The Wrecking Crew (2000) Poster

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Amazingly Bad
AndyElPony16 May 2005
What can I say that hasn't already be said? This is one of the worst films ever made!

I watched it while I was slightly tipsy so I could see the funny side but at the same time I kind of wanted to kill myself. As soon as the 'film' had finished we used the DVD as a frisbee and lost it over some building in Leicester.

So if you are walking through Leicester and you should happen to see a DVD lying on the ground with the words 'Wrecking Crew' across it, do me a favour and burn it!

Thank you.
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Near impossible to watch
gaming_gangsta13 April 2006
This film is definitely the worst i have ever seen in my whole life. I rented it once because i am a big Snoop Dogg fan and saw him on the cover, so i thought i would enjoy this movie. I watched it and couldn't bear it anymore after 5 minutes. The quality is atrocious, the acting is terrible, and the dialog is just stupid and repetitive.

This film has the quality of a cheap video camera. My most hated part in the whole film is at the beginning when the gang leaders are giving "influencial" speeches to their gangs. The way they talk and constant use of hand gang signs is very annoying. The only thing in the whole film which I enjoyed was the song played through the opening credits.

I would have never thought that stars as famous and respected as Snoop Dogg and Ice-T would ever even allow such a horrible piece of work containing them to be shown to the public. I truly wish i could award this film a zero.
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This movie was horrible!!
CipherCode20 October 2000
From the terrible acting to the wanna-be "stylish" filming style, this movie sucked! I have seen all of Ice-T's movies, and overall it is hit or miss, this movie shouldn't even be called a movie. It was more like a long, boring rap video with no plot.
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Not very good but the background of the movie is fairly interesting
Seth_Rogue_One4 February 2015
This is part of a trilogy (of sorts) the other 2 films are THE CORRUPT and URBAN MENACE.

Originally meant as one movie with different story lines coming together the movie-company decided that they'd rather turn them into 3 movies and make 3 times the profit from the DVD/VHS-sales but with the same budget.

All 3 movies were shot simultaniously in the course of 18 days (6 days per movie) with the same settings (with the exceptions of a couple scenes here and there) with the same crew, cast (except the rappers) etc even the same Ice-T soundtrack (his album 7th Deadly Sin) continuniously playing throughout.

And they often had to have the few Americans playing multiple characters within the same movie, because the extras that were hired couldn't speak a word of English (the movie is film in Brataslava).

One thing that happened is that AIR France lost a box of footage that they filmed which included footage from all 3 movies, because they would film scenes from different movies back to back to save time etc.

So that obviously messed up the movies a little bit, luckily they had b- footage for most lost scenes they could use instead but I wonder what actually happened to that footage and if the movies would have turned out better with it (I imagine so).

Another thing you will notice when you watch this is the lack of Snoop Dogg.

On the director's commentary Albert Pyun openly admits that the only reason they decided to put Snoop into the movie was so that they could put him on the cover and have his fans pay for a Snoop Dogg-movie even tho he never had any part in the making of this movie.


Well Snoop Dogg was in URBAN MENACE of the trilogy, so they take a scene from that movie + interview footage with Snoop and via text they convey the idea that Snoop plays a gangster called Dra-Man and they edit it together to make it look like he was killed in the beginning of the movie.

So Snoop doesn't actually act in this movie, he didn't even know he was gonna be in it til I guess the movie company told him they wanted to attach his name to the movie and gave him a nickle for it.

Now to the actual movie:

I can't say it's a good movie, I actually somewhat enjoy URBAN MENACE and THE CORRUPT even tho they are very uneven.

This one is far more even, but also more monotonous but it flows a lot better than the other 2, so I can understand why this one has the highest rating of the 2 if not just for that.

The story is nothing to write home about, it's 3 gangs in a abandoned factory killing off each other, sort of a poor man's MEAN GUNS also a Ice-T and Albert Pyun vehicle.

But there's still something about it I can enjoy a little, maybe it's the knowing the background and having heard the commentary tracks for all 3 movies that can make me appreciate them a little more.

Cause honestly I didn't like Wrecking Crew the first time I saw it much but now okay I can't say I like it per se but I can somewhat appreciate it for what it is.
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The worst film I have ever seen
MisterKao17 January 2006
You have never seen a movie this bad. I know that you think you have, but trust me, you haven't.

You may think you can deal with it. You may ponder, "Yeah, it's bad, but it's probably so bad it's funny." NO! This is not the kind of bad movie that's bad, but you may enjoy anyway because it's so bad. This movie is just plain horrible.

There are no drugs you can take, no glues you can sniff, no quantity of alcohol that you can consume to make this movie enjoyable. It's freakin atrocious!

Save your money, save your time, save your brain cells, watch something else. Anything else...
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One of the ten greatest films ever...
STFU26 April 2002
This movie ranks above any other movie ever made in history. It is a shame that it did not win an Oscar for best film. What was the academy thinking. I mean, with the monotone dialogue delivered by the actors actually made you feel like you were in the same intense situations with lots of guns and death, and saying great lines like "word" or fo sho." Not only was the acting great, but the cameras they used were hand held camcorders to add quality and make the movie more realistic. The set direction was beautiful too, with the random lighting every time the camera changed angles, it actually made you feel like you were in an empty warehouse with disco lights. And the movie score was excellent too. It contained great rap music that droned out and was exactly the same throughout the movie, which, again also led to realism because you know how there is always repetitive rap music playing whenever you pull out a gun. And, to top it off, the thing that makes the movie stand out above all others, is the 25 minute long opening credits that showed random clips that had nothing to do with the rest of the movie. Its like the directors were thinking, we need to have a random opening credit scene that would make the movie good because it would have nothing to do with the rest of the movie.

A true work of art.
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The worst?
caramster17 August 2004
I've seen a lot of crappy flics in my days, and this p.o.s. is on my top 3 list of the worst movies ever, if not THE worst movie ever. God it suck.

When watching movies like The Wrecking Crew, one wonder why there aren't any laws or state regulated quality control around that prevents citizens from horrible movies like this one. I don't think I can ever watch this movie again, not even if I'm very drunk with very drunk friends who want to see a stupid movie for a laugh.

You have been warned. This masterpiece of crappyness is not what you want to watch.

Trust me.
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DO NOT WATCH!!!!!!!!!!!!
sandspider125 March 2002
I recently received The Wrecking Crew as a birthday present and truthfully it has to be the worst present I have received and the worst DVD in my collection. Under no circumstances watch/buy this film. I am a huge fan of Snoop but was utterly disappointed by the pathetic performance. For anyone who expects to see a lot of Snoop don't get your hopes up because you see him for the first five minutes of the film and it seems like he is not even in the film. DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM!!!!!!!
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God helps us...!
peroyvindjohnsen16 December 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Considering the fact that the DVD only cost me around 2dollars I didn't exactly have my hopes up for something extraordinary. But, I decided to hope for the best: maybe it wasn't that bad a movie despite it's ridiculous price. Hell – Snoop Dogg is in the main role – at least it looks like that since he is so very much present on the cover. How wrong I was. They should have paid me for watching this crap.

First of all, this is not per definition a film: It's shot on video, not film. The first impression you get is that this is something shot on a really crappy camera, probably bought second hand on Ebay. Locations? The nearest factory around the block.

Secondly, Snoop Dogg doesn't have a role in the movie at all. You see him for like 30 seconds in the beginning. He is sitting still facing the camera and saying some stuff that has nothing to do with the rest of the plot – if there is any. It seems like they have used stock footage of some interview of him talking about his music and then pretended like it was actually made specifically for this movie. What a ripoff! How about the rest of the actors? Well, Ice Cube makes a lousy performance with monotone gangster dialog the whole movie trough. This is also the case with the rest of the crew. One of the themes in the movie is dope, and in one scene one of them tastes the stuff to see if it is any good. It is, and I truly believe it's real. How else can you explain the exceptionally lousy performances? This also explains the low-budget-feel you get from watching the movie: They spent the whole budget on drugs. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.

If you are gonna pick just one word to explain the whole movie it has to be "random". Everything about it is: The lighting changes disturbingly each time they change angles. The soundtrack doesn't follow the pictures either, it's just boring rap playing in the background all the time. And so it goes.

I see a lot of movies, and I've seen many bad ones. I've even seen the one that is officially the worst one of them all, "Plan 9 From Outer Space". Whoever makes these lists have some updating to do. This is unquestionably and without doubt the worst movie EVER. Ed Wood is Spielberg compared to Albert Pyun.

Heed my warning: do not watch this movie. If you do (god help you) you gotta have a VCR with a good fast-forward function. This makes the movie a little more bearable. But just a little.

I do wish I could write more about this movie, but considering my mental health I do not dare to. I can feel my brain rotting just thinking about the movie. However: every movie deserves a catchphrase. Thinking about one my brain wanders to "Apocalypse Now" and Kurtz lying in his deathbed saying "The Horror…!!! The Horror…!!!"
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Long live Albert Pyun! Not.....
vincent_romeijn7 October 2006
Warning: Spoilers
hmmmmm...... Well, with unknown actors, and the only normal actors being Ice-T and Ernie Hudson Jr.

First of all, Snoop-Dogg does not act in this movie. They only toke footage of their own movie,"Urban Menace",(which is even worse than The Wrecking Crew)and pretended that Snoop-Dogg played "Dra-Man". Further,all you can see about Snoop-Dogg is an interview of him. Then they toke an photo of Snoop-Dogg in "Urban Menace",and when Ice-T shoots,they pretend that he killed Dra-Man.

The further story is not much better. It sets in Detroit. The "111 street gang" and the "Locs" become allies to defeat the bigger "Cartel". But there is an greater danger....... because The Wrecking Crew has arrived in Detroit!

And when I see that the headquarters from the "111 street gang" is the "Friendship Church" from "Urban Menace",i start laughing.

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scrawford-1222 June 2006
God-awful piece of direct to video tripe that was originally planned to be one third of a long movie but was eventually split into 3 equally Tricia's parts (Thank whoever you will for that decision). Albert Pyun, perhaps best know for Van Damme's 80's cyborgs-kicking-the-hell-outta'-each-other-in-a-wasteland sci-fi classic, helms this piece of muddled 'cinema'. The plot revolves around a whole bunch of bad ass gangsta's in a warehouse somewhere, spouting guff about who owns what turf, who killed who and yadda-yadda-yadda. Then Ice T shows up with his amigos and chaos ensues. I can't really go into too much more depth because, well, that's about as deep as the 65 minute running time allows us to get in I'm afraid. Shot on DV with a 50 cent budget over what looks like a weekend, one can't help but wonder who bank rolls crap like this. Avoid like the plague.
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einsogstokkur13 June 2005
This is a high speed thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat till' the end.

Ice T leads a corrupted police force bent on the eradication of the local street gangs. However, when the bosses of the three biggest gangs are snatched together in one of Ice T's traps, they realize that only teamwork will get them trough the day. Even though the cover clearly states that this movie stars Snoop Dogg as well as Ice T, but Snoop however never appears as a character that has anything to do with the plot. They show a clip from one of his videos, but I don't think that counts for much. But that is just a funny surprise from the director. "You sure got us there Mr. Director". Other featured actors are lesser known(except for Ice T of course!) However they were able to match Ice's fine acting. Who could forget smooth and suspenseful lines such as "Juda, you are a slimy bitch".

Brilliant acting combined with an amazing musical score make this one of the best action/drama films of the year. This one is a must see!!!
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So bad it breaks the scale Warning: Spoilers
This is actually one of the five movies I've rated 10 in here (the others being American History X, Rocky, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas and The Usual Suspects) and I have to say it definitely deserves it.

This is flat-out the worst movie ever made. None of the dialogue really makes sense, and it has an incredibly stupid plot. The first time I watched this alone I was boggled by how bad this was. Next time I watched it with my friends, and there were just so many stupid cliché-ish moments and we laughed all the time. Seriously, it sucks so bad you laugh all the time. And how do you rate a comedy movie? By how many times you break into uncontrollable laughter during the movie.

And seriously, watch it until the end. The funniest part is right there *Spoiler* When Ice-T's character burns to death. Seriously I HAVE NEVER SEEN SUCH BAD SPECIAL EFFECTS. I could probably draw a burning man better.

Summary: It's so bad it breaks the scale and comes out the other end.
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The director of this movie started his career with 'The Sword and the Sorceror'
cwhaskell14 January 2012
Just wanted to point that out. Albert Pyun is no Orson Welles, but by the time he made 'The Wrecking Crew' he had already made 28 full length films. 28 ... this was not the work of a High School student who had some friends that got together and made a movie about some crazy stuff about guns and drugs and hip-hop. This would be impressive actually if it had been made by a High School student, both in the fact that Ice-T and Snoop Dogg were available and that a 16 year old was able to get the budget together to finish the project.

Albert Pyun was 47 when this came out, however, and had been working in Hollywood for 28 years. This is inexcusable.

Why is it bad? Art is subjective, right? One person's trash is another's treasure, right? I completely agree with that sentiment, but I don't know my belief in art has ever been stretched to this point.

Rating: 2/40
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I give the film a big thumbs down and the soundtrack a big thumbs up.
alcamyst9 October 2004
I purchased this film at a sale in a music shop, And i'm glad it was a sale and not full price,

Plot: hmmmmmmmmmmm what there was a plot? Picture Quality : Home movie wedding style Acting: OH MY GOD, these guys must have been fresh from acting school cause they were crap, Ice T was great in New Jack City but in this he was plain bad, Snoop was in the movie at the start for like 3 mins then never seen again ( Maybe i got the ultra edited version.

The only good thing about this purchase was the soundtrack cause that was dope! So to conclude,

I give the film a big thumbs down and the soundtrack a big thumbs up.
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kristian_t_r24 May 2004
This is actually the worst movie I have ever seen. Watching this movie is nothing else than a total waist of time. The Wrecking Crew has the worst quality I have ever seen in a movie, even compared to VHS movies. It looks like someone just went to their garage and filmed something. I have seen home videos that is way better then this movie!

If this wasn't enough, the movie has the worst effects I have ever seen and the lousiest acting. There is not anything in this movie that makes it deserve more than a 1(awful) rating. I am surprised that Snoop agreed to show his face in this movie!!!!!! Do not watch this movie. The only reason for anyone to watch this movie is that they get to see the bottom of how bad a movie can get!!!
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Pitiful and BORING
dmheadx30 November 2002
I once thought that no movie could never be made that would be worse than Manos: the Hands of Fate. WOW, was I wrong!!! I am a fan of both Ice-T and Snoop Dogg, or at least I was before watching this piece of cinimatic garbage.

The only reason I finished this movie is because I kept thinking that it HAD to get better, it didn't.
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kairingler13 July 2013
this movie was just plain God awful. the camera lighting sucked. it was way too dark,, Ice Cube, and Snoop Dogg both were pitiful, only 1 or 2 songs were half decent.. the plot. so hard to follow i'm not even gonna go their, because it is so disjointed, even Quentin Tarantino would say wtf is this piece of crap,, this ranks up their on my bottom 3 of all time,, along with , Man With a Gun, and Uwe Lommel's Black Dahlia. I was hoping that this would be at least a shoot em up,, it seems that there are two gangs. and one Is trying to kill the other,, i'm not even sure if that's right to be honest with you,, this movie was so dreadful, because I expected so much better from my favorite rappers. this has got to be the lowlight of both of their great careers.
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The Worst Film Ever!
heem824 March 2005
This is the worst film I've ever seen. Usually i can sit through a film to the end no matter how bad it is, i couldn't get past the first ten Min's of it. The review is right... don't even attempt to watch this movie.. It looked like a really bad, bad student film. So even if your intrigued to watch it...

don't! don't! don't! I didn't even want to give this movie a 1 rating but there was no 0 option.

I just don't understand what made snoop and ice T be part of this movie. They were the reason we got it out.. The idea sounded cool and it had these two actors.. But one must never presume anything i guess.

Again don't see it..
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Best £1 I ever spent
rylojr197720 March 2008
(PS - this an IRONIC review)

I found this in the bargain bucket of a Liverpool city centre store, and couldn't resist spending a measly quid on it.

There is no discernible plot to it, The "acting" is laughable and the relentlessly epileptic editing style is straight out of an 80's "Yo MTV Raps" programme.

Yet.......Watch it with a group of "inebriated" friends and you will be blown away......

The monologues are way better than anything Tarantino has penned (check the QUOTES section) and the level of awfulness on display is awesome!!!

It's the kind of film that most people will use as a place-mat on their coffee table, which the director and cast would probably take as a compliment!!

As unintentional comedies go, this takes some topping........

It'll be interesting many years from now to see whether Snoop & Ice-T leave this one one their respective film CV's...........
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Awfully funny!
masselass25 July 2008
I really don't know what to say. I can start with telling you that I have seen it 3 times... that is actually 4 times to many.. but it gets better every time.

The thought that gets me through the film is that: "He was serious when he made it". If I hadn't known that I would'a compared it to snakes on a plane. Not good, but they didn't try that hard. But, sadly thats not the deal here. This is crap from A to Z.. and I love it!

In the background you can hear Ice-T. I'll bet you they have just put his record on replay and let it spin until the end of the movie.. NO cutting what so ever.

But still, a film you SHOULD see.. I ordered it from the US to Norway because it was so poorly made the I first saw it... And I had to check if it was true.. it was.

Horrible filming, writing, music, acting, cutting, editing and everything. But still.. I'll give it a 8!
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