
14 Reviews
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Pulp Fiction (1994)
All over the place!
15 December 2016
Vengeance and violent justice are really the premise of this story. Or rather, the FOUR stories intertwined in this film. This film really marked the 1990s as a special decade for US film. The film, and its intertwined stories, go back and forth, bounce between each other for a while, then crescendo into an explosion of violence and justice perhaps, towards the end. We even had a hit-man go clean and profess that he will be a holy monk and wander the earth in peace! The filming techniques are camera use are incredible, and the casting made careers for younger actors (and revived a few, for older ones!). it is my understanding that Tarrantino's editor for Pulp, is the same woman he has used in every film since!
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A Gem
15 December 2016
Butch Cassidy is an all-around excellent film! Obviously, the casting was perfect, and Redford and Newman really played off each other well. The narrative alone, is just a great story in itself, as we're kind of exploring what American legend tells us was a sort of Robin Hood of the wild West. The cinematography is great throughout, and there are many nice wide, and long shots taken to capture some of the rustic and wild lands of the US Rocky Mountain region. Also, there are some awesome color schemes at the beginning and end of the film that capture the rustic feel for the times and places the adventure goes to. Additionally, there is a great soundtrack and original musical score to go along with the movie.
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Taxi Driver (1976)
Tough story to get though, but a great film
15 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
It has been fun watching this movie for the forth or fifth time. I tend to find new things every time I see it again. DeNiro truly captures the nuances of a troubled soul, and I;m sure he did some painstaking research on the subject with the crew and director. There was no spectacular camera work done, as far as I'm concerned, but it's okay because the narrative and characters just keep the film going on their own. There are obviously some disturbing subject matters covered in this story, and that's part of the drive in getting you, the viewer, to have perhaps some empathy for the taxi driver played by DeNiro. I'm sure it's funny for many millennials to see old footage of NYC. Far cry from the gentrified state it is in now. The entire cast was incredible, and one really starts to feel bad for DeNiro throughout the film. I will always recommend this film to others.
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Patton (1970)
Streaming, try it now!
15 December 2016
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Music by Jerry Goldsmith? It will be awesome! As suggested in film class, this is a war movie, but shouldn't be taken that way if you're seeing this film for the first time. George C Scott is incredible throughout the film, and as Patton was a bugger and a pain to so many people around his circle, you really start to fall on his side of the argument when you see the portrayal by Scott. There are actually some decent battle scenes, but that's not what the film was made to show, and it's not what Schaffer was looking to exploit for the narrative. the aspect ratio was enormous! I cant imagine the lenses used for this film, and there are some great wide-angle shots of North Africa and European country sides that are phenomenal. As mentioned in the first line, the music by Goldsmith is stellar, and I wonder if Jerry Goldsmith can take fair to bad movies and just make them great with his original scores!
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Mary Poppins (1964)
Is J Andrews this pretentious in real life? Discuss:
15 December 2016
All joking aside from my summery, Julie was adorable in this film. I do NOT have a stomach for musicals (in film or on-stage), and nonetheless agreed to watch one for film class with Prof Bill. There are some catchy show-tunes, and my sons actually want to see if there's a CD out there somewhere with all the tunes on it for the car rides! In short, Mary Poppins is a magical nanny that uses her skills in home- keeping, song, dance, and a little white-magic to help rear some young, rich kids that seek a better relationship with their father. There are some AWESOME sets and sound stages designed for the movie. And some really talented actors, that Walt Disney was all over to get on this production. Dick Van Dyke is fun, but he looked and sounded more like a stoned Australian than a cockney fellow that sweeps chimneys. On a technical aspect, there are some great flying/floating scenes that I'm sure were unmatched for their time. One of my fave tech scenes was the magical staircase that was made out of London smog and soot, so the kids and gang could look out over the city.
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Dreadfully Dry =[
15 December 2016
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I am so sad to say this, as I loved the book so very much, but I've had a hard time getting through this movie. I watched it again for film class, in what is probably my third or forth time, and I just find it way too dry for my liking. Gregory Peck, as in all things, is phenomenal. Nonetheless, he carries the film all by himself. The camera work is good, and there are some notable scenes where it's put to good use for effects of suspense, intrigue and sadness. One of my favorite scenes is the opening sequence! I love all the old toys and trinkets that came out of the junk-drawer! It feels like a damn long movie that just cant get off the ground, and I wish we could get Mr Peck back, and do it all over again, with better editing, better actors, and perhaps an original score to really draw in the audience! =[ Sorry all, if this offends anyone.
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Citizen Kane (1941)
Incredible Camera Work
15 December 2016
The talent that went into this film is astounding. One wonders if the movie-makers involved in this picture had some, or any idea, as to the impact of this visionary film would bring to the world. The cinematography is stunning. It is hard to comprehend how many takes they did, so as just to get the scene perfect for film and editing. Another facet to the film is its ability to smoothly transition through flashbacks and what would otherwise be confusing story-order. It is quite easy to follow. Lastly, the narrative is a fun piece on the unashamed, pig-headed determination so of humankind go through, only to topple off from what is often their own doing. it really needs to be watched two or three times, to appreciate the acting, photography and craft that went into making this epic.
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Baby Face (1933)
15 December 2016
First off, I loved learning that this was originally a Vitaphione film, while those were still (barely) used by 1933. As we learned on the early technologies of film sound/audio, it was fun to realize this was one of those rare films that implemented the Vitaphone technology. So, if you have a bit of a crush on Barbara Stanwyck, you might get your guts ripped out from this film, because she is areal floozy, and quite the bedroom-cash-register -- all just to get her way with men. Her character of Lily, is a real rotten soul - but it's a fun movie to get through, to see how it progresses. She basically sleeps her way to success and wealth, from the lowliest bars/speakeasies, and all the way up to the top management of a bank. Sadly, Stanwyck's younger years as kid and teen weren't too far off from this portrayal, sans the prostitution. She grew-up rough, so I'm certain she was comfortable and at least knowledgeable enough to take on this role.
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Campy. Let it run in the background & have your xmas party
8 December 2016
There was probably no sweeter human to come out of 1950s Hollywood than Danny Kaye. And he put all his skills to use in this film along side Bing Crosby and Co. Never the less, it was still tough to get through. The neat thing is, is that I got to see it in an actual movie theater, as meant to be, I suppose. It's really a campy story - and if I'd been a studio Exec in 1953, and heard the Pitch, Synopsis and Scenario, I would not have green-lighted it at all! ha.

Basically, a song-n-dance duo (Kaye/Crosby) meet two lovely sister who kinda do the same. Said sisters travel to VT for a gig, and the boys follow them all the way. Olny to get there and find out, that an old commanding general of theirs from WWII own the lodge where gig was at, and learn that the old man is in debt and about to lose everything. The two song-n-dance duos (with lots of lovin' and flirting in between) orchestrate a way to save the old fellow, and have a Merry Christmas together.

Look for it on streaming services, but don't bother buying it. Let in run in the background at your family/friends xmas party, and everyone will enjoy the music!
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Fair, for me not being a Fonda fan
7 December 2016
Warning: Spoilers
This John Ford epic takes into account the ten or so years of Abraham Lincoln's life before he became president. As per most thing given artistic license, there is some fiction as to real-life instances and occurrences in Lincoln's life. Nonetheless, things like this happen even today -- not just in John Ford movies of independence, self- reliance and fortitude. The Fonda portrayal is neither sincere or convincing, for me. Nonetheless, fan-boys and girls worldwide loved his performance in this film. If you're a real history buff, or simply want to see a great film on Lincoln after having studied on the president, I recommend instead "Abe Lincoln in Illinois" (1940). I understand John Ford's motive and philosophy on American independence, but I'd rather be force-fed the national anthem and pledge of allegiance over the radio in my car than watch this movie again.
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Film Lovers Study This Movie
7 December 2016
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This is by far my favorite American film noirs of the 30s/40s. And kind of light on the "noir" aspect at that, as agreed my many. But in narrative and style, it is definitely dark. Based off of a Dashiell Hammett short-story, this is the account of a surly private-eye, who stumbles onto circumstance and characters he really doesn't need in his life. The camera use, lighting (and lack thereof) are all supremely done in this film. Sydney Greenstreet is forever evil this story, and makes his "Ferrari" character in Casablanca look like a small-time street thug. There are really no characters with redeeming qualities in this film. For a while you might think Spade's secretary is above the scam, but in the narrative, she really ends up getting in on the action and following the boss's orders. Peter Lorre, like Greenstreet, is evil, too, and like many of his rolls as an unsavory type, you still might find yourself cheering him on. You will find new elements in the film each time you watch it, and if you're a real buff for the hard- boiled pulp of the era, watch it soon for your first time, then start it all over again, and identify what you missed the first time!
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Good film; a tad long =[
7 December 2016
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AAOL is based off the play by the same name. It centers around the comic life of two, young newly-weds who are getting ready to go on their honeymoon! The gentleman, played by Cary Grant, was reared and has been living with his two eccentric aunties and relative Ted for some time now. Soon to leave for his honeymoon, he is aghast to learn that there is a corpse of a dead man in the dais of their sun-window in the front parlor. Assuming that his demented (but sweet) relative Ted did the dastardly deed himself (after all, Ted thinks he's Teddy Roosevelt!), Grant learns that his aunties did this murder, and have been doing it for many years. All is Okay though, because the sweet ladies are killing these aged old men off for charity, so that they don't live too long in aged agony! Add to the farce, there are eleven more bodies buried in the basement, and Ted buries them thinking they are simply victims of Yellow Fever from digging the Panama Canal.
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King Kong (1933)
Ineradicable talent made this movie the best iteration of KK
7 December 2016
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This film relays the tale of some very ambitious explorers and adventurers that leads them to a climax that they could not have even fathomed. The characters range from surly explorers seeking fortune and conquest, to ravenous natives determined to protect their home and tradition. Also, a damsel in distress played by Fae Ray, who builds an endearing tenderness for the story's name sake. I've seen this movie at least ten times since childhood, and to this day, a film lover should be able to appreciate the talent and 1930s technology that went into making this film. The ending scene on top of the Empire State building was a tedious process to accomplish, and the closing moments with antagonist and protagonist is very sweet to watch.
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College (1927)
Old Myth in 1927 Fashion
7 December 2016
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College is just one of the three Buster Keaton movies I have ever seen. and in this old tale of boy-gets-girl, you can truly see how Keaton was masterful talent in showing AND pantomiming comedy. In short, this is an old tale taken from countless myths and narratives from millennia back, that tells the tale of an unlikely lad that falls (perhaps wrongly so) for a girl that is perhaps outside his class and/or possibilities.

The antagonist humorously and recklessly does any and all things he thinks the girl in question would love him for! To include football, rowing, tack and field and more. He problem is, is that he's a bit of an intellect and a nerd. The opening of the movie even shows him denouncing such things as athletics as ridiculous and silly. Nonetheless he tries his hardest, and actually does fair in some of his sporting endeavors. AND he get's the girl at the end. Fun tale. As a father though, I'm not sure if I would encourage such a stance like this on winning relationships! There's a better route to take.
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