Call of the Undead (2012) Poster

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Demented zombie fodder from Taiwan
Coventry8 April 2012
Do we really need yet another lousy, unmemorable, low-budgeted and gratuitously repulsive zombie movie? No, of course not. Do I gladly stand in line amidst dozens of other outraged horror fanatics when it's premiering at the Brussels Festival of Fantastic Films? Why, of course! Because even though you know from beforehand that you won't see anything new or innovating, and presumably that it'll even be a stupid and terrible film, there's something irresistible about watching zombie fodder at a festival's midnight screening. The only unusual but noteworthy elements about this "Zombie 108" are that it's a flick from Taiwan (usually the genre flicks come from Japan or South Korea) and that the contains a few illuminative – but sadly underdeveloped – ideas. Following the Tsunami and the subsequent nuclear disaster in Japan, (yes, that's how fast the horror industry exploits news dramas!) a deadly cloud full of radioactive chemicals comes flying over one of the most pauperized and crime-infested districts of the capital Taipei. People die but immediately resurrect as a flesh-craving monsters, the government places the area under quarantine and the continuously decreasing number of human survivors have to battle for their lives. There are two rather interesting subplots in "Zombie 108". A SWAT-team that was about to do a raid on a mafia night club are now forced to combine forces with the criminals against the zombies invaders. This results in a couple of amusing moments, particularly involving the 400lbs mafia leader. There's another intriguing – but mostly bizarre and unfathomable – subplot about a perverted serial killer/kidnapper (who replaces his own skin with cooked meat) who abuses the zombie mayhem to make even more victims. One would say, especially with positive aspects like these, that "Zombie 108" is an adequate horror effort, but unfortunately the wholesome is too chaotic, incoherent and amateurishly put together. The gore and make-up effects are nauseating, but laughably inept and cheap. The extremely young and over-enthusiast director Joe Chien (he was present at the festival to introduce his movie and barely looked twenty years old!) clearly doesn't grant any importance to tension or ominous atmosphere and goes straight for savagery, including loud heavy metal music and plentiful of scarcely dressed beauties in the supportive cast.
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The Raid meets The Walking Dead meets Texas Chainsaw
Leofwine_draca1 June 2013
There have been an increasing number of cheesy, low budget zombie films made in recent years, such as THE ZOMBIE DIARIES and APOCALYPSE OF THE DEAD, films which offer their own minuscule-priced takes on the classics but often falling down due to the poor expertise of the crew members making them. ZOMBIE 108 is no different, and in its defence it attempts to rip off not just one genre but instead three distinct ones, with generally poor effects.

Firstly, it's clear that somebody watched and enjoyed THE RAID before they made this, because half of the characters are SWAT team members whose long-running feud with some ugly gang members provides a backdrop to the zombie action. Then we have the zombies themselves, the usual bunch of shuffling, entrail-grabbing monsters, who always seem to appear in badly-edited montages. This effect may be utilised to hide the rubbish nature of the zombie makeup.

Finally, if that wasn't enough, writer/director Joe Chien throws in a flesh-masked pervert who keeps a dungeon full of chained naked girls and uses zombies to power his own electricity generator! The Texas CHAINSAW influence is clear, but it means that, tonally, the movie is all over the place, ranging from the ridiculous to the repulsive. One moment we're sitting through another hackneyed zombie attack and the next we're watching this slobbering rapist having his way with a naked and nubile young woman. It's pretty nasty.

Thankfully, the film is so poorly made that none of it means much, and even the sicker moments are amusing rather than disturbing. Joe Chien acts like an overactive child when directing, with his irritating jumpy editing and choice of death metal to irradiate the ears of sensitive viewers. The film is littered with amusing errors, like somebody turning into a zombie complete with decayed makeup in the space of two minutes, and more bad acting than you can shake a stick at. My favourite character is the black guy, a wannabe Parkour expert who does these little jumps over tables and the like in a bid to convince us of his athletic abilities; such moments are truly hilarious.

The novelty factor is that this is Taiwan's first zombie movie, but unfortunately it lacks any cultural awareness or difference to the bog-standard low grade horror film from any country on this earth: people running around aimlessly and doing very little. It's a bore.
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Its fun movie but...
gosam00126 November 2012
I love zombie movies, but it was hard to find good zombie movie from Asia. This one is good, but there is two thing which I want to share with you.

1-tipicle Chinese stile movie- mix of saw, rec, biohazard etc dressed up with new CG technique. No originality at for scenes.

2-subliminal anti japan propaganda- lot of money come from Chinese government so its normal, but lot of racism in Chinese language. I hate political indication in movies...

watch it if you like zombie movies, its good for spent 80min during weekend night(but don't spend money for rent)
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Believe the reviewer or face the movie......
Cosentinel11 September 2012
Warning: Spoilers
This has to be the worst movie i have ever seen...I logged in to IMDb after many years just to warn the viewers not to see this movie. The cops had airsoft equipment!!!! "Special effects" contained an octopus that tried to rape a woman... I am not a hater but the actors were at least funny. I couldn't stop the movie because i couldn't move with the stuff i was watching. Funny fact: On all action scenes the camera was cut in a way you couldn't see if the enemy was actually beaten up!!! Do a favor to yourself and don't watch this movie, i mean you can find a lot better movies on youtube instead of this stuff. Still you think its worth watching this? Good luck , you are gonna need it. 78 minutes of your life that you will never get back.
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Terrible film, terrible acting, lacking depth and generally poor
andyjcox24 March 2014
I find it had to see why anyone has rated this film as anything above terrible.

I love zombie movies (usually) and I also really enjoy movies from outside the UK, especially Hong Kong Cinema. However this film was such a let down I find it hard to put into words.

I will start with the acting which is some of the worst I have seen in any movie, even the Zombies are acted badly! Secondly The camera work is all over the place to the point that it makes the viewer feel dazed and loose concentration.

The story is poor taste and seems to just look for excuses for nudity. The film tries to shock and fails terribly. The whole film is patchy and seems to be really badly put together jumping from scene to scene often lacking in sense and direction.

My conclusion: Save an hour and a half of your life and skip this one.
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Some Graphic Sexual Violence
Uriah4325 December 2012
This is a movie that many people probably won't like for a variety of reasons. First, the movie I watched was filmed in Taiwan with English subtitles. Now, normally subtitles wouldn't necessarily be a problem for me. However, the pace of the movie was very fast and jumped from one subplot to another with several different characters. This caused some confusion for me at first but as the movie continued it started to make sense. Additionally, it has some graphic sexual violence which some people may find distasteful. Be that as it may, the film essentially starts off with headlines explaining a recent virus in a laboratory and then we hear a car crash. Inside the car is a man named "Frank" who has been killed in the accident and an attractive young woman named "Linda" (Yvonne Yao). Upon regaining consciousness, she realizes that her 3-year old daughter, "Chloe" is missing. So she walks into a deserted supermarket and encounters zombies. She manages to escape with her daughter and is picked up by a passing motorist (played by the director, Joe Chien) who turns out to be a pervert of the worst kind. From there the scenario abruptly changes to one where the cops are trying to seal off "District 108" and then to a nightclub where an obese gangster (played by Morris Rong) is indulging himself with cocaine and naked women. Since I don't want to divulge the entire story I'll just add that other than the sexual violence it wasn't that bad. Especially considering it was a low-budget production. It had plenty of action and that was good because it helped to conceal the below average acting of everyone (with the possible exception of Yvonne Yao). All in all then it was an interesting film that some "zombie enthusiasts" might want to check out one day.
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Zombies and Boops don't match
davewu2119 June 2013
Warning: Spoilers
To begin, I am pretty surprised by the number of topless scenes in the film. Hmm, in my humble opinion it didn't go too well with the zombies film.

The plot is shallow and lacked conviction. The zombies are turned in split seconds which is kind of fast, isn't it? The zombies make-up are sub standard. The speed the zombies are rotting, guess it wouldn't last a day; should see more skeletons instead.

I watched it in theater and I feel I didn't get my $$ worth. Kinda low budget production film.

Nevertheless, it's a good zombie start for Mandarin films. Hope it gets better on the next zombie film and no sequel please.

Wait for DVD, I would recommend.
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What a mess!
megoobee14 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
There's no way to ease into this review so I will come straight out and say that this movie is terrible. There is nothing vaguely resembling a cohesive story, the acting is atrocious, the special effects is laughable and there is no "horror" in this supposed horror movie. I am guessing the Director (and I use that term very loosely) is a Quentin Tarantino fan as he really tries to play up the over the top violence (and fails). He must also be a closet pervert, why else would he need to include the activities of a kidnapper/murderer/rapist/child killer character throughout the story? He is shown doing the kidnapping, killing, raping in graphic detail - thankfully though, the child killing is only discussed and not shown.

Perversions aside, there is no "bite" to the zombies. Instead of showing zombies attacking and biting and gnawing and chewing people, zombies are shown attacking and then the scenes are cut. Huh? Showing young girls being brutalized and raped is OK but zombies "doing their thing" is not? Clearly there is a problem here. What we are left with is aftermath shots of zombies pulling and eating sausages out of bodies. Great.

If you haven't seen this movie, don't. There is a far superior zombie program on television called "The Walking Dead" that I recommend for getting your zombie fix. I also strongly recommend to the Director of this horrible feature, Joe Chien to stop making zombie movies until he has studied "The Walking Dead" as well.
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mjchandler53907 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Usually zombie movies are great from the Orient but this one was really dumb. One female reporter was horrible and she got what she deserved. My advice dont waste your time.
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Atrocious: A Burning Pile of Zombie Crap
ikeybabe30 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
*Spoiler Alert* The trailer scene with the SOS created out of dead zombies drew me in and that bit of dark humor was the highlight. I had to weigh through ridiculousness to get to that ending. First, the voice over was horrific. The English could not have matched the actual script. Second, the "actors" doing the voice over weren't even trying to pretend to act. They were soulless voices reading a script that had to be made up to match the scenes. And the survivors included a mob boss, a hideous sadist serial killer and another serial killer. Really?! Everything about this movie was garbage. - a stinking heap of bile on fire. I love zombies movies, even the occasional bad one. They can be so bad their actually funny, but this one was just pitiful and stupidity and a waste.
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Move Over Wild Zero!
almar-622 July 2012
Calling all zombie fans!

This is a must-have! If you're a fan of films such as BIOZOMBIE, WILD ZERO and JUNK then this is just what you need.

Hell, if you like the gory trashiness of BRAINDEAD and THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD, you're going to love this. Taiwan's first ever zombie film, Zombie 108 proves to be a sleazy and over the top slice of undead fun. It's completely bonkers with some top notch bloody effects for all you gore hounds out there.

Well worth taking a look at.

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And now Taiwan is on the zombie world map...
paul_haakonsen2 August 2012
Well I must say that I was also riding along on the hype-wave about this being Taiwan's first zombie movie, so I had put up some big hopes and expectations for the movie, especially as I was really surprised by "Juan of the Dead" ("Juan de los Muertos") from Cuba. So these movies just go to prove that you don't need a massive backing up from Hollywood in order to make a good zombie movie.

And now having seen "Z108" I will say that I wasn't surprised, and I think that they actually managed to pull it off nicely enough. Sure there were some mistakes here and there, but in overall, I think that Joe Chein managed to make an impressive movie, so Taiwan can now be ticked off on the zombie world map.

The story in "Z108" is about a scientist who had discovered a new gene, but the gene caused unforeseen changes and mutations. With a couple of disasters striking his life, the material gets unleashed upon a part of Taipei, and we find ourselves along with a SWAT group, as they strike down upon the infected area. But in the middle of the chaos is a local gang, totally unaware of the chaos that is unfolding around them. The two groups, SWAT and gang members, have to unite and put aside their differences in order to overcome the common threat of the ravenous zombies.

Yeah, the storyline itself was fairly average for a zombie movie, and it wasn't really anything that you hadn't seen before in other movies of this genre. But still, it was entertaining enough.

The zombie make-up and effects were actually quite good, although it wasn't as gore-filled as some of the Western or Japanese zombie movies can be. But there was a decent enough amount of blood and mayhem, and I was kept entertained by it, though I could have wished for a bit more.

As for the acting, well I think that people were doing good enough jobs with their roles. It wasn't really anything outstanding or overly impressive, but it was above low-budget standards. And I wasn't familiar with anyone in the movie, as I haven't really had much chance to watch Taiwanese movies in general, so it was nice to see a movie with all new faces and not have any prior idea of their acting and previous characters associated with their faces.

There were a couple of things that didn't fall into my personal liking in this movie. The first was the speed of which people turned into zombies, it took less than a couple of minutes; but to make matters worse, then for some reason, newly deceased people that came back as zombies had decaying and mangled faces, even though prior to dying their faces were intact. That was just a tad too stupid. The second thing was the rip off of "Texas Chainsaw Massacre" with the human flesh-leathery facial mask that the 'pervert' was wearing, it was so unnecessary, and it really brought the movie down a bit in originality. And finally I wasn't overly impressed with the death metal music in the movie. Yeah, I listen to metal myself every day, and nothing much aside from metal, but the metal music in this movie was so misplaced and out of touch with the rest of the movie, plus it just wasn't that great to listen to anyway.

Aside from these small irritations, then "Z108" was actually a good movie in itself, and a well worthy addition to the DVD collection of any zombie aficionado. And for it being Taiwan's first zombie movie, then way to go! Thumbs up.
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nogodnomasters26 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
A new gene is invented, Gene Z108. The film opens in the middle of a zombie infestation as a woman searches for her daughter Choloe, only to be rescued by a pervert. The film then goes back 108 district 108. You are never taken back to the original scene, you have to figure out on your own when you have passed it. In this production, the zombies are fast foot draggers,

The police and criminals initially fight each other, but then come together. The film had some dark comedy moments as when the reporter sticks a mic in a woman's face and says, "You just lost your family. How do you feel?"

The film includes F-bombs, sex, rape, and nudity including a guy chaining up women for sex, making this an oddball Chinese zombie sexploitation film. Subtitles are used.
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An unnecessary off-putting subplot
amesmonde16 February 2015
As a virus sweeps the city, it falls into a bloody zombie- apocalypse and array citizens come together to survive the nightmare.

Yes we've seen it all before but what writer/director Joe Chien does have like his semi-side-quel Zombie Fight Club (2014) is a dark and ominous atmosphere.

Following the opening of a large abandoned metropolitan area where a woman wanders around and finds a mass of hungry zombies we are then presented with a flashback of how the city became deserted. Chien borrows from the best, which is a good thing but sadly Zombie 108 biggest slip up is an unnecessary off-putting subplot where a sordid pervert kidnaps women and traps them in his apartment. He keeps them locked up, tortures, rapes and murders them.

It's messy, chaotic, graphic and at times borderline incoherent in keeping with many Asian zombie outings. That said, it does have its eerie creepy moments, it's played serious and the zombies are well executed. However, you'd be excused if you skipped this mainly due to the distasteful secondary plot and went straight to Chien's more rounded Zombie Fight Club.
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Best Zombie Movie Ever... (that was made in Taiwan)
Dracolicious22 July 2013
Warning: Spoilers
Okay, I'm a big fan of Asian cinema and also a zombie movie fanatic. When i first watched the trailer I was anticipating what seemed to the first high budget Asian zombie movie.

I won't get into too much detail about all the misses that made no sense, I'll leave it up to the people out there brave enough to spend 2 hours of finding all the faults of the film.

What to expect? - A lot of A slash B cup boobies. If you caught a glimpse of the trailer, yes there are a few. - Not being able to tell the difference between the female characters since the camera doesn't focus on anyone's face for over 4 seconds. - Not knowing what is happening half the time because the scenes are cut all over the place. - Expect to not be shocked by sudden zombie attacks because of the poor editing. - Sound effects used in movies from the 80's. - Ethnic diversity is always a bonus, especially stereotyping the African American as the athletic jock that the Asians use to flip through all the zombies.

Yes, this movie is a disaster. But impressive for the budget that they had. Fundamentals and basics with camera, sound, editing are a mess. But must say, out of the 5 Asian zombie movies I have seen. This is hands down number 1. Imagine the quality of the rest.
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This is the worst movie I ever saw
hidder-6778215 October 2019
This is the worst movie I ever saw in my life . If you never see this movie , keep that way. If you ever see this movie , I'm sorry to hear that .
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Hotepsekhemwy3 January 2019
I am a fan of Zombie movies. I really enjoy a cheap, well done B Movie. But, this movie is really bad. The acting is poor, the zombies FX is poor, and the over all FX is poor. What to expect when watching this movie. In a nut shell it is a homemade zombie movie. Imagine if a bunch of friends decided to get a camcorder and make a homemade zombie movie. This movie would be the result.
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Best Thing About This Movie Actress Yvonne Yao
charlesctaylorjr7 August 2023
Please people stop disrespecting Texas Chainsaw Massacre and The Walking Dead. Dumb and Dumber meets Dumber and Dumberer meets Dumberer and Dumbist movie that has reached the known common sense movies that has been made on my short list of movies that I have watched so far in my life time.

The only thing good about this movie is the actress Yvonne Yao who I got to see for 1 hour and 23 minutes.

This movie is like Dumb and Dumber meets Dumber and Dumberer meets The Bleeding. The only thing that was good about the Bleeding Movie was the Actress Rachelle Leah and the 1967 Ford Mustang GT500bShelby Super Snake.
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Diehard Zombie fans will like it.
Pairic14 July 2019
Zombie108: A violent adult Zombie film, definitely not for the squeamish. Zombie virus outbreak in Taipei, police and army combat zombies but then come under attack from gang members. Theres even a serial killer who takes advantage of the situation. The film is somewhat confusing as the dialogue is in English, Mandarin and Japanese without subtitles but generally you can follow whats going on.

Diehard Zombie fans will like it.
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How Could They?
bemyfriend-401849 June 2021
How could they make another bad zombie movie. Totally predictable. Totally terrible. Just no.
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Police vs. Gangsterz vs. Zombies.
yeodawg16 September 2012
This was an awesome Asian Zombie movie. A Zombie plague has taken over and the TV warns everybody to evacuate the city. The Local gang-members don't watch the news, so when they see the cops storm-trooping down the street with full battle-rattle it's game on! And in the middle of the shoot-out here comes the un-dead. In the opening scene they borrow from 28days later, and Zombie land. The serial killer who does well in the zombie Apocalypse with his dungeon is from "COLLIN". "Big-Budget Zombie Film" film that borrowed from "Lil-budget Zombie Films". But borrowing is part of the Zombie Genre the problem is they didn't expand on it, and they had the money, casts, extras, and rolling sets to do so. I would've loved for the Cops to be in full Zombie elimination not Evacuate the city mode. The Cops and Gang-members join up to defeat the Zombies has been done to un-death (Horde, Gangs of the Dead, etc, etc,) it would've been nice instead of joining forces had they went there separate ways. Seeing how the discipline SWAT team moves against the Zombies, or a tactical peel retreat. And the Gangsters with their wild undisciplined strongest bravest style. Then see how both sides come to the realization that you have to shoot the Zombies in the head. In this film even the onslaught could have been choreographed better sprinkle them in then mob, all scenes were the same. Whether in the sewer, the slums, pent-house, or parking lot, all ill-used sets.
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Not terrible, but not great either, like a Chinese Resident Evil
user-855-3853374 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Intro begins with your typical scientific breakthrough news clips with opening credits. Now, before I continue, I should state that I watched this movie without English Subtitles, so I didn't get to follow much of the story, (the zombie outbreak is explained through Chinese characters), but after living in China for almost 4 years I understood some of what they were saying.

The first moment where you think "should I turn this off and just watch something else?" is minutes into the film, but stick through it. The woman is incredibly stupid, acting as if it's the first time she's seen zombies when it's clear the whole city of Taipei has been devastated by them. When her rescuer arrives, that's when you're left a bit intrigued.

The biggest problem I found was the sound. There are moments where you think "this scream metal music should be louder to accompany the action" but it's not and the kicks and punches sound like they were done using an old Casio Keyboard. And the human actors making zombie sounds is bad..."and you should feel bad"-Zoidberg

Sex plays a heavy part in this film. If you've ever watched apocalypse films and thought "If that were me, I'd be hording beautiful Asian woman and raping them on a daily basis" well then this films for you. In fact, I'm tempted to believe that the zombie apocalypse was just a front for the director to fulfill his life long dream of directing snuff films. I just watched "I Spit On Your Grave" and that film has nothing on this one. These scenes will give you that uncomfortable boner that you hope no one else watching with you will notice.

But...the action sequences fall flat. The jokes seems as if they were written 15 years ago (KEVIN SMITH REFERENCE????) and you don't really give a crap about who dies, in fact when they do die you barely notice since there's constantly new characters thrown in that I can't even remember what happened to Sniper Chick (a staple in China) or the little boy's Mama. There's a black guy in there who jumps around everywhere, even when he doesn't have to, but he's kind of likable.

I wasn't surprised at all that this film managed to find a Japanese villain, after all, it is a Chinese film, but those who have never lived in China wouldn't get it anyway, so it's a plus for me.

I'm left with some questions in the end though, as I'm sure those who watch it will have, such as WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DAUGHTER??? and Why did that guy become a RESIDENT EVIL BOSS FIGHT AND WHY DID THE OTHER ZOMBIES ATTACK HIM. In the end, it's just another zombie movie from a different perspective. I need to learn more Mandarin.

TL;DR Moderate budget Taiwanese zombie flick with a low budget minded)or (or experienced) film crew
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Solid and enjoyable zombie effort
kannibalcorpsegrinder3 March 2017
Following a viral outbreak in Taiwan, a woman and her daughter are forced along with a group of police officers and gangsters when a horde of zombies overruns the city and makes them have to rely on each other in order to survive the relentless and ravenous beings.

This was a highly enjoyable and fun zombie effort. As is the case with so many zombie efforts, the fact that there's so much action in here is one of its main factors and generates the most amount of fun here. The first encounter in the supermarket after awakening from the accident is so much fun as the different encounters with the swarms feasting on the remains of patrons and finding herself being chased out of the store makes for a creepy start with the appropriately gory and bloodied bodies found in the aisles adding to the fun. The scenes of the SWAT team getting attacked by the gangsters in a blazing gunfight before finding the zombies drawn to the gunfire and attacking the two groups in a mass panic, while the shorter attacks featuring the reporter being chased away or the zombies appearing in the club where the tied-up victims are stuck together all give this one quite the fun, fast and frantic start. By focusing on the efforts of the team to not only battle the zombies in the streets and keeping the civilians safe, there's plenty of great battles and gunfights in a large part of the film showing everyone attempting to get away from the creatures which gives off some rather fun scenes in the streets showing the survivors running into the hordes and forcing them into extreme measures to take care and avoid them, the plethora of gunfights to emerge from the creatures getting in and the groups' escape attempt to get out of the bunker alive as there's a nice battle to get to the truck amid the zombies converging on them trying to load the victims inside while the hand-to-hand martial arts required to hold them off adds another layer to the fun action quotient of this one. Likewise, the finale where the few remaining participants are trying to stay alive in the bunker where the creatures have trapped them and force them to rather fun barricades to hold off the zombies as they try to make their escapes gives this a kind of frantic high-energy finale to make for a stellar finish to this one. Along with the rather strong violence throughout here and the great zombie make-up, there's a lot of fun to be had here with this one although there are a few minor problems. The biggest issue here is the fact that the films' diversions into the torture dungeon where the one man has the others tied up and goes on raping them doesn't really need to be there other than to interject some sleaze and dirtiness into the film which didn't need it. They serve no purpose and have no overall reason to be there so it has some real problems being here. The only other issue is the film tries to go for poignancy in nearly all the relationships between everyone here and the melodramatic tone is quite draining overall since very little of it registers after it's all said and done as everything is like that. Otherwise, there's not much else wrong here.

Rated Unrated/R: Extreme Graphic Violence, Extreme Graphic Language, Full Nudity, Rape and children-in-jeopardy.
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7/10 for the dub making it unintentionally hilarious
mtaeger3 September 2022
"Chloe" for like 10 minutes on a looping dub track. This movie is nothing but awful. It's has boobs... Lots and lots of boobs. The dialogue it's brain meltingly dumb. I can't help but think this would be better subbed but that may be because I wouldnt be able to tell just how dumb people sound due to the language barrier. ADR is all over the place, audio mixing is non existent. A low budget movie no matter the country it's in can work if the effort was put in. No effort, besides financial effort, was put into this movie. Apparently it had a name change or two. Obviously to capitalize on COD Zombies. But this is a movie, not a game, and I don't believe too many people would be tricked into thinking they adapted COD Zombies into a movie.
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