Six Days in Roswell (1999) Poster

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Not quite a documentary
therealboyboy25 June 2005
Don't get me wrong, this movie is hilarious. I was laughing out loud as I watched it alone, with my headphones on. I was lucky enough to have a friend who owned it and was nice enough to lend it to me on DVD. I was pretty amazed that this was all true, so I watched a making-of on the DVD, and learned that the main character is not a real guy. He does ride around in a captain pike chair, but he is not quite as nerdy as the act that he puts on. He does not believe in aliens, and all the stuff with the trailer was totally made up. He's doing an act like Ali-G or Jiminy Glick, a character interviewing people. I did like the movie, but was disappointed that I didn't know it was part fiction.
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It was funny
pf196923 July 2013
The maker went to Roswell new Mexico and explored all the local hype and attractions regarding the mecca of the alleged UFO crash of 1947 and i gotta say it was pretty good. The people he meets are sometimes completely off their rockers but are entertaining and he does approach the subject with impartiality and skepticism. Some of the experts they have on do make some good points and it looks like a great place to go to attend the annual UFO convention. Someday i hope i can go but not because i believe or don't believe in aliens but because i am sure i would have a blast. Everyone should check out this documentary cause it was fun to watch.
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Amusing insight into the Roswell UFO-fan event
DVD_Connoisseur15 August 2007
"Six Days in Roswell" is an interesting mix of documentary and comedy. Rich Kronfeld is part Sacha Baron Cohen, part Louis Theroux, making interviewees comfortable in-front of the camera and allowing truth to be funnier than fiction. There are elements of the film that are fictionalised but a lot of what you see about Kronfeld is true - he is interested in old technology and really does have a Captain Pike replica chair from classic "Star Trek".

The documentary provides an insight into the type of visitors that the Roswell conventions attract and this is a rich source of humour for the film. This is a film that's also tinged with an element of sadness - I was left with a mixture of emotions when the end credits rolled.

7 out of 10. Good but not great.
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One man's search for the truth
stompy29 July 2000
Produced and Edited by Roger Nygard Directed by Timothy B. Johnson Starring Richard Kronfeld and hundreds of other UFO Enthusiasts, including a rather large Joshua contingent.

Coming to Video and DVD in October 2000

Did you know that a UFO sighting occurs somewhere on the planet every three minutes? Hundreds of thousands of unexplained sightings have been reported all around the world, many of which were documented or photographed. 4 million Americans believe they have been abducted. 71% of Americans believe the government knows more than it is telling us about UFOs. Millions of people, including US President Jimmy Carter have claimed they've seen UFOs.

SIX DAYS IN ROSWELL is a documentary about the fanatic-like following that has sprung up around the many UFO sightings and the reported extra-terrestrial encounters. But specifically, the film is the story of one man's search for answers.

Richard Kronfeld lives in Minnesota and has dreamed for years of traveling to Roswell, New Mexico to research alien abductions, and maybe even contact an alien intelligence himself. All his friends have moved on and accomplished things in their lives, and Kronfeld sees this trip as a way for him to take action for once in his life. The cameras follow Kronfeld as he makes his pilgrimage to the shrine called Roswell.

Kronfeld and the film crew arrive in Roswell early the morning of July 1, 1997. Kronfeld's adventure begins with the simple task of finding a room. Unfortunately every hotel within a 50 mile radius is booked. Eventually Kronfeld locates a Roswell resident who agrees to rent out his motor home.

With lodging finally secured, Kronfeld sets out to find some answers. He asks people about their alien beliefs, their UFO sightings, their unexplained abductions, and how these things affect their lives. Kronfeld and the filmmakers speak with hundreds of people, including the famous and infamous figures in the UFO world.


Roger Nygard worked with Tim Johnson on TREKKIES, a documentary about the fans of "Star Trek." Nygard was directing TREKKIES in 1996 and needed somebody to shoot simultaneously at a convention he could not attend. Although Johnson had been shooting and producing industrial videos for ten years at Lifetouch Video Creations in Minneapolis, he had never picked up a film camera. Taking a chance, Tim bought a cheap, wind-up, Russian 16mm camera (a Krasnogorsk, costing about $350 new) and shot several rolls. The footage was terrific, and Nygard sent Johnson to cover other "Star Trek" events.

In January of 1997 as Nygard was nearing completion on TREKKIES, Johnson suggested they film the Roswell UFO Encounter, a celebration planned for the 50th Anniversary of the alleged crash of an alien space ship in 1947. Tim discovered the existence of the event through Richard Kronfeld, one of the featured interviewees in TREKKIES, whom Tim had filmed. In addition to being a Trek fan, Kronfeld is an avid UFO enthusiast, and he was planning to make the pilgrimage to Roswell, to the largest UFO convention in history.

Nygard's response to the idea was, "I'm sure there will be a lot of Trekkies in Roswell, but I'll bet that subject could be a whole film in itself." Johnson agreed, and set out to raise the money to finance the shoot. Johnson called all the rich people he knew (a total of three), pitched the idea, and raised just enough of a budget to cover the trip. With seed money in

place, Nygard raised enough additional funding to complete the film.

Every film needs a story, and the filmmakers hit on the idea of focusing the documentary on Richard Kronfeld and his trip to Roswell. "We created a back-story for Rich and his character, a character that is just a subdued exaggeration of who Rich really is," says Nygard. "I discovered in TREKKIES that people open up to you if they feel you are one of them." So the filmmakers set out to create a UFO enthusiast character for Rich, to give them a framework within which to draw out the maximum humor from their subject matter.

After the shoot, Nygard began assembling the footage, The story began to take shape in the form of chapters separated chronologically and thematically. To tie it all together, the filmmakers asked Kronfeld to narrate the film with journal passages. The result is the record of one man's hilarious journey in search of the unknown, and a journey in search of himself.
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Unusual U.F.O. encounter.....
merklekranz8 December 2008
Don't expect to have an enlightening experience regarding U.F.O.s or alien abductions. Do expect to meet a lot of "fringe players" who embrace extra-terrestrials. The flavor of a week long Roswell New Mexico party, celebrating a supposed U.F.O. crash fifty years ago, is humorously documented in "Six Days in Roswell". Obviously made with a lot of affection, this good time event, is both amusing and interesting. Almost everyone in this film believes the aliens are real, or really believes in making a buck off of them. If you don't think you will ever get to Roswell, then watching this movie will give you a pretty fair idea what you are missing, or perhaps not missing. - MERK
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This boy had a 55 gallon drum of dumb-ass poured over his pecker headed self at birth
helpless_dancer15 June 2001
The maker of this film is seriously in need of a padded room and a jacket with closed cuffs. What a dork. But no matter: this was a most excellent documentary which provided a wheel barrow full of laughs and grins. Mr. Kronfeld, a die hard UFO BELIEVER, journeys to Roswell, NM from his home in Minnesota for a 6 day tour of the famous alien crash site. Before leaving, at the insistence of his mom [he suffers from acute momism], he takes a crash course in firearms and martial arts training from a pair of Aryan Nation dropouts. This gave the me some of the best laughs in the entire production. Then it's off to New Mexico for Kronfeld and a group of like minded airheads. While there I watched Kronfeld waste several hundred dollars on junky trinkets, silly, poorly done museums, a way overpriced "room" in some geezer's motor home, and a vast amount of junk food. Also, the viewer is treated to one of the goofiest parades this side of Mars, and an even trashier, totally unprofessional UFO musical. There were many other bizarre events in this totally mesmerizing mess; go see it for yourself, I don't think you'll be disappointed.
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surprised me
zgembija28 January 2007
This film was one of the most interesting documentaries I've seen in years. I didn't really believed in aliens but I could never imagine the the hysteria around the whole thing.

Half of the people in Roswell (at least) don't believe in aliens either, they are in for the cash. Not blaming them.

The main character in this film is a mamma's boy never been outside Minnesota before. I laughed my brains out when he visited the rednecks.

I could really recommend this for everyone, you don't have to believe in aliens. There is a lots of humor and interesting facts.

The aliens may not landed in 1947 but something did happen and Uncle Sam is lying again.
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If you get the chance to see it, take it!
Freak-1023 February 2000
I was lucky enough to see this film at the Honolulu Film Festival. Having seen Trekkies already, I was prepared for another hilarious journey into a parallel universe that exists right here on our own world, and I wasn't disappointed. The only disappointment regarding this film is that it hasn't been released in a forum that the general public can see.

If you saw Trekkies and liked it, you'll have a blast watching this movie as well.
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This film is the best example of its own singular genre!
michaeldscruggs1 February 2019
Do you believe that extraterrestrial species have visited earth, and have abducted human beings for the purpose of unimaginable biological procedures? Well let me tell you this: I am 100% convinced that nobody will EVER read this review. I mean, 12 comments in 21 years? Give me a break! Nevertheless, I have a relationship with this movie. A long term one. I discovered this film when it was a fresh release, and have had a copy of it in my collection of obscure movies since then. I dust it off every other year or so now, But back in the day I played it repeatedly in the background as I sat in my shop making and fixing computers. Don't get me wrong, it's not the only movie I played over and over, but it was a contender for a while there as the most belabored disc in my oddball menagerie. From the first few minutes of this film I realized that I had found a real treasure. A poke in the eye of a segment of society that is quite accustomed to having it's eyes routinely prodded, offered with a look at the quintessential human desire to make a fast buck off the less wise members of our communities (Rubes). Awkward at times, but its lack of sophistication lends itself to forgiveness of its occasional inelegance. This film is stupid, pointless, and adds nothing to the annals of cinema in any manner. I wholly recommend it! 'nuff said.
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Quirky and good deadpan humor
lindleyz-700093 April 2021
It's definitely not for everyone, but I really enjoyed the style of humor. It poked fun at some of the more "interesting" folks that can be found in the good 'ol US of A. It was really quite an endearing portrait of kronfeld, his quirks and some of the other unique folks that share his interest in Aliens.
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I can't believe it is a documentary!
jorielle14 January 2001
For the whole time while I was watching it, I thought the movie was all made up and all the people were actors and actress. It was so hilarious. After the movie, I was told that it was a documentary! I still can't believe it! Especially love the UFO musical. Very cool. By the way, I visited Roswell two months ago and it was a very strange place. :)
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Watch It Quick
ledfoot4 April 2002
I just watched this on Discovery Travel And Adventure! Just had to look it up and register on imdb just to comment. Excellent viewing. It's a 5/5 for me. Loved the great parade scenes and that guy's landlord peeking in through the camper's windows to see what's on! Really well done and could have been a full feature film.

Wish I'd taped it to lend to friends!!!
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Good for people tired of regular movies
nkatngt15 September 2003
This was an interesting film. If you've ever had even the slightest interest in aliens you will enjoy it.

I loved how the guy kept loosing his sunglasses. The UFO haircut was crazy too. I can't believe the people in the restraunt laughed at him in the face. Its not like there weren't tons of other loonies around that were worse than him.

Anyways, check it out. You'll be glad you did.
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film's mediocre at Best
oscar-357 February 2013
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler/plot- Six Days in Roswell, 1998. A Star Trek fan-boy decides to leave his mother's home and travel to Roswell New Mexico on the July 4th weekend to investigate and document the town's anniversary celebration of it's famous 1940's alleged UFO & alien crash and cover-up.

*Special Stars- Rich Kronfeld.

*Theme- In the best of myths, the government is always to easy make the villain. When you have boring truthful facts and a colorful false legend, most people prefer the false legend.

*Trivia/location/goofs- Shot mostly in Roswell NM. Documnetnary or 'mock'umentary. The same documentary crew of this project was the same for previous mockumentary projects, Trekkies & Trekkies2. Mr. Kronfield was largely featured in the previous mockumentary, Trekkies, as a huge Star Trek fan and the builder/rider of the 'Captain Pike' futuristic electric wheelchair in events. The sunglasses used by the main on camera performer seem to disappear and re-appear despite his verbal comments that he has lost them on his trip.

*Emotion- I didn't want to give this project a chance because I didn't like the TWO previous film's editorial views of mocking the very subjects this video reports to wish to showcase neutrally in their films. This film started oddly with a strange cliqued' choice of film host for the camera adventure, a classic stereotyped 30-something adult Star Trek nerd male still living in his mother's house with no socialization/relationships outside his home and work, Rich Kronfeld. Ignoring the nerdy host and his constant ineptness in personal hygiene and daily organization, his coverage of the Roswell alien mania is extensive and illustrative of that town's total commercialism of the alien motif. Sure it's fun and has put this quiet ranch town into international interest. There is constant references to Investigation Clubs, Fact Libraries, and chartered Organizations for the preservation of the Roswell archives. I fear that if true investigation and facts are being sought in Roswell, it will never happen or be accomplished. Such incident facts are the Great Golden Goose for this town. Exposing that to the public will cause economic destruction. In fact, the US government has released several secret programs that were done in the area that debunk the wild alien UFO crash stories. The informative extensive government disclosures have been ignored and the charlatans/hucksters still have the public's ear and wallet. I found the film themes to be merely fun and shallow with little investigative effort involved. They showcased the mania and seems happy to leave the film's mediocre plot there. A shame.
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