Hope Lost (2015) Poster


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Arduously slow, depressingly dark and frankly might be too tortuous to watch
quincytheodore19 June 2015
You can't fault Hope Lost for not delivering the title. This is not an action or investigation movie, both elements are present here but in very minute scale. Hope Lost is a depiction of human trafficking and sex slavery down to its gritty nature. While I don't object the dark tone in the genre and the film does have a couple of refined moments, for the most parts it's a string of cruel acts towards frail ladies and this is definitely not for everyone.

Sofia (Francesca Agostini) is a young woman who is promised fame and job by a stranger, as one might expect this is a bait to lure her into forced prostitution. Almost the entire movie is her struggle, meeting with violent mogul, dubious clients and another of the same fate. For what it's worth Francesca Agostini has performed admirably. Her portrayal of damsel in distress and overall material make it very easy to sympathize with her ordeal.

The rest of cast is mainstay of action movie such as Michael Madsen and Danny Trejo. It's admittedly awkward seeing them in such heavy theme, for those expecting over-the-top gunslinging action, there's little to none here. Pacing is rather slow, with large portion of the film spent of twisted deeds. It's not much of detective work either, it may look like noir flick but it provides no in-depth thriller aspect. The film simply portrays the heinous nature of the crime, abundantly so.

With tons of malicious scenes, it's really hard to digest. A few of these are realistically authentic, resembling the works of documentary channel, yet it often strays to pointless violence with repetitive torture. It may want to deliver a strong message, although it's hard to see the film be accessible to casual viewer or even fans of action or crime genre.

The good acting and sense of realism might earn merit, but with such horrendous displays of cruelty, Hope Lost is clearly not for casual consumption.
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Potential Lost
giselleszabo27 May 2017
This was almost a really good movie, and then I'm not sure what happened. I wish they had just kept it a trafficking movie instead of trying to make it about snuff films out of nowhere. Mischa Barton could have been such a strong character, but it's like they didn't let her. The story began to feel false after the abortion foolery scene, and went downhill thereafter... still kinda liked it, but that's probably because I had such low expectations, I saw it's rating beforehand, and also I liked the very end.
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If you want dark, sadistically realistic, and drag-you-down, this is your movie
wild118016 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
I feel first ripped off by the plot description of the front page of IMDb for this movie. Can someone PLEASE fix it??? The first several words are true, but... what the hell? There are no wishes, magic lamps, etc. OK, I was sucked in and trashed thoroughly. Congratulations.

There's forced prostitution, sex, nudity, and even lesbian themes, but there's also blood, violence, sadism, and darkest hopelessness.

I give this one 3 stars only because it keeps your attention and the acting isn't the worst ever. Otherwise, I came out of watching this a little more depressed and filthy-feeling.

Get over your self-congratulations for "emulating" real life, Hollywood. MOST of the time I go to see a movie to feel better coming out. Make me laugh, give me hope, have me cheering... for something or someone (other than a quick death for the supposedly main characters!).
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Worth the effort of a negative review..
Morhawkee18 June 2015
Sorry, to all involved and to those who like me, decided to watch this till the end.

Micheal, what the eff dude! Mischa, what the eff? Why?!?!

Anyway, I turned it off at the abortion scene, and for an awful reason decided to continue watching it. Nope. Nothing more to see.

I can appreciate the artistic nature of all film, especially this one, but dude... I don't know man. I don't know.

Mindboggling. How it started, and where it went, and how it ended, are you trying to depict real life? Well real life doesn't blend well with classic movie twists. Pick one. Argh!! Dude, I'm actually upset at the makers of this thing now. The more I think about it, the more I want to punch something.
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m_lecarre18 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I cannot understand why or how anyone would give this movie a rating above one. It's a movie that I'd perhaps expect to be asked to watch if I were taking a degree in clinical psychology or had any interest in the workings of a psychopathic mind, which I do not. Dark not noir-dark, just dark and depressing. I don't particularly seek out stories that help me maintain a rose-colored outlook on humanity, but neither do I seek out movies that portray only the darker side of a certain type of life that surely exists but thankfully one that I don't have to embrace in any way. There was not a single character in this movie that one could either sympathize or empathize with in any way whatsoever and that doesn't make for an interesting or engaging movie. Sewers and sewer rats exist, psychotic people exist, sick lives are lived, but why make a movie about any of that? I watched the movie based upon another review which was very positive and I see that the review has a lot of likes - all I can say is that's sad. Basically a very disturbing and sick story which, although well-acted, will very quickly be forgotten. It's like a garishly over-the-top remake of a low budget 1950's or 1960's Italian B 'horror' movie but takes itself seriously. Times and tastes change but not always for the better; we went from 'The Hills Are Alive . . .' (hum the rest - it's okay) to 'The Hills Have Eyes' - into this kind of social cesspool movie. I always try to find some redeeming quality in any movie I watch but in this case I can't say anything good about it.
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Unredeemed Violent Porn
alanaronald26 May 2018
This film should be trashed, as it's trash.

On the pretext of "exposing" human sex trafficking, we are given a blow-by-blow litany of degrading images of sadism.

Michael Madsen and Mischa Barton must be either desperate, desensitized and swimming in a spiritless artistic swamp or deranged. Maybe all three.

What a terrible reflection on our society that this is portrayed as "entertainment". Shameful.
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Worse film I have ever seen.
perrycurtis29 June 2015
Warning: Spoilers
This is so bad its almost funny.

It has no story and involves someone being anally raped for no reason thats clear at all just for the sake of it. Mischa Barton has the funniest accent, she keeps slipping from Irish to Romanian to American. There is no explanation why there is not a single Italian in the whole film even though it is set in Rome.The fact Michael Madsen is in the film says a lot and is usually warning enough but its almost worth watching just to see how bad film making can be, I feel like its worth watching just for an understanding of how bad it can get. Violence for absolutely no reason, no back story in anyway. The person who gave this 8 stars must work for the production company.

I am astounded how anyone could even watch this and please use this as a warning, do not waste any of your life on this.
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Terrible concept and terrible acting! 1/10
leonblackwood21 April 2016
Review: I thought I would give this movie a chance, because I haven't seen a film with Michael Madsen for ages, and I can totally understand why! I won't blame him for this badly written "straight to DVD" movie, because his weird but wonderful acting skills were OK but it really seemed like everyone wasn't fully committed to the project. Its basically about a woman who goes away with a popular director, leaving her kid behind, to translate for him but the director ends up taking her to a prostitutes den, so she can work for a brutal pimp, played by Michael Madsen. As the director owes Madsen money, she has to work the debt off, against her own will, and she tries to escape but Madsen's henchmen always stop her in her tracks. They then try to use her in a snuff movie but she takes matters into her own hands and tries to escape from the disturbed weirdos. The acting is quite poor from the whole cast and the ending just didn't make any sense, whatsoever. Not that I was bothered! Madsen has really hit rock bottom and I doubt that a good Taratino movie will bring him out of this slump. Disappointing!

Round-Up: This movie was directed by David Patricia, 37, whose previous movies, have all been for an Italian audience. I don't really know what the moral of this storyline was, or what point he was trying to get across, so it just seemed like a waste of time, in my opinion. The lady who ended up in those terrible circumstances, just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time and the graphic scenes just showed how sick and perverted those individuals were. Anyway, I think you can tell that I didn't really warm to this movie, so it has to get the thumbs down from me.

I recommend this movie to people who are into their drama/thrillers starring Danny Trejo, Michael Madsen, Daniel Baldwin and Mischa Barton. 1/10
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Somewhere in the Middle for me
viridel18 June 2015
With one overwhelmingly positive and overwhelmingly negative review on the books, I will take the middle ground on this polarizing film - much like the * ratings so far, there is very little consistency. As the 1-Star reviewer indicated, there is very little positive in this movie. Where I disagree with them is that the world isn't all sunshine and lollipops - therefore why should our cinema? Hostel and Saw are in no way pleasant movies, yet are highly regarded in their genre.

While calling this "entertainment" is an extremely debatable and subjective, the fact is that the movie accomplishes what it sets out to achieve. I don't know the reality of what's in here - which makes me quite happy (sometimes ignorance is indeed bliss) - but it's portrayed in an extremely viable way, with acting that is quite strong, and actually far above expectations given the B-list lineup. And in all fairness, there are many things this movie could have done to push the torture-porn boundary, but it is really quite scaled back with more effort paid to character and motivation.

While certainly not a masterpiece in any sense of the word, but if you're a fan of the genre, it is a quality addition to the group. If you're not, then simply avoid.
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jql_longhurst3 September 2020
Watching a bunch of bored, coked up Hollywood B listers pretend to act their way through such an appalling 90 minutes, left me speechless. The writer should have been shot at dawn. The leading women in the 'movie' did a better job than the men, but they had more to play with. You have to believe laundered Naples money fronted this disaster.
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Just WOW!!!
wishmaster_bs19 March 2015
Honestly, first I think HOPE LOST is another cheap flick with some B-Movie Stars (You know: Danny Trejo and Michael Madsen). But the surprise was big, very BIG, when I realize that HOPE LOST is far away from a cheap flick. In fact HOPE LOST is pretty good and delivers more as just sex and violence. From the beginning to the very bloody end tells the movie a good story and delivers some very deep and believable emotions. Main actress Francesca Agostini is great as Sofia, but the real show stealer is Alessia Navarro as a female client of Sofia with a war background – her strong performance is just WOW!!! And the stars? Everyone of the famous faces delivers also a good performance: Mischa Barton is very strong, Michael Madsen is very evil, Daniel Baldwin is very sadistic and Danny Trejo is very frighting. HOPE LOST is truly a great movie – highly recommended and so much better as many other movies out there!!!
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Real Life Depiction
urbanintellectual342 August 2020
I realize that people still think film is primarily for entertainment, when rather much of the "fiction" is art depicting life directly from the conscience of those creating the film. So if the goal is to walk away from the film satisfied that you will be thoroughly entertained, you will indeed be disappointed.

Some of the reviews stated there were "violent scenes for no reason." The suffering instituted by human trafficking was depicted in all it's horrific and pointless tragedy. Snuff films are not urban myths.

The average human psyche cannot conceive of the evils done in the dark. The film, whether glorifying it for those initiated in the knowledge, or raising awareness of how women, men, and children are brutally lured, kidnapped, and enslaved probably does both. That's the dialect here.

I'm still about the execution of well-developed screenplays and fluid storylines, so 6 stars was a fair assessment. The actors portray their roles as they are understood to operate in the trafficking system as of 2015. Check. Snuff films, still found on the dark web. Check. Acting was sufficient to help the audience open or keep their eyes wide shut to the darkness of the world. Given this was released again for 2020, I suspect it is about raising awareness to what I hope is an end to this Satanic system of torture and enslavement of humanity.
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Hope lost, for the much better film you expect
videorama-759-85939112 June 2017
I could pass a test of predictability with full marks on this film, and this is what this film does, walks that path, it's set. Because with these lure pretty girl/comes sex slave movies, we've seen it all before. I was disappointed big with this one, after first seeing the preview, with some hard to stomach themes. It's the last half hour (the snuff part, and those piggy masks are scary, you'll be having a Hostel moment) that's gets disturbing and really intense, with two surprisingly good jolt moments. This is another story about a beautiful Romanian girl, (Agostini, a black haired beauty that shines in the role, she's very good) fed up with her small town existence, looking for a more exciting life of fame and glamour, sold short of her promises, where a more real interminable hell quickly ensues at the hands of some pimps and sadist pornographers, one at the start in disturbing contrast, the real suave, normal Russian producer guy. The poor girls, end up on a death ride, into Snuffland. It's terrible watching all these good actors, reduced or resorting to this bad material. They're (a now beefy Madsen, Trejo, and Daniel Baldwin at his sickest, not bad though, + others) such a bunch of perverted scumbags, all here for show, you just want to shoot or make really suffer. I'm going with the latter. You'll be happy how one, the young raping guy, gets it, another unfortunately getting away. Misha Barton (God, this was that little girl in Notting Hill) an older more experienced and strung out pro, who befriends, Agostino, was very good. I can't see how people are rubbishing her, as I thought the accent was very convincing. The actors all do a good job, but Barton and to a lesser extent, Baldwin were the two that stood out. A little bit of sick violence, left in the aftermath, but Hope Lost really came off with amateurish moments, and kind of dulled for a bit or more correctly, cliché'd and dropped pace after the twenty minute mark. Like the 1999 thrill shocker 8MM, much better, or to a smaller extent, Taken, this film again, serves as a reminder, about that big dangerous trap out there, awaiting wannabe starlets who just take off for fame, some who are sadly never seen again. And you're probably wondering about the fates of the girls in these. Again, I was sold short, as I really wanted the end of the film, like the rest of it, to live up to it's title. A kind of spin of originality, was the suss lesbian combat trained customer, Agostino picks up, who becomes the hero and the girl's savior, that first sex scene in the car, I couldn't believe I was witness too. To see the careers of actors, like Madsen, and hauntingly Barton's, to sink to these B movie levels, it is bloody sad. I mean Michael, Skin Traffik, now this. Where did we wrong Mr Blonde? On the a whole, a disappointing, messy, 8MMetre'ish film, that could of been much better if more thought was poured into the project, as seeing the last 25 minutes is higher platform with nerve shredding suspense, and intensity. How sad.
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samsungjosh2 July 2019
This was horrible movie. Unbelievably horrible movie.
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Mischa how far have you fallen?
kosmasp16 September 2015
If she answers I hope she does so in her regular voice. Her Romanian accent thing is not really working. Thankfully she is not the main star of this movie, though she might feel different about that. And only adds to the downfall she has taken. We are used to Danny Trejo playing in anything (and I'm not blaming him), even Michael Madsen, though he is a special case and only seems to "work" under Tarantino (no pun intended of course).

The theme the movie has is a real problem, but the way it gets handled is poor to say the least. There are worse movies out there of course and there is a couple of neat moments this has, even though we never actually get into the head of the characters
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There is no hope for this movie...
djohnba11 July 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The movie overall was interesting enough to watch the entire time. The acting was superb, but the storyline is depressing. This review contains **spoilers.

This movie is about sex trafficking and the sexual exploitation of women which is a serious issue that should be addressed in cinematic media. The title captures the essence of the despicable and deplorable outcome of sexual exploitation.

The movie provided with a few moments of hope in which the main character seemed to have found someone who was willing to rescue her, but those were just twists in the movie to keep you clinging onto hope.

As the movie comes to an end, you may likely become upset, disappointed, or depressed with the climatic ending. I give the movie a 5 because it was entertaining, but left you thinking that the movie was just flat out horrible due to the storyline, but not the acting.
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clumsy directing, thrilled story
phuketboy3 November 2018
Best human trafficking theme movie is "human trafficking (2005)"

this is so B revel movie but story line is good.
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Yeah, this film had zero hope.
knifemagnet28 June 2021
Seriously, I can't find anything to like in this. OK, the scene with the guy in the RV was alright. Outside of that this film is just vacant. The writing, the acting, the music, the try-hard attempt to be "shocking". But to be honest I went into this with zero hope so it delivered. I needed something to eat up some time and part of me wishes I just stared at the ceiling instead.
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NOT for the faint of heart; accurately mirrors life in these sewers...
vibrationsofdoom11 May 2022
First off, I gotta say: the actresses here are definitely lookers. But you end up feeling for them to a degree... This is definitely, as the movie says, NOT for the faint of heart. Rape scenes, torture, and even the somewhat shocking twists in the middle and near the end of the movie. Suffice it to say, without revealing anything, much of what happens in this world is hard to overcome. There are no bona-fide "heroes" to swoop in and save the day. There are no truly "awful" villains here either; some of the main characters are in between due to their circumstances... I DO have to say that it's not your tragic times turned happy ending you're looking for. The actress playing Sofia definitely pulls off that scared and naive role, until the end. Most of the crude torture and action comes at the action packed last 10 minutes, but there are moments in the film where some other surprises take place.

It's definitely a dark tale, VERY dark. I must say it's hard to watch a lot of this, and it reminds me of Independence Day where you keep waiting for a "miracle," a promise of salvation and it rarely comes... Even the ending won't wrap everything up in a neat little bow for you... Be forewarned...

Overall, it's not a bad movie... Danny Trejo doesn't really have a lot to do here other than act as hired muscle, but it is good to see his character have other traits than "be the tough muscle." The "bad guys" were drugged out and had weird torture/porn/sexual fantasies... It gets twisted folks...
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nogodnomasters19 June 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Sophia (Francesca Agostini) hoping to be a film star travels to Rome where she is forced to work for Manol (Michael Madsen) a pimp. She becomes one of Rome's Campfire Girls. The story then turns weird at the end.

This is one of the worst films I have seen with Madsen and Trejo. The plot went nowhere. The film is mostly shot at night with Sophia being tested and confronting a number of fetishes. The dialogue wasn't great .

Guide: F-bomb, sex, rape, minimum nudity, mostly from the back although I understand there may be versions with more nudity.
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Goose Bumps from the Music...
Katy_Scary13 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
The opening song is Son of Man by About Wayne. I have not heard a great tune like this since early Tool on N.I.N.

I was immediately engaged by the young Sofia (Francesca Agostini) listening to great music while working in a nasty factory.

The Best Line in the movie was from her adorable brother, "How could I live without you?" but it sounds better in his language with the accent.

The beginning of this movie was great. I was on the fence when Michael Madsen's character started speaking but the movie continued to come back around and I was pleasantly surprised by the overall story.

Mischa, Mischa, Mischa.... *sigh* I have always like Barton's acting skills. Barton was better than average in this movie but she needed some work on her accent. I'm still a fan.

I think they were playing Mozart at the end and it was simultaneously inappropriate and perfect.

I will always love this film for introducing me to the Music Artist About Wayne.
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Viva Eurotrash!
daniel-mannouch14 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The film is a tasteless depiction of sex trafficking and no good as a drama. As an exploitation piece, it's lacking in spectacle and the pacing drags. But the cinematography is quite good, not all performances are cringe and some quirky characters appear, though they are just outlines. It's not terrible, but i can't recommend it.
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Hard to tell...
pendenquejohn22 December 2016
This is a very hard movie to comment on. I would say for a first that some of the acting was particularly bad. This was particularly visible with the guys responsible for making slaves out of the prostitutes.

I would not say that the movie was entirely badly produced but definitively, some part of the scenario did not make any sense whatsoever. Seems like the writers had a very difficult time making the whole thing evolve from the endless circle the girls were going through at the start.

Though the movie relates to some of the very difficult things one can find in the world of prostitution, I really have the admit that it was really difficult and painful to watch. For most part, the film is dark and gloomy with very few glimpses of hope. I would have to guess that this is the brutal reality through which many girls go through.

I guess this genre of movie has its kind of public but I would have to base my opinion on the latter and because of that could not enjoy the whole thing that much.
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A waste of time
stevelivesey679 August 2022
I would say a waste of talent but for Micha Barton, Michael Madsen and Adam Baldwin, the !talent' left a long time ago.

It's dreary in every way. Incompetent in it's moviemaking chops and the ending will leave you thinking WTF. Avoid.
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What happened?
willohmsford31 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Not a whole lot happening in this. I expected more plot. Plus it just leaves you hanging at the end. Do they get away? What happened to the bad guy? Is the brother safe?
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