVD or Video of this wonderful classic. Hopefully, someone, somewhere who has "connections" is watching this website and will help in the re-release of this movie. It would be a shame to lose this little piece of the past....Won't someone come to our rescue???????????
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A horse that talks?
kapelusznik1821 January 2016
****SPOILERS**** The movie or horse "Snowfire" may have obviously inspired the TV series "MR. ED" about a horse that talked but only to his master not anyone else like the all white stallion Snowfire did to little Molly McGowan whom later in the movie he was falsely accused of almost trampling her to death. It was Snowfire's misfortune to be so wild and unconquerable that everyone in the movie was out to capture and brand the all white stallion until Molly's dad Mike played by Big Dan McGowan, who played- he was the only actor big enough to pay him- the famous "Gil-Man" in the movie "The Creature Walks Among Us", roped and finally tamed but not branded him.

This started a rivalry between Mike and his fellow rancher Carol Hampton in who really owns Snowfire that in the end leads to one of her ranch hands the not that all on the ball and mindless Buff Stoner to try to steal the horse from Big Mike's stable. It was "Brainless Buff" and a couple of his pals who without Carol's knowledge that after Snowfire escapes from Mike's ranch that tried to set the entire valley on fire, without any consideration to the wildlife in it. That in Buff's crazy plan to smoke out Snowfire that Mike, risking his life & limb, prevents from happening.

****SPOILERS" Molly who recovers from her coma tells her dad that Snowfire telepathically communicated to her, while she was still in a coma, that he's coming back to visit her who then immediately orders his top ranch hand Poco to shoot the horse as soon as he arrives, in that he tried to kill his daughter, only to have Poco screw up by missing, obviously on purpose, the horse by a country mile. That after Molly explained to her by then totally confused dad that she fell off a rock and knocked herself out not that Snowfire did that to her.The film ended happily for everyone, man woman and animal alike, in it but unfortunately for little Molly McGowan real life wasn't that kind to her. Molly passed away in 1965 just before her 19th birthday from the ravages of Hodgkin's disease.
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Did we all watch the same film???
AlsExGal29 July 2012
Each and every review of this film just gushes praise for it. I saw it yesterday on TCM and it was just unbelievably bad. Another poster on the message boards hit the high points - bad acting, bad direction, horrendous dialogue. I actually thought the cinematography was good but not great. I give it three stars because the idea was a good one, it's just a case of terrible execution on every level. This is not from some teenager who appreciates only comic book action movies. I was born in the year this film was made and I am ordinarily a fan of child-bonds-with-animal films including 1969's made-for-TV movie "J.T.", 1934's Sequoia, and the 40's "Rusty" series of films, which has also been airing on TCM as of late.

I knew the film was in trouble when plastered in huge letters across the entire height of the screen was the name of someone I'd never heard of before as though he was Orson Welles or Spencer Tracy - Don McGowan. What followed were acting, writing, and directing credits, all by people with the same last name. Thus part of the problem could be that the film seems to be almost completely a family affair, so probably a family of film makers working on a project can't really be objective about the quality of a relative's work. My favorite scene: a real western fight breaks out over Snowfire and these manly men of the west are armed with - tree branches??? It really was ridiculous. And don't get me started on the girls - not twins - dressed in identical clothing.

Most everyone here reviewing seems to be remembering it fondly from childhood, so I'm prepared to get pelted with eggs and tomatoes for writing this review. I think what has happened in most cases is that because this film is so rare they are remembering it from many years ago, and watching it again might be like revisiting your elementary school once you are grown - the fact is that the halls and the auditorium are much smaller and far less grand than what is enshrined in your memory. Only to cure yourself of your childhood illusion - assuming you want to do that in the first place - do I recommend you watch this film.
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My Favorite Kids Classic
Harpo-108 May 1999
I absolutely loved this film even though it is very hard to find any reference to it at all. I grew up watching this in Illinois and just loved the story about the little girl who tamed the white stallion. I'd recommend this movie to any child who loves animals.
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God sent us Snowfire
smuthall30 August 2004
I had no idea that other people were searching for this wonderful film. My sister and I are now in our early fifties and have been searching for this movie since we saw it in 1958. We still long to see that horse and hear that song. My last question to a professional led me to this site. I was surprised that some of you had been able to see it on WGN, but here in the south I don't believe it has ever aired. We saw it in a theater in Florida when I was 6 and my sister was 5. I, too, would cherish a copy as a gift to my sister, so will keep searching. If anyone has updated information on whether or not this film is available, or how to get a company interested in releasing it on VHS or DVD, please, please contact me. I can't really say why this movie affected us so much, and why it still does after 46 years. This has probably been done already, but I am going to contact every person listed as cast and crew, distributors, and yes, even WGN Family Classics. If I have any progress, I will report it back here. God bless you all, and God bless Snowfire. Sincerely, Laura Hall
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Favorite movie, introduced me to a love of horses
team292 June 2005
It is very heartwarming to see so many others remembering and looking for this movie. I have searched over the years in discount video bins hoping I would come across it. I, too, have been haunted by the theme song, not really remembering it, but it is there. I would also like to introduce my children to this movie. If I remember correctly, the scenery was magnificent and just the sight of Snowfire running through the canyons was quite beautiful. Seeing it as a young girl, I could relate to how deeply Molly cared about Snowfire's well being. If there is any way to prompt a release of this movie, I would gladly pore-order to get the attention needed.
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Capturing a young girl's imagination
jplassman8 August 2005
When I was 10 years old my parents owned a movie theater in our small town. It showed westerns, family films and major releases. I will never, ever forget the magic of Snowfire. As a horse lover it was pure magic. I saw the film over 13 times and never tired of it. The spirit of a young girl's independence, her connection with something wild and her ability to not only understand the horse but share it's desire for freedom; these were the characteristics which captivated and inspired. I am 56 years old now and I can still remember the magic of this film, the way it captured my own young spirit and my eternal and never ending love for beautiful horses.

Someone ought to re-release this movie or better yet, redo it for our modern age. Done well, with the right horse and young girl it is sure to capture the imaginations of 7-9 year old children everywhere.
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Movie People need to know how much Snowfire was enjoyed by one and all.
CalicoSpring13 June 2003
I wish that the people who bring out old movies on VHS/DVD would read all the comments I have been reading on the net about this great movie, and bring this movie back out for our children to enjoy. I would gladly pay $100. dollars for it! I remember it from when I was younger (watched it every chance I got). And I wish this movie would be brought out again for my grandchildren to see. It is a one of the best family classics ever made, and rates right up there with Old Yeller, Swiss Family Robison, and Lassie. This show is a great show for both children and adults! And if anyone knows where I could get my hands on a copy of this, I would sure appreciate it.
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Great Review
pithomason25 April 2003
This is my favorite movie to date. This movie was a regular on Family Classics with Frasier Thomas on Sunday nights before Disney took over their time slot. This movie even had a song with the same title. If anyone comes across this movie in VHS or DVD, please put it on this site. I want to see if it was as good as my memory remembers it.
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Simply the BEST Western horse movie ever made!
adrienej.egger19 February 2001
As a child growing up in Suburban Chicago watching WGN-TV's "Family Classics" was a weekly event in my house. Of all the films we saw on that show, my absolute favorite was "Snowfire". The location shooting and the characterization they did with the horse (Snowfire) and the little girl (Molly) was outstanding!

I have been looking EVERYWHERE to see if I can't find a copy of this film on video, or even on cable being re-broadcast...all to no avail. Horse-lovers everywhere are missing out on a fabulous film.

Snowfire, my most-beloved horse-friend, WHERE ARE YOU??????

NO child should have to grow up WITHOUT seeing Snowfire! It truly IS a "Family Classic"!!!
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Loved this movie
moonmaid70610 January 2006
My brother and I saw this movie in the theater as children. We loved it so much we went back to see it several times while it played in our town. Even though at the time the theater was playing a double feature and we didn't care much for the other movie, we would sit through it so we could watch "Snowfire" at least twice when we attended it. (You were allowed to do that in those days.)

Although it has been many years since I've seen it, certain scenes are still sharp in my mind. I would love to see it again as an adult and wish they would put it out on DVD. Loved the scenery, the girl, the ranch and the horse! He was magnificent to my nine year old mind. Great family movie.
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I need to see this movie again.
vent20004 February 2004
I have very few memories of my childhood due to alcoholism and being poor due to my father spending his very good salary on the disease. Now 46 I hang on to the few good memories I have very tightly. The movie Snowfire was an escape for me as a child. As a result of seeing the movie I had some good dreams and I had hope for brighter tomorrows. Years later I would love to see the movie that pulled me through that horrible time. If anyone knows where I could see "Snowfire" or purchase a copy please email me. A few years ago I contacted A & E and their advice, and after an exhausting search, was informed by them that the movie could have been lost to the silver screen. I wont believe that. Write if you know better please. And thank you.
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Movie Meter
CalicoSpring30 September 2003
The Movie Meter shows a steep decline in resent months in the interest of Snowfire but this does not mean we the public are not still interested in finding the movie. But have gotten to the point of where we are losing hope that this great flim will ever be brought to the surface again. Maybe the flim is damaged beyound repair or something, if so why can't they at least reproduce it, maybe as and animated movie in such a way that the full meaning of the orignal movie could be gotten across to all, those who have seen it and those who haven't. Snowfire Where You?????
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The Best "Family Classic" Movie for horse lovers.
slushpumpz24 February 2001
I too, grew up watching "Family Classics" with Frazuer Thomas on WGN-TV on Sunday afternoons. I could sing the whole song with the exact words. Opening scene was Molly and her sister sitting on a fence watching the rustler chasing Snowfire to the rim of a canyon, and with out any where to go, Snowfire leaps to the river below.

I remember hearing the WGN had a fire in the classic movie vault in the 60's. I hope that "Snowfire" was not one the movies lost.

I would love to get a copy of this movie on VHS. If anyone knows where one can be found, Please e-mail me.

Thanks, to all the horse lover out there that remember the true "Classics"
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very good family movie
pogodog730 November 2013
This was a very good family movie. A bit of trivia would be that it was directed by brothers, Dorrel and Stuart McGowan and Melody and Molly Megowan were sisters and the daughters of Dorrell Magowen. The hero, Don Megowan was a very talented supporting actor and I always enjoyed his performances. He co-starred in the television series "The Beachcomber" and was a guest star in just about every western on television in the 50's and 60's. The was the star of Sam Katzman's "The Werewolf" and the incredible odd "Creation of the Humanoids". At his restaurant, Megowan's Clubhouse, located in North Hollywood, you could always meet a western TV actor. John Cason was also featured in "Snowfire" as the heavy, which he usually played. He was a WWII Marine vet and appeared in an astounding number of television and movie westerns. John's untimely death in 1961, at the age of 46, was a result of an automobile accident in which his friend accidentally drove off of the road while they were on their way to do some raccoon hunting.
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I wish I could find this film.
gallus-314 October 2000
I remember this film from when I was 8 years old. That was the last time I saw this movie. I loved this movie so much because I also love horses and I wished that I was the little girl who could talk to this big beautiful white stallion. I recommend this movie to anyone who loves horses and loves a good story about a special relationship between man and animal.
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Snowfire is one of the best movies of all time, great for all!
deftonesfar3 April 2006
I first saw Snowfire when I was very young. This movie was one that I grew up with and I watched it every chance I could get. I thank everyone who worked on this film as it was one of the best I have ever seen and has had a very positive influence on me! I've always had a strong love for Horses and this movie is just amazing. Great actors and an enchanting horse! I hope it gets released on DVD very soon as I'd love to see it again...and again and again... Has anyone heard anything about a release? I would love to hear comments from other people who have seen this movie, maybe then we can get the right people to hear our plee and make it get released on DVD!
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I can't believe it!
mandarinos12 January 2005
I can't believe there are others out there were so in love with this movie! It was my favorite movie (along with the Wizard of Oz) growing up as a child. I have never found anyone else that has even heard of it before — and I've asked a LOT of people about it over the last fifty+ years!

I fell in love with horses as a young girl, and Snowfire was one of the reasons why!

If this movie ever becomes available to purchase, I would LOVE a copy to share with my kids and grandkids!! I watched it every time it was on Family Classics! I remember the song to it also!

It sounds like there is a big demand for this movie. What can be done to get this on DVD? Is anyone listening that can help us?
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A little girls dream.
ferncountry12 July 2005
I was about 6 years old when I saw the movie Snowfire. I memorized most of the song and have always wanted to see this movie again. I nearly drove my parents to distraction with my obsession of the movie and how badly I dreamed of one day wanting to own my very own white stallion. To this day I can still remember the song and love to sing it to my younger family members. My son and daughter both know the song by heart and though they have no children as yet, I know that they too will eventually teach it to their little ones.

It breaks my heart that there has been no way that I have been able to find any possible way of seeing this movie again. I have always, since I was a little girl, dreamed of seeing Snowfire, even just one more time. It's a movie that everyone should have in their home collection.

If there is anyone out there in cyberland that could make my wish come true, PLEASE feel free to contact me at any time.

Fern Ehret at Or if you would just care to write and talk about it, I would be happy to respond.

To know that there are others out there that still remember Snowfire, brings great joy to my heart.

You all have a wonderful day... forever a fan

Fern Ehret.
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ccangel30 January 2002
Oh how i would love to see this movie again!!! My sister and i growing up watched this movie every time it was on t.v. It was such a beautiful horse, and the movie left you feeling so happy. i sure hope they will make it available for sale on vhs or dvd soon! PLEASE! Thanks! GOD BLESS! : )
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One of the greatest film's of my childhood
garyandjane16 February 2002
Although I was a young kid when this movie came out back in 1958, it is a movie that I always cherished. The bond between the girl and Snowfire was very endearing. The song " Snowfire " is such a fantastic tune that even today , more thatn forty years later, I can still remember a good deal of the song and the melody. For years after the movie, I could hear my mother sing the song. When this movie would go on cable tv, my neighbor ( who owned the movie theater were I saw Snowfire ) would call me over to watch the movie. If there ever was a movie that I would like to see again, it would be Snowfire. I wish that it would be on video.
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Bring Back Snowfire
dlf34329 July 2006
This movie has been in my memories since I was a little kid. Oh how I wish my kids could watch this movie!!! The only lyrics I remember are wild and pure as the driven snow Snowfire. Why doesn't the family release Snowfire, they could make a fortune. Every year I would wait for Family Classics to show it. Too bad we didn't have VCR back then I would have probably watched it a million times by now!!! I surely wouldn't want a remake, the original was just perfect. Thankfully I have a good memory, I'll never forget when Snowfire jumped off that cliff. How does one get in touch with that Snowfire revival group? I would gladly pay $150 to see the movie and I would bring everybody I know that loved this movie and everybody else who hadn't seen it!

Finally I watched the movie today(5-18-11) after dvring it!!! Just as good as I remembered! I will watch again and again. Thamk you TCM!!!
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