Aerials (2016) Poster


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A student film produced by billionaires
gage-5694120 May 2020
A slick, professional quality movie written, directed, and acted by people who someday may develop the necessary skills to make a good movie. The actors look like they wandered in off the street and are reading their lines from a teleprompter. I especially liked the wannabe Vin Diesel main character with the short-cropped body fur, dressed in the wife beater shirt. Kim Jong Un might make a movie like this and then force everyone in North Korea to watch it. I'm going to suggest it to Mystery Science Theater 3000.
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High hopes quickly dashed
tadam-5124512 May 2020
I picked it to watch just because it was from the UAE, and I wanted to see how a film from there would handle the subject. I really had high hopes for it, despite the subject being one that's been done many times. The acting was pretty poor, frankly, with absolutely zero chemistry between the 2 main characters, who are supposed to be a married couple. The husband in it is also a jerk, a really insensitive boor whose conversations with his wife consist almost entirely of him putting down everything she says in about as demeaning a way as possible.

I did watch all the way through, but I had so completely lost interest in it by then that I don't remember how it ended. That it ended about 10 minutes before I wrote this review should tell you something.
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Possibly the worst thing out there
Kashifsakhan8 May 2020
This movie has some of the worst acting ever done! It's not even so bad it's funny. It's so bad, it's irritating. One star is being far too generous!
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About the same level as a high school project
chicagorob17 May 2020
This is the MOST boring "alien invasion" movie ever made. Most of it is nothing more than boring, philosophical conversations between overly calm people who don't seem to comprehend there are giant spaceships covering the world. The spaceships and the other "special effects" are 4th rate, at best. Even the sound effects are nothing more than loud radio static.

I have no idea why Netflix even bothered picking this one up. It's a sad, slow and ultimately useless waste of time.
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Hands down, the worst film ive ever seen.
youliketoplay15 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Appalling, just awful. Wooden actors, main two characters in it just sit around their house having nothing conversions with eachother. The only sign of aliens are shadowy blurs stood in a doorway behind characters in the house. 1 hour and 10 mins in the wooden actors on the news declare the aliens have gone home. They sit around and talk nonsense a bit longer then some random woman comes in the house telling them its not over. Almost an hour and half of my life that I'll never get back. Why is this trash being advertised so heavily on Netflix? What am i even paying for?
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Just avoid
prettyclaire-4996516 May 2020
Seriously, this film has such bad acting, it makes Asylum Movies look good. Which says something.

Why on earth is Netflix promoting this?
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boboceaelena7 May 2020
I have no idea what Netflix is pushing this. The special effects with the ship are ok but the script and the acting let you speachless.
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A movie made by aliens
phenomynouss23 May 2020
I was tricked into this film, being shown the Netflix screenshot and a description that seemed to evoke a movie in the style of "District 9" right when the aliens arrive.

Instead, the vast majority of the film takes place inside the house of one of, if not the dumbest couple in the UAE, primarily speaking English.

A whole lot of it is just arguing between Omar and his wife, Omar's Wife, according to IMDB credits. Their acting ability is nonexistent, but that's actually a positive because it makes their performances of the abysmal dialogue absolutely hilarious.

The dialogue and writing is some of the worst I've ever heard, not just structurally clunky or confusing, but in large part feeling as if either written for a completely different non-sci-fi movie, or else written by people who have never been outside and never read a book that wasn't non-fiction.

The main overarching theme of the film is questioning the motives of the aliens who have arrived over Dubai and spend several days doing nothing, all the while the phone coverage goes out, followed by electricity, and then car batteries.

Omar and his wife, Omar's Wife, along with occasional newscasts, speculate on the motives of the aliens and whether they might be hostile or not. Omar even goes outside to discuss this question with some other people out in the neighborhood who are much smarter than him and with much better critical thinking skills than Omar, including guy in a car who figures the aliens want Earth's resources and are content to slowly take apart human telecommunications and other technologies until we're vulnerable.

Omar's Wife, meanwhile, starts suspecting that an alien is breaking into the house and standing around terrifying her. Omar, living in an emergency situation wherein alien spaceships are hovering over their city and have severed all communications with the outside world, thinks this is the absolute dumbest possible explanation for what she's experiencing.

Other arguments between the two have the tenor of someone who knows how couples fight and argue, but not what they actually argue about, as one argument in particular takes place after Omar's Wife is frightened and falls out of her wheelchair, and when Omar comes home, Omar's Wife is furious that he left her alone for so long while Omar is perplexed because he's not the one who knocked her out of her wheelchair so why is she angry at him.

This kind of idiocy and moronic lapses of logic permeate the film to the point where these irredeemable morons are on the brink of disbelieving there's anything unusual going on WHILE AN ALIEN SPACECRAFT HOVERS OVER THEIR ISOLATED CITY.

In the end, without spoiling the film, the alien motivation is revealed to be consistent with one of the many theories discussed, and is not only ignored by the World's Dumbest Couple, but Omar continues to be suspicious as to whether the events that happen actually happened, essentially operating on the level of baby logic of "If I can't see it, it does not exist"
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Very, very BAD
mabugbl7 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Whoever took part in this movie in any way possible should not be allowed to even own a TV at home.

Terrible acting, poor dialogues, no character building, no aliens, and simply nothing.

Not sure why Netflix has this anyways.
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Just skimming through it was a waste of time.
ahmednagg17 May 2020
I dont know whats worse.. the CGI that looks like it was created by a 13 year old or the acting that the actors themselves don't believe. I scrolled through the entire movie and realized that about 90% of the movie took place in the same house. I was hoping for some aliens. I regret spending 5 min scrolling through the movie
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Terrible Just Terrible
jonathan_pearson16 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Worst acting ever and worst script ever the guy says he is going to make a cheese sandwich but makes an omelette. I actually thought his "girlfriend" was his sister.
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taqatome14 December 2020
Highly experimental Aerials is the only science fiction Arab film in the Gulf region. So if you are a sci-fi fan, It raises some of the most thought-provoking questions in science. Even though its laced with loose acting and lazy storyboarding, its an important watch.
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Could Have Been A Contender
stangwyld27 October 2021
The first science fiction film out of the UAE is actually not as bad as it first appears. Does Aerials contain slow, no action pacing? Yes. Does it contain subpar acting by relative unknowns? Yes. Does it lack the big budget excitement of a summer blockbuster with city-sized ships and their monument-destroying lasers? Definitely. But this isn't necessarily a bad thing. This movie draws on the reactions of an ordinary couple under extraordinary circumstances, and shows what no other sci-fi film really truly handles: the fact that, until the destruction or the invasion begin, life does go on. The main characters, Omar and Omar's Wife, attempt to continue their lives while they discuss the reasons the aliens may have come to Earth. Both have clearly different beliefs due to their cultural differences, and as the movie's slow pace continues, it becomes clear they are being observed. Observed by both a HAL- like pulsing red lens on the aliens mothership and the aliens themselves, shadowy humanoid figures always at the periphery of the scene, never engaging or attacking, just observing, taking an active interest in the couple. Of course, this could be going on everywhere else, as well. The film never reveals much outside of the couple's home. Omar leaves only once, to talk to a couple of his friends who each have an opinion about what the aliens want. The tension builds as the aliens cut off all power and communication to the city, and presumably, the rest of the world. Clearly, the aliens do have an agenda. What it is, we are not privy to at first. Is Aerials the perfect film? Not by any standards. But it has more to offer than its string of 1-star reviews may represent. It's a slow burn and the acting, while not horrible, is believable. In reality, how many people would really give Oscar-worthy performances during these circumstances? This realistic acting gives the film a found-footage feel, but without the shaky-cam nausea and grainy image. The tension and claustrophobia are there, and the film sticks to the cardinal rule that it's what you don't see that can be scary. We never see an entire shot of the massive aliens ship, nor do we see the aliens in full light. My recommendation: give Aerials at least one viewing from start to finish. It's no 2001: A Space Odyssey, but I do welcome a return to the slow burn, atmosphere and the human element of these circumstances brought to film.
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mesoinvisible17 May 2020
Writing -the characters themselves- the acting all of it is inexpressibly, dismally terrible. And Humorlessly so. There is absolutely no angle to this that makes this anything but a miserable experience to watch. Avoid at all costs.
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So bad, it's good!
spiritedstrength18 May 2020
I enjoyed this because it is so bad. The whole thing from top to bottom-story, dialogue, visual effects, sound effects and most of all the diabolical acting. But it was a compelling watch for me! I kept laughing at how bad each scene was and wondering if it was a weird attempt at satire, only to realise it was as serious about its intentions as hell!

Probably one of the worst films I've ever seen, which oddly made it hilariously good to watch!!! Legend!!!
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Oh dear.
Sleepin_Dragon4 September 2020
I will always try and look for the positives in films, always, unfortunately there just aren't many here. It's a bit of a mess, but worse still it's pretty dull, there isn't a single moment of excitement I can think of, what's even worse is the grating music that runs the whole way through it, it's so jarring.

The acting isn't the best I think it's fair to say, but that may be due to the production and script.

The Aliens were of course blown off course, they were definitely heading for America, where we know full well every Alien invasion happens. It gets a star for being set in Dubai, and at least trying something a little different.
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why does this movie exist?
altersaege22 June 2020
And why does Netflix stream it?

I have read the review of the guy who says worth watching for research purposes about how not to make a movie. Well, good for him that he managed to watch. I didn't. Too painful.
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What in the name of movie was it?
akpurendra15 May 2020
Probably the worst movie ever made. Do I get an option of 0 star? I would love one. And Netflix promoting this?
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Didn't even get halfway through...
redgex18 May 2020
From the first scene, the male actor begins talking and I'm optimistically thinking, maybe it's one of those films where the actors become more confident with the more scenes they do. But no...if anything, they get worse, if that's at all possible. There is no chemistry between the two main characters and like several reviewers have mentioned, they are supposed to be married. Plus he constantly has a berating, sarcastic tone when he talks.

I'm sure that maybe the script might actually be quite good but for the fact that it's so painful to watch, I had to stop watching less than halfway through!

Probably the worst movie I've ever seen!
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A dare to MST3K!
mtbgtown14 February 2021
How did they manage such a miracle of filmmaking failure? No plot, terrible dialogue, script seems made up as they went, and the worst acting I've seen in ages. Oddly, the lighting, and some of the music, was actually pretty good, and the protagonist's artist motif was endearing. I only watched because it popped up with a 1.5 on IMDb, which is rare. Being an Eegah! fan, I to investigate.
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Mind numbingly boring
juliansanz-4514719 May 2020
I love sci-fi & really enjoy experiencing other cultures and countries takes on science fiction. Russia, South Korea and Japan in particular have produced some excellent stuff recently so I was really interested to see what the UAE would produce.

Unfortunately it was absolutely terrible, the pacing is woefully slow with little action, prepare yourselves for long, forced pointless conversations and people playing chess and sitting in traffic and some of the poorest acting I've seen on a screen for a long time!

I guess it's important to recognise that emirate cinema is in its infancy so this deserves praise for breaking some boundaries but apart from that there isn't anything here for most ardent science fiction fan.
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Lift your socks up.
Nemesis4221 May 2020
Geeze guys, you really need to up your writing, casting and film making skills if you want to be successful in this industry. Get feedback from critical peers throughout the process, from 'pre' to 'post' production.

Don't get feedback only from friends and other YES people.
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Dubai Netflix film
catboy-3860516 May 2020
Sci-Fi in Dubai. We need more of this out there. Just wish the aliens were monsters not shadows in the movie.
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Be Open-Minded
cattecall21 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Science Fiction "invasions" don't have to be all the same. The idea in this film is to show how two ordinary people find ways to cope without panicking, looting, and shooting. They were being violated and manipulated in the subtlest of ways. There was truly nothing they or the world could do about it. The circumstances were realistic... food shortages... and idealism, and glimmers of hope. The acting was sufficient for how the story was intended to be told. Leave the cultural criticisms out. This movie has good elements and is worth promoting by open-minded global thinkers like Netflix and true fans of SciFi.
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Truly awful
fatherdougall23 May 2020
One of the worst films I have ever seen. Appalling script, even worse acting, and a story that goes nowhere at all. Avoid wasting 1.5 hours of your life watching this pile of excrement.
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